Chapter 57. (INFINITY WAR)
Fire rages within the dying ship full of its dying people. Heimdall of Asgard lies among the wreckage of his friends, bleeding out, dying. Alarms and fading cries to get help blare in the distance. Help will not come in time.
"You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Titan!"
Two booted feet slowly, methodically step over the lifeless bodies strewn across the debris-covered floor. Men, women, and children stare lifelessly up at the ceiling, their lives having been torn from their bodies so viciously, so mercilessly.
"You may think this is suffering. No..."
A monster of great height, a being of manipulation, Ebony Maw, folds his hands together in front of him as he slowly walks against the flames.
"Is is salvation,"
Other beings stand amidst the smoke-filled shadows, a bitter light pouring in from ahead.
"The universal scales tipped toward the balance because of your sacrifice..."
Proxima Midnight stabs at another gasping body, shoving the blades through the Asgardian's throat before emotionlessly turning towards her father.
"Smile. For even in death, you have become the children of Thanos,"
The God of Mischief, Loki Odinson, stands tall within the burning and smokey light. A monster towers before them. Only his silhouette and the glint of his armor can be seen from the bright blue light that shines from the Asgardian ship's window.
He does not move, standing over the unmoving God of Thunder and rightful king of Asgard, Thor Odinson.
"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, but to fail nonetheless,"
The Titan suddenly reaches down, grasping around Thor's collar and hoisting him up by it. The king gasps for breath and cries out as he is dragged over the bodies and through the blood of his subjects.
"It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you: to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same,"
He slows to a stop before those who are illuminated by the flames he set.
"And now, it's here. Or should I say...?" Thanos' full face comes to light and his cut lips pull into a vicious smirk, "I am,"
His monstrous fist clenches around his golden gauntlet and the purple Power Stone latched into place rings and hums. With his other hand, Thanos yanks Thor up to his knees and holds the god by his skull.
"You talk too much," The thunder god rasps through his bloodied lips.
Loki's eyes darted down to his brother, still saying nothing.
Thanos pays no mind, breathing out in a low and rough voice, "The Tesseract or your brother's head," he lifts up his gauntlet towards his temple, and then he mocks, "I assume you have a preference,"
"Oh, I do..." Loki's hardened expression does not break away. "Kill away,"
Loki stays silent and Thanos' eyes narrow. Then he presses the gauntlet into Thor's temple, and it seems nearly as if the king of Asgard's head is about to explode. Purple energy from the stone shows itself through the veins and coloring of Thor's eyes, setting his mind ablaze. Thor's energy-scorched eyes rapidly twitch and his face contorts with his tormented screams.
And the screaming and agony within his brother's expression grows too much for Loki to bear.
With his eyes full of tears, Loki's voice is ragged and panicked, "All right, stop!"
Thanos smirks and drops his gauntlet, allowing for Thor's pain to recede and Loki to release a tightly held breath.
"We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard!" Thor groans.
Loki visibly grits his teeth and, with his still tear-bit eyes, looks up at the Titan. He hesitates for just a moment before he holds out a hand and then, conjures before them all the glowing blue Tesseract within his palm.
"You..." Thor gasps tiredly, "You really are the worst, brother,"
Loki's dark brows are furrowed as he walks slowly towards Thanos, the Tesseract still lifted high, "I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again,"
Thanos gives a low chuckle, "Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian,"
"Well, for one thing... I'm not Asgardian, and for another..." he pauses and with a small smile, Loki Odinson becomes an Avenger for the briefest of moments, "We have a Hulk,"
With a rageful scream, the green Hulk himself appears out of nowhere. As the giant suddenly tackles Thanos, Loki jumps for Thor, taking them both to the ground as the Tesseract is thrown aside. The Hulk releases another loud roar as he battles against the Titan, punching and beating, seeming to have the upper hand for the moment. Cull moves to intervene, his twisted gaze darkly set for his master's opponent.
But the Maw holds up his hand to halt him, "Let him have his fun,"
Thanos is now beating the Hulk into unconsciousness with punches in the stomach, in the back, and then in the head before Thanos releases a grunt and then heaves the being above his helmeted head. With a loud and painful bang, Thanos throws the Hulk down against the metal ground. And the Hulk does not move.
Thor releases a cry as he suddenly stumbles in between them, hitting Thanos as hard as he can with a large metal beam. The Titan backhands him, sending him flying back. The Maw swiftly swipes his hand and then scraps of metal suddenly flow up from all around them, bonding Thor in place on his knees. Heimdall's golden eyes slowly gaze to look at his struggling friends and his wounded expression hardens in determination. The gatekeeper stretches his hands to the still unmoving Hulk and groans out his final words.
"Allfathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last time."
A roaring beam of light encases the Hulk and suddenly he disappears from sight. Heimdall lets out a heavy and successful breath, slowly turning his head to look up at Thanos as he darkly steps over towards the gatekeeper.
"That was a mistake," And then Thanos stabs Heimdall right in the heart.
Thor releases an agonized cry, screaming, "You're going to die for that!"
A final scrap of metal thrusts forward, clamping around his mouth while Ebony holds a long finger to his lips and bushes him. Then he offers Thanos the Tesseract.
