S1E4: A large conspiracy
A romantic music begins to play and we see Natasha standing in front of the bed wearing a pink bikini while Y/n lays on the bed as Natasha begins crawling into bed and she crawls towards Y/n.
The two stare at each other romantically as Natasha gently touch his cheek which cost him to blush and grab her hand.
Natasha: (smirk) You are just so adorable and hot.
Y/n: (smirk) And your a hot ass CEO.
Natasha let's out a giggle then she lend in and the two begin to make out. Y/n wrap his arms around Natasha, letting her moan as they two keep making out as their tongues clash to each other.
After 3 minutes the two stop and they were about to go to the next level as Natasha was about to take off her bra when the music was interrupted when they hear Jarvis voice in the room.
Jarvis: My apologies for the interruption but I believe Ho requested you two to meet him at the computer room.
Natasha: Um for how long?
Jarvis: Right now.
Natasha: (sigh) Alright tell him that we'll be here.
Natasha climbs out as she goes to the bathroom to get change while Y/n also gets off and get changed as well.
Natasha: Whose bright idea was I to have Jarvis to gain access to the tower?
Y/n: I believe it was you. You told me having Jarvis gain access to the tower and have him as our assistant AI would be useful.
Natasha: Oh right I remember now. Crap.
Then she leave the bathroom changed and all so is Y/n as she also says.
Natasha: Well let's hope this is important. Hopefully it's not Obadiah.
Y/n: I think he's out for a few weeks.
Natasha: Right. Welp, let's go and see what Ho wants.
The two walk out of the bedroom and soon arrive to the computer room. They walk in and sees Ho standing behind a young girl as he turn to see them.
Ho: Ah you came just in time. I hope you don't mind but I brought my daughter with me. This is Toni Ho. When I told her I have a job here at Stark she came right away.
Toni: (gets up and kend out her hand) Pleasure to meet you. I'm the tech genius and computer hacker.
Natasha: (shakes Toni's hand) So your a computer expert. Would be possible to get rid of all samps I have coning up.
Toni: (smile) I already did that. No more samps. I also fix up a bit with your AI assistant, made the computer systems a lot faster, cameras are 4k and I've sort out any computer problems.
Y/n: (smirk) Well aren't you a genius with computers.
Toni: (smirk) Please you see nothing yet.
Ho: (smile) This may make you upset but i also told them you both are super hero's but for a good reason. Hope that doesn't bother you two.
Natasha: (smile) Not at all. Welcome to the team Toni.
Toni: (smile) Thanks. As for the reason I believe I've found something very important. You know how you two were kidnapped by terrorist and were force to build weapons.
Natasha: Don't remind me, I still have nightmares of that bucket toilet they made us use. Ew.
Y/n: Still what about it?
Toni: Well have you ever wondered how those terrorist known where you two were and how they have Stark tech in the first place?
The two look at each other and back to Toni.
Natasha: Now your saying that.
Y/n: Yeah, I mean one nearly killed me. Do you have something?
Toni: A lot. First of all I've gone down to the purchases in Stark Enterprise and I found a few that seems suspicious. These purchases were purchased in countries that has terrorist activity, greed and corruption companies, the government or military. The difference from the other purchases before you decided to no longer make weapons is that all of these weapons are extremely dangerous and things that not even the government can't have.
Natasha: Sure I may have sale weapons to the government but there are some it will be too risky for me to sale.
Y/n: Anything else?
Toni: Well I noticed someone has been using the phone boxes within New York.
Y/n: Sounds extremely suspicious. Why use a phone box instead of using a mobile phone. Unless this guy is the Doctor, it is suspicious.
Toni: There also have been plans being stolen from Stark's records. Someone must have gain access and stolen some, then erase themselves from the records as if no one was not there.
Natasha: Impossible! Only I can gain access to the records. Someone needed my finger print and knew my password in order to get in. And no it isn't something lame like "Password" or "Password 1234" that is stupid.
Y/n: So any ideas who did it?
Toni: Not sure. Whoever is doing all of this is clever to not being seen. But there is one recent purchase from a company from Metropolis which being LexCrop.
