Chapter 1: An unsuspected gift

It was the middle of the night as we can see the docks where we can see many cargoes being stacked around while we see a with guns looking around making sure the area is clear while walking off as we see many vehicles gather around as we can hear cris of people inside the cargo as two thugs close up the cargo and locks it up.

Thug 1: Okay they are in.

Thug 2: That's good. Let's load them up into the ship and get paid.

Thug 3: (smirk) How much do you think they will pay us for delivering them?

Thug 1: (smirk) Probably a whole lot of money if you ask me.

The other thugs chuckle while they continue on working when they suddenly hear something that sounded like a machine landing on the ground. The thugs were silent and looked around to see where the sound came from but there was nothing.

Thug 1: What was that?

Thug 4: Is it the cops?

Thug 2: No way dude, this place is suppose to be us here. No one else!

Thug 1: How's about you four go and check it out.

The four thugs node and loaded their weapons and head out to see what the noise was. They disappeared around the corner and before the other thugs continue their work, there was gunfire along with large flashing lights follow by screams.

Soon one of the thugs is seen tossed away and slammed onto the roof of the car and fall unconscious. The other thugs were shocked by this but they suddenly hear metal footsteps coming towards them so they ready their weapons and seconds later a red and gold robot appear as he appear in front of the thugs and turn towards them.

The thugs where shocked by this but they immediately open fire on it but their bullets bounce off from the robots armor and before they know it small shoulder cannons appear and fired at the thugs, taking them all out within seconds as they fell onto the floor.

The armor person retracted his twin small shoulder cannons and walks over to the cargo and punch through the metal door and ripped it open.

The light behind the armor person shows humans but with animal like appears like a tail, different legs or have completely different appears. They are called Demihuman as the armor hero looks at them and then takes off but not before he spoke by telling them.

???: You all might need to leave before they wake up. Don't worry about calling the police, I've already did that. Take care.

Then he flies off as the other Demihuman leave the cargo and watch the armor hero fly off as we suddenly cut to a news station next day as we see a news man showing images of what went down at the docks as the news man starts off by saying.

News man: (smile) Good morning citizens and Demihumans! This just in, a hero known only as Iron Man have strike at it again when he stopped a Demihuman smuggling operation by a gang of criminals that were smuggling Demihuman's to the other side od the country ti be inslaved. Police have arrived on the sense after a mystery call about what is going on at the docks and witness say they say something flying over the city that was not a plane or a bird. The Demihuman that were kidnapped by these crimes stated that Iron man have took out the criminals and free them from their dark prison. It has been several months since this mysterious armor hero named Iron man had appeared and many people wanna know, who is Iron man?

Then the images changes to a massive company building as the news man taps his papers and then says.

News man: (smile) In other news, new CEO of Stark Industries, Y/n Stark have announced the cities first police robot drones and better security system to protect both humanity and Demihuman.


Flashes of camera is seen as we see many news reporters taking pictures while on stage we see Y/n Stark on stage as he shows his drones to many people as the drone floats beside him while Y/n tells the crowd.

Y/n: These are called "Angels" and their duty is to report on any activity that shown to be a criminal activity and report it to the police. I have also made upgraded security system that allows better viewing to the cameras, better speed and they will immediately sent the coordinations to any police stations nearby of any crime activity. So any questions?

Male news reporter 1: What are your thoughts on the armor hero named Iron man? Are you related to him?

Y/n: Like I said, I have no relationship to Iron Man. If anything, he's a hero to this city and we should treat him with respect and massive support. Next.

Male news reporter 2: Aren't you worry that they will be hacked?

Y/n: (smile) I've actually building in a super difficult and super powerful fire wall so no other criminal will never hack them and use them against any citizens. Any other questions?

Female news reporter 1: Ah yes I have. Can you tell us what you think about Demihuman and how some people will abuse them?

Y/n: I would say it's horrible for anyone to do. They may look different but they are a same like you and me. No matter what they are, no one doesn't deserve to be abuse by them and they should be respectful and treated like any other humans on this planets. That's all the questions for today, take care everyone!

Then he walks off stage as the crowd wants to ask more questions but Y/n's body guards tells the crowd to leave. Meanwhile back on stage we see Y/n getting a drink of water as he grabs a glass and takes a drink when a female voice says beside him.

???: (smirk) See the crowd likes your talk about your likeness towards Demihumans.

