Chapter 75.


A pair of brown eyes once again filled with hope and light shot open as a collection of rapid breaths filled her lungs and she began to move.

Briana Stark was alive.

And everyone who was turned to dust with her — Stephen Strange, the guardians, and Peter Parker were back with her as well.

It was time.

Thanos was going to lose.


Bruce had snapped his fingers, there was a brief flash of bright, white light, and then nothing. Bruce had collapsed to the floor, the glove thankfully falling off, but then the compound exploded due to a missile heading straight for them. Somehow a past version of Thanos had travelled to the future, to their present bringing with him in his entire army in his gigantic ship. That ship had decimated the compound, every part from the surrounding forest to the building.

Waking up among the rumble was horrifying. Tony should have known it would have been that easy; a simple snap of the fingers, everyone returned, and they all lived happily ever after. In the middle of the littered Earth was Thanos himself sitting like a child with his double bladed sword stuck in the ground, his helmet placed on the enormous blade.

Tony, Thor, Steve, AJ, and Cat knew they had to kill the purple grape and keep the stones that were buried beneath the destroyed compound away from him, but the task was easier said than done. Despite them fighting together to beat him, Thanos had easily fought them off. Eventually, knocking Tony unconscious within his suit.

Tony had no idea what had happened. All he knew was that FRIDAY was hammering into his ears, begging him to wake up.

As he pried his eyes open, he was met with the most unpleasant sight. There was Thanos standing before his massive army that was being transported out of his ship. There was thousands of enemies; Outriders of all sizes, Chitauri and humongous Chitauri Gorillas, the Black Order, Sakaarans, and Leviathans. Each one more terrifying than the next. And before this army of horror stood one man with a broken shield. Captain America was the last one left, Thor, Cat, and AJ had obviously been knocked back as well. The soldier would fight to the end, even on his own.

But Tony wasn't going to allow that. He would fight beside the Captain. Always.

Just as Tony went to push himself up, he heard static sounds crackle in his suit, a voice trying to come through... a voice they haven't heard in years.

"Cap, you hear me? ... Cap, it's Sam... Can you hear me? On your left,"

Suddenly several metres behind Captain America, a large sparkling golden portal opened up. Bright sunshine beamed through for a moment before three figures walked through. The leader of the Dora Mijae with their iconic spear and red and black uniform, Shuri battle ready with her Panther Paws on her hands and forearms and in between them was Black Panther. His suit's mask disappearing away to reveal T'Challa. He was back!

If he was back, that meant the snap worked! They did it! Bruce brought everyone back! They fixed their mistake!

Suddenly, Falcon came flying out of the large portal, his metallic wings a new sound to fill the battlefield. As Tony and Captain America watched their old friend fly once again, a collection of portals began to open up everywhere. Portals along the ground, portals in the air; portals to every corner of the universe. An army began to form as fighters could be seen coming through every portal, thousands upon thousands were going to stand against Thanos. Even Pepper was going to be in the fight, wearing the suit that Tony had made — finally wearing something from Tony.

This battle was no longer impossible.

The familiar purple iron suit landed on the ground perfectly, bending their knees to support themselves as she straightened her body.

A sudden crash of stones grabbed their attention. They both turned to look over to the last small part of the compound that had managed to keep some form of shape only to find giant Ant-Man standing amid the rubble with his fist clasped shut. Due to his big size, he seemed to move almost in slow motion as he lowered his hand and opened it up near the ground allowing Professor Hulk to jump down to the ground and for War Machine to fly off his hand, Rocket jumping onto War Machine's shoulders.

Battle cries rang out as streams of fighters walked or flew through the various portals from across the universe that littered the ground and skies behind Captain America. Heroes upon heroes appeared from Wanda, the Wasp, Falcon to the Winter Soldier. Spaceships littered the skies as well. Every single ally against Thanos stood together under the banner of the Avengers. Thousands were prepared to fight, each hero was glaring at Thanos.

Captain America, who was dirty, bloodied, and beaten, stood strong with a sudden burst of energy. Everyone waited for his command, his hand reached out and Mjolnir flew through the air straight into his grasp. No one seemed surprised that he was worthy... He was Captain America. Suddenly, his voice was echoing across the now silent field, the standoff of the two armies seconds from being destroyed.


And the battle began.

AJ DESTROYED EVERY OUTRIDER THAT CAME AT HER. No hesitance, no second thoughts, nothing. Just the thought of winning the battle and defeating Thanos for good. Her only hope was that she'd survive the battle and get to see Nate again, but even if she doesn't, she'd rather die knowing the world is safe from Thanos than letting him win.