Y/n: LexCrop? The company that the only thing that company makes his weapons to kill superman?
Natasha: With a CEO who extremely hates Superman so much.
Toni: Yep that guy. Lex purchases a blaster cannon that has the power twice as powerful as Superman's heat vision. Also it can allow any crystal in such as Kryptonite.
Y/n: Has he used it?
Toni: Judging how Metropolis has news about this then no. But who knows how long till Lex gets excited and decided to use it.
Ho: So what should we do?
Y/n: Clearly we can't just simply fly over, break in and take it back. We may not know where he is keeping it and what defenses he has in stored.
Natasha: But I have a idea. We can go there as simple business trip and we set up a place at one of my Stark warehouses as our temporary base. We come up with a plan then we execute it.
Toni: (smile) Sounds like the most logical plan.
Ho: Agree. Would it be easier to get Superman to help?
Natasha: Perhaps but I think it be easier if we do this without him. If Superman joins us then he is at risk getting taking down by krytonite.
Y/n: As much I like to work along side the man of steel, you made a good point.
Natasha: Toni you'll be our tech group along with your father and Pepper Pots. I'll sort out our visit to Metropolis and once that is done, we'll be ready..............now whose up for Italian foods? Talking and planning is sure making me hungry.
(Sometime later)
We find Toni on the balcony looking out of New York when Y/n came over and stand next to her.
Y/n: Feels exited to be apart of this isn't it.
Toni: (smile) Yep. You know I was depress when my father was taking but when i heard you saves him I move here immediately to see him.
Y/n: (smile) Well I just did what I think it is best. So any idea who is behind all of the sales?
Toni: Well I've gone down to a few suspects that may have gain access to the records. One of which is Obadiah Stan.
Y/n: Hope its him. I hate that guy.
Toni: Never like him?
Y/n: Yeah. He complain to Natasha that the onky reason why she hired me is because of my relationship with Natasha. He wanted bodyguards that wanted to protect her not make love to her. Since then he has some attitude towards me disbite being nice to him the first few weeks. Still why do you think it's him?
Toni: Well it isn't much but the reason I think it is him is do to the places he is going to. Most places were near the areas where the purchased is taking place. Got that on he security cameras in the city.
Y/n: You really are smart. Where do you live before you came here?
Toni: A run down home. I live alone after my father disappear. My brother and my siblings were killed, so yeah.
Y/n: Ouch. Sorry for what you have been through.
Toni: (smile) Yeah but you saved my father. I figure this was the moment my life is going to change.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that. Now your apart one od the greatest companies at all times.
Toni: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: Say how are you smart at computers so well.
Toni: (smirk) Jealous?
Y/n: (smirk) Jealous that someone like you is smarter than me?.......Perhaps.
Toni: (giggle) Your funny. Well computers are my favourite. Plus I like to help people. Original I wanted to open up a business that helps people with computer viruses, hackers or scams.
Y/n: (smile) Glad your heart is in the right place.
Toni: (smile) So as yours.
Then Toni came over and kiss him. Y/n is caught off guard a bit but he allows her. Soon she stop, stare at him with a smirk then walks away.
Toni: (smirk) Well gonna rest now before my brain gets heated up like a monitor. See you in the morning.
Y/n: (smile) See ya Toni.
Once she is gone Y/n just simply smiled while he turn to the veiw. He looks down to his mini arc reactor as he touches it then smiles once more. Then he head inside and enjoy the rest of the day.
In the middle od the night at a dark alleyway we wee three guys along with a van waiting for someone. Soon another van came into the alleyway and parked side ways.
The mysterious man climbs out of the van than approaches the three men.
???: Got the cash?
The first one nodes to the other then the other walks over with a suitcase in hand. Then he hands it to the man which he takes it then he snap his fingers then the back of the van opens to reveal Stark weapons.
Buyer: Pleasure doing business with you.
???: Same to you.
The two then shake hands then when the mystery man turns around we wee it is Obadiah Stan as he straighten his tie, looks around and take a different way to leave the alleyway as he soon dissappear from the area.
To be continued.................................................
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