Chapter 4: The Mysterious women of the lake
We see a few helicopters flying over the forest and heading to the military base that is in the woods as we can see the massive and high tech military base as tanks and vehicles drive by the military while a few soldiers are seen marching as the two helicopters make their landing at the landing pads and once that we see a young soldier step out from the helicopter with a bag over his shoulder while he looks around to look around at the base and was amazed how high tech it is.
???: This base is pretty big. This is going to be great.
He climb down the metal steps and look around at the base while two soldiers walk up to him as he turn to see them approaching him as one of them ask him.
Male soldier: Are you Benjamin Ayer?
Benjamin: Yeah that's right.
Male soldier: The general would like to see you.
Benjamin: Okay then.
The two soldier escort Benjamin through the base as military vehicles drive by while soldiers are seen marching through the base as Benjamin followed the two soldiers and enter the main building of the base and soon after they enter the bridge as the two soldiers and Benjamin enter the room and they stand behind their general as the two soldier saluted to him and tell him.
Male soldier: Sir he's here.
???: Good. Leave us.
The two node and they turn and leave the room. The general doesn't turn to Benjamin as he tells Benjamin.
???: I have been looking through the files and it seems you have some interesting skills.
Benjamin: That's right sir. I was trained to take care of anything that threatened the world and I was trained to defend lives.
???: (smirk) That's good to hear soldier. Listen, I have been searching for someone to be our new....replacement for our greatest soldier and I think you might be it.
Benjamin: Whatever it could be sir I'll be ready for it.
???: (smile) That's good to hear. Listen, this will take you a while to handle this armor but judging by your skills I believe you can do this in no time flat.
Benjamin: Sir if I must ask, what is this armor your talking about?
Then General turns to him with a small smile as he ask Benjamin one question.
???: (smile) Have you ever heard of "Warmachine?"
At Y/n's mansion we see Miia, Papi and Centorea are at the living room as Miia stands in front of them while Papi and Centorea watched as Jarvis appeared a hologram board of Y/n, Miia, Papi and Centorea as Miia tells them.
Miia: Listen up. Since I've been around with darling more then you two, there is some rules that you must follow.
Papi: Got it!
Centorea: Guess that would make sense.
Miia: Right so rule one: Never go into Darlings room by anymeans necessary, especially when you hearcany weird sounds or cries.
Papi: Yep.
Centorea: Wait what?
Miia: Rule two: Never try to flirt with darling right in front of me.
Papi: Okay.
Centorea: Are you serious Miia?!
Miia: And rule three: Darling is only mine and will always be just me and him......any questions?
Papi: Can we talk with him?
Miia: Guess so but never just the two okay? Okay.
Centorea: Did you and Y/n made these rules or did you made it on your own?
Miia: (smile) Of course we di-
Jarvis: There is no rules of that at all. Miia just made it up.
Miia: Jarvis! Shut up!
Papi: So the rules aren't real or.....Ow, my head kinds hards a bit.
Centorea: Speaking of Y/n, is he back yet?
Jarvis: Unfortunately no. He hasn't back from his search.
Papi: So what is he doing again?
Jarvis: There have been reports of a mysterious women that said to wounder in a small abandoned park. Some say she's a spirt due to hear wearing a rain coat.
Miia: So why is darling going there?
Jarvis: I believe the mysterious women might be a slime.
Miia: A slime?
Centorea: You think it might be a slime within abandoned Park?
Jarvis: Y/n believes so but right now he's hefaing there right now to check it out.
We see Y/n driving up to the abandoned park as he park his car right in front of the entrance and climb out of his car and looks around while he had a suit case that contain his Iron Man suit mark 5 just in case.
He looks around to see no one around as the front gate seemed to be old as he walk up to the front gate and sees rust on it. He opens the gate which made a squeaky noise as he slowly opens the gate.
Once open he slide through the gate and enters the park. He then make his walk through the trail and can hear birds are about so it's not let fully empty as he make his walk through he dirt path.
Soon he made it to the location which was the lake and it looks peaceful with the waters clean then any lake he has ever seen before. He looks around and sees no one around apart for himself as he decided to walk around the lake in hopes that something might come out.
