Surprise Chapter

This is 5000 words long, so cover up and get a snack and drink, and be ready  ;)

Career Day


"Make sure to bring your parent to school Friday for Career Day, this will count as a grade."

Peter sighed as he saw the smug look on Flash's face.

The bell rung and Peter got his stuff and quickly left the classroom.

"Hey, Penis!"

Peter sighed once again and opened his locker.

"What do you want Flash?"

"Oh, nothing I just can't wait until Career Day and see you show up with no one with you."

Peter shook his head and finishes getting everything out of his locker.

"That's great and all, but I have to go."

"Where? It's not like you have any friends."

Peter pushed past him and ran outside to Happy's car.

"Hey, kid did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, it was fine," Peter said looking out the window.

Happy let out a small hum in reply, already letting Tony know something was up with the kid.

The drive back was silent, Peter was content to his homework and Happy was focusing on the road.

"Alright, kid we're here." Happy said, breaking the silence.

Peter nodded and put everything into his back, getting out when Happy opened the door.

"Thanks, Hap."

Happy's face showed no emotion as he nodded, making a 'go' motion with his hand.

Peter went straight to the lab, throwing his book bag into the corner.

"Got any homework, kid?" Tony asked he heard the kid come in.

"Nah, I finished it on the way."

"Good, now come over here and help me with the suit."

Peter smiled, and went over, to Tony, sitting in the chair beside him.

The pair worked in silence, neither speaking, both working.

"So, Pete, what's wrong?"


"Alright, Pete fess up. What's wrong?"

Peter sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"Career Day is on Friday. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal or anything but when you don't have anyone to bring..." Peter trailed off, not wanting to say what came to his mind.

"Go on," Tony urged.

"Some people think it's funny," Peter said the last part quietly, almost a whisper.

Tony's eyes went from soft and gentle, to angry and protective.

"What?" Tony's voice was dark.

"Some people think it's funny when I show up with no one since May works while I'm at school now," Peter said a little louder; his head looking at his fidgeting hands.

"Don't worry, Pete, they won't think it's funny anymore."

"Why?" Peter looked up at Tony.

"You'll see, but don't worry. It'll be okay." Tony pulled the kid in for a hug that he only gave to Peter.

Peter hugged him back, resting his head on Tony's shoulder.

"Your aunt is working late today, you're staying with me tonight."

"Really!" Peter pulled away from the embrace, his eyes shining.

Tony smiled, happy that he had gotten the kid back to his happy state.

Yeet Jimmy: ( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° ) is giving you a time skip. Carol is currently injured and the cause is unknown. Jimmy is happily taking over her well-paying job for now.

Peter walked into school, it was Thursday morning and last night was great.

Tony helped him on patrol and they watched movies and ate snacks.

Peter, of course, had a nightmare, but Tony was there and stayed with him for the rest of the night.

Peter didn't think anything could ruin his mood.

"Penis Parker!"

Ah, Parker Luck strikes again.

Peter was being pushed up against the lockers. Flash's goons holding his wrists.

"I was actually in a good mood today." Peter groaned as Flash smirked.

"Have anyone coming to Career Day tomorrow?" Flash said, his ugly smirk in place.

Peter signed, "No, Flash, I don't."

Flash laughed then started beating Peter up.

Flash used to only throw insults and give him a little shove here and there. Nothing major.

But now, Flash beats him up every chance he gets.

Once Flash was done Peter was lying on the floor.

Luckily no one was in the halls at the moment. Peter got up, not hurt in the slightest.

Flash is weaker than a goldfish.

Peter stumbled to the bathroom, taking some paper towels and wetting them.

He wiped his blood off his face and lightened stain on his shirt. Then he took some dry and dried off his wet face.

The bruises were starting to fade already considering how weak of a puncher Flash is and because of Peters super healing.

Peter then went back to class, looking less like a train wreck.

Flash wasn't in this class, thank the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter walked into class, the teacher not noticing, or caring about his face. She handed him the paper everyone was working on as he sat down beside Ned.

"Hey, dude is anyone coming for May coming tomorrow?"

"No, she can't make since she has to work during school hours." Peter shrugged, acting like he didn't care.

But it actually hurt a lot. Knowing that he was going to be the only kid there that doesn't have anyone.

