Chaptrr 3: Ride on a Centaur

We over see Stark tower which is the largest tower to ever seen within the city. Its where Y/n make his business deals with other companies as well doing some work both for hid company and....."other things." We then see a business meeting happening as we see five CEO business men from different companies being gathered by Y/n to discuss about their business and their goals within the future.

Akio: Look I believe we can sell special AI units within people's homes so the parents can enjoy themselves while the AI dose all the work. As CEO of Neo Software Enterprise we must make house hold like AI's to maintain people's homes.

Josh: Well as the head company of the research World Inc I believe we should use our high tech to create machine like bots to aid our research.

Mark: What about military weapons and protection? As the CEO of Watch-Ops we need better weapons and better gear for the military soldiers.

Sophia: What about new construction for new cities. I didn't make New land Enterprise for no reason. We must make homes for both Humans and Demihumans.

They argue each other left and right while Y/n just sat there a sigh a bit and then he slammed his hand onto the ground which they turn to him as Y/n stood up and tell them.

Y/n: Look your business are quiet interesting here but all I'm hearing is arguing and talking about their own companies. Not really about why we even made the meeting. The reason ice form this meeting is because you all have been strangling each other for a long time and I need to put a stop to it otherwise your companies might drop dead. How's about we can discuss about what we should do first and then we make a vote.

???: (smirk) Yes and I know all will be voting on my idea as a race.

They turn to a man who is smirking while he place down what seems like a poster and slide towards Y/n which he picks it up and looks at the poster.

Y/n: "Centaur race champion? Sponsor by Activity-Health Inc?"

Dillon: (smirk) That's right. I believe it will be a great thing to show humans and Demihumans working together by having these races being made across the world. Since Centaurs are like half human half horses the world wants to know what fast which one of them are so how's about a champion to see who is the fastest Centaur around.

Y/n: I don't know. This sounds a bit illegal?

Dillon: (smirk) Nonsense it's like racing except for Centaurs. I mean as long the Centaurs find it okay we should be fine. Besides it's not so bad to have a champion across the world right? It's like a normal horse race except for Centaurs. So what do you say?

Y/n looks at the poster and to Dillon as he finds him very suspicious so he take a deep breath and takes him.

Y/n: I'll think about it. Looks our we're out of time. See you all next week.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n, Miia and Papi at the living room within Stark tower as Miia and Papi were looking at the poster for the Centaur Race champion while Y/n is looking out of the window and taking a drink while Miia asked Y/n.

Miia: So your going to accept his deal of opening up this champion?

Y/n: Of course not. Somethings off about Dillon when he enter the meeting and the way he talked.

Papi: Is he a bad man?

Y/n: You don't really know whose a bad man unless your absolute sure.

He then set his drink onto a table and walk over to a huge screen as it light up while Y/n called out.

Y/n: Jarvis give me news reporters on missing Centaur Demihumans in this city?

Jarvis: Yes sir. It seems there have been many reports of Centaur Demihumans going missing during the night. Police forces have no idea where they went.

Then news articles, news reporters and newspapers is shown on the screen in front of Y/n, Miia and Papi as Y/n looks at everything and then ask.

Y/n: How many of them went missing?

Jarvis: It seems 25,000 Centaur Demihumans went missing every month.

Y/n: I see. Give me a veiw on Activity-Health Inc building?

Jarvis shows the image of the building and dose a scan at the building. After a while it scanned the building and it seems something is blocking the underground.

Y/n: Hmmm possibly a Jammer or something.

Papi: Um Y/n? What are you doing?

Y/n: Well his building is near a horse racing track that is going to be remade into a Centaur racing track and since there is something jamming underneath his building, I believe he might have something in there that's have to do with the kidnapped Centaurs Demihumans.

Papi: (smile) That's really smart theory!

Miia: (smile) Indeed! Your such a genius as always dealing~!

Jarvis: Should I be ready the suit?

Y/n: Not yet. I'm going head there myself and investigate myself.

Papi: Should you call up Miss Kuroko?

Y/n: Unfortunately she is busy but don't worry. I've done this several times before and I never get caught.....Well sometimes.


We see Y/n's limousine drive up at the Activity-Health Inc's building and once parked at the front entrance Y/n climb out and shut the door behind him as his limo drive off. He looks at the building as he have his small camera on his sunglasses as he take pictures around the building.

Dillon: (smirk) Ah Y/n Stark! Nice to see you here!

Then Dillon approaches Y/n and he take his hand and shakes on it.

Dillon: (smile) I'm very glad you came. Come on, I'll snow you around.