Thinking she might be nervous he start to call out to her in a calm and ensuring tone.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there! I know your out there and I know you have been alone for a while. But you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm just here to investigate about these reports and I'll leave.
There was slince which he stop and there was no response from anything. He puts the suit case down and sat down onto the ground and sat there in slince as he sat there for a bit and then calls out once more.
Y/n: (smile) Your not any troubls. The reports didn't say you harm anyone, you just startled or scare them but I know you didn't mean to scare them. How's about you come out and we can talk? Just the two of us okay?
At first there was nothing for 20 seconds until something came out of the water as Y/n looks over and was surprised to see a female slime women coming out of the water as she open her eyes and stare at Y/n. Then she came out of the water and walk up to him and then get up close to him as she stare at him in curiosity and then spoke in a cute sounding voice.
???: Your nit afraid of me?
Y/n: (smile) Not at all. In fact, your pretty cute.
???: Cute? What dose that mean?
Y/n: (smile) Well it's just a nice way to say to someone who has a nice face or nice appearance.
???: Appearance?
She look at herself and then stood up and walk towards the lake again but this time she kneel down and pull out two liquid like tentacles out of her body and place them into the water and starts to suck the water. At first Y/n have no idea what she is doing but then her breast suddenly grow within seconds and once was done, she stood up and turn to Y/n.
???: What about this one? Is this one cute?
Y/n: (little blush) U-Um y-yeah it is.
Y/n: (thought) Okay she can do that. That's.....kinda interesting, but not in a pervert way!
Y/n: So have you got a name?
???: Name?
Y/n: You know. Like my name is Y/n Stark, and you are?
???: Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmm. I....don't know my name.
Y/n: Really? Well, is it okay I can give you a name?
???: (smile) Sure.
Y/n: Well what about I call you......Suu?
???: Suu?
Y/n: (smile) It sounds like a cute name to someone like you. Plus I think it suits you.
She then smiled and then hugged Y/n as she tells him.
Suu: (smile) I love it! Thank you so much!
Then she realised Y/n suddenly disappeared tut she realised he is inside of her as Y/n felt like he is under water all od a second. Y/n was free from Suu's liquid body, the two sat down on the ground as Y/n ask her how she got here.
Suu: Um I don't really know how I came here. All I remember is waking up here and I thought this is where I lived. So I stay here and I find it very nice.
Y/n: So you don't know anything? Not even your birth?
Suu: I don't really know anything about my past. Not even who my parents were and where they went.
Y/n: That's sad, I'm very am sorry for that Suu. You know, you don't have to be here alone. You can meet other people and make some friends.
Suu: I've tried but they seemed to run away form me when ever I come out from the water and greet them.
Y/n: I see. Well you have one which is me.
Suu: (smile) Yeah, that's because your not afraid of me.
Y/n: (smile) Yep that's right.
Suu smiled which Y/n finds it very cute as he smiled back at her and then ask her.
Y/n: How's about you live with me and the others back home.
Suu: Really? You sure?
Y/n: (smile) Of course. I don't mind for you to stay at my place. Besides I can help you find out about your past and where you come from.
Suu: (smile) That's very nice for you. Thank you si much.
He smiled for her when suddenly he heard a snap of a stick behind him which he stood up and turns around while Suu turns to him and ask.
Suu: What is it?
Y/n: I think we might not be alone.
Suddenly electro like wipes came out of the bushes and try to strike on Y/n but he dodges the blows just in time. Then a man wearing armor with a mask on his as he comes out of the bushes and revealed himself to both Y/n and Suu.
???: Y/n Stark.
Suu: Is he another friend?
Y/n: Nope. A super villain.
Suu: Super villain?
Whiplash: Seems I'm interrupting something I'm I?
Y/n: Pretty much so buddy. Now how's about you leave us be.
Whisplash: Or a better idea.
He swings his wipes at Suu but Y/n pulled her away as the wipes land hard onto thr ground as Whisplash turns to them.
Y/n: You wanna play rough, then let's play rough.
He drop his suit case and press his foot onto which opens up and start to attached itself to Y/n as he suits up. His arms and legs get coved up by his suit and soon it gets to his head which forms into a helmet as he closes it up.
Iron Man: Let's do this.
