Chapter 27
Every night, a new venue filled with new faces and I begin to enjoy everyday more and more, falling deeper in love with my music, deeper in love with my career.
Slowly Shawn and I had worked things out without discussing any events, I forgave him and our kissed remained unmentioned, in fact that whole night remained unmentioned. We never spoke about it and for that I am really glad, somehow we just moved past it after about a week of avoiding one another we both realised it was silly, and although the particular issue was never resolved we somehow became closer. Initially starting with the boring small talk everyday, like asking how the other was if we sat next to them at breakfast and the hello when we walked past each other in the hallway which soon progressed to us having movie nights, staying up until the next day and laughing the night away. As friends. But the rejection still remained plastered in my head, so did his spiteful comments. They never left me.
Lauren is still in the picture, and for some reason every time I tried to make things work with her she would ignore me or make some indirect but harsh comment on me, I tried and I failed. Honestly I didn't know how people said she was so nice, because when I was around she flipped completely on me, what was it that she said. Oh yeah,
"Look I don't know what you think you're doing but get your pathetic little ass away from me and Shawn, you clearly haven't gotten the message but he doesn't like you. Neither did Noah, neither will anyone else." She said smugly once when we were alone in the bathroom, just after a show.
"Big words from someone who has toilet paper stuck to their shoe," And with that I had left, not giving a damn about what she had to say.
Funny thing is, Noah and I were closer than ever but only as best friends. He found a new girlfriend and from what I can hear she sounds like THE one for him, and honestly they are the cutest couple ever! I know Noah is serious about her because on the few times we had been on facetime he had dropped hints he wanted a future with her, I never heard him talk about anyone like that. I think we were definitely suited to be best friends, not lovers. I mean, who even said you can't be friends with your ex?
Throughout the whole tour my fan base grew, and I was now more popular than I ever had been, my quality of music had improved so much by my constant experimenting whilst the others would go out clubbing, it's not that I didn't go with them ,I did occasionally, but most of the time I stayed back. Mainly because although I had forgiven Shawn my feelings for him remained much to my disappointment and seeing him with Lauren made me feel sick to the stomach, also every club we had gone to some drunk guy tried flirting with me. No thank you. I remember the last incident very vividly, we had gone out to our nearest club and there I was on the dance floor, slightly tipsy when a guy approached me and of course we started dancing together, but as time continued he started to get closer to me, invading my personal space. I tried to push him away but it didn't seem to work, and his hands started to find their way up my skirt. The rest is a blur but all I can recall is a red face Shawn yanked me off of him and punched him straight in the jaw, we were grateful to find out the next day that the guy was so drunk he didn't remember anything and there was no press, so Shawn got away with it.
Overall, so much had gotten better and stronger, my music, my fanbase and my love for my fans and career to name a few. However, one thing that only got worse was the amount of sleep I had, it slowly only became less and less and this was due to my room constantly being next to Shawn and Lauren's and with the hotel walls being so thin I could hear exactly what was going on next door, if you caught my drift. Literally nearly every night. I really didn't understand how they didn't get fed up! And last night was no exception, so after their many hours of taunting when I settled into a sleep it was restless and that's exactly how I found myself here at 6am strumming on my guitar on my bed unable to go back to sleep. So I did what I could do best, I sat there strumming on my guitar thinking of chords and lyrics to a new song, throwing my heart, my soul and my feelings in. I gave everything to my music, I gave all of me.
I sit there for an hour unable to think of anything new, not having any inspiration to help me, but I hear a door open outside and close shut and me being nosey, wondering who was up alongside me I pad to the door and open it, peering out not spotting anyone at first but when I look more closely I notice Lauren with who I thought was Shawn, making out in the hallway.
Jeez, they couldn't stop bothering me from their room they had to do it in the hallway too? You decided to look Eva. Shut up conscience, you're meant to be on my side. Wow now I'm talking to myself.