They enter the building and it looks pretty nice with a few Demihumans and humans here waiting for them at the counter while some grabbing a drink and talk to each other. Dillon show Y/n around as each room holds a fitness that Demihumans and Humans take part together in different activities and exercise.

While they walked Y/n take more pictures at the rooms and then ask Dillon while he looks around.

Y/n: You know this will be hard for Centaur Demihumans to take part in your race if some are being kidnapped left and right.

Dillon: (smile) Yeah I know but we won't let that happen. My race will be safe.

Then they see two staff workers taking a Centaur Demihumans somewhere as they walk by them as the two walk pass and Y/n sees the two staff opening a door which the Centaur Demihuman gose in. Y/n takes a picture as they arrive to Dillons office which Dillon sat on his desk while Y/n sat down as well.

Dillon: (smile) So what about the idea I have? A Centaur race champion. Sounds pretty good ain't that right?

Y/n: Yeah it sounds good so what will the prize be?

Dillon: (smile) Ah! Glad you ask me that. How's about this, the prize will be a weekend stay at my private island where Centaurs can relax and enjoy!

Y/n: Huh....sounds interesting.

Dillon: (smile) Indeed. It will be a greatest day in their lives. Now all I need to do is for you to sign in here and we can get started.

He slide in the paper and handed Y/n a pen which he looks at for a bit and then tell Dillon.

Y/n: Sorry but I think I need more times to think about this. At least we can hold it on a bit until the Centaurs missing situation is dealt with.

Dillon: (smile) Of course your totally right! I guess I needed to wait until this is all sorted and all the Centaur Demihumans are safe and sound.

He then stood up and walk over to another table and pour in a drink of wine and once that walks over and slide a drink over to Y/n.

Dillon: (smirk) Care for a drink? You might be thirty?

Y/n looks at Dillon and the drink and then stood up and tells Dillon.

Y/n: It's fine. I think he'll head home. Take care.

He then heads off out of Dillon's office and once he shut the door Dillon squeeze the glass in anger which shattered into pieces.


Night came as we see the Activity-Health Inc building with all the lights off and looking down we see Iron Man in Mark 15 which is a stealth suit as he looks down at the building and tells Jarvis.

Iron Man: Jarvis is Miia and Papi asleep?

Jarvis: I believe so sir. You might not wanna know what Miia is dreaming.

Iron Man: I can probably guess.

Jarvis: Still the pictures you've sent is quiet interesting. Especially the one about a Centaur going through a door.

Iron Man: Which is why I'm finding out what's behind those doors and sees if he's our guy.

Jarvis: Copy that sir. Try not to get yourself killed.

Iron Man: You know that never happens.

Once that Iron Man's suit turns dark and he flies over to the buildings front entrance which immediately shut all cameras within the area so the security guard will not see him.

Then he place his hand over the control console and hacks the system. After a while the doors slide open and Iron Man make his way inside. He turns on his night vision and he make his way through the halls as he scan the halls.

Then he switched his vision to heat sensor and sees tow guards making their way around the corner so he hide between the walls as the two guards flahs their flssh lights around but went pass Iron Man while one of them yawned as they go by.

Iron Man peak out of hiding and make his way through he halls until he reached the door. He move his hand over the control console and starts hacking into the system once more. Soon there was a click which Iron man opens the door and heads inside.

He climb down the steps and after a while he made it atthe bottom and looks over to see another door up ahead which he walks over and soon he unlocked the door and opened and step inside a huge room which he looked over and was shocked.

Iron Man: (shocked) Looks like I was right.

We see cells that contained captured Centaur Demihumans. He look through the cells and see them injured almost like they were beaten by staff. They look over and see Iron man which he put his finger over his mouth to tell them to be quiet and then heard something that sounded like a slam which he make his way over and see one slamming into the cell and trying to break free.

???: You should let me out right now! You can't keep me here, this is not right! I demand you set me free at once!

Iron Man: Seems like your a strong fighter.

Then Iron Man walks up to her cell which she stepped back. Then he have his hand over the control console and soon the cell opens and she step out.

???: Your Iron Man if I'm not mistaken. Thank you for rescuing me.

Iron Man: No problem. What's your name?

Centoreu: Centoreu. Thank you again.

Iron Man: So what have they done to you?

Centoreu: Well I was minding my own business when a grab of people came up with a van and dragged me inside. Next thing I know I woke up here. They have been abusing us and torture us and treat us like pets. These are cruel people that must be punished.

Iron Man: There has to be a way to unlock these cells right?

