nonbi reader (dark x Wilford)?

"Don't bleed on my floor," I spat as one of my victims stumbled in. "But master... You-you summoned me.." he replied. my face scrunched in repulsion as I viewed his helpless form get on his hands and knees and bow. Silly fool, he believes he will get forgiveness. He knows what he did. The filthy trader dares to show his face back here, he should have ran, it would have been a fun afternoon hunt for my hell hounds. A sadistic smirk appeared on my face.

"Yes I did summon you..." I confirmed and continued, "I just called to ask, who hired you? It must have been a lot of money for you to betray the demon who owns your soul,"

A flash of pure terror crossed his features and I began to chuckle lowly. "You thought I wouldn't notice? Wouldn't find out?" I asked, my every word dripping poisonous tones and digging into his head. "Oh hun, your new to this demon business aren't you? You don't mess with us. Now, tell me who you crossed me for?" I got closer to his bloody form still on the ground. A took hold of his shoulder and lifted him above the ground to get a better look at his cheeting, lying, and deceitful eyes. He took a big gulp and stared back into my (f/c) eyes. I put pressure on his injured shoulder and he screeched in pain, I was done playing nice.

"Who hired you?" I asked, my voice distorting in my rage. He gasped and stuttered.
"IT-T WAS TWO OTHER DEMONS!! ONE NAMED DARK AND THE OTHER WAS CALLED WILFORD! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!" he screamed obnoxiously. I hate loud noises. "The only mercy I can give you is a quick death, and sense I don't like mess and or wasting time, we shall do that now." I explained, promptly holding the man by his hair then snapping his neck.

Dark and Wilford huh? Never heard of them. I called in another one of my servants and asked them to clean the gross mess that peasant made. Blood everywhere. I promptly headed to my bathroom and washed my hands under hot water, then dried them on the plush towel by the sink. I felt a head ache travel through my head when recalling that bastards screams. How inconsiderate. Sadly demons don't sleep, so I just need a rest period. We are constantly awake.

I assumed my shadow form and discretely headed to my chamber for access to my pocket dimension. Basicly I crafted a small space in reality that I can escape to, so I'm not disturbed in my rest. This was convenient in multiple situations, including when I was being tagged by two unknown demons. I entered my tiny reality into a lush mansion of my own creation. I wasn't like most demons, with lust for blood and hunger for destruction, I most of the time just wanted to keep my business going. My business of course being making miracles happen for the small price of ones soul and a few favors now and again. It was a good business, most of my customers lived happily everafter with their families and whatever fortune I gave them! I don't know why all these people try to stop me, I am just doing work. Now theses two chuckle head demons are on my trail, and there could be even more behind them.

I sighed and settled into my big chair, taking out the stone us demons use to simulate sleep while in our resting trance. I held the stone to my chest and whispered the incantation. Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

(Wilford point of view)

God danmit. That idiot of a spy we hired got himself killed. Time to break the fucking news to Dark. I begrudgingly trudged over to his office and knocked lightly on the door, as not to surprise him. I heard a low "come in" from the other side and entered.

"Good news and bad news." I said, seeing Dark's inquisitive expression, "which one would you like to hear first?" I asked cautiously.

"The bad" he replied coldly, I could see he most likely already figured it out.
"Well," I continued "our rat has taken a fall to the infinite sleep." Dark's expression didn't change and I guessed he already anticipated that. "The good news is we know where they are now, we can storm their place and take them, but it has to be soon." I said, trying to lighten the still mood filling the room to its brim. Dark folded his hands and thought for a moment, collecting his thoughts and strategy.
"How inconvenient. You know how I don't like my plans changing." he reminded, massaging his temples as if to relieve a head ache that was shooting through his brain. I walked up behind him as he sat at his desk and began working my thumbs into his shoulders to relieve some of the knots and tension, he always seemed to calm when I did this, and it worked this time to. In a soft voice I began explaining how we could do it.
"I could sneak in their room and take them by surprise, you know we have the whole place mapped." I pointed out, moving lower to massage his back. He agreed softly, seeming to finally relax. The reason we were trying to shut down y/n's business is because it was interfering with ours, smaller demons working with them had begun to go rouge and attack our business partners and costumers because they couldn't attack y/n's. We were losing customers because they were told if they sign a contract with us, y/n will beat them to a pulp so they sign up with them instead! It is very infuriating. I worked down to dark's lower back, then heard a low noise of satisfaction. I was glad he was finally able to let go for a short period, as he is very serious about his work. Even our biggest business partners the septiceyes were beginning to plan for if their company sunk from the monopoly that y/n is creating. The plan was to take y/n aside and just explain that of they wanted their business this big they should just go to a different couple of states or another country, as we have been here for decades.

Now this would be easy if we didn't  already have partners try, and die, to talk to them.

It has gotten to the extreme to even just talk to the demon on the top, as they have many ruthless and corrupt suck-ups on their side who are sleazy and deceptive. We have no knowledge weather y/n is actually corrupt themselves, just that no one has gotten through to them. Dark and I have taken it into our hands.

I am snapped from my thoughts by dark turning in his swivel chair to face me. "Did you hear me Will?" he asked, slightly concerned looking. "Sorry dark, lost in thought." I answered, giving a small fake smile, in reality I was slightly apprehensive about this whole thing. I don't think I could live if something happened to dark. He stood infront of me to get a better look into my eyes. "Are you sure Will? You look scared of something." he noticed. Heh, dark was always good at reading people. "What if we fail?" I asked hesitantly, casting my gaze to the ground. I could feel my eyes watering at the thought. I felt arms wrap around me, they were cold but comforting. I melted into dark's body, starting to weep into his shoulder. I truly built a bond with dark over the years, and I can't imagine us being separate for eternity. Dark supported my weight and rubbed my back as I began to sob into his suit.

