¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨koi fish catch¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Julianna had to admit, after a little time, the karate classes started to get better. Johnny and Daniel stopped bickering as much, the bad blood between the students started to wash away and everything was getting a lot better overall.

After one of the remotely better classes, Johnny, Miguel and his family all headed to the LaRussos for a "bonding dinner" as Sam joked. Julianna was happy Miguel was getting the chance to have his family and Sams properly get together and have fun but a part of her was confused why her father went. More specifically why he was there but she wasn't with him.

"I see you finally started locking the door." Lexi said as she walked into Julianna's room as if it were her own. The Gomez girl dropped her bag by the door before looking at Julianna with pained eyes.

"I have splinters." She whined, lifting her hands to show Julianna the injuries that came from finishing the sparring deck earlier in the day.

Julianna, who had already taken out the splinters in her hands, gave the girl a playful frown, patting the seat beside her as if telling her to sit down as she used the other hand to show the tweezers that still laid on her bed.

Lexi scurried over to the bed, climbing under the blankets and sitting criss cross beside Julianna, holding up her left hand for Julianna to take and fix.

"Where's your dad?" Lexi asked, noticing the empty house when she walked in. She flinched when Julianna pulled one of the splinters out as the blonde sighed, focusing on Lexi's hand as she answered. "At the LaRusso with Miguel and his family."

Lexi's lips pursed, her brows furrowing before she look back up at Julianna as she shook her head. "Why aren't you there?"

Julianna bit her inner cheek as she made sure to keep her eyes on Lexi's hand. "Apparently it's like some family dinner so Miguel's family and Sam's get to know each other better."

Lexi flinched again at another splinter being taken out of her palm. She sighed before she looked back up at Jules, her head tilting in confusion as her face scrunched. "If your dad's there, why aren't you?" Julianna pursed her lips, shrugging. "I guess I wasn't invited."


The next morning was karate class. Daniel and Johnny had decided it'd be easier to split the class but this time, Johnny took Miyagi-Do and Daniel took Eagle Fang.

Johnny dropped his daughter off on the curb right outside Miyagi-Do where all the students were waiting for him. She had barely said a word to him since he had gotten home from the dinner. Jules knew she may have been over reacting but she felt left out; she was the only one not invited.

Just as she was about to pass all the Miyagi-Do students and walk onto the property for her class, Demetri stopped her, grabbing her arm and giving her a worried look. "Do you know what he has planned?" He asked, gesturing to Johnny car with scared eyes.

Julianna looked at her dad in the car before turning back to Demetri, shaking her head. "Sorry, Metri." She muttered and Demetri sighed, walking towards the car as Julianna walked up the driveway of Miyagi-Do.

As Julianna walked down the side of the building to get to the backyard, she heard someone run to catch up with her. "Julianna!" Daniel announced and Jules slowed down, turning back to the man and letting him catch up.

Once Daniel caught up with her, the two walked towards the backyard again, Daniel watching the girl with concerned eyes. "I was disappointed I didn't get to see you at the dinner last night."

Julianna's head immediately dropped, gulping slightly, a part of her feeling guilty for not going if the LaRussos were expecting her to go. Even if she didn't know about it. "No one said if I was invited or not and when I was going to ask, my dad was saying he was heading out."

Daniel sighed, looking ahead of him as he squinted at the sun. "Well that's disappointing. I was hoping to learn about last years All Valley Champion." He said, smiling slightly as he turned back to Julianna, sending her a smile. Julianna looked up at the man, sending him a small smile in return just as they entered the backyard, Mitch talking about vacation.

"Who's going on vacation?" Daniel asked and the Eagle Fang students froze, looking at their Sensei with wide eyes. Miguel gulped, shaking his head aggressively. "Uh, no one."

Noticing the boys Miguel's tenseness and worry, Lexi, who was standing beside him, turned to Daniel with an excited smile. "What have you got for us today, Mr. LaRusso?"

Daniel smirked, looking at the students in front of him and Julian's beside him before nodding his head to the small pond in the back of the yard. "Come here." He said, walking towards the pond, the teens following after him.