Centoreu: I believe there is a control room up ahead. That's where the security cameras are.

Iron man: Agree. Let's make a jail break.

Iron Man make his way to the control room and soon he arrived at the door and kicked the door down. The guards inside were shocked as they turn and see Iron man enter the room. One was about to push the alarm but Iron Man reach out his repulsor while he said.

Iron Man: I don't think so. Now release the Centaurs or else?

His charge up his repulsor which they have no choice and open all the cells of the Centaur Demihumans. Once every cell has been open all the Centaur Demihumans make their escape. Some guards try to stop them but they were trampled by the Centaur Demihumans as they race towards the shutters which Iron Man appear and grabbed the shutters and opens it up.

Iron Man: Alright it's all clear! Now get out of here!

The Centaur Demihumans race outside while they thanked Iron man for their help as they go by him. Soon Centoreu race up to him and stopped and turned to him.

Centoreu: I'm very appreciate your help Iron Man.

Iron man: That's what Hero's for. Now get out of here befor-

Then he sees something and gets in front of Centoreu as there was a gunshot but bullets bounce off of Iron Man's suit while they see Dillon aiming his pistol at him and said with a evil smirk.

Dillon: (smirk) Well, Well, Well. If ain't the Iron hero himself breaking out my pets? What a shame.

Iron man: So your behind all of this. But why?

Dillon: (smirk) For the money of course. Just imagine how many fans that will watch to see Centaur Demihumans racing while my business friends bet on who may win. It's pretty much amazing if you think about it. I wanted the most fastes Centaur Demihumans to ever lived so I have to kidnapped some off the street and train them to be faster and if they're not trying.....Well.....they will be punished.

Iron Man: They're not pets that can make you millions! These are still people that have lives. Your just enslaving them!

Dillon: (smirk) Dose it really matter? Their not humans in our eyes and who cares what the government says. As long they give me money I don't give a damn about them. Besides what are you going to do about it? You going to try to arrest me? I can pay myself out or hire a best lawyer that can protect me.

Iron Man: Well actually you will.

Dillon: (smirk) Hehe and why is that?

Iron Man: Because I have it recorded within my helmet so I have everything against you.

Dillon: What?

Iron Man: And that's not all.

Suddenly lights appear behind Iron Man and Centoreu ad swat team came in and aim their guns at Dillon which he was shocked while Kuroko came in next to Iron man as he also said.

Iron Man: I told Agent Kuroko about this and she take her time to gather her things and came over here just in time. Also....she heard everything so don't lie about it.

Dillon is shocked by this as the police handcuffed Dillon and take him away. While we see Kuroko with Centoreu as Kuroko salute to Iron Man and tell him.

Kuroko: Thank you for this Iron Man. His company will be shut down for his crimes in no time.

Iron man: That's good. Take care Centoreu ans be safe.

Centoreu: R-Right and thank you again.

Then Iron Man takes off flying back home as Kuroko smirked a bit and then turn to Centoreu.

Kuroko: Hey Centoreu?

Centoreu: Here's an offer I can give you.

(Next day)

The news was everywhere about Dillon and his companies business with the kidnapped Centaur Demihumans as we see Miia and Papi watching the news with Y/n ss Miia asked Y/n.

Miia: So is that the reason why you weren't in bed?

Y/n: Yeah sorry about that. I have go there at night so I won't draw any attention. Plus at least I've tested the Mark 15 Stealth suit and it seems working in order.

Papi: (smile) Well done Y/n! Your the best!

Miia: (smile) And a brave hero dealing.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you two.

Then there was a knock at theie door so Y/n walked over and open the door only for hin to be pulled and being hugged by Centoreu as she smiled and called out.

Centoreu: (smile) Hello Y/n! It's nice to see you again!

Miia and Papi: Huh?

Y/n: Wait? Who are you and how did you know my name?

Centoreu: (smile) Oh you don't have to pretend you don't know me. I was sent here by Kuroko to stay with you.

Y/n: Wait Kuroko sent you here. Hold up....dose that mean she also told you them I'm-?

Centoreu: (smile) Yep and I promise I will return the favour by being your wife!

Miia: (shocked) What!!!!!!

She then hugged him once more this time Y/n was at her breast as Miia gets jealous and came over and grabs Y/n's arm and tell Centoreu.

Miia: (anger) No I'm his dealing and I'll be his wife!

Papi: No fair! I want to be his wife as well!

The trio pulled Y/n around while Y/n let's out a sigh and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Well at least Centoreu is happy. Let's just hope they don't accidentally wipe off my arm.

To be continued..................................

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