Chapter 79.
BRIANA CHECKED OVER HER SUITCASE, making sure that she had everything she needed for the trip. As she looked over everything, her gaze landed onto her purple iron suit that stood in the corner, a part of her kept telling her to bring it but she just wanted to relax and not worry about any superhero stuff.
She moved her hand to grab the suit but then stopped. She instantly shook her head and stepped away from the suit, "No, no, no. I'm not bringing it," she told herself. "I'm just gonna relax and have fun with my friends,"
She suddenly heard buzzing and went to check her phone. She rolled her eyes when she saw that it was Nick Fury again and hung up, not caring if she had like ten or twenty missed phone calls from him.
PETER WAS BUSY PACKING HIS THINGS, and he chose to ignore the phone calls coming from Nick Fury. He then stood up, turning around as his eyes landed on his Spider-Man suit hanging by his closet.
"Hungry?" May entered the room, throwing a banana towards him. She missed, though, causing the banana to hit the side of Peter's face as he turned his head in shock. She gasped, chuckling. "I'm sorry. I thought that you could sense that... with your... Peter tingle!"
Cat laughed as she heard this and leaned against the doorway, "Peter tingle. I'm not dropping that,"
Peter sighed, "Please do not start calling it my 'Peter tingle.'"
His aunt smiled. "So what's up? You can dodge bullets, but not bananas?"
"I just really need this vacation." He responded. "I need a break."
May nodded, approaching him as she embraced him tightly. "You deserve it," she said before pulling away. As she walked to the door, she turned to face him once again. "You know what... you should pack your suit just in case. I have a tingle about it."
"Please stop saying tingle, May." Peter exclaimed as he closed his eyes shut.
"Tingle," Cat smirked.
THE FOLLOWING DAY, PETER FOUND HIMSELF INSIDE THE AIRPLANE. He pulled the window up, smiling to himself while Ned happily grinned in the seat next to his best friend.
"Yo, Parker!" Starr called out from the front, as the two boys turned their to look at him. "This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighborhoods, instead of driving through them."
Briana smirked. "Ma'am?" she called out, just when the flight attendant poked her head out to look at her. "She blipped so technically she's sixteen, not twenty-one,"
"I'll take that." The flight attendant said, simply taking away the drink in Starr's hand.
Starr glared at her while Briana smirked, before protesting, "She's lying, I don't even know that girl!"
Briana gave Peter a smile and followed Maya, just when Flynn Walker turned to them.
"Classic Briana, right?" He chimed in, before following behind the two girls.
Peter's smile suddenly faded, as his eyebrows furrowed. "Did you know Flynn was coming?" He spoke quite bitterly.
"It's weird," Ned spoke. "He's best friends with Flash, and suddenly, we blipped back and he's totally ripped and super nice... and all the girls are after him."
"Not all girls are after him," Peter interjected.
"No man, they're all after him."
Peter kept an eye on Flynn that was currently trying to start a conversation with Briana while Ned had already turned around in his seat and kept going on about playing Beast Slayers.
"I need your help to sit next to Briana," Peter cut in, turning to his best friend.
"Dude, seriously?"
"Yes, seriously!"
"What about our plan? Bachelors in Europe?" Ned asked.
"That's your plan! That's a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan," Peter begged.
"HEY, GUYS. UH, THERE'S AN OLD LADY SITTING IN FRONT OF US wearing a crazy amount of perfume and it's kinda setting off Peter's allergies. Um, you know, Maya, if you could just switch seats with him—" Ned began.
"He's allergic to... perfume?" Briana asked, totally confused. Since when did Peter have any allergies?
"Uh, yeah, because it makes his eyes water, and—" Ned began.
Mr Harrington looked at the back, "Peter has a perfume allergy? I'll tell you from experience that perfume allergy is no joke!" He exclaimed, standing up from his seat. "Briana, stand up. Ned, take Briana's spot. Briana, you take my spot."
Maya felt her eyes widen at the thought of sitting next to her crush. She glanced at Briana for help who only smirked at her and mouthed 'you'll be fine.'
