Chapter 48.

Once the end of the school day rolled by, Briana didn't go home like she would normally do. From the footage of the ATM robbery, she knew that there was a group selling dangerous weapons somewhere in Queens. She knew that the weapons had remnants of Chitauri technology and Ultron technology in them that was clearly concerning. But what bothered her most was that she was there during the Battle of New York and during the whole Ultron saga, and knowing weapons made of that technology was out there, it made her feel like she was responsible for this. She should have done something to make sure no one got their hands on it, but she didn't do anything and that was her fault.

She had found several warehouses that seemed to be holding stuff, what made it interested was that those warehouses were supposed to be empty. She knew that she should tell her parents but they'll freak out and this was something she had to do to rid the guilt riding on her. All she'll do is peek inside and if something goes wrong, she'll call for help. What's the worst that can happened?

It didn't take long for her to make her way to the abandoned warehouse. She quickly walked inside after lightly kicking the door open and swiftly made her way into the warehouse. As she looked around, she saw a dim glow and soon enough she pushed open a door and stepped into a small office like room that had a bunch of weapons inside. Briana went to grab one of the weapons as proof but several male voices reached her ears, making her heart picked up. Not having time to get out and with her only escape being blocked, she quickly hid behind the door just as people entered.

Everything was going great till a sound came from her phone. Briana mentally cursed herself out for forgetting to put it on silent. She quickly took it out to see what it was only to see what Starr had texted her about the party that Liv was throwing. She rolled her eyes and shoved her phone back into her pocket, begging that no one heard it but she knew that they did. Hearing footsteps come closer to her, she darted out from behind the door and ran to find somewhere else to hide.

"There she is!"

She kept running till she finally found somewhere to hide. Quickly, she hid in her new spot and held her breath. "Come on out where ever you are!"

"Look, kid, we just want to 'talk,'"

Briana rolled her eyes. Did they really think she was stupid? She scanned the area and felt her heart stopped when she saw one of the robbers staring at her. She quickly stood up and started running again. As she ran, she heard the sound of gunshots making her eyes wide in fear. Knowing she was in a lot of trouble, she took her phone out and called someone. She heard it ring a few times before she hears an welcoming voice.

"Bri? I tried to call you before—"

"I need Spider-Man," Briana interrupted, a hint of fear in her voice.

"What?" Peter questioned from the other end of the phone. Another round of gunshots were fired. "Was that gunshots!?"

Briana didn't answer as she suddenly heard clicking noises — the robber was out of ammo. Briana sent Peter the address just before the call ended and continued to run from the guy to hide.

"Hide all you want! I'll destroy everything until I find you!"

She needed a plan, but the fear was getting too her and she couldn't think. God, why didn't she bring her suit!? She would have been fine if she brought her suit! Probably still need backup, but at least she can still be able to defend herself! She held her breath as the footsteps came closer and closer until....

"Where is she!?" A voice she knew far to yelled, he was clearly worried and angry. Carefully, she stood up and watched as a guy in a red and blue suit stood with his hands in the robber's shirt, the go robber was clearly scared.

"I'm over here," she said.

The robber and Spider-Man turned their heads to look at her. Peter gave a sigh of relief before he knocked the robber unconscious then he ran over to her, immediately wrapping his arms around her for a hug. Briana didn't even care if her cheeks turned red, she hugged Peter back and buried her face into his suit. For a second, she really did thought that she was going to die, but then Spider-Man—no, Peter Parker saved her. Of course he did. He was a hero.

She felt safe again, and she wasn't planning to let go for a while.


Spider-Man landed on the rooftop and gently placed Briana onto her feet. They made sure the police got the robbers before leaving the crime scene. Peter wanted to take her to the hospital, but Briana say no cause then her parents would find out and she'll be in a lot of trouble. But thinking about what happened...god, it made Peter scared. The fact that he could've lost her today...he never would have been able to forgive himself.

"What happened? Why were you there?" Peter asked, she could see the worry in his brown eyes as he took the mask off since she knew it was him.

Briana sighed, "I saw the ATM robbery on the news and then I realized that the weapons were made out of Chitauri and Ultron technology, things that I was a part of and just knowing that those weapons were out there, it felt like it was my fault, that maybe I could've done something to make sure that all the technology of that was long gone. But I didn't do anything. So, I thought maybe, I could take it off my shoulder. I didn't know the robbers were gonna be there till they appeared out of nowhere. When I couldn't handle it anymore, I called you,"

"How come you didn't call your dad? Why me?" Peter asked.

