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"If you promise me to not ask any questions till the end of all. Not talk at all. Okay?," pappa så på meg etter en lang stund.
"Erm... Yes."
"First thing first.
I have never talked about your mother."
Jeg nikket. "And I have never asked," sa jeg. Pappa nikket.
"Your mother was... Special. We were together actually for a while... Or some few months, but anyway. When we broke up, I didn't know she was pregnant. She got really angry at me, and left me. First I didn't know where she went, but later I found out that she lived in Canada. That was just some few months after we broke up. Around five or six months later, someone knocked on my door, but when I opened, it wasn't anyone there, just a small basket with a big blanket and a letter. I picked up the letter, and it stood; pappa åpnet ene skuffen på nattbordet og dro ut et papirark. "Dear Tony. I am so sorry for saying this, but on the time we were together, I got pregnant. I didn't tell you, for I didn't know how you would take it, because you are Tony Stark. It's okay that we left each other, but now the babies have come. I needed to send one of them to you, because I don't have the money, nor the house to raise both of them. You can do what you want, get her another family, have her, or send her back. Just give her a nice and safe home. I kept the boy to myself.
Our children are special. As me, they have superpowers. You didn't know this about me, but I wanted to tell you. I have superpowers, and are protecting the world. I hope our dear Trisha, as I want to call her can be raised and find her superpowers. I think she, or them both will find their powers later in life, as they are teens, because they have you as their dad. But I still want this to come a bit slowly on Trisha. She is warmhearted, and I think she understands things fast. If she find her powers in young age, please tell her something else. You will know when she is ready, and the most important thing is that you are ready. The boy, who is with me is named Christopher Antony. I hope you like the name. If you wonder are we living near your family in Canada.
From Veronica." Pappa la ned brevet igjen. "And there is where Chris is coming in. But I am not finished yet." Pappa så trist på meg.
"I have always wanted you to meet you mother and... Your twin, but I never felt you were ready. I was wrong. I was never ready. You have been ready the whole time and now you can't see your mom-," pappa la hodet i hendene imens han snakket.
"I can't see her?" Avbrøt jeg, selv om jeg viste jeg ikke skulle.
"No Tris. She is dead," pappa så opp på meg. "She was a superhero, like you, and Steve, Bruce, Clint, Nat, and Thor-"
"And you," sa jeg og ga pappa et lite smil. "What happened with her?"
"She had stopped using her powers, but her old archenemy hadn't. He broke in to her flat and.. Now she is dead," sa pappa. Han så trist på meg.
"Murdered," mumlet jeg til meg selv. Det fløtes ut som at jeg hadde fått et ekstra tomrom i brystkassen min.
"How do you know all that? And when did you get to know it?" Spurte jeg.
"The last part this morning of Chris," sa pappa.
"When am I going to meet Chris?"
"You already have," pappa ga meg et lite smil.
"Have I?"
"You remember Chris, or Christopher from Canada? It was him."
"What?," spurte jeg overrasket. "We don't look that alike."
"But he asked if he could come home," sa pappa. "So I ask you, can Chris aka the random waffle guy texting you come home? Just if you feel ready?"
"I.. I need some time to take this in. But yes, he can, later," jeg prøvde å svelge alt som hadde kommet til meg. Jeg var ikke skuffet, eller lei meg, eller glad, eller sint. Egentlig viste jeg ikke hva jeg følte fordi det var en million følelser blandet sammen.
"Take your time," pappa reiste seg opp, ga meg et kyss på hodet og gikk ut av rommet.
Litt etter gikk jeg også ut fra rommet, over gangen og inn på rommet mitt. Der tok jeg opp telefonen min som lå på sengen.
Hey Chris how are you?
Hey, dad told you?
Dad? What? Told what?
Which dad?
Oh is Chris what you will
call me?
No I am just kidding with
you brother you can come
home. we can find out who is
oldest and King over the tv
I will win both of them
Then come home with
our birth certificate
and lemme see 'em
Okay, need to pack my bags. Coming with the first plane
Okay, not let Zeus kill you.
I heard he had a bad day
I won't
Jeg låste telefonen og puttet den i lomma, før jeg gikk inn til pappa og Bruce som satt i sofaen ved baren og snakket. "He is coming home," sa jeg sakte.
"When?," spurte pappa, og et smil lyste opp i fjeset hans.
"The first plane after packing his bags," sa jeg. "My brother is coming home." Jeg satte meg ned i sofaen med et dunk.
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