S1E6: Mission in Metropolis (Arc 2) (Lemon)

We see a baseball game being played at Metropolis baseball arena. A lot of fans are there to watch the games as they cheered as the match goes on.

We then shift to one of the VIP complex where we wee Natasha, Toni and Y/n are in watching the games. There is a small kitchen which Y/n heads over to make some drinks while they talk about suit ideas.

Y/n: Oh I have a suit idea. What about a suit that can copy peoples fighting style and use those same moves against them. Imagine copying those moves from Batman.

Natasha: (smirk) Yeah or maybe a suit that works like a VR. Put on a helmet and once you spawn into the digital world, you'll have the suit.

Y/n: (smirk) Smart. Be like I'm ready for anything. What about you Toni?

Toni: Hhhmmm what about a suit that can be disguise as a car or a motorcycle bike?

Y/n: What like a transformer?

Toni: Yeah. Push a button in the vehicle and then seconds later you have the suit already on you.

Natasha: A interesting idea. Might take some time to make that.

Y/n: But might be worth it.

Toni: (smile) I know we maybe on a important mission bit this is fun.

Natasha: (smile) It's good to relax once for a well if we have time.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. That way there is less stress during the mission.

Then Y/n came over and hand the two girls drinks then he sat down and take a sip of his.

Toni: (smile) This is delicious. So what should we do aftee this?

Natasha: Well I'm interesting going shopping at Metropolis mall.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds good. Besides heard there is some good clothes at the clothes store.

Natasha: (smirk) I can gladly pay for them.

Y/n: (smirk) Nah I'm good. Besides need to spent something with my card otherwise it might explode from all the money you keep paying me.

Natasha: (giggle) If you wish.

Toni: Hold on the final match is coming up.

Y/n: (smile) Let's see if they win.

They watch the final match and aftee they they left and make theie way to Metropolis mall. The girls split off to do their own shopping while Y/n heads to the clothes shop and get some clothes.

After a bit he came out with bags of clothes and he make his way to another store to have a look at or buy. He turn to a candy store which he figure to get something for the girls so he walks in and when he first step into the store he sees no one in.

He looks around wondering where everyone is at. He walk further to the store while he looks around for anyone. He was about to walk up to the counter when a gun was drawn at the back of his head.

???: Don't move.

A robber stood behind Y/n a gun at the back of his head. Y/n slowly rais his hand then he ask.

Y/n: I know I heard "taking candy from a baby" but this is more extreme than that.

Male robber: Shut the fuck up.

He goes to knock him out only for Y/n to turn and grab his arm and throw him across the store. He crash which cost another robber at the back rushing out and see his partner down.

He looks around but no one was not around. He picked up a steel pipe and look around for the person who attack his partner.

However Y/n came up behind the robber and hit him at the back of the head, knocking him out as he collapse onto the ground. Y/n fix himself then spotted his other partner making a run for it.

He turn back then turn forwards only to be punched in the face by someone. He crash onto the ground and falls unconscious as a young blonde woman walked in and turn to Y/n.

???: Guess the store is close huh?

(Short while later)

The police came to take the two robber away while the store owner rewards the two by giving them free candy. We see the two in the center of the mall as the woman introduced herself.

Kara: The names Kara, it's very nice to meet you.

Y/n: That's a interesting name. So you live in this city?

Kara: (smile) Nah i live in a farm with my cousin and his parents. My cousin works in the Daily planet.

Y/n: Huh is he a large guy with suit, glasses and hangs around with another woman name Lois?

Kara: (smile) Yep. Met him?

Y/n: Yeah. We met them outside of Lexcrop.

Kara: Why were you there?

Y/n: Business and stuff. My boss is the CEO and I'm her bodyguard.

Kara: (smile) That explains how you handle two robbers before I show up. So where are you and your boss from?

Y/n: New York.

Kara: (smile) Probably got a lot of traffic over there huh?

Y/n: (smile) We use the helicopter instead, sometimes.

Kara: (smile) Your lucky. I gonna go but nice knowing you. Maybe we can meet again someday.

Y/n: (smile) Same. You're pretty nice.

Kara: (giggle) Thanks. See ya.

She then leaves then after she left Natasha and Toni arrive with shopping bags as they approach Y/n.

Natasha: You good? We heard that a candy store got robbed.