Doesn't have a mom.

Doesn't have a dad.

Doesn't have an uncle.

Has an aunt that he rarely sees.

Other than May, he has no one.

"Maybe my mom could present for you?"

"No dude it's fine."

Ned gave him an unsure glance, "You sure dude?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Peter gave Ned a reassuring smile.

"Okay," Ned said, sounding hesitant.

Soon Peter found himself in his next class.

"Don't forget that you will have to bring your parent or parents tomorrow if you want a good grade. Also, don't forget to come here first thing in the morning, your first-period teachers have been informed and are okay with you all participating."

She should understand with Peter right?

He doesn't exactly have a family he has a family member there's a pretty big difference.

Soon the final bell rang.

"You are dismissed!"

The class filled with students ran out, all eager to leave.

Peter quickly made it to his locker, putting what he needs in his bag and throwing the rest in his locker.

He slammed the locker door and dashed outside.

"Penis Parker!"

That was Peter's cue to leave.

Peter found Happy's car and practically dove into the car.

"Hey, Happy!"

"What was with the basically diving in here like this car was a pool?"

"Just ready to work in the lab!" Peter smiled.

Happy grunted, "Okay. How was your day?"

Even though the kid was well at hiding his emotions, Happy could tell that he was down.

How we set his bag down.

How he sat down.

How he closed the door.

How he had look in his eyes.

Yes, Happy acted like he didn't care, like he could care less about the kid.

But in all honesty.

The kid has started to grow on him.

He might even love the annoying shit.

Peter's face immediately brightened, and Happy knew he asked the right thing.

"When Ned and I were in science class we got to..." Peter went on and on about his day for the rest of the car ride.

"Hey, Mr. Stark?"


"When am I going back to May's?"

"You're staying here tonight."

"Really!" Peter jumped up and down like a five-year-old. He bounced over to Tony, eyes shining.

"I really get to stay here!?"

"Mhm, asked when you were at school and she said yes, you can even stay the weekend.

Peter smiled and ran up to his room.

Peter woke up with his head buried in Tony's chest with Tony's arms wrapped protectively around him.

Peter doesn't remember exactly what happened, but he knows he had a nightmare last night.

"Hey, kiddo, ready for school?"

Peter felt a sudden drop in his mood.

"Nooooo," He whined snuggling closer to Tony.

"I don't wanna go to schoollll."

"Well, I don't want to hear you whine. So get up and get ready."

"No thank you." Peter curled into Tony.

Although Tony loved this moment, he knew he had to get Peter up. Plus as soon as the kid realized what he was doing.

So Tony tightened his arms around the spiderling and hoisted him out of the bed.

When Tony got up, Peter got up.

Tony then released Peter and let him fall on the floor.

"Mr. Starrrrkkkkk."

"Should've gotten up." Tony then left the room, leaving the kid to get ready.

Fifteen minutes later Peter and Tony were in the car, Peter eating a cinnamon roll on the way.

"When they pulled up at the school, Peter and Tony got out of the car.

"Why are you getting out too?" Peter asked, not trying to be mean, just wondering.

"It's career day isn't it?'

Peter knew he shouldn't talk back, because Tony has a lot of blackmail.

A L O T.

Luckily no one was outside at the moment.

But as soon as they walked into the school:

"TONY FUCKING STARK!!!!!!!!!!!" Was the sentence that set everyone off.

Peter visibly tensed, Tony grabbed his kid's hand and quickly told him to take them where they needed to go.

Peter and Tony made their way to the classroom, slamming the door behind them.

The rest of the parents and students snapped their heads in the direction of the noise.

"Oh. Shit."

"FLASH YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD MAN!" One kid yelled, practically falling on the ground in laughter.

"Penis Parker? T-t-tony St-stark?"

"T-t-today kid." Tony snapped.

"Also, call my kid that one more time and it will not be pretty."

"For you at least, for me, it'll be one of the greatest days of my life," Tony said, a deadset expression fixed on his face.

Peter elbowed Tony in the side, giving the man a small glare when he looked at him.

"Alright, alright I won't threaten anyone."


Peter and Tony took their seats, ignoring the classes looks.

When the teacher snapped out of her shock, she began calling on parents to present. Tony was the fifth person chose to go up.

