forest (septi friendship?)
The air was damp and the fog was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Your feet sloshed and squashed in the mossy muddy water. You felt something slimy brush against you in the shin high water. It was so murky you couldn't see anything. You stood still. You wanted to move, you wanted to run, but you couldn't. You were frozen with fear. A shiver tickled up your spine as you heard a noise. It was faint and distant. Why couldn't you just move? Anything was better than being slowly ripped apart by the monster you knew was looking for you. You heard another noise, still distant but getting closer. You started to panic. Your breathing quickened and you pulled your body out of its trance of fear. You took off! this time running through the murky swampish forest. You heard the noise again. It was a kind of screeching grunt of anger. Your eyes got wider as the noise stopped. It had found you. You keep running, mud covering your weak female form. This was your chance. You saw the tree line of the forest ahead. You sprinted for it scared for your life as you heard sloshing behind you.
"(Y/N)!!!" the monster screamed after you. You dashed through the rest of the bog. You ran into the forest, your bare feet were covered in mud which made the organic forest materials stick to them. The forest was easier to run in and the trees were tight, leaving it easy for you to lose the monster behind you. You got very deep in the forest and climbed up a tall dark tree. You found a sturdy branch tall up in the tree. You were safe. For now. You found the small bit of rope you brought with you. You tied the rope around the tree's branch and your waist. You were so tired you could close your eyes and never wake. You looked around at the other trees as your breaths evened and became deeper. Your eyelids felt heavy, your eyes felt dry. You blinked but for too long. You opened your eyes again this time you closed them you didn't open them for awhile. You felt all the bruising around your arms, legs, and torso. Your legs straighten across the in front of you as you drift off. You open your eyes one last time and the last thing you see before you drift off was the slight swaying of the other dark trees around you as the breeze lulled you to sleep. The sounds of the forest, your personal lullaby.
You woke with a start as you heard leaves crunching underneath foot. You quietly gasped. "Oh no," you thought, "no no no no no" you repeated over in your head. You looked down off the branch and saw a male form walk by. But it wasn't the monster. You got curious quickly. You untied the rope and climbed down a few branches up from the ground to see the male figure better. He was wearing a dark cloak with the hood down. His raven hair like a sliver of the night sky. You looked closer and saw the two small horns atop his head resting in his floofy mane of soft hair. You heard a branch snap. Oh crap. He twirled around fast to see you frozen in fear. You looked him up and down seeing his goat-like lower half. You were frozen in fear as he stared up at you, and you were sure he could see it in your features. You gulped. He looked you up and down, face straight. He had slight facial hair above and below his lips and outlining his chin. His face tan as the rest of the body. He had a broad chest and nicely toned body. "Who are you?" he asked in a deep voice, his tone was not threatful but slightly accusing.
You tried to speak but you couldn't find many words at this moment. You finally opened your mouth.
"Help m-me" you asked in a meek small voice. You looked him straight in the eyes.
"What's wrong small one?" he asked in a nicer concerned tone, still deep.
"T-there's a monster. He's c-chasing me and..." you started to weep. "Come here small one." he said in a concerned tone. He was worried about you. You climbed down the tree all the way and stood at the foot of it. He walked over and grabbed you in his arms. You were surprised by this but ok with it. He held you tight against his bare chest and wrapped the cloak around you. You sniffled and started to tear up again. He started walking carrying you with care holding you bridal style as you cried into his cloak. You were so scared. You curled up your fingers and rested your head on his chest as the gentle swaying and the beating of his hooves on the forest floor put you to sleep.
You woke up with a start. Looking around you saw dirt walls and floor. A nice cozy rug rested on the floor and the ceiling was covered in tree roots bent into all kinds of patterns, shapes and designs. You felt a soft bed of moss beneath you and the cloak you were wrapped in before was over you standing in as a blanket. You rub your head and feel tears on your face. You meekly got out of bed and the best smell you have ever encountered clashed with you senses. Your legs and arms were weak and fragile. You looked down at your arms and legs and saw they were patched up with moss and bandages. You shyly poked your head out of the door to see the goat-man in the kitchen cooking something. So that's the smell. You thought to yourself as you crept through the living room and sat at the dining table in the kitchen.
