Chapter 33.

Briana Stark

Laughter, chatter, and conversations filled the Avengers' Tower. I was just glad that this wasn't like one of dad's old parties as, here, I actually know people and, instead of skimpily dressed women and shots, we have jazz music and actual smiles. Me and AJ giggled as we sat in the super comfortable seats out on the balcony as the fresh air blew through our hair; of course, the only reason we were sitting out, giggling and having our own conversation was because we were nowhere close to the bar (dad's and Steve's orders towards us kids).

"So, Nate, your secret crush, invited you to hang out?" I asked, smirking.

"Yes, he did," AJ said, before she smirked at me. "But enough about me. What about you? You've been looking at two specific things for a while, but mostly on one specific thing,"

I felt my cheeks turned red a bit by that. Lately, I've been gathering information on two superheroes: Waterstorm and Spider-Man, both in Queens. All I had to work off was the cameras that were dotted around the city, and regardless of the bad quality, I've been able to gathered two fact files on Waterstorm and Spider-Man. I haven't shown anyone about the files yet, but I am keeping their identities to myself, it's not my place to say. What got me surprised was the identities of these two heroes — two classmates of mine, Catherine "Cat" Parker and Peter Benjamin Parker. That, I did not seen coming.

And I'll admit that AJ may be right. Even though I'm gathering information on both heroes, there's just something that draws my attention to Peter Parker. Yes, I've seen them both around school, especially since we're actually on the Decathlon Team together, but I haven't really met them yet or talked to them. I mean, I'm planning to but every time I look at Peter, my cheeks heat up a bit and I feel butterflies in my stomach, and I chickened out. Though Peter is actually really cute, yes, I say it.

"Okay, yes, I am looking at them, but I'm just gathering information," I lied, praying that my best friend can't see my cheeks heating up.

"Right. Are you sure it's not because you like one of them?" AJ asked.

I snort, "Please, I may be gathering information on them, but I don't know their age. Besides, they could be in their thirties,"

She shrugged, but I have a feeling that she's not letting this go till I tell her who I like.

Not happening!

"Anyways, what you got on them so far?" She asked.

I took my phone out and clicked on the clearest image I had of Waterstorm and Spider-Man, no offense to them but in their awful homemade suit. Soon my phone screen was filled with videos, information, and pictures of the two heroes.

What? I say, I was gathering information! So I have a lot. Uh, hello, I'm a Stark!

"Well, Waterstorm's powers come from a blue stone that crashed down from outer space in Central Park a few weeks ago, she keeps the stone safety in a necklace she made and around her neck at all times. She controls her powers through her hands, and the main color of her suit is blue with a tiny bit of black. My personal favorite move that she does is when she rubs her hands together and it creates somewhat of a water tornado that can easily take out whoever she's fighting," I explained, a video of Waterstorm doing that exactly move to a few bank robbers appears on the screen. "Waterstorm and her brother Spider-Man lost their parents when they were little due to the plane that their parents were on crashed. So both heroes live with their Aunt May and for a while, with their uncle Ben till sadly, Ben passed away due to being shot at. Both heroes appeared a few weeks after his death,"

I then touch my phone and the screen shows all the information I had on Spider-Man.

"Now, this is Spider-Man; Waterstorm is the older sibling out of the two of them. He was bitten by a radioactive spider, which was how he got his powers," I said, explaining Spider-Man as a video of him swinging between a bus and speeding car, landing and catching the car easily, saving the bus and the driver plays on my phone screen. "He has super strength, which is kinda obvious since he can catch a car at 3,000 pounds at 40 miles an hour. Like any spiders, Spider-Man has the ability to stick to walls, though I'm not sure if it's adhesive gloves or just one of his powers. Oh! And he also has this sense that warns him about danger, and he obviously swings around on webs and shoots webs, just like spiders do. He actually made his devices along with his suit. I tried to find the webbing, or to see if I can find where it's from, but nowhere makes anything like that."

I then reached into my purse and took out a small tube that held some of the webbing inside it. "I did find this one on some of the buildings he swung by and did some tests on it. The tensile strength is off the charts on that stuff. He has the brains and he's really smart to make it himself, so I'm assuming that it's homemade as well,"

I notice that my best friend was smirking at me and knew exactly what was happening, "I'm geeking out again, am I?" I asked.

She smirked, "Yep!"

"I hate it when you let me geek out about stuff," I said.

"Isn't that why I'm your best friend?"


Me and AJ then started laughing. A few hours later, the party is over and the setting feels a lot calmer when just a group of our friends are sitting around the lounge. Helen Cho is sleeping on one of the couches while Bruce and Nat sit off to the side, quietly talking. The rest of us are spread out around the cluttered coffee table full of Chinese food, champagne that again Dad and Steve felt the necessity to tell me and AJ not to drink (overprotective fathers, am I right?), and a very content-looking Mjolner.

"But it's a trick," Clint calls out, very skillfully spinning a drumstick in his fingers.

"No, no, it's much more than that,"

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power," Clint dramatically says before groaning out, "Whatever man! It's a trick,"

Thor chuckles deeply before motioning towards the hammer, "Well, please, be my guest,"



Clint immediately snaps his drumsticks together before pushing himself up.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful," Uncle Rhodey mocks with a smirk.