They listened to boring people explain their boring jobs for about 20 minutes before it was Tony's turn.

"Mr. Stark, uh, sir, it's your turn." Mrs. Green stuttered.

Tony gave her a flashy smile and got up, going to the front of the room and starting his presentation.

As Tony began speaking everyone listened intently, soaking up everything that came out of the man's mouth.

When he was done applause was heard and hands were raised.

"How do you know Peter?" One kid asked when Tony pointed at him.

"How would I not know my kid?" Tony answered.

Everyone was smiling and having fun.

But ya know who loves to ruin that?

Flash fucking Thompson, the dude almost everyone hates.

"You don't really know Peter Parker, I mean he's practically an orphan! There is no way you actually know him!"

Tony's jaw clenched, his head snapping in the direction of the kid who just insulted his son. Yes, son. That's what he was thinking at the moment.

"If I don't really know him then why does he have his own room in the tower? Why are his pictures all over the penthouse? And how the fuck could he be like my son if I didn't really know him? Please enlighten me." Tony snapped, his anger rising.

Peter let out a nervous laugh and tugged on Tony's arm when Flash let out a nervous squeak.

"Mr. Stark." Tony didn't look at him, his glare still on Flash.

"Tony." Said man's glare was still on the disgusting child before him.

"Dad!" Peter semi-yelled, trying to get his attention.

Tony's head snapped in Peter's direction so fast, everyone was surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"Did you just-"

"I did."

The class looked at the pair, shocked and confused on what was happening.

Then Tony smiled and lifted Peter off the ground in a hug.

"We gotta tell Pepper."

Then the pair was gone.

Flash's phone lit up a few minutes later.

Unknown: Eugene, for bullying my kid you'll have a lot of fun never going to any college and never getting a job or a wife and kids. Peter also took your pen for this text. So have fun failing that test.

A lesson was learned that day.

Tony Stark and Peter Parker are fucking amazing.

And Eugene Thompson is a piece of shit.


Different Dimension?


"Hey dad, mom! Guess what!" Peter yelled, running down the hall towards his parents.

They turned to him smiling.

Then it was gone.

Their faces twisted into one of horror.

Peter's did too.

"PETER!" They screamed, running towards their child.


Then, he was gone.

Peter groaned as he woke up in an ally.

He got up, maybe he could figure out where he was and get back home.

He walked onto the sidewalk, getting looks of amazement from the people around him. Peter was confused until a brown-headed girl came up to him.

"Omg, you're Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Spider-Man!!" She squealed. "May I get a picture with you?"

Peter was confused, how did she know his identity, and who the hell is Tom Holland? Peter didn't ask any questions and smiled.

"Of course."

"Your American accent is perfect," she complimented, taking the picture as he smiled.

Peter nodded saying a thank you.

Where the hell is he?

One hour later and several people have been taken pictures of him, or with him; calling him Tom Holland and Spider-Man.

He was only the second name, who did the first one belong to?

"Tom Holland! How does it feel to be the worst spoiler beside Mark?!"

Peter ignored him, running into a hotel.

"May I have a room please?" He asked the desk lady, looking back at the door that was swarming with people with camera and phones.

"Of course Mr. Hollland! That'll be free of charge."

"No, no, here let me pay you," he handed her the twenty he had on him and quickly took the key she gave him.

Slamming his door shut behind him.

Where the hell is he?

Peter woke up and looked out his window, seeing people gathered outside the building.

Why are they there? Why do they keep calling him Tom Holland?

Peter went to the computer the hotel had in his room and went on Google.

He typed in the name 'Tom Holland' and clicked on the first article.

"Tom Holland plays Peter Parker or Spider-Man in the MCU. He is also known for the other roles he plays in....."

Peter quickly shut off the computer.

Tom Holland plays as Peter Parker?

But Peter is here.

He is Peter Parker.

Not Tom Holland.

Peter sighed. Where was he and how does he get back home?

Tears collected in his eyes.

He didn't want to be here. He shouldn't be here.

He was having a panic attack, quickly he pulled out his Stark phone.

He went to his contacts and clicked on the one labeled 'Dad'.

"Pete?" The voice was static like, but it was his fathers.