He looks over to see a female wearing a black suit with black hair while she drinks her coffee while Y/n smirks and tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess so. So, what brings you here? Are you a new body guard or what?

Kuroko: (giggle) Your cute. Call me Kuroko Smith, I'm just a agent working for a organisation to-

Y/n: Making sure humans won't break the Cultural Exchange between species. Yeah, I've already heard about you guys and how you guys are more like FBI agents or CIA.

Kuroko: (smirk) That's right. You are very intelligent.

Y/n: (smirk) What can I it from my mother and she got it from her father.

Kuroko: (smile) I see. Say you want to grab some coffee and talk?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.


We see the two at a small but nice coffee within the neighbourhood as we see them sat down while Y/n looks to be surprised and ask her.

Y/n: (surprised) A gift? For what?

Kuroko: (smirk) Oh come on. We all know your that "armor hero" in the news and how you rescue both human and Demihumans from crimes Lords, terrorist or gangs of criminals.

Y/n: (surprised) How do you know that?

Kuroko: (smirk) That's not important. What is important is the gift we gave you for your heroic action from that smuggling operation. It took us years to try to find those criminals but they managed to get away. (Angry face) Which pisses me off since I have to cancel my day off of work just to track those fuckers down........(cheerful face) But thanks to you, we've managed to catch them and now they are locked up because of you. So my organisation decided to gave you a gift for your troubles.

Y/n: (smirk) No need for a gift Kuroko. Just doing what I thought was right. You know me. (Takes a sip of tea)

Kuroko: (smirk) Well it's already too late for that because your gift is already at your mansion right now.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? Damn, well I guess I have no choice but to accept. So what is this gift by away? New equipment, new suit?

Kuroko: (smirk) How about I'll show you.

(Sometime later)

???: (smile) Hello darling!

We see Y/n and Kuroko stood by the entrance of Y/n's mansion as Y/n is surprised to be met with a female Lamia, she has long bright red hair and amber eyes with slitted snake puplis and her ears are large that are pointy and red.

Y/n: (surprised) Um hi there?

Kuroko: (smile) This is Miia, she will be your wife for the rest of your life.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait what?!

Then he was suddenly wrapped by Miia's tail and was pulled as Miia hugs him as his face was on her beast as she giggles and says joyfully.

Miia: (smile) I'm so exited to be your wife! I'll make your life better! Yay!

Y/n can feel his bone crack a bit because how strong her tail is while Kuroko lend out a giggle. Soon Miia let go of Y/n as Kuroko tells the two.

Kuroko: (smile) Okay I better head off now. Take care you two and I'll come back to check on things. Later.

She winks on Y/n as she turn and make her leave. Once Yn is gone Y/n sighs and turns to Miia.

Y/n: So Miia, how are you feeling about this?

Miia: (smile) Very great darling! It's very nice to meet you and I can't wait to be with you no matter what.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.

Y/n: (thought) She's not all that bad in fact....she's actually pretty cute and cheerful.

Miia: Say I have a question?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, ask away.

Miia: Is it true that your this armor hero named Iron Man?

Y/n is a bit surprised that they told her that but with no choice he show her. She follow him and soon they came down the steps of a unknown room underneath the mansion and at first it was dark but the lights turned on yo reveal a work station of Iron Man suits that Y/n is working on.

Miia is amazed as they walk into the room and she was even more amazed to see class cases of Iron man suits lined up in front of her.

Miia: (surprised) Oh Whoa!

Y/n: (smile) Yep. These are my Iron man legion. Well my grandfather's before he pass them on to me when I got older.

Miia: (surprised) Amazing!

???: Hello sir. I see you have brought a guest.

Miia: (surprised) Who was that?

Y/n: (smile) That's Jarvis 2.0. Not the same as the original just something I made to be more similar to the original one many years back.

Jarvis: But you can call me just Jarvis if you like.

Miia: (smile) Nice to meet you. The names Miia.

Jarvis: A pleasure to meet you lady Miia. It is good that Y/n had someone rather talking to his machines all day.

Y/n: (mutter) Shut up Jarvis.

Miia giggled while a screen behind Y/n turns on ad they turn to see a crime activity happen at the city.

Jarvis: Sir I'm detected crime activity downtown. It seems terrorist has entered a Demihumans and humans meeting room and threatening to kill them if they do not get what they want.

Miia: That's terrible.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah to the terrorist because when there's danger, there is Iron man to show up.

He walks up to the suit up pad and once he steps on Jarvis ask him.