Suu is amazed that now he is completely metal just like Whisplash. Whisplash throws his wipes at Iron Man but he dodges it and fired both of his Repluss blast at Whisplash which he blocks it with his wipes and move back.
Then he throws his wipes at Iron Man while he was mid flight which he move his arm to block it but the wipe wraps around Iron Man's arm and Whisplash pulls the wipe down which cost Iron Man to be forced down and crash hard onto thr ground.
Then Whisplash spines Iron Man around with his wipe and then tossed Iron Man across the lake which he crashed into a tree but land on his feet.
Iron Man looks up just as Whisplash rushes towards him so he stood up straight and charge up his chest beam and fires it at Whisplash which hits him and sent him flying. He land hard onto thr ground while he rolled out of the way as Iron Man leaps over and missed his punch and punched the ground which he turn and quickly move back from Whisplash kick and then he wrapped Whisplash's wipes around Iron Man's neck and shock him in electricity.
Iron man collapse on one knee while Whisplash continues to shock him in electricity until slime wrapped around his waist and he was pulled and slammed onto thr ground but Suu while Iron Man was free and looks over to see what happened.
Iron Man: Wow nice one Suu.
Suu giggled while Whisplash stood up and gets mad now and try to throws his wipes but Iron Man fly over and stomp onto his arm while Whisplash try to break free and he was about to use his other while but Iron Man aimed his Repluss at his face as Iron Man ask him.
Iron Man: Okay I can tell someone hired you to kill me. Tell me who this person is, now.
Whisplash: Wish I would but I can't reveal who my client is.
Iron Man: Either way your gonna be locked up for a long time.
Whisplash chuckle as he pulls out a grenade and active it which Iron Man leaps away and lands in front of Suu as he hugged her to shield her from ghe explosion as it gose on.
Once the dust is settled they look over and they see Whisplash is gone, disappear after the grenade gose off.
Suu: Where did that creepy man go?
Iron Man: No idea but he might come back. Best you come with me for safety okay Suu?
Suu: (smile) Sure thing.
Miia, Centorea and Papi were surprised whne Y/n came back with Suu as we see them in the living room as Y/n introduce Suu to the others.
Suu: (smile) Hello, its very nice to meet you.
Miia: Um darling? Why did you bring her here?
Y/n: Well she was alone in abandoned park when I got there and I couldn't just leave here there so I offer her to stay and she accept it.
Miia: (shocked) Huh?!
Centorea: Forgive my rudeness but are you sure it is wise to just have her living with us? I mean where should she sleep?
Suu: What about there?
She pointed a empty fishbowl which confused them but then we leap into the fishbowl and she already find it really nice and like it.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh.....Well that probably will do.
Papi: (smile) I think I like to have her here!
Centorea: Well if Papi is okay with it I guess I'm okay with it as well.
Miia: Yeah.....same here.
Y/n: Still I might ask Kuroko about Suu's records and maybe i can see where Suu came from and why she was abandoned on that park?
Jarvis: I can access through the records for every race and find our about Suu's past if you like?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Search away.
Jarvis did so as he search everywhere for Suu's records but it tooken a bit longer then they thought and soon Jarvis tells them.
Jarvis: That is odd. I can't find any records about Suu. It's like Suu was new without the government or anyone knowing.
Miia: (surprised) Wait seriously?
Centorea: You meaning Suu just appear out of nowhere without no one knowing?
Jarvis: That's correct. That would explain why many people didn't reports Kuroko or her agency about Suu. They simply don't know about her or how she came to existence.
Y/n: That's very strange.
They look over to Suu as she fell asleep within her fish bowl as they stare at her and wonder how can this be possible and how long has Suu been around?
We see Benjamin and his general walk up to what seems like a metal door which his general slide his key card through yhe panel which open and the two step inside.
The lights around them turn on as they walk down the room and soon they stop in front of what the General was talking about as Benjamin was amazed by this while the general tells him.
???: (smile) Yep. This is the first to be made by the military many years ago. It was also a gift to someone I knew a long time ago. Still I believe your ready for the responsibility your about to given. What do you say soldier?
Benjamin stares at the suit as he nodes his head and tells the General.
Benjamin: Of course general. I'm ready to take on the responsibility.
Benjamin: I will take on the responsibility as....Warmachine.
To be continued..................................
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