"Dad help, please. I don't know where I am or-or-"

"Listen to me, Pete. I'm going to find you."

"I'm in a different universe dad! One where I'm a movie character and so are you!"

"P- list- I-"

"Dad! Dad!" The line went dead.

Peter threw his phone down, tears streaming down his face. Everything was so loud, so, so loud. It hurt, it hurt so bad.

Peter started taking deep breaths, covering his ears and thinking of anything quiet. The pain was soon gone, but he was still crying.

He wanted to be home.

So he wiped his tears.

Crying wasn't going to get him out of here. Sitting around wasn't going to get him out of here. He was going to get himself out of here.

He went back on Google, staying up for hours reading about different dimensions and how to travel to one unharmed.

He didn't eat or drink and refused to sleep.

He had to get home.

Peter searched for days reading books and going on the internet. He took pictures with people, pretending to be the person they claimed he was.

Finally, he figured out what he could do. He knew how to get back home.

He got up from where he was sitting at the library, returning the book to its shelf and leaving the library.

He walked down the street going towards a store.

He bought what he would need, taking pictures with people before returning to what he was doing.

He left the store with his bags in hand, going towards the hotel to carry out his plan.

He stopped every few minutes to take a picture with a stranger as he pretends to be Tom Holland.

When Peter got back to the hotel he told the desk lady that this would be his last night in the hotel and thanked her for her kindness.

She looked star-struck as she nodded and said it was a pleasure to have him.

He gave her a smile and went back up to his room.

He set the bags down on the table, taking out what he needs and throwing the bags away.

Peter took a deep breath and opened the gold paint. Taking out the brushes and setting them down beside the paint.

He pulled up the picture he needed off of Google.

He picked up the paintbrush, dipping it in the paint.

He brought it to the wall and began painting.

First, he drew a big circle, letting it take up a good amount of space.

He looked back and drew a few things near the edge on the circle, before drawing another smaller circle in that one.

He looked at the picture every few seconds and drew what he needed on the wall.

Peter finished an hour later, wiping some paint off his forehead.

He took in his work, looking over it to make sure he got everything right.

He smiled when he was sure everything was right. He immediately did the rest of his plan.

"Take me to the dimension I belong, take me to my home, I do not belong here, please take me home," Peter whispered over and over.

The drawing lit up, becoming a portal. Peter looked at it amazed it has actually worked.

Then he was excited, he was going home.

Then he was nervous, what if it didn't take him to the right place?

He shook his head and ran into the portal.

"Who is this kid?"

Peter opened his eyes, he was on the ground outside people crowded around him.

"He just fell from the sky!"

"Look he's awake!"

Questions were being shouted, Peter was scared.

Was this home?

"Get away from him! Back up!"

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up into the eyes of his father.

"Peter?" Tony choked out.

"Dad?" Peter had tears in his eyes.

People were recording, but they didn't care. Peter was finally back and nothing was going to ruin this moment.

Tony wrapped the kid in a hug, Peter hugging back tightly.

"You've been gone for months, I thought I would never find you again."

"I'm back, and I'm not leaving."

The two pulled apart Tony and Peter both had tears streaming down their faces.

"Can we go home now?"

"Of course kiddo."

As soon as they got home, Peter was tackled in a hug by May and Pepper.

Peter was glad to be back.


Rogues? I Think You Mean Bitches.


The Rogue Avengers were back.

Tony was sitting in the living room talking to them.

"So, how much have you drank since we've been gone?" Steve asked.

"I've been sober ever since you left actually." Tony bit back.

Steve chuckled, "Really? You?"

Tony took a deep breath.

"Yes Rodgers, I have."

He's been sober for Peter, he can't let the kid get hurt by Drunk Tony. He loves the kid too much to do that to him.

"I don't believe that's true. You probably bring home a woman every night and get drunk just so you can take her to the bedroom and-"

"I'm home!" They heard a young voice shout, and something hitting the ground.

Tony sighed, glancing at Steve before looking in the direction of the noise.

"Was that a book bag that hit the floor?" Tony called out.

"Uhhh, no." They heard the sound of something jingling.

"You know where it goes," Tony called back.

The Rogues looked at Tony, confused.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Don't sass me and get in here, you have some people to meet."