"Morning small one." the man greeted not turning away from the food.
"M-morning." you said in a quiet voice. He took a plate out of the top shelf.
"How did you sleep?" he asked in a pleasant tone.
"l-like I would never wake up s-sir" you stuttered again.
"Oh please young one call me mark." he said in a sweat tone.
"O-ok." you said. Mark was a fitting name for the humanoid.
Mark grabbed another plate. You looked up as you felt his eyes staring at you. His deep brown eyes studied you as if gathering as much information they could before going back to the food and dishing some out on both plates. He set a plate in front of you and you looked down at the amazing smelling food. He sat down across from you at the table. The food looked amazing. Nice sweet bread with a berry paste for a spread. The paste was the most dreamy thing you have ever tasted. Same with the bread. You ate like there was no tomorrow. You didn't know how long it was since you last ate real food.
"Like it?" mark said chuckling. You nodded eagerly and kept eating.
"So," mark said stealing glances at you, "you're human then?" he asked. You nodded slowly. Now he had your attention. "Woah," he said in awe, "they've been extinct for at least a decade." he said. Your eyes widened. You were the only one? You were the last human? Mark noticed your worried expression and changed the subject smoothly.
"So small one," he inquired, "how are your wounds?" you looked down at the bandages on your skinny pale arms and legs. your skin was paler, due to the fact that you never really get sun light.
"T-they're feeling better." you said. Mark nodded and smiled. He ate some of his food and you finished off yours. He got up and set both plates in the wash tub.
"Small one, let's take a walk. You need sun and I need to stretch." mark said. You nodded and grabbed his cloak from the other room. You handed it to him and he pat your head sweetly.
He walked to the front door and opened it for you, draping a spare cloak over you as you walked past. You put on the cloak and buttoned the collar to keep it on your shoulders. He shut the door and locked it, putting the key in his cloak pocket that looked like he sewed it on himself just for that purpose. You held your hand to your face as the sun was in the peak of the sky. Clouds floated lazily about, not threatful but pleasant. Mark walked up next to you and took a deep breath of fresh forest air. You took in a deep breath to, wincing as your side and chest started burning. You hid it well. Mark looked up at the sky holding his fingers up to the sun checking the time of day.
"Wow noon already." he said in a cheered tone. You looked through the forest. Any small movement terrified you and chilled you to the bone. Mark saw this and grabbed your cold and slim hand. His hand warmed yours instantly and you felt safe.
"I want you to meet my friend." he said. His warm eyes studied you. You nodded with slight hesitation. He smiled a warm smile still holding your hand. He took a step and you followed as you both stepped onto the path. He was guiding you through the woods holding your hand. You stared in wonder at the beautiful forest around you. Mark smiled as you pointed out things he had probably seen a thousand times. Soon you got to a small cottage a little ways off the path. Mark knocked politely. The door swung open to reveal an elf. He was slightly shorter than mark and his hair was a bright vivid green. You hid behind mark as mark greeted his friend. Then the elf's pale blue eyes stared behind mark at you in wonder. "Who's this?" the elf asked. His voice was higher pitched and he had an accent you couldn't quite place.
"This is my new house guest." mark said gesturing to you.
"Top o' ta mornin' to ya lass." he said looking at you with a puzzled expression.
"She's kinda shy as you can tell." mark said explaining to his elf friend.
"Well nice to meet you all the same." he said to you stooping down to your height. He stood and stepped out of the doorway.
"Come in!" he said gesturing.
Mark stepped in the doorway and you followed close behind.
"Sit, sit!" jack invited, "ill turn the kettle on an' we can have some tea." he said, walking into a door on the wall to your right. Mark sat down on the couch and removed his cloak. You copied him, folding up your cloak and setting it beside you neatly.
