Chapter 28

We're going to Disney!! And I could not be more excited! I quickly brush through my hair and throw it up into a ponytail, if I was going to go on any rides I wouldn't want my hair flying in my face. I give myself an quick once over, with my denim shorts and a plain white crop top paired with my black hightop converse smiling as I approve of my outfit, it is extremely comfy! I was wearing little makeup, literally just some concealer under my eyes and a quick swipe of mascara and I was done. I look outside and see that everyone is stood outside, with a coach pulling up and take it as my queue to head down. Quickly spritzing some spray on, grabbing my phone and also grabbing my guitar because it was a longish journey and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it than making music, I guess had few ideas but they were definitely not good enough, I needed inspiration but couldn't seem to find anything extraordinary. Sure my songs were okay, but I wanted them to be perfect.

I close my room door and head down the hallway, and before I turn the corner I hear two voices and stand still very nosily listening in.

"When are you breaking up with him?" A male voice asks

"You know I can't do that," A voice I recognise to be Laurens reply

"Do you love the guy?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why did you even get with him in the first place, you already had me!"

"Oh come on, don't you see it? He does everything I want him to do, he's famous and that makes me look good you know? Sure we argue all the time, but he comes running back to me because honestly look at me. You know me, even though I already had you I constantly need new guys, sticking to one is just boring. And lets face it, it's actually funny how clueless Shawn is about it all."

My fists ball up in anger, how dare her talk like this?! She. Is. Such. A. Bitch. And poor Shawn, she's just stringing him along and eventually when he found out he would be so broken. I want to scream at her, yell and slap her but I know I can't, it would ruin the teams perfectly good last day together and I wasn't willing to do that and I know it would break Shawn too, but he needed to know. God knows how I would tell him though. UGH, I hate her, she uses people as tools in her selfish workshop, she doesn't treat them as real people, I think what she doesn't realise is that she needs to stop playing with Shawn like he's some sort of game, because sure she may be winning right now but in the long run she'll loose.

Once the voices have died down I continue to walk taking the steps two at a time rushing down to the coach only to see Lauren just entering it, I start walking in behind her feeling disgusted as she cosies herself into Shawn kissing him, acting as though she loved him more than anything making me want to expose her right here and now but there was no way I could do that. Everyone was in an animated conversation at the front laughing about something and Shawn and Lauren were acting all lovey dovey at the back and the seat left available was diagonal to the them and sandwiched between the two groups. Sure I could have sat with everyone else but I wanted to be alone right now, so I occupied two seats to myself - or one for me and one for my guitar to be precise and prop my knees up, staring at Lauren in her act and honestly if I didn't know the truth she really could have had me fooled.

"Where were you this time? I was waiting for you," Shawn asks

"Sorry baby I was just sorting some stuff out, my dad rang me so I was just on the phone to him. Family emergency, that's all." All she does is lie to him, and he doesn't even know.

"Oh, I hope everything is okay. I'm here for you if you need anything." Oh Shawny, you're going to be so broken. But it's going to be my job to make sure I'm here for you.

I start thinking more and more with my head resting against the window and my breathing fogging up the glass when I exhale. It's not fair on Shawn, he doesn't deserve to be lied to. And I've heard their constant arguments, they're pointless and initiated by Lauren only to turn things around on him. I start tapping my foot, lyrics slowly coming to me and a beat on my guitar starting to form in my head, I get my phone out to record and place myself in the middle of the two seats so I could balance my guitar on my lap and start to strum. This is the exact inspiration I needed, a long journey and so much to think about. The lyrics and guitar chords start to come naturally to me, and I close my eyes and start to sing. I start slowly and quietly as I think of a few basic lyrics and a tune to accompany my voice on my guitar, testing new things and writing them into notes o my phone so that I could remember what I sang until eventually I get carried away and start singing the actual song;