"I have homework!" The voice groaned.

"No you don't, we both know you just want to go out."

Another groan and the sound of feet coming towards them.

Soon a scrawny kid with brown curly hair, and doe eyes was in the doorway.

"Oh shit," the kid said.

"Hey what did I say," Tony demanded, pointing a finger at the teen.

Peter sighed and rolled his eyes, "I'm sorryyyyyyy."

Tony rolled his eyes and motioned to the Rogues.

"Say hi to Peter."

They looked at Tony with a dumbfounded expression.

"Really Tony? You've screwed around so much you got a kid? And you still drink and-"

Steve was cut off with a punch to the face, sending him back.

"I'll have you know that I was not an accident and am the best child he could ask for, but that man has been sober for months and is in a committed relationship with Pepper. So if you are going to speak negatively about my father and he doesn't do anything, I will."

Peter walked down the hall and into his room.

Tony smiled. "Don't underestimate him, he can do things many of you can't."

"Fri show them to their rooms."

There was no reply but Tony knows she understood as she told Clint where he was staying.

Tony went down to his lab and began working on Peters suit.

"Fri, let me in," Steve said, waiting at the door of Tony's lab.

"Request denied."


"Good day Mr. Rodgers."

Steve sighed.

"Let him know that dinner is ready." There was no reply as the man walked off.

Fifteen minutes later and there was still no sign of Tony.

"He's probably drinking," Steve complained.

Rhodey shook his head, "Steve I suggest you watch your mouth. That kid has eyes and everywhere, don't talk about Tony or he will make you regret it."

Steve scoffed. "He's a scrawny teen, what can he do?"

Rhodey sighed, clearly a light punch from the kid didn't teach him a lesson.

"Tony's probably cheating on Pepper with some-"

Peter had Steve, yes Steve, Captian America, Steve Rodgers, pinned to the wall.

"I will not warn you again," Peter whispered.

"Talk bad about my father one more time and you will wish you were never born."

The kid released Steve and looked at the ceiling sweetly.

"Fri, can you please tell dad I need him in the kitchen."

"Of course Mini-Boss."

Less than a minute later Tony was in the kitchen. "I was told you needed me."

"Can we go get something to eat?" Peter asked innocently as if he hadn't just scared every single rogue shitless.

"Yeah kid, we'll take Uncle Rhodey and Pepper too." Tony smiled, yes smiled, an actual smile, at the kid.

Rhodey followed the two out, a smile on his face.

The Rogues were shook but learned a lesson today: Peter Parker will kick your ass if you talk about his father.

And Steve learned to stay away from Peter unless he wanted a huge ass beating.


Nightmare Cuddles


Peter was sleeping soundly. Floating in a black abyss.

Then, he was falling.




Ben, his mom, dad, and countless others were standing over him. Yelling things at him, screaming that it was his fault they were gone. Saying that he should be gone too, it should have been Peter, not them.

Peter was sobbing as he thrashed around in his bed, unaware that it was just a dream.

Peter was falling again.




He landed in the lake, plummeting downwards, deeper and deeper into the water.

Then he was back under the warehouse, Vulture looking down at him, laughing at how weak and helpless he is.

Peter kicked all the blankets and pillows off his bed, tears flowing down his face, rolling back and forth.

Finally Tony burst through his door, grabbing Peter's shoulders.

"Pete, Pete, you gotta wake up. It isn't real, it's a dream!"

Tony was yelling spiteful things at Peter now while he was stuck. Stuck under that building.

Finally, Peter's eyes snapped open and he collapsed onto Tony.

He was crying, and not breathing.

Tony held him and helped him control his breathing.

"Shhh, it's okay Bambi," Tony whispered, running his hands through the kid's hair.

Soon Peter calmed down and was holding onto Tony. His breathing normal, and his tears drying.

"Wanna talk about it?" Tony asked, his voice quiet and calm.

"I- I was falling. Ben and mom and d-dad were saying it was my fault. Vulture- building, You- you hated me." Peter stumbled over his words, but Tony knew exactly what he meant.

Tony pulled Peter closer, "It's okay Bambi, you know it's not your fault, Toomes is in jail, and I love you so much that there is no room for hate."

"Promise?" Peter whispered.