"You-" he hesitated, "you want to rest in my room with me today?" he asked, as he saw the sun rising above the horizon from the back window. I tried to pull myself together as I nodded. I pulled away and looked into his face, a slight blush was wisped across his cheeks. He smiled a small comforting smile. I smiled back and he grabbed my hand to lead me to his room. I followed, still wiping my eyes. We entered his neat room, painted with a Grey and monochromatic pallet. He laid on the bed and grabbed his stone. Dark patted next to himself and I laid down next to him, holding his hand and smiling faintly as we both held the stone and drifted off into the rest trance.

(Y/n POV)

I woke from my trance and got up from my chair, replacing the stone to its place on the mantle of my crafted mansion. I opened a portal way into my bathroom. I stepped onto the cold bathroom tile and moved towards the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. I splashed my face and looked up to the vanity mirror. My (f/c) eyes stared back, traces of "sleep" still hanging there. I grabbed the toothbrush and brushed my teeth, then went down to my office. This was a place I repaired in this old warehouse, a very inconspicuous location as to hide from anyone who tries to thwart my company plans. I sat at my chair and grabbed some contracts out of my desk and began filling them out and filing them, one of the most boring parts of the job. Then I heard a noise, most likley one of my demon workers bringing me my fresh cup of blood for the day. I went back to my work, but the employee never showed. Suddenly the room went dark as I was struck in the head from behind. Of course I was still awake, or, at least my consciousness was. Demons are always awake. I couldn't feel or use any of my other senses while my body was knocked out. This sent me into a slight panic, had one of my employees betrayed me again?? I began thinking over logical scenarios in my mind, and then my mind landed on the two names I had heard recently.

Dark and Wilford.

It had to be them, those bastards who got my own debtor to turn on me. They, whoever they were, were going to pay. Its one thing to mess with my company... But to mess with me?? Unheard of. My consciousness didn't have any sense of time in this unconscious state, so I could have never guessed how long it would take for my capture to take place and when I would be woken up. To pass the time I just thought of ways to make the people who were taking me to pay for this inconvenient time, especially because I am not in my best condition. They better be taking care of my body.

I was jolted awake from my thoughts as I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. I looked up to see two demons. I assumed they were Dark and Wilford.
"So, Dark and Wilford I presume?" I asked slyly, getting my bearings and observing I am tied to a chair, right in the middle of a glass box. The room was dark, save for the lights illuminating the small space in the glass containment space.
"Ah yes. The famous Y/n in the flesh. How nice to meet the cruel bitch everyone is talking about." the one with the pink mustache spat, rage seething in his tone and eyes. "Now Wilford, our friend here isn't going to be harmed, just informed." explained the one I assume now to be Dark.
"Educated on what? How to take care of spies better?" I asked, throwing sarcasm into my voice heavily. Wilford got an angry expression, while dark just smirked. "Now y/n, do you know why you are here? I know it can be confusing." the one named Dark asked, keeping an insultingly calm tone. "No," I spat, "I was just knocked out and dragged here above my will."

"Well we have explaining to do then, sense you don't seem to know what the situation is with your company. You see, Wilford and I own a business very similar to yours." he started to explain, pacing slightly back and forth. "And what's the problem with that?" I asked, now confused as to why they had to bring me here. "The problem is," Wilford seethed, "that we can't get clients because your employees are killing our already loyal customers! And every one of our business partners who have tried to contact you civilly have been killed off!!" he burst off, getting in my face. A wave of surprise took over. "W-what?? I haven't ordered any killings unless they ran or broke contract? I never even heard of other businesses trying to contact me!" "likely story, you heartless dog." Wilford hissed. Dark made Wilford step back and collect himself as I took in all the information I was just given. "As you can see, this is a very big problem, as you are creating a monopoly on this line of work and threatening peoples lives. This was the only way we could talk to you without your demons trying to kill us." Dark relayed, almost apologetic. "I-I had no idea..." I thought aloud. How could this have happened under my nose through my company? I wanted to say something else, but just then there was an alarm set off somewhere in the building.

(Dark POV)

An alarm started off in the building and I immediately knew that someone had broke in. "Did you alert someone to your location?!" I asked y/n, they just shook their head surprised and scared, and I read that they legitimately didn't know who was here. Will and I exited the chamber and ran to the door of the room, only to see three demons approaching quickly. Wilford drew his gun and aimed. He shot one and started fighting her, and one of the male ones came after me. We were fighting ruthlessly, side by side, and when I looked back I saw y/n was gone. I got back to the battle and saw Wilford was on the floor, blood seeping through his pale yellow shirt. My heart stopped as the two demons left and I ran to Will. "WILL, WILL! CAN YOU HEAR ME??" I yelled, my voice breaking into sobs. I held his hand and he stirred a bit. "Will..?" I asked weakly, looking to his face. "He-hey *cough* Damian..." he sputtered quietly, using my real, and long forgotten name. I held his clammy pale hand to my face and held back tears. "Will... Its gonna be okay.. You hear me? Its going to be fine.." my voice broke with my last few words. "Damian... I-I always loved you. Don't forget that... You were loved a-and still are..." he said in a raspy voice. "No... No Will... Don't go. Don't leave me... I-I can't be alone. Not again. I can't leave you!!" I exclaimed, my tears falling onto his face as his eyes where fading. I held him close to my chest, and kissed his lips for the first, and last time. His breathing stopped and his shoulders fell limp.

I screamed and sobbed. This couldn't happen. Not now. Not ever. I wanted to spend the rest of my days with my demon love. My Wilford.

Y/n will fucking pay.

(Uhhh I lowkey ship Wilford and Dark? P.s. tell me if you want a part two?) (2614 words)


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