When they got to the pond, Daniel and the Eagle Fang students all crowded around the edge of it. Julianna looked down into the pond and her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face at the sight of koi fish swimming around beneath the surface of the pool.

Julianna's gaze stayed on the fish as she leaned towards Eli, a small smile on her face. "There's a koi pond." She whispered and the boy beside her snickered slightly, nodding. "I can see that."

"Why have I never noticed it yet?" Jules whispered under her breath before Mitch turned to look at Daniel with furrowed brows. "Are those real koi?"

Daniel smiled, looking down at the koi before looking back at Mitch, nodding. "They sure are." The man announced and Julianna's jaw dropped slightly, watching the fish as she leaned towards Hawk again.

"Can we steal one? I'm sure Daniel won't notice." She whispered, earning a string of "no"s from Hawk.

"Today's lesson is simple." Daniel spoke up, shutting Hawk and Jules up as they turned to the man, watching him with squinted eyes since the sun was in their faces. "Catch a fish. But I know you Eagle Fangs like a bit of a competition, we're gonna make it interesting." He said and all the teens instantly perked up.

"So the first to succeed will have the honor of leading class all week." Daniel cheered and everyone beside Lexi didn't find the prize very exciting. Daniel sighed, rolling his eyes in defeat. "And you also get to pick out what flavor gatorade I buy next."

At the man's words, everyone perked up with Lexi, small cheers escaping the teens mouths.

"Aw, hell yeah! Hope you all like Glacial Freeze!" Mitch yelled before Miguel turned to Daniel with furrowed brows. "Okay, where are the rods?"

"Back in my garage." Daniel said before he smirked, raising his hands to the height of his head as he wiggled his fingers. "Your bare hands are all you'll use and all you'll need."

"On your mark..." Daniel started and the Eagle Fang students all went wide eyed, running to the edge of the pond and going on their knees, ready to catch a fish. "Get set. Go!"

The teens immediately stuck their hands in the water, trying to grab a fish. There were times when Julianna would almost catch a fish but it would quickly swim out of her hands. The girl groaned, turning to Hawk with a small huff. "I could easily grab one and just stash it in my pocket."

Hawk snickered at her words, nudging her shoulder with his. "Yeah, if you can catch one." He snarked out at Julianna have the boy a playful glare. "I will push you in." She threatened, nodding her head towards the water.

A loud splash and water hitting the other side of Julianna made the couple jump. Lexi, who was on the other side of the splash, turned her head to see what had happened and immediately started to laugh at the sight of a drenched Miguel standing in the pond.

Julianna sighed, looking up at the sky as she shook her head. "I said push Hawk in, not Miguel." She muttered but Hawk had heard her, shaking his head in shock.

Miguel tried to catch his breath, slowly turning around to face Daniel who was standing behind Lexi with amused smile. "Looks like you're a little wet behind the ears. Let's get you dried off."


"I was so close to catching one. I definitely touched scale!" Mitch yelled angrily as him and the rest of the Eagle Fang students walked out of Miyagi-Do and towards the road.

"I know a Chinese restaurant with a big ass fish tank. We can go there and practice." Hawk said before turning around to face Julianna, who was in the back of the group with Lexi. "You wanna go?"

Jules pursed her lips, looking down at the watch in her wrist before nodding, looking up at Hawk with a small smile and nodding. "Yeah, I can go." She said and Hawk smiled, walking towards her and kissing her lips before turning back around, catching up with the boys to talk with them.

Julianna went to speed up her pace to catch up with the boys before noticing Lexi beside her, texting someone quickly, making Jules' brows furrow.

"What's up?" Jules asked, elbowing Lexi arms slightly as she gave the girl a small smile. Lexi sighed, shaking her head as she put her phone in her pocket. "Demetri just texted me. Said your dads insane."

Jules snickered, readjusting her back pack on her shoulder. "When has Demetri not said that about my dad?"