Y/n: Yeah some robbers decided to rob a candy store.

Toni: Must be new robbers.

Y/n: Hey I got some candy. The owner told me they are the best.

He hand one each and they have a taste and it was very good.

Toni: (smile) Very sweet.

Natasha: (smile) Strawberries are just the best. Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. So where should we go next?

Natasha: (smirk) I think I know a place.


We find the trio at the love hotel as Natasha ranted the best room the hotel can have and once inside Natasha have Y/n pinned onto the bed and the two begin to make out.

They moan as they roll around the bed until they slowly sat up and made out as their tongues is press as they keep going until Natasha collapse onto the bed with Y/n on top of her.

Then Toni crawl into the bed and wrapped her arms around Y/n then lick his cheek then neck. Y/n and Toni then made out while Toni rub her hands around his chest then Natasha gets up and slowly takes off his shirt and throws it to aside.

Then Y/n turn to Natasha and the two made out while Toni begin kissing on his neck as well three let out growns and moans as things get heated.

Natasha: (smirk) Let's take things to the next level.

Y/n: (smirk) I'm ready.

Toni: (smirk) Same.

(Lemon start)

All three begin to strip down until the two are naked. The trio sat up as they gather together and begin to group kiss. Their bodies gets harm as their tongues met.

They groan and let out moans of pleasure as they kept going. Then after that Y/n lay on the bed while both Toni and Natasha were licking his dick.

Y/n: (moans) Oh yeah now this feels amazing~! Keep licking ladies~

He moan a few times while the two girls kept licking his dick. His dick gets harder as they kept going until they stop and Natasha tells Toni.

Natasha: (smirk) Watch this.

Then Natasha stick her mouth in to his dick and begins giving Y/n a blow job. She let's out sexxy moans which made Y/n turned on as he grab tightly on the bed. After a minute she stop and turn to Toni.

Natasha: (smirk) How's about you finish it.

Toni: (smirk) As you wish boss lady.

Then Toni does the same and after sometime Y/n can feel it and then he let's out a yell as his dick soon erupted. Toni take some breaths as she remove her mouth then looks over at Y/n sweating and breathing heavily.

She then crawl over and then lend in and the two begin making out. Natasha smirk then crawls over  nextto him as she stick her tongue in and they made out.

Then we see Y/n sat up with Toni as he stick his dick into her and then he goes at it. Toni let's out moans and cries od pleasure while Natasha came up behind her and grab both of her breast and plays with them.

Toni: (moaning) Oh please don't stop~

Natasha: (giggle) You hear her Y/n. Let's not stop.

Then Natasha lend over and kiss Toni on the lips as the two made out while Y/n goes at it. Toni then came over qnd stick her finger into Natasha which she begins to moan as well.

All three kept moaning until they erupted with moans of pleasure. Then Y/n sat on the bed while Natasha bends down and gives him a blow job while Toni sticks her tongue into her butt and all three let's out even more moans of pleasure.

Then Y/n lay on top of Natasha with her grabbing his divk and rubbing it while Toni bend down and begin kissing him on the lips as all three continues this for much longer.

Y/n: I can feel it coming~!

Toni: My too, aaahhh~!

Natasha: This is the best~!

Y/n, Toni and Natasha: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH~!!!!

(Lemon ends)

The trio lay on the bed with Y/n cuddling the two of them while both Toni and Natasha does the same to Y/n as all three have a breather.

Y/n: Man that was the best.

Natasha: (giggle) Agree. (Sigh) You good Toni?

Toni: (sigh) Yeah I'm good. That was hot. You two do this often?

Natasha: (smirk) Oh trust me, we do this a lot. I even brought two girls over and things really got fun.

Y/n: (smirk) It was on my birthday and yes that was the best gift ever.

Natasha and Y/n kissed which Toni came over and kiss Y/n. The trip lay there for a bit until Y/n phone begins to ring. Y/n climbs out of bed and picks up the phone.

Y/n: Y/n here.

Ho: (phone) Hey Y/n where are you and the girls now?

Y/n: Let's just say a nice place. Finish your research?

Ho: (phone) Yes and I think I've come up with a plan. Meet me back here as soon as possible.

Y/n: Roger that.

He hung up then he turns to the girls and tells them.

Y/n: (smirk) Ladies, it's mission time.

To be continued....................................................

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