And as she destroyed the Outriders that came at her, the sound of a iron suit dropping to the ground behind her reached her ears and she knew exactly who it was. She turned around to see the purple iron suit released a round of purple energy towards the Outriders, destroying it in one hit. Then the suit turned to her best friend, her mask retracted to show none other than Briana Stark giving her a soft smile.

AJ felt tears of happiness filled her eyes at the sight of seeing her best friend once again. Quickly, she stepped forward and gave her a hug — a hug that was meant to be given long ago. And without second thoughts, Briana delivered the hug back — each one having regrets of their own.

"I'm sorry," AJ apologized. "I'm sorry, you had a right to know the truth,"

They pulled away from the hug and Briana looked at her, she could tell that AJ regretted not telling her the truth. But she understood why she didn't tell her now.

"You don't have to apologize. He was your uncle, you were just trying to protect him. We both know that I would have done the same thing," Briana said, before she nudged her with a smirk. "Come on, let's take those aliens down,"

AJ smirked.

"I'm all for that,"

CAT FOUGHT EVERY ALIEN THAT CAME AT HER WITH ANGER. She was furious at Thanos, and she was going to make sure that he got exactly what he deserved for what happened to her baby brother. But then familiar voice sounded in her comms, "Hey, big sis!"

Cat felt tears filled her eyes as Peter Parker, in the same iron Spider-Man suit, took down the aliens that she was fighting. And once the aliens were down, Cat ran towards her baby brother and hugged him tightly, afraid that she'd let go, he'd turn to dust again.

"I missed you so much, baby brother,"

CONSIDERING THAT IT WAS THE FIRST FIGHT SHE WAS IN, Pepper Potts-Stark was struggling at first for a bit. She released blasts of plasma at each Outrider or Chitauri that attacked. Then a loud thug was heard behind her and the purple iron suit landed in front of her mother, ready to defend her.

The mask retracted down to reveal her brown eyes were glowing purple and when she brought her hands up, a wave of purple energy destroyed the Chitauri coming at them.

Pepper instantly recognized her eyes full of hope and light as she turned around for her mother to see her, tears of joy and relief filled her eyes at the sight of her daughter. Pepper then pulled her daughter into a tight hug and Briana smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around her mother, she was home.

TONY STARK FIRED AT THE CHITAURI AND KNOCKED THEM BACK, but then he himself was knocked forward into the ground. He turned around and fired at the giant, but before it could even bring down its weapon, webs pulled the giant back as the giant Ant-Man squished it by stepping on it, killing the giant alien instantly.

With his mask retracting down, Peter jumped down and helped his mentor up who's mask also retracted down. "Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out, because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? And he was like... 'it's been five years. Come on, they need us'. And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time." Peter began.

"He did?" "What are you doing?" Both responded. Tony then wrapped his arms around the boy, hugging him tightly and Peter slowly returned the hug. God, Tony missed the kid so much.

"This is nice."

ONCE AGAIN, TONY FIRED PLASMA SHOTS AT THE CHITAURI AND OUTRIDER. Only this time, he was surrounded by who knows how many. A purple iron suit jumped down in front of him, causing him to freeze up, knowing exactly who it was. The purple iron suit opened up and Briana Stark stepped out from it.

Her brown eyes continued to glow purple as purple light made its way through her veins. She pulled her hands out in front of them and then a blast of purple energy destroyed the Chitauri and Outrider surrounding them.

She turned around and glanced at her father, whose brown eyes filled with tears at the sight of his daughter. Here she was, standing right there in front of him again. His girl was right there in front of him.

Tony didn't say anything expect as his mask retracted down, he pulled her into a tight hug, not letting go of her as if he did, he'd lose her again. "I missed you so much," he whispered.

"I missed you too, daddy," Briana whispered back, burying her face into her father's chest that was covered by his suit. But she didn't care, she was just glad to have her father's arms around her again. And both Starks wished that this moment could stay forever...

But fate had other plans.


"Maybe ten minutes," Scott says into the comms, not noticing that the Wasp appeared next to him.

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you," Steve ordered into the comms.

"We're on it, Cap." Hope said into the comms, causing Scott to smile over at her as they both then smirked before their masks came back up and both turned small; Scott holding onto Hope as she flew them towards the van.

TONY LANDED NEXT TO STEPHEN STRANGE as he looked up from knocking the Outriders out, Tony's mask retracted down as he spoke. "Hey, you said one out of fourteen million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it." Tony says.

"If I tell you what happens... it won't happen," Stephen Strange says, knowing who sacrifice it is.

Tony stares, feeling like he knows exactly what has to happen as he breathes out, "You better be right."

Stephen Strange doesn't say anything expect stares at him, his expression is enough to say what happens.