"Promise," Tony said, laying Peter back down.

"Stay?" Peter mumbled, his eyes looking into Tony's for comfort.


Peter moved over and Tony laid down in the bed beside him, pulling the covers over them both.

Peter moved closer to Tony until his head was against the older man's chest.

Tony smiled and wrapped his arms around the kid, holding him close.

His free hand messing with Peter's curls, as the kid snuggled into him.

Tony loved this kid more than he could ever know and will go through hell to keep him safe.

Tony looked down at the now sleeping teen once again.

Tony could only wish to take away all his pain and keep it for himself. A kid as sweet and loving as Peter doesn't deserve all the pain this world is throwing at him.

Tony kissed Peter's forehead, smiling down at the sleeping kid.

"I love you," Tony whispered.

"I love you too, dad," Peter said, looking up at Tony.

Yeah, Tony would go to the ends of the Earth to keep his kid safe and happy.


Do You Love Me?


"No one loves you."



"You are nothing."

Those are the words coming out of Flash Thompson's mouth.

Peter knows he shouldn't believe him.

But when you hear the same things about yourself almost every day, your mind thinks it true.

Peter believes that no one loves him by now.

Peter and Tony were in the lab, working on Peter's suit.

"Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah, kid?"

"Can I ask you something?" Peter asked, nervous.

Tony noticed and nodded, expecting Peter to ask him something bad.

"Do you love me?"

Tony was caught off guard by the question.

"Of course, what made you think I don't?" Tony tells Peter that he loves him every day as he goes back to May's. Something or someone must have made Peter think that Tony didn't love him, and he was ready to show them just how much he loved his kid.

"U-uh no one." Peter stuttered.

"Ah-ha, so it's a person."

Peter looked like a deer in headlights.

"No one, it's no one, Mr. Stark."

Tony sighed. "Kid, tell me who made you believe I don't love you. It may not seem like a big deal to them, but it is to us. Okay?"

Peter hung his head and sighed. "Eugene Flash Thompson."

Tony nodded, "It'll be okay kid. Just remember, I love you, okay?"


The next day Tony showed up at Peter's school with Peter stuck to his side.

"He can't do anything while I'm with you."

Peter nodded but stayed at Tony's side. Tony smiled and put his arms around the kid, walking into the classroom.

"Where is Eugene?" Tony asked the entire classed pointed in the direction of the bully,

Flash smiled thinking that he was getting praise from Tony Stark, then he saw Tony's arm around Peter, and how Peter was leaning on the man's side.

"So, you think it's funny to tell Peter that no one loves him, that he's useless and worthless?" Tony asked.

Peter looked up at him, glaring. Tony looked down at the kid and smiled, "I might have pulled the footage."

Tony turned his gaze back to Flash, his look cold.

"You know he actually believed you? He thought no one loved him, all because of you. I had to tell him and show him that I loved him because he just kept denying it."

"So, I'll have you know that I love this kid more than I love myself," Tony said, savoring the look on Flash's face as he realized who he was bullying.

"Yeah, you were bullying Tony Starks son, good pick," Tony said sarcastically.

"I don't want you bullying my kid, or anyone for that matter if you even dream of getting into a community college."

Flash looked like a fish, eyes wide and mouth wide opening and closing every few seconds.

"Close your mouth kid, you need some braces."

With that Tony steered a very embarrassed Peter out of the school and to the car.

"I'm your son?" Peter asked once they sat down in the car.

"Yeah kid, you are."

"Well, then it looks like I have a dad again."

"I love you, Pete. More than you'll know." Tony said, looking over at the kid.

"I love you too, dad." Peter had tears in his eyes, happy that he has a father again.

Tony's heart filled with joy at those words, he would never let anything bad happen to this kid. Not as long as he was there with him. 

So, how was it?

Did you like it? 

Was it worth the wait?

I'll stop asking questions now.

I hope you liked what I wrote and all that shit.

I'll see all you Cucumbers next time I update.

Oh and someone tried to figure out where I live and kept asking for nudes but I took care of him by exposing his ass, which I'm gonna do here so here is his insta: riohyuse13

I call him Creepo Stalker Rapist Kidnapper.

Spam or report his ass please and thank you.

I hope everyone has an amazing day/night.

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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