Stupidly I carry on staring but I'm glad when I do because as the guy who I thought to be Shawn turns around, I realise that it isn't. In fact, he looks nothing like him, and I mentally kick myself for my stupidity.
If Lauren isn't with Shawn right now...and she snuck out...but they're still dating...they either have some weird friends with benefits crap going on or she's cheating. I personally feel as though it is the latter. I shut my door quietly and walk over to my bathroom, getting into the shower contemplating the various scenarios.
Once I am freshly showered and my hair has been tied away in a messy bun and my clothes are on, an hour has passed and I know for sure more people would be up and downstairs eating breakfast so I head down with my stomach grumbling. I grab myself a slice of toast, a yogurt and a blueberry muffin all alongside a glass of orange juice. When I find somewhere to sit I find everyone sat on a table and head over, as I approach closer I see that there are only two available seats remaining, both on either side of Shawn, with butterflies erupting in my stomach I sit down next to him on his right hand side, with Shawn on my left and Andrew on my right. As I sit down Shawn smiles warmly at me and looks back down at his phone
"So," Andrew says to me "You know how our last venue was yesterday?"
"Yep," I say opening up my strawberry yogurt.
"And we have a day off today,"
"Yes?" I say, wishing he would just get to the point already.
"Well, we're going to Disney world!!"
"Oh my god! NO WAY!!" I say loudly that so much attention gets drawn to me, with disapproving looks from tables nearby.
"I'm guessing he told you?" Shawn asks laughing
"Yes!! I'm so excited!"
"Have you never been?" Shawn asks, surprised.
"When I was really little but I don't really remember it."
"Well we need to get you a picture in front of the castle,"
"The pretty castle!!" I squeal so excited "Shawn do you think they'll let me dress up as a princess?"
"I don't think you need to-" he never finishes his sentence because he gets cut off really rudely.
"Because she's too ugly?" Lauren asks sliding into the other vacant seat next to Shawn, her comment only earning disapproving glances from everyone on the table. Yes, I wasn't the only one who didn't like her.
But Shawn never says anything, he doesn't even stand up for me he only leans in and kisses Lauren. My face heats up as I remember the kiss we shared and I start to wish it was me he was kissing, but maybe what Lauren said could have been true. I decide not to contemplate on it too much and bite into my muffin as I listen to the animated chatter around me, paying slightly more attention to Shawn and Lauren if I'm being completely honest.
"Where were you this morning? You weren't there when I woke up." Shawn says to Lauren.
"Oh um, I just went to the gym super early and spent the morning there."
"Oh, why didn't you wake me?"
"I just wanted some alone time you know?"
"I understand, as long as you're happy honey."
She is cheating. And what angers me most is that Shawn is so completely and utterly clueless, he's being tricked.
"We're leaving at nine everyone," Andrew says as he leaves the table.
And soon after, I finish my breakfast just as Lauren says
"Last night was amazing, the best yet." She says in a whisper obviously trying to not be too quiet.
I laugh out loud, and slightly too loud catching everyones attention but my giggles can't stay contained .
"What the hell is so funny?" Lauren snaps at me.
"I'm sorry," I say between giggles "But you say that every morning,"
My comment makes everyone laugh, Lauren red with anger in the face and Shawn red with embarrassment.
"Excuse you?" Lauren says
"Pardon?" I retaliate
"How they hell would you know?"
"Because you're not exactly quiet, at night and when you whisper every morning,"
"So you're spying on us now?"
"No, I think you forget that hotel walls are very thin. I know more than you think," I say referring to her cheating, letting her know that I'm onto her and with the guilty look on her face I think she got the idea.
Not wanting to carry the conversation on anymore I head back to my room and get ready for the day.
We're going to Disney!!
Hey guys! I'm so sorry that this is slightly late, I completely forgot to upload and then I wanted to wait for the next Monday, but it is meant to be weekly I just forgot last week! I hope you enjoyed this!! Thank you so much for all the support the story has been getting!
Also hope you guys are well!! And I hope you have a fab week!
Love you all
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