It Was Almost Impossible (Part 1)
Description: Peter and Tony decide to take a trip after the whole Infinity War to reunite properly. But in Thailand, things don't go as planned.
A/N: Slight trigger warning. Peter isn't Spider-Man yet and is only 12 years old. Also the cast of The Impossible will be making an appearance except just for fun Lucas is played by a young Ryan Reynolds.
Words: 1751
It took six months to defeat Thanos. Even with the help of Captain Marvel it was almost impossible. They would have lost if it wasn't for Steve's sacrifice. Now many people honour his death and have American flags outside of their homes to honour the fallen hero.
For Tony, everyone crumpling to dust was horrible. He returned to the tower to find one single pile of dust on Peter's bed. Laying on the pile of dust was a very well drawn picture of Peter and Tony with the caption 'my super dad'.
Tony had broken but when they defeated Thanos and everyone returned, their reunion was by far the most emotional.
Tony was holding on tightly to Steve's dead body crying saying he was sorry. Tony was supposed to be the one who died but Steve took the hit saying that Tony had to live for Peter.
Laying on the streets of New York many people started to reappear out of small portals scattered across the ground.
Tony sat protectively above Steve as Bucky walked out. Seeing Steve's dead body clearly broke said man as Bucky ran over pulling Steve's body into his lap.
Tony stood up and started to looked around for any signs of Peter trying to get the image of Steve's smile as he died out of his head.
"Mr. Quill stop that. It's hurts" a squeaky voice yelped from one portal.
Tony swerved towards the voice just in time to watch his son come stumbling out of one of the portals landing face first on the ground.
Peter rubbed his head as he looked around before pushing himself up. He looked back towards his new friend Peter Quill before smiling and taking off to go find his dad.
He started pushing through the crowds of crying people as he looked. Disappointment started to settle in until he heard the familiar whirring of an IronMan suit.
Peter had barely enough time to turn before he was wrapped up tightly in the armoured arms of his father. Peter immediately started bawling holding onto his dad for dear life as if he would fade away again.
"I missed you kiddo" Tony whispered stroking his sons hair gently running his fingers through it.
"I missed you too dad" Peter mumbled happily. Happy to finally be reunited with his dad.
Flashback Ends
Tony decided there and then that he and Peter should get away. While the tower was being fixed they decided to go to Thailand. Of course Peter was all for it.
"Dad how much longer?" Peter asked as he played with the belt buckle as they impatiently waited until they could get off the plane.
"Just a little bit longer now Pete, and then we can go enjoy everything" Tony smiled down at Peter genuinely feeling like nothing could possibly go wrong.
But what Tony didn't know is that he would be proven wrong very fast.
Many electronics had started to go down completely shutting off. The wind had started to pick up but many people took no mind to that.
"Go get the ball Peter!" Tony called as his son pushed himself out of the pool.
"That's what I'm doing!" Peter chuckled as he stopped the ball with his foot.
Peter picked the ball back up before turning to Tony with a bright smile on his face. That's when, they both heard the rumbling.
Tony started to get out of the pool to figure out what was going on. Peter started to turn around and barely turned around in time to see a large wave come surging through the buildings.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" Peter yelled loudly as he was suddenly hit with the wave.
"PETER! NO!" Tony screamed as he dove into the pool to escape the wave.
Peter could feel a bunch of debris cutting away at his skin as he was tossed around in the water. His eyes were closed tightly but he was losing air and blood very fast. Peter tried to find the air but was having no such luck.
Until he finally had a burst of hope when his hand made its way above the water. Peter pushed himself up above breathing in the fresh air. He started to tread the water as he looked around looking for something to grab onto.
Once a fallen tree came into sight, he grabbed onto it like a lifeline, slightly pulling himself up. He could feel a bunch of cuts on him but he was mostly numb at this point.
Peter started to look around for any sort of help. Thats when he caught sight of two people yelling for each other.
"LUCAS!" The lady yelled in a British accent reaching towards the brown haired boy.
"MOM!" The boy yelled back as they both managed to push themselves onto a mattress.
That was until the mattress hit a tree knocking them both off.
"HEY! OVER HERE!" Peter yelled trying to help the two people.
Peter watched as both people started frantically swimming towards him before latching onto the tree as well.
"Thank you. Thank you so much" the lady mumbled clearly weak.
"I try my best" Peter said exhausted himself.