CLINT RAN AS FAST AS HE COULD, carrying the Infinity Gauntlet that still held the glowing stones. Outriders and Chitauri made their way towards him causing him to try to hide the Gauntlet as he looked away. Then the sound of something punching the ground and a voice yells out, "Clint!"

Clint looked up to see T'Challa standing there, as his mask retracted down. "Give it to me," he says.

Clint passes him the gauntlet and as his mask comes back up, T'Challa starts running and dodging the blasts as he runs with the stones. The stones were then hit out of his hand by a flying sword. He looked to see Thanos running towards him till two people landed in front of him, causing Thanos to come to a halt.

CAT AND BRIANA LOOKED STRAIGHT AT THANOS WITH ANGER IN THEIR EYES. Both girls were furious and were about to give Thanos the beatdown he's been looking for. Both of their masks retreats down to show their faces and the anger in their eyes, as if they were showing him that Thanos that he was in big trouble now. And with all the anger Briana felt, the more her eyes glowed purple and right by that look, Thanos knew that Briana Stark was his end. Balls of purple energy were also in the sixteen-year-old Stark's hands now.

"We're gonna kill you, ugly purple grape," Cat said furiously, glaring daggers at Thanos.

"I don't even know who you are," Thanos said.

"You will." Their masks came down to cover their faces as Briana looked at the purple balls of energy in her hands and fired them at Thanos, the energy pushed him backwards onto the ground and his sword fell onto the ground.

Before he could even get up, Cat appeared and used her own abilities to deliver good punches everywhere, completely starting to tire the purple grape in front of her. Thanos tried to get a few hits himself, but he never got the chance to due to Cat punching him or using her abilities on him.

Briana eyed Thanos' sword and pointed at it, purple light formed around it as she lifted it up and smacked Thanos across the face with it, earning a bit of blood from him. She smirked, that's exactly what she wanted him to feel. Pain.

As Cat punched him again, Briana jumped forward and delivered another round of purple energy at him again, pushing him into the ground again. Then another round of purple energy, and another, and another, and it continued on like that.

It was true.

The Stark girl was truly his end.

With her eyes glowing purple, Briana released a round of purple energy at him. This time, she didn't stop. She kept the energy going and going, keeping Thanos pinned to the ground. She heard the sound of his armor cracking as if it was starting to break. She moved her hands causing a piece of his armor to fall off. Then she brought her hands down, slamming Thanos into the ground as she smirked.

"I told you. You will know who I am. And who am I?" She smirked.

"I'm your end."


"But, sire, our troops!"


Shots were fired down at everyone from the sky. The shots continued and continued. But then it all happened as the shots turned and fired up into the sky.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asked.

"FRIDAY, what are they firing at?" Tony asked.

"Something just entered the upper atmosphere!" FRIDAY informed.

Captain Marvel flew down and straight into the ship, destroying it. As she flew up, she stared down as the ship crashed into the water with a smirk on her face.

Thanos watched in disbelief as his eyes widen at the sight of his ship being taken down. Was this really how he was going to end?

"Danvers, we need an assist here."


Captain Marvel smiled down at the kid who held the Infinity Gauntlet close to his body. "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" She asked.

Peter stood up from the ground and saw the army closing in as he handed her the stones, "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all of that,"

Then all the girls came up with them. "Don't worry," Wanda informed.

"She's got help," Okoye added.

With that, all of the girls including AJ, Briana, and Cat landed with the girls and made their way towards the army. Whoever say that girls couldn't fight was wrong. This right here? This was girl power!

Then the battle began once again. The girls destroyed every one of Thanos' army as Captain Marvel made her way through and towards the brown van.

Thanos saw her coming and instantly started running towards her, with his sword out.

The girls saw this. Pepper, Shuri, Briana, and Hope fired their abilities at Thanos, all of their abilities pushing him into the ground just as Captain Marvel flew past him. She was close to the brown van! They were winning!

But then it ended.

A sword hits the van. And then...



He got up and ran towards it just as Thanos did too. He pushed Thanos away from it only him to be sent away from it.

Then Thor tried, and Steve came to help him. But Thanos knocked them both away.

Just as he picked the stones up, Captain Marvel jumped down and fought him for the stones. Only to get flying away by Thanos away.

He placed the Gauntlet on, but before he could even move his fingers into position, Captain Marvel jumped down at him again and grabbed the stones. She was close to grabbing it! But then Thanos took the power stone itself and used it to send Captain Marvel flying away.

But as he did, Briana felt its wave of power hit her and the power ran through her veins once again. It's time.