"Clint, you've had a tough week," dad adds, "We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up,"

Clint casually walks over, glancing up at Thor, "You know I've seen this before, right?"

The god of thunder gives a small nod, smirking. Clint drops an arm out to the hammer and wraps his hand around the handle. His face pulls as he tries to lift it. He grunts as he struggles to pick it up.

The archer suddenly lets out a wheezing laugh, staring down at it, "I still don't know how you do it!"

"Smell the silent judgement?" Dad asked.

"Please, Stark, by all means," Clint waves to the hammer.

Dad then stands up and walks over to the hammer, "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge," dad tells Clint.

"Get after it,"

"It's physics,"

"Right, so, if I lift it," dad says, "I then rule Asgard?"

"Yes, of course," Thor says seriously.

Dad begins analyzing the hammer as he bends low and clasps his hands around the object, "I will be reconstituting Prima Nocta,"

He clasps both hands around the object and gives it a few sharp tugs, "Be right back,"

Dad returns a few moments later with his sleeves rolled up and an Iron Man glove crawling up his wrist. He turns his body back and forth, trying to yank the heavy thing off of the table. His thrusters blow out tiny sparks and still can't get it up. Next thing I know, both dad and Uncle Rhodey are holding onto the hammer.

Uncle Rhodey looks at him, "Are you even pulling?"

"Are you on my team?" Dad asked.

"Just represent! Pull," Rhodey orders.

"Alright, let's go,"

Me and AJ watch as they each go around, trying and failing to pick up the hammer. Pretty soon it was Steve's turn to go. "Go ahead, Steve, no pressure," Clint encouraged.

Steve carefully positions his feet at the edge of the coffee table and then stretches his hands down onto the handle.

"Come on, Cap,"

Thor looks on, smirking as his teammates failed to lift the hammer. That is, until the Mjolnir shifts and makes a small creak. Thor's face completely drops and his eyes bore onto the metal hammer with quiet horror. Steve gives it one more tug before sighs in defeat. He steps back and raises his hands in surrender before Thor quickly releases a breath he was holding and lets out a chuckle.

"Nothing," Thor grins, sipping his beer.

"Widow?" Bruce motions to the redhead.

"No, no," Nat shakes her head a little. "That's not a question I need answered,"

"All deference to The Man Who Wouldn't Be King' but it's rigged," dad shrugs.

The teasing goes on as Thor scoops up the hammer and tosses it around before looking at us, "Yes. It's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one, you're all not worthy,"

They laugh and scoff. Everyone continues to boo at Thor as he simply chuckles and takes another swig of his beer.

That's when everything went wrong.

A horrific ringing fills my ears and everyone lets out their own sounds of pain as they lean forward and look around in confusion. Dad makes a face and yanks out his high-tech phone, pressing a few buttons to figure out what the source of the noise is.

"Worthy," a gravelly voice groans out, its tone raising in pitch as heavy feet crunch against the tile floor. We all turn to find a strange metal form, its back turned to us. It's dripping in what looks like oil.

"No," a broken metal arm cuts at us as the form slowly turns and takes painfully, crunching steps towards us. "How could you be worthy?"

It swipes its arm around, motioning to us, "You're all killers,"

The adults straightens up.

Not taking his eyes off of it, Steve speaks up, "Stark,"

"Jarvis, C.A.S.S," dad says in a careful tone, his eyes on it.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep," it looks around in thought, "Or I was a dream,"

"Reboot," dad taps at the hologram being projected off of his phone, "We got a buggy suit,"

"There was this terrible noise, and I was tangled in...strings,"

The metal being continues, "I had to kill the other guy and girl, they were good people,"


"You killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call, but, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices,"

"Who sent you?" Thor asks firmly.

Dad's voice suddenly plays back, "I see a suit of armor around the world,"

"Ultron," Bruce says, glancing at dad.

The thing jerks its body up as if it realizes its name, "In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis," it speaks.

Everyone slowly begins to prepare themselves.

"But I'm ready. I'm on a mission,"

"What mission?" Nat asks.

"Peace in our time,"

Legionnaires suddenly burst through the walls and they begin to dive through the air straight for us. Loud crashing, banging, grunting, and gunfire can be heard throughout the room. Everyone, including AJ and me, are doing the best to dodge the bots.

"Stark!" Steve's voice yells out.

"One sec, one sec," dad's voice is quickly and strained as it comes from high above me, "I got this,"

"Cap!" Clint yells out before hurling the red, white, and blue shield towards the super soldier. Steve leaps up, snatches the shield, spins around, and then throws it against the last legionnaire shooting at us. It crumbles to pieces and we all look at the metal being—Ultron who still stands there.

"That was dramatic," Ultron mocks, pacing. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? With these? These puppets. There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction,"

A sudden object crashes into the rogue robot, making it fly back and crack apart against the wall. Thor stretches his hand out and the Mjolner white as it flies back to his grip. A song then plays as Ultron's voice dies out.

"I had strings, but now I'm free..."

Avengers belongs to Marvel

Briana belongs to me

AJ belongs to richnbad0627

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