"Cause my dad is super overprotective and if he knew, I'll probably be grounded for my whole life. I didn't want to worry him, he's already stressed out," Briana said. "Promise me you won't tell him or Happy,"

"Bri—" Peter started to say but she cut him off.

"Please, Pete. Promise," Briana says.

Peter stared at her. God, he could see it. He could see the guilt that she's feeling about the weapons in her eyes. And he knows that she wouldn't stop. He knew that Briana Stark never gives up.

"Promise," Peter says.

Briana nodded, "Oh! And thank you. Thank you for coming when I called,"

"Truth be told, I don't remember much after I heard the gunshots. I was just moving, not thinking," Briana giggled at his words, it sounded just like Peter.

"Yeah, you scared the robber for sure," Briana says. She never seen him so angry and worry, but he truly was scared.

"Yeah well, I didn't know where you were," Peter muttered, his eyes dropping to the floor, avoiding her gaze. Briana couldn't help but blushed at his action, he really did cared so much.

Yes, she has fought for her life before in order to survive. But still, facing death was still something that no one will ever get use to. It's something that no one should ever be used to it. Despite everything that she went through, Peter could see the fear in her eyes as she relived the fight in her head. Without hesitation, he squeezed her hand, reminding her that she was safe with him. Briana looked up at him with a smile as their gazes met.

Suddenly, surprising Peter Parker, Briana shot forward and hugged him tightly just as he found her. Burying her face into his shoulder, she mumbled, "Thank you,"

"Anytime," Peter replied, wrapping his arms around her too. The two of them took comfort from each other and then they pulled away, each one blushing. But far worse was yet to come.


The suburbs were beautiful, not as rushed as the centre of the city. But that did not mean she wanted to be there. She only went to keep Maya, who begged her to go, company since Maya wasn't one of the party girl type. Maya would have gone with Molly, but her twin sister was helping out their parents with the shop, and Molly wanted to know if Peter Parker really did knew Spider-Man, so she asked Maya to see if it was true.

Now, both Maya and Briana stood staring up at Liz's large house watching as people poured into it, towards the pounding music and flashing lights.

"Why am I here?" Briana questioned.

"Because you're my best friend, and besides, take it as a chance to talk to Peter again," Maya states, glancing up at the large house again. "But trust me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't cause of Molly, but if Peter's here, I really hope Ned is here,"

"You can't even talk to Ned without stuttering," Briana reminded.

"Uh, you and Peter used to be the same way!"

Briana rolled her eyes at Maya and as the two girls made their way up the driveway, Maya spotted two familiar faces in one of the cars parked up.

"It's Peter, and Ned," Maya says nervously.

"Let's go say hi," Briana says. Before Maya could decline, she found herself walking next to Maya towards the two boys. Inside the car, Cat saw them and smirked as she said, "Hey May, you wanna see Pete's girlfriend?"

Peter instantly turned to glare at his sister, but Cat only smirked even more at her younger brother, while Ned was trying not to make eye contact with Maya.

"Cat," Peter warned.

"Girlfriend, now?" May asked her full attention on this, as Peter tries to explain.

Cat lowered the front window of the seat that her brother was sitting in, despite his protests. "Hey, Bri! Hey, Maya!" Cat says, smirking.

Briana saw her and smiled, "Hey, Cat,"

Maya and Ned caught each other's gazes and blushed.

"H-h-hey, Bri," Peter stutters, mentally making a reminder to get back at Cat. Briana smiled and giggled, it's adorable when he stutters.

"You're going to the party too?" May questioned, smiling.

"Yeah, I wasn't planning to but my friend Maya dragged me here," Briana says.

"Well, maybe you can make my nephew go. He doesn't want to go," May says, causing Peter.

"It's not going to that bad, Pete," Briana says, catching the boy's attention. "You don't have to dance or anything, we can just hang out,"

Peter didn't know what to say but a soft smile graced his face. His aunt then pitched in, "Yeah, he'd love that," Briana giggled as she watched May grab the handle of the door, unlocking and pushing it open while Cat began to nudge him out of the car.

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going," Peter said, climbing out of the car while Cat turned to her aunt.

"Told you that worked," she smirked, Peter blushed in embarrassment as Briana giggled. Cat and Ned then climbed out of the car then the older woman drove off leaving Peter no chance but to go to the party. They went inside the house and Briana found Maya in the kitchen while Liv talked to Peter and Ned.

"We should break something," Maya said.