Once Thanos placed the purple power stone back into his slot. With her mask down to show her brown eyes glowing an even brighter purple, just like the purple power stone, it was clear that it was time.

Briana released a round of purple energy at the purple grape in front of her. The blast sent Thanos back a bit. She released another round but when Thanos once again took the power stone and used it, the purple energy that came from the stone didn't even injury her.

Instead the purple energy came around her as a shield and when she pushed her hands forward, the energy shoot out towards him, pushing him to the ground. Briana didn't let up, she kept the energy going as it pinned Thanos and keeping him from moving his fingers into position again.

AS THIS WAS GOING ON, STEPHEN STRANGE AND TONY STARK GLANCED AT EACH OTHER. Stephen knew what was gonna happen next and held up one finger, indicating that it was the only way to win this. But Tony couldn't let it happen. He just got her back, he couldn't let his baby girl do it.

BOTH STARKS GRABBED THE GAUNTLET THAT THANOS HAD ON. Neither one of them wanted the other to make the sacrifice, but Briana certainly didn't want her father to do it. She knew that if she did it, she'd lose her life. But that's part of the hero gig, so she was willing to take it upon herself.

Thanos fought as the two Starks went to pull the stones off, both of them trying to save the other from making the choice. But when Thanos smacked them away and finally had his fingers in position, "I am inevitable," Thanos says.


But nothing happened.

Thanos looked to see that he had their Infinity Gauntlet, but not the stones. Briana looked down at her hands to see if she had grabbed them, but she didn't. If she didn't have it, and Thanos didn't either... then that means....

She felt her eyes widen as she immediately whirled around to face her father, who held his arm to show that he had the stones. No! She didn't want it to be him! She wanted to be her! It wasn't supposed to be her father! It's supposed to be her! She didn't want this! She just got back! She couldn't lose him!

Tony Stark felt the power as he stared up at Thanos with anger. He felt his bones burn with the power, he felt the pain coursed through his body.

"And I.... am.... Iron Man." Tony said, getting his fingers ready.

Briana felt her eyes widen with horror, "DADDY, NO!"


A blinding flash of white light erupted.


One by one. He watched as his whole army disappeared. He watched as his children; the Maw, Proxima, and the Cull disappeared.

He lost.

He glanced at Briana Stark, her eyes glowed purple and she closed her eyes. As she opened them, her eyes were brown. Even though they weren't glowing purple anymore, she was still Power. It was a part of her, and she was going to accept that. She was going to accept that she wasn't just Iron Girl now, but she was also Power.

Thanos then stumbled backwards as he felt his death coming. He sat down and let out breaths as he turned to dust and disappeared.

RHODEY BENT DOWN TO HIS BEST FRIEND AND PLACED A HAND ON THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD, he felt tears filled his eyes as he gave his best friend one last soft smile.

"Mr. Stark?"

Rhodey then stood up as Peter Parker bent down to him.

"Mr. Stark. Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won! You did it, sir, you did it.... I'm sorry. Tony." Peter said, tears filled his chocolate brown eyes.

Cat stepped forward with tears in her eyes as she gently pulled her brother away and into a hug. Both she and Peter had looked up to Tony like a father figure, and... and now, he was gone. Why was life so unfair? Why couldn't life just give all of them a happy ending?


"Dad?" She whispered softly, tears forming in her brown eyes. A part of her hoped to hear the sweet little nickname he'd called her since she could remember. Even if it was just for one last time.

"Hey, munchkin,"

There it was.

She didn't want to lose him. But life was never fair with any of them. And she knows this, they all do. She hates that this is the last time she'll see her father. But she won't forget, she couldn't. She'll never forget the memories she had with him and of him.

With tears silently slipping down her cheeks, "I love you, daddy," she whispered.

"I love you too, munchkin,"



"Hey, Pep," his voice was so soft, so frail.

Gently, she rested her hand on his arc reactor and Tony gently yet slowly squeezed her hand one last time.


"Life functions critical." FRIDAY informed.

Both Starks stared at each other, tears in their eyes. "Tony? Look at me," Pepper said softly.

Tony turned his head slowly to look at his wife.

"We're gonna be okay," Pepper told him softly, knowing exactly what he was thinking about; what he always thinks about. "You can rest now,"

Pepper did her best to hold back her tears as his arc reactor turned black and Tony's hand slipped off from Pepper's hand that remained on his arc reactor.

He was gone.

Tony Stark was dead.

Silence filled the air as everyone tried to hold their tears.

They stopped Thanos.

They won.

But to Briana, it felt like they lost.

Avengers belongs to Marvel

Briana belongs to me

AJ belongs to richnbad0627

Cat belongs to Crazy_Fangirl_110

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