Chapter 85.
WITH HER FRIENDS SAFE WITH HAPPY, Briana ran on the bridge as fast as she could — her mask retracting down due to the nanotech added to her suit. She ran as fast as she could to find him. Once she spotted him, she quickly ran over to him and the two teens immediately hugged each other.
"Are you okay?" Briana asked softly.
"I'm okay. Are you okay?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, yeah," Briana assured him.
"What about Happy and everyone else?"
"Everyone's okay, Pete."
The two teens then pulled away, "You got him, Pete," she said.
The two teens shyly looked away a bit before looking back at each other. "Oh! Happy, um," Briana said, pulling out the sapphire birthstone necklace — sadly, the sapphire birthstone had fallen off its chain during the fight. She showed him as she held the necklace in her palms. "He gave me this,"
"No, no," Peter says, realizing that it broke as he looked at the necklace. "Oh, Bri, I'm so sorry. I had this stupid plan,"
"Pete," Briana tried to said.
"I wrote it all down, I was gonna buy you this and give it to you in Paris at the top—" Peter never got the chance to finish because Briana leaned in and kissed him, then pulled away.
"And you kissed me," Peter says. "What? What?"
Briana felt her cheeks blushed, "Yeah. You knew how overprotective my dad was when it came to boys. But, um... I've been wanting to do that for a while,"
Both teens chuckled softly, each one nervous around the other.
"So, sapphire, cause my birthday is in.." Briana began as she and Peter both finish, "September,"
"Sorry, it's broken," Peter apologized.
"It's okay, Pete, I can fix it." Briana assures.
Peter nodded and looked at her, "I really like you."
Briana smiled and blushed, "I really like you too."
The two of them just stared at each other — slowly leaning in and Peter then kissed her. Briana felt her cheeks turned red as she felt her heart melted during the kiss and instantly kiss back.
Both Briana and Peter slowly walked alongside each other as they followed their class through the airport. Without looking, Peter slowly intertwined his hand with hers — causing Briana to smile softly. Their classmates had rushed ahead and gone to see their families.
"Are you sure no one else asides from MJ, Maya, and Molly has figured it out?" Peter asked.
Briana nodded, "Yeah, it's not like anybody really pays attention to you."
Peter pouts in fake hurt, "Ouch."
Briana giggled then smirks, "Expect for me."
"Aw, thanks,"
"See you later?" Briana asked.
Peter nodded, "Yeah, definitely,"
As Briana went over to her find her family, Peter turned around as his best friend walked over while holding Maya's hand, "You guys are so cute." Maya said.
"Thanks. Uh, I was thinking we should all go on, I don't know, a double date or something." Peter says.
"That sounds great," Maya and Ned said in unison.
"Where are you going, sissy?" Briana turned around from looking at herself at the mirror to see her little sister walk into her room and climbed onto her bed, sitting on it while glancing up at her older sister.
"I am getting ready to go with Peter," Briana says, tying her strawberry-blonde hair into a very neat ponytail before straightening out the outfit she had on.
"Like a date?" Morgan asked, her curiosity piping.
"Where you hear that from me?" Briana asked, chuckling softly while also trying to hide her cheeks from turning slightly red.
"Cat hung out with me for a bit while you were on your trip,"
Briana chuckled and glanced at herself in the mirror. "What you think, Morgan? This good?"
Morgan glanced at the outfit before she immediately perked up and climbed off the bed, going over to her sister's desk and picking up the now fixed sapphire birthstone necklace and handed it to her.
"The finishing touch," Morgan added. Briana smiled and placed the necklace on, chuckling softly again to her sister's claps as she looked at her.
"You, little sis, are going to be a fashionista one day, I think," Briana says, ruffling her little sister's hair while Morgan giggled.
"I kept my identity pretty guarded this past couple years. I faced a lot of deception. And I'm tired of the lies. So, it's time for the truth to be out there." Peter said, sitting in front of his aunt and Happy while wearing his Spider-Man outfit. "Are you dating?"
"Not really,"
Happy and May then looked at each other while Peter and Cat are just staring at them with confused looks.
"I think—"
"Summer fling,"
"Yes, that evolves and grows like any other." Happy says.
"I still don't know where it's going." May says.
"Open to wherever it might lead," Happy continues.
"Anywhere. On or off." May says.
"To share it with people..."
"We'll always be friends, no matter what."
Cat looked between her aunt and Happy before scrunching up her face, "Ugh, I think my brain just threw up," she mumbled before looking at Peter. "Don't you have a date?"
Peter immediately pointed towards the window, "I'm gonna go because I've got a date. Bye."
Before the conversation could get any more awkward, Peter grabbed his mask and quickly left. Within a few seconds, Peter is swinging through the city while on his phone.
Peter : On my way :) 2 min
Briana : 👍 Don't text and swing!
Looking up from his phone and almost catching into the back of the bus, Peter quickly moved out of the way and continued to swing through the city.
Briana giggled as Spider-Man landed in front of her, "Hey," she greeted.
"Hey. Sorry, I'm late," he apologized.
"It's okay,"
And then the couple are seen with Spider-Man swinging around with a arm wrapped around her waist while Briana kept her arms wrapped around his neck — her cheeks turned tilted pink. After a while, the two came to a stop as Spider-Man landed on the ground and Briana felt her feet touch the ground and smiled.
They had a good time.
"See you later, Spidey," she giggled.
"See you later, M'lady," he said.
Then Spider-Man jumped onto a nearby pole before hanging upside down in front of her while holding onto one of his webs. Briana giggled and lifted her fingers up to his mask where she gently remove the mask only to reveal his lips. Then she leaned in and kissed him — feeling Peter kissed back as well as butterflies fluttered around in her stomach.
Once the two pulled away, Briana pulled the mask back up to cover his lips then Peter climbed back up to the pole, looking down at her.
"This is breaking news. We come with revelations about last week's attack in London."
Both of them turned their heads to the big screen.
"An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck aka Mysterio, moments before his death. A warning, you may find this video disturbing."
"I managed to send the Elemental through the rift, but I don't think I'm gonna make it. Spider-Man and Iron Girl attacked me for some reason. They have an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology, saying they're the only ones who's gonna be the new Iron Man." Beck said, his face covered in bruises, cuts, and blood.
Peter and Briana glanced at each other with confused yet worried looks.
"No one else."
The screen changes to show Beck laying on the ground with Iron Girl and Spider-Man standing above him.
"Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties." EDITH informed.
"Game over, Beck." Iron Girl said.
"Do it. Execute them all." Spider-Man said.
Guns being fire are heard from the screen.
"This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news website"
"There you have it, folks!" J. Jameson said, as he appeared on the screen. "Conclusive proof that Spider-Man and Iron Girl are responsible for the murder of Mysterio, an inter-dimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time. But that's not all, folks. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves. You might wanna sit down."
Question Beck then appears back on the screen, "Everyone knows that Iron Man was Tony Stark, but you won't believe who Iron Girl is."
Briana felt her eyes widen. "Don't say it. Please don't say it," she muttered under her breath.
"Iron Girl is none other than Tony Stark's sixteen-year-old daughter Briana Stark. As for Spider-Man. Spider-Man's real—Spider-Man's real name is— Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!"
Then a picture of both Peter Parker and Briana Stark appears on the screen, making the two teens' eyes widen.
Briana Stark will return.
Boom! All done with Spider-Man: Far From Home! So, this book isn't finish yet BUT this book won't get updated until the new Spider-Man movie comes out!
BUT I will be posting a teaser/trailer of what I think will happen in the next movie. So, get ready for that update because until then, that will be the last update till the new movie!
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