"Ned, thank you for telling me. Your safety is my priority," their teacher answered. "Peter, come with me! Let's get you out of there!"
As Peter was forced to go with their teacher, Ned and Maya were sitting down next to each other with nervous looks and flustered faces.
"So, d-do you like Beast Slayers?" Ned stuttered nervously.
"Y-yeah, I do," Maya said nervously.
Peter, on the other hand, was forced to listen to Mr Harrington's story but the words were muffled inside his head — as the thought of the girl he liked sitting next to Flynn, who clearly liked her as well.
This was going to be a super long flight.
"I HAVE A DUAL HEADPHONE ADAPTER IF YOU WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE?" Briana looked over at Flynn, who was sitting beside her. "I mean, since it's a eight hour flight, a movie doesn't sound too bad, right?" Flynn asked.
"A movie doesn't sound bad," Briana shrugged, thinking that he was just trying to make conversation. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well, they have Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. How does that sound?" Flynn asked.
"I love Star Wars! Let's go with that," Briana said excitedly.
Meanwhile in the middle of the flight, Peter lifted his head slightly, only to see Briana and Flynn watching a movie. He slumped back in his seat, obviously upset, before scanning the movies in front of him till his eyes landed on a certain one.
Heart of Iron: The Tony Stark Story
With a sigh, he turned it off and instead leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.
AS THEY ARRIVED IN VENICE MARCO POLO AIRPORT, Briana was talking with Maya and Starr as they were lining up to check their luggages. Peter walked past them and approached Ned.
"Hey," he spoke, catching his best friend's attention. "Did you see Flynn and Briana on the plane? They were watching movies and laughing the entire time!"
"Dude, don't worry, okay? I'm sure it's nothing," Ned reassured, hoping to lower his best friend's jealousy down.
"Hey, NedBear," a voice was heard from the side, as they turned to find Maya holding his bag that held his computer that she retrieved for him. Peter's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, obviously taken aback, as he stared in disbelief. He knew that Ned had a crush on Maya and all, but they both were always so shy when they met contact or even tried to talk. "I got your bag for you,"
"Thanks babe,"
"Your welcome," she told him, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
As Peter stared at them, dumbfounded and shocked, Ned poked Maya's nose gently — making her giggle and smile widely, before she went to catch up with her friends with a faint blush.
"What was that?" Peter questioned.
"Well, we actually got to talking on the plane and playing Beast Slayer together and it turns out, we have a lot in common. So, uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now." Ned explained with a smile.
The other boy's eyes narrowed slightly — obviously he was happy for his best friend, but still a bit confused. "What happened to being an American Bachelor in Europe?"
"Peter, those were the words of a boy... and that boy met a woman. A strong and powerful woman and now, that boy's a man,"
"Coming, babe," Ned replied, before smiling at Peter as he walked off.
A few seconds later of waiting and finally getting her luggage, Briana walked over to Peter. "Hey, Pete," she said smiling.
"Hey, Bri," he said, smiling as well; all his jealousy fading away. "So, Ned and Maya are together now?"
Briana chuckled and smiled, "Apparently, yes. I honestly didn't think they'd talk much on the flight since Maya is shy and all,"
Peter smiled and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was shocking, and a little bit confusing to find that out,"
Briana giggled, "Tell me about it,"
Upon walking, one of the security airport dogs approached them and sniffed onto Peter's bag. They were both stopped and guided to the side for inspection. Both of them watched in confusion as the security personnel open the luggage.
"There's nothing in there, I swear," Peter explained.
The woman in front of them then opened the luggage fully, only to reveal the spider-man suit with a note coming from Aunt May. They stared at it with wide eyes, before sharing a look, then they looked back at the woman.
After a few seconds of staring each other and with Peter internally panicking, the security guard then took out a banana, before she shook her head. "This, no,"
Briana released a breath she didn't know that she was holding, till then while Peter nodded his head, slowly, his nerves calming down.
"Right. No banana,"
Spider-Man belongs to Marvel
Briana & Maya belongs to me
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