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger

I could call you a ring

Cuz your just and accessory for her to wear

She'll go out and tell all her boys

That your just an option not her first choice

No no

The things you don't know

She's a well known player with lots of toys

It sure as hell surprised me

That she was your choice

Cuz she's always out and about at night

And somehow  always ends up in fight

Oh oh

I just thought that you should know

She's no good for you

Doesn't do no good too you

It doesn't seem very fair on you

The things you don't know

All she does is lie to you

Then turn it back around on you

It doesn't seem very fair to you

The things you don't know

Hey pretty boy don't cry tonight

Everything is gonna be alright

Oh oh

You just gotta know

That even if you was to leave to night

You're only human

You have the right

Oh oh

She doesn't have to know

She's no good for you

Doesn't do no good too you

It doesn't seem very fair on you

The things you don't know

All she does is lie to you

Then turn it back around on you

It doesn't seem very fair to you

The things you don't know

So if tomorrow you wake up battered and bruised

Just know I'm gonna be  there

To hold and support you

Cuz i myself know what your going through

I just wanted to tell you because you don't deserve this do you

I continue to sing losing myself in the song, with my eyes closed and my hands strumming away on the guitar which I was clutching so tightly loosing myself in the music, repeating the chorus twice more.


The things you never know


The things you know know"

My fingers become slightly more loose on my guitar and I open my eyes and as a round of applause sounds through the coach.

"That's amazing Eva!" Andrew says, clapping loudly with a large grin on his face. "We need to get  you into a recording studio after you've had a break!"

"That was amazing! You're so talented!" someone calls from the front, and more compliments get showered at me, sounding all very similar and I reply a thank you to each one with my cheeks getting redder by the second, and before I know it we're at Disney! Making me feel so giddy, and so much excitement bubbling up inside me.

"Hey Eva," Shawn calls from behind me

"Yeah?" Oh god. He's talking to me. I'm about to combust. Yes okay maybe this was more than just a little crush, but can you blame me? He's such a sweetheart.

"Your song was amazing! Where did that even come from?"

"Just inspiration from around me, it probably wouldn't make sense to you right now but it will soon I guess." Wow, could I have been more discreet? I basically just told him, twice!! I mean the lyrics were plain obvious that I was singing about him.

"Either way, it was awesome! If you ever release it you can count on me having a copy!"

"Thanks," I say with a bright smile, wanting the conversation to carry on between us but he turns back to Lauren indicating that he was done talking to me, I understood though.

We all pile out of the coach and grab our tickets. Bags are checked, tickets are scanned and we're in Disney land!! I'm literally bouncing on my toes.

"Calm down there, you're like a little kid when they've had a shit ton of candy! Do you want to join me around the park?" Shawn asks

"Um, don't you want to go with Lauren?"

"She's a wimp when it comes to rides and besides she has some stuff to deal with, so I think she might be kinda busy. Poor girl." If only you knew the half of it Shawn...

"Um yeah, sure I'd love to join you guys," ignoring the stab of disappointment that Lauren was joining us "But I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to rides,"

"It's fine, I'll be with you all the time," Shawn says re-assuringly "And from your blogs, you're not that much of a wimp." he sends a wink in my direction.

"Oh my god, you've been watching my youtube." I laugh out loud, the idea humouring me when I picture  Shawn sat with his laptop eating a muffin watching my videos.

"Well, I-um,"

I walk away saving him the embarrassment, just sending a cheeky smile in his direction at his very red face, and start my adventure around the Disney theme park.

Although today had a pretty rough start, I could tell that it was going to be an amazing day, in an amazing place, spent with amazing people.

A day spent with Shawn. The thought makes me giddy and makes me smile like a loon, but who cares? I was in Disney Land...

AN- huge huge huge thank you to @ilenaxoxo for the song!! She is super duper talented and wrote this! She has posted some of this song on her Instagram if you do want to go check it out it its! It is honestly so amazing! And her voice is similar to how I picture Eva's voice! :)

Sorry the update is a day late, but I hope you enjoy!! Love you all lots and thank you so much for all the support❤️

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