Lexi laughed along with Julianna before linking their arms and speeding up so they were closer to the rest of the group. "Apparently, your dad is telling them to jump off a roof onto another one. None of them are leaving until someone jumps." Lexi said, looking at Julianna with raised brows and an amused smile.

Hawk, who overheard Lexi's words from her loud voice, showed his walking so he could walk with the girls. Chuckling as he wrapped a lazy arm around Julianna. "Well, I guess they're not leaving." Hawk laughed out and Julianna elbowed him, holding back her own laugh as they continued their walk to the restaurant.


The next day, Daniel had the students try to catch a koi fish again. Julianna was determined to catching a fish. She had spent about three hours the night prior at the Chinese restaurant with the rest of the kids, trying to catch the fish in the big fish tank before they were all kicked out for being a disturbance.

And when they got back to Julianna's place, her and Lexi had practiced the rest of the night by using eggs from the Lawrence girls fridge and the fountain outside her door in her apartment complex.

From beside Lexi, Mitch groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. "Damn it! How do they make it look so easy on HillBilly Handfishin?" He yelled at Lexi looked at the boy in worry and fear before slowly scooting away from him, closer to Jules who had lost grip of another fish.

Julianna groaned, using her dry hand to toss her hair behind her back so it would stop getting in the way. "Shit! This is impossible!"

Lexi nodded from beside Julianna, looking up at the man with tired eyes. "Yeah, Mr. LaRusso, I don't mean to be disrespectful but we've been at this for hours."

"Pateince. You'll figure it out." Daniel said and Julianna looked at the man with furrowed eyebrows before turning back to the pond, shaking her head.

"I have an idea." Julianna could hear Miguel mutter from the other side of Hawk before he jumped in the water. Hawk jumped slightly from the water splashing him slightly. Miguel turned around to his classmates, nodding his head as if to say "get in."

"Come on get in!" Miguel yelled. Julianna watched the boy curiously, trying to see if he had a good idea when Lexi jumped into the water, creating a loud splash. Jules squinted at Lexi, shocked she followed Miguel's lead so quickly.

"What? I wanna see what he has planned. Plus, it's hot out and I need to cool down." Lexi said and Julianna sighed, going in after her and soon, all the students were in the pond.

"Follow my lead. Walk in a circle." Miguel said, walking around the balance board, the rest following in suit. Julianna looked down in amazement as all the koi fish swam with them before going under the balance board.

She let out a happy laugh, looking up to the see the back of Hawk and Miguel's heads. "It's working. They're going under the board."

Miguel laughed along with Jules, slowly reaching his hand under the balance board before pulling out a koi fish.

"We have a winner!" Daniel yelled and Lexi groaned. Miguel let go of the fish, letting it back in the water before getting out of the pond, heading towards Daniel who patted him on the back. "Good job, Miguel. Good job."

With all the attention on Miguel, Julianna slowly turned back to the balance board, sticking her hand underneath and grabbing a fish. Hearing small splashes behind him, Hawk turned around and his eyes instantly widened at Julianna holding a koi, her hands still underwater so she didn't harm the fish.

"Jules, no!" Hawk whispered, whacking her wrist, making sure to hit her and not the fish. Julianna hands opened in shock, letting go of the fish. The blonde watched at the all orange fish swam away from her.

Julianna frowned at the spot where the fish once was before looking up at Hawk. The boy gave his girlfriend a happy smile, knowing she wasn't really upset about the koi and wanted to make her break her act.

He dipped himself under the water slightly so his neck down was soaking wet before opening his arms out, walking towards her.

Julianna's eyes instantly widened as she shook her head, laughing slightly as she tried to get away from Hawk. "No, no, no. Eli!" She laughed out but it was too late, the boys arms were already around her waist. Eli pressed himself against Julianna's back, making sure to get as much water on her as possible before chuckling slightly, kissing her head and letting her go.

–okay okay so i promise i HAVE A PLAN for this season but we need to let the drama– *coughs* i mean... everything brew if you know what i mean👁👁

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter😳💕

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