"My humble personage bows before your grandeur," Ebony does as he says, bowing before the Titan while he speaks with such awe, "No being has ever had the might, nay, the nobility, to wield not one but two Infinity Stones. The Universe lies within your grasp,"
All seems to go still when Thanos reaches his hand forward and gently takes the Space Stone. He holds up in front of his face for all eyes to see as he smashes the cube within his grasp.
A blue stone lies between Thanos' fingers, it's glassy counterparts falling to the ground when he carefully moves it towards the next empty cast in his gauntlet.
"There are two more stones on Earth. Find them, my children. And bring them to me on Titan," Thanos says.
"Father, we will not fail you,"
"If I might..." Loki steps out of the shadows, "interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena,"
"Well, if you consider failure experience," Thanos responds.
"I consider experience experience." With the children of Thanos all around him, Loki goes on, "Almighty Thanos. I Loki, Prince of Asgard," he pauses for a long moment to look over at his bound brother, meaning his words with everything within him.
"Odinson, rightful king of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity,"
He lets out a heavy and, nearly, frightened breath, his head dropping low as he works up the courage for what he is about to do. Loki then suddenly throws himself upright and thrusts his blade directly up towards Thanos' chin. But, in a blue light, his hand is drilled and Thanos simply stands there with mocking eyes and a violent smirk.
"Undying?" Thanos darkly repeats before he grasps at Loki's arm, making the god wince, "You should choose your words more carefully,"
Thanos forces Loki to drop the blade and it makes a loud chatter on the metal floor against the otherwise frightening silence. Thor's expression is taut with worry as he watches on. Thanos' expression is dark and cold when he slowly wraps his gauntlet at Loki's neck and begins to lift him off of the ground.
Loki panickedly chokes and gasps for air, the gauntlet around his throat, cutting off his ability to live. His hand grasp at Thanos' and his legs desperately kick, trying in vain to be set free. His eyes are wide and red and full of ragged tears.
"You... will never be... a god. She...will,"
Thanos just cocks his head at him in mild and disgusting amusement. And then there is a sickening cracking sound as the bones within his neck are crushed and snapped. Loki's eyes go blank, his head falls limply to the side, and the God of Mischief lies no more.
Thor's glistening eyes fill with pain and he can't breathe for a moment.
"No....!" Thor cries out into his metal bonds, shuddering with the misery of it.
Thanos turns to Thor who still has tears streaming down his soot and blood covered face. The Titan slowly walks to the imprisoned king, hoisting his limp brother up high in display. And just like that, he lets go, dropping Loki's body carelessly at his feet.
Thanos clenches his fist and the entire ship explodes into purple flame, breaking and cracking at its very seams. A portal begins to shudder into existence between Thanos and his children, saving them from the destruction.
Thor's bonds are finally broken and he collapses to the ground before dragging himself over to the pale and open-eyed Loki who does not move, and doesn't breathe.
"No..." Thor whispers and takes hold onto his shirt, hovering over him with crying eyes, "Loki..."
The god releases a sob, dropping his face down upon his brother's chest as the world explodes around the three.
Thanos walked onto his ship and towards his throne that sat in the room. But as he did, he felt the eyes of someone watching him and walking over to his throne, there he saw a sixteen-year-old teenage girl with strawberry-blonde hair and brown eyes staring at him.
"Little Stark," he said.
"You... you killed them," Briana Stark spat with disgust and horror.
"You will understand soon, Little Stark. Everything is happening for a purpose," Thanos says.
"What purpose? To be a murderer?" She asked softly, fear hinted in her voice.
Thanos ignored that comment and stared down at her with his cold blue eyes, "I remember they remember you, Little Stark. But I'm coming, and there's nothing you can do about it,"
On earth, a sixteen-year-old lie in her bed, sleeping. She turns around in her sleep, whimpering so quietly like she was having a horrible nightmare. Her face twitches and a light gasp escapes her lips. She continues to turn around in her sleep as she suddenly shoots up awoke as a gasp leaves her lips again.
The one they call Briana Stark, the precious little girl that her parents love dearly, and the light to her father's darkness, ran a hand through her strawberry-blonde hair as her brown eyes showed fear, panic, and concern. Then tears filled those brown eyes that were always full of light and hope as she remembered watching Thanos kill Loki and Thor grieving for his now dead brother. But what scared her the most was that Thanos was coming.
Afraid of what's to come, she grabbed her phone and texted the two only people who would believed her since like herself, they had the life of a hero too. She clicked on the chat between herself and Cat quickly typed a response and sent.
He's coming.
She placed her phone back down and started to take a few deep breaths before she felt her phone buzzed and looked at it again.
What are we gonna do?
She gulped and typed her response.
I don't think we can do nothing against Thanos, Cat. The End is coming.
Avengers belongs to Marvel
Briana belongs to me
Cat belongs to Crazy_Fangirl_110
The first chapter of Infinity War is out! I don't know about you guys, but I'm nervous about writing this. But sometimes you gotta write what you gotta write. Here goes nothing.....
Hope you guys enjoy!
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