Briana looked over at her in shock, "What? The Maya Julien wants to break something? The shy, sweet girl? Where did this come from?"

Maya rolled her eyes, "She's talking to your man, let's stop that."

"You're only saying that cause you're jealous that she's talking to Ned too. I know you too good, Maya," Briana states.

"Okay, fine! You got me," Maya said. "Anyway, it's time for my role as the supportive shy yet sweet best friend,"

Maya then quickly grabbed a glass off the counter top and threw it straight at a wall. Surprisingly, no one caught her and Briana stared at her.

"Maya!" She whispered harshly, staring at her in shock.

"Oh, I—My parents will kill me if anything's broken, I gotta—" Liz stated, giving nervous glances towards the kitchen. Briana quickly grabbed Maya and left the kitchen without getting caught—though she met eyes with Cat who smirked at her and went over to them.

"Jealous?" Cat smirked.

Briana scoffed, "No way. Maya was jealous by the fact that Liv was talking to Ned and Peter,"

Maya shoved her playfully and turned to Cat, "She was jealous too, not just me,"

Cat laughed, "I believe that,"

Then Flash's annoying voice ran throughout the house, "Penis Parker, what's up!? So, where's your pal, Spider-Man? Let me guess: in Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?" Immediately Briana went to Peter's side and saw the fury on his face, feeling bad for him, she shot a glare at Flash.

But then Starr's voice joins in on her twin brother's taunting towards Peter, "That's not Spider-Man. That's just Ned in a red shirt,"

Briana sighed and looked to her left to see that Peter was gone. She quickly went outside the house and went around the corner of the house where a ladder stood against the wall. Carefully, she climbed up the ladder and up onto the roof.

"Hey, what's up? I'm Spider-Man. Just thought I'd swing by and say hello to my buddy Peter, anyways. He must be around..." Peter said. "God, this is stupid. What am I doing?"

"Peter?" Briana asked, going over to him making Peter jumped and whirled around to see her coming over to him. "Pete, Spider-Man isn't for party tricks. Flash and Starr are super annoying, but-"

An explosion echoed several miles away from them, causing both teens to look over towards the noise and saw a blue explosion hitting the horizon, just above the tree tops. Briana looked at Peter and saw the concern in his eyes, "Go. Be a hero. Be Spider-Man," she encouraged.

Peter was about to put the mask on but stopped. He turned to look at her and smiled, "You look amazing, by the way," before he pulled his mask on and jumped off the building. Briana felt her cheeks heat up from the compliment. But when hours passed, she started to get worry and told C.A.S.S to bring her suit. Once the violet iron suit arrived at the party, Briana got on and flew to where Peter was. She arrived and dived into the ocean before flying back out with Spider-Man with her.

"Oh, hey..."


"...and then he just, like, swooped down like a monster and he picked me up and took me up like a thousand feet, and just dropped me," Peter explained, squeezing the water out of his mask. "How'd you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit?"

"I put everything in your suit," Briana said as she activated the heater in his suit before she opened up her own suit and stepped out. "Including this heater,"

"Thanks," Peter says, as the heat sunk into his skin, killing the chill that the freezing waters left behind.

"What were you two thinking?" The voice of Tony Stark came through loud and angry. Briana knew that they were both in big trouble.

"The guy with the wings is the source of the weapons, I gotta take him down," Peter says.

"Take him down now, huh? Steady there, Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing," Tony repeats.

"The Avengers?" Peter questions, a hint of awe in his voice.

"No, this is a little below their pay grade. Now you're lucky my daughter decided to save your ass. Look, forget the flying vulture guy, please," Tony said.

"Why?" Peter whined.

"Why? Because I say so!" Tony argued, of course he just wanted to protect the Parker teens. Though he was a bit lucky that Cat didn't pull this stunt too, but then again, she probably had no idea where he was right now. "Sorry, I'm talking to a teenager," clearly, he was talking to someone at the wedding. "Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping the little people, like that lady that brought you the churro. Can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?"

"But I'm ready for more than that now," Peter argued.

"No, you're not," Tony repeats.

"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America," Peter says.

"Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you and Catherine out, he would've," Tony explained. "Listen to me. If you come across these weapons again, call Happy,"

Both Briana and Peter glance at each other then they start to head home. Well, Briana was, but Peter had found something interesting on his way. But Briana knew that she was in so much trouble with her father now.

Avengers/Spider-Man belongs to Marvel

Briana, Maya, Starr belongs to me

Cat belongs to Crazy_Fangirl_110

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