Jarvis: Which suit would you like to use?

Y/n: Mark 3 Jarvis. Stick with three original.

Jarvis: Very good sir.

(Suit up sense Time: 1:10 to 2:01)

Miia is amazed as Iron Man turns to her and gives her a thumps up while she giggles and nodes to her back as the ceiling above him opens up as Iron Man put his legs together and open his hands downward as his thrusters on both his feet and hands fired up and Iron Man flies off out of the hole and outside as he flies off while Miia watched him go in amazement.

Jarvis: Do you wish to see the action?

Miia: (smile) Sure thing!

Miia moves over to the computer screen and the screen opens to see a veiw of Iron Man's helmet as Iron Man flies towards the city and to where the terrorist are at.


We see police officers blocking the entrance when suddenly terrorist starts theie attacks as they fire on the officers. The police open fire at them but there was no match against their military grade like weapons as the terrorist open fire on them.

One even rush over while carrying an RPG and take aim and fire. Blowing up several police officers while flipped over a few cars as one officer lands hard on the ground but looks uo to see a police car was about to crush him when suddenly Iron man lands in front of him and grabs the flying car.

The officer was shocked as Iron Man set the car down and turn to the officer.

Iron man: Not a good day to start off as a police officer.

Then bullets bounce off of Iron man as he turn to the terrorist to see them open firing at them. He reach out his hand and fired a repulsor blast and took out one terrorist. Then he fly towards the building and smash through the window while he took out two criminals that had RPG's and land them hard on the ground. One terrorist near him open fire but the bullets doesn't phase Iron man and throws a punch that sent the terrorist flying while other terrorist open fire at him.

The bullets continue to bounce off of Iron man's armor and then he fired a replusor blast at several criminals and flies over and takes out a few criminals. One try to charge at him while he fired hie rifle but Iron man grab the barrel and twisted upward and then strike a punch, sending the criminal flying and crashing onto the floor.

The terrorist were taking out as the swat team enter the building and once they thank Iron Man yo assist they move to the elevator and push the button but they realise the terrorist cut the elevator.

Swat captain: Looks like we have to take the stairs. Move it!

They take the stairs while Iron Man walks over to the elevator and tells himself.

Iron man: Stairs ain't my thing in this ling building. I'll just take the lift.

He dig his fingers into the cracks of the elevator doors and force it to open. Once he opened it he peaks through to see the elevator not working so he activated his thrusters and flies up of the elevator.

He moves around the elevator life's and soon he reach to a floor that is near to where the terrorist are having hostages so he force open the elevator doors and toom out the terrorist on the floor. Once he took them all out he stood up straight and looks up at the ceiling and move slightly a bit and after a few steps he stop and he flies upwards.

Crashing through and grabbing the terrorist leader right behind the head of the meeting room ad he grabs the terrorist and tossed him onto the table, breaking the table and knock out the terrorist leader while the others open fire at Iron man which he turns and quickly blast them with his replusor blast.

Once the room his cleared he land down as the people in the meeting room were shocked but they start to clap as Iron Man bows and once that the swat team break through and they were suspected a short out but they were surprised to see the room is cleared thanks to Iron Man.

Swat captain: Oh....I see you've already cleared the room for us.

Iron Man: What can I say. I'm like a maid, here to clean up a mess.

Then the terrorist leader wakes up and stood up as they turn and opens his shirt yo reveal a bomb.

Swat officer: It's a bomb!

Everyone screamed as the terrorist leader pulls out the trigger as he laughed and he was about to push it when Iron Man reach out and fired an EMP in the room that disable the bomb as the terrorist pulls the trigger and nothing happened.

He looked down to see the bomb disabled as he looks up in nervous as Iron Man lands a punch at his face and knock him out cold for good this time.

(Short while later)

The terrorist were arrested and taking away while news reporters arrived on the sense to take pictures while they ask questions to the victims from the building that were saved by Iron Man.

We see Iron Man on the roof looking down and seeing that the day is saves he takes off flying when Miia called him through his coms.

Miia: (coms) That was amazing! I saw everything through your computer screen!

Iron man: Glad you like the show Miia. Say, let's order take out to celebrate.

Miia: (coms) Sure thing darling!

Iron Man chuckles to himself as he flies off home as he really likes having Miia around the house and as his wife. Hopefully she is the only gift that Kuroko but little did he know....he'll be wrong.

To be continued........................................

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