"I'm Maria Bennett, and this is my son Lucas" the lady, now known as Maria, introduced her and her son to the boy who helped them.
"I'm Peter Stark. It's nice to meet you in the horrible situation" Peter tried to joke but he just felt like crying. He wanted his dad.
"Mom. Peter. I'm scared" Lucas whimpered shaking against the tree.
"Don't worry. I am too" Maria soothes him gesturing for them both to come close to her.
Peter shuffled closer really needing some comfort right now. Maria wrapped her arms around the two boys holding them close.
Tony on the other hand was in seemingly in a better state. He had somehow managed to help himself a bit more by jumping into the pool. So he decided to stay within the hotel borders, wishing he could find Peter somewhere. His chips in his arm to summon his suit were ripped out leaving holes in his skin. He looked down finding a red ball that made him think of Peter even more.
"MARIA! LUCAS!" A man that came into Tony's view yelled as he limped around.
"HEY! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Tony yelled to the man catching his attention.
"I'm Henry Bennett" the man introduces himself shaking Tony's hand.
"Tony Stark" Tony replied looking the man in the eyes.
"I know. I work for your company over in Japan" Henry chuckled holding his side.
"Awesome. But have you seen anyone around here named Peter Stark? Possibly. You're the first person I've seen" Tony asked in a desperate voice.
"No I'm sorry. But if you want you can stick with me. I have two boys named Thomas and Simon. You can trail with us to look for our families" Henry offered an offer Tony couldn't resist.
"Yeah that's sounds better than being alone" Tony sighed before following Henry back into the hotel room.
Peter was being held up by Lucas as they trudged through the weeds. Maria lumping behind them. They were looking for any high ground they could possibly find.
"Over there. There's a tree" Lucas muttered pointing to a lonely tree still standing.
"It's perfect" Maria mumbled before limping towards it.
"Both of you go up first" Peter said as he weakly put his hands together.
"No way Peter. You are way too weak for that. You were impaled in the leg for Christ's sake" Lucas argued as he lifted Peter into the tree as well.
"Please don't exert yourselves you two" Maria advised as she reached the tree.
Lucas linked his hands and allowed his mom to step on it. Of course Maria started to cry out in pain because of her wounds. Peter grabbed onto her arm hoisting her up with as much strength as he could put into pulling. Maria managed to get up onto a lower branch breathing heavily.
Peter watched Lucas as he reached into some rubble pulling something out and putting it into his pocket. Lucas quickly pulled himself up sitting on the same sturdy branch as Peter.
"So.. your dad is IronMan" Lucas tried unknowingly making tears show up in Peter's eyes.
"Yeah. He's somewhere out there" Peter sighed looking down.
"Oh honey he's bound to be somewhere out there. If flying into a black hole isn't able to kill him, I don't think a large wave can either" Maria soothed the boy weakly rubbing a hand on his uninjured leg.
"Yeah. That's true. I really just wanted this to be a vacation where we could just be together. After the whole dust thing we just wanted to be okay. This wasn't supposed to happen" Peter cried tears running down his face.
Nobody knew what to say after that. So they all just stuck close together trying their best to be okay.
Tony sat down next to Henry in a circle of people. Tony watched as Henry made a tough decision to ensure his sons safety by sending them both to the mountains. Tony knew that he would've done the same for Peter.
"I have three kids and a wife. I sent two of my boys to the mountains with a bunch of other kids. My wife Maria and my oldest boy Lucas are still missing" Henry told the group slightly shaking.
"I'm sure you'll find them man" a Hispanic guy soothed Henry.
"What about you Tony?" A woman asked knocking Tony out of his trance.
"Peter. I brought my son with me. We wanted to get away to reunite after the whole half the universe turned to dust thing. We had no idea that this was going to happen. I don't know what I'll do if he's dead.... again" Tony sobbed into his knees quickly being consoled by Henry who wrapped an arm around the sobbing mans shoulder.
"We won't stop looking. We will not leave this country until we find our families. Whether or not they're..." Henry didn't finish his sentence thinking he was only worsening Tony's condition.
"Thanks. I can't help but feel like they're alive somewhere out there. God for all I know he could be in the same place and I would have no idea" Tony whimpered chuckling a bit.
"We'll search every hospital. Together. We will get through this one way or another" Henry sighed putting his head down.
Will they ever be reunited?
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