You heard a shattering sound coming from the kitchen. You went to get up but mark held you there.
"You're the guest, i'll go check it out." mark said with a sweet smile on his lips. You nodded silent and he walked into the kitchen. You surveyed the room. A large book case was against the left wall and a green armchair set next to it. there was another matching armchair by the couch and coffee table. The walls were a nice eggshell and the hardwood floors were a solid oak. Many things were stacked on the hearth at the back of the room hanging over a fireplace. There was no fire there, as it was a hot afternoon. This place felt cozy. Both mark and the other man walked out of the kitchen. A tea tray in mark's hands and a cookie platter in the elf's hands. Your face brightened when you saw cookies. They set down their loads on the coffee table. Mark sat next to you on the couch and the elf sat in the arm chair to the right of the couch. He looked at you and gestured to the two platters.
"I baked the cookies my self!" he said excited. You reached out and grabbed a cookie. You took a bite as the warm doughy cookie melted in your mouth leaving you deeply satisfied with taste and texture. Your face showed it as the two men stared at you. The elf looked very excited and mark laughed. You looked over at the elf with wide eyes.
"H-how are these...," you closed your eyes, "So delicious?" you asked opening your eyes and stuffing the rest of the cookie in your mouth. Mark laughed again at the other man's face.
"I'm so glad you like em!" the elf said.
"Im Sean by the way," he said in an energetic voice "but people call me jack."
"Nice to meet you jack" you said grabbing another cookie.
"What's your name?" jack asked.
You shrug.
"Wait," mark said "you don't have a name small one?" you nod your head chewing on the cookie. "That's odd." jack exclaimed.
"Don't you have parents? Guardians?" Mark asked concerned. You shake your head and finish off a cookie.
"Hmmm" jack hummed thinking. "What race are you?" jack asked.
"Human." mark piped up sadly.
"Oh." jack said in a somber tone
"Oh I know!" mark exclaimed.
"What?" jack asked
"We should give her a name!" mark said excited. He looked down at you. "Are you ok with that small one?" mark asked you, eyes alight and happy. You wiped off crumbs around your mouth.
"If you let me stay with you, you can name me." you said slyly. Mark's eyes practically sparkled with delight.
"Of course! Now what to name you?" mark questioned.
"Maybe a fawnish name ah mark?" jack asked mark, thinking equally as hard.
They sat for awhile thinking. Jack got up and poured you some tea, it was cool enough to drink now. jack handed you a beautiful embroidered tea cup you could tell a lot of time was put into it.
You took a sip of tea savoring the rich taste in your mouth.
"AHA!" mark shouted suddenly. You set down your tea before it got knocked out of your hand.
"I got it!" mark exclaimed overwhelmed with joy.
"Your name is Feexi!" mark said.
You looked up at the fawnish man and he hugged you in a tight bear hug.
"Nice to meet you Feexi." jack grinned and mark let go of you.
"now Feexi," mark said, "in my house we are clean and well dressed." he said looking you up and down. You looked down at yourself.
"No offense to you but when's the last time you washed?" jack asked "or looked in the mirror?" mark asked in the same tone.
"Ummm..." you said, "What's a mirror?"
Jack and mark laughed. "Come 'ere sweetie i'll show you the mirror." jack said. You stood and walked around the table. You walked into the bathroom. Jack pulled out a long piece of glass. But there was something weird about it. You lifted your hand to touch its shiny surface and a figure on the other side moved in sync with you. You jumped back and she did to. Mark and jack laughed and you blushed. You looked back at the glass. Mark bent down and set his hands on your shoulders, lowering his head next yours. You saw a second him it the mirror! You gasped.
"This is a mirror. You can see yourself in
it." mark said. You stared at the girl it the mirror. She was very thin and pale. Her eyes were (e/c) and they were huge and tired, Her lips were chapped. Her face was worn and dirty and she had a smudge on her nose. Her hair was (h/c), and it stretched down to her lower back. She wore a faded pink night gown and was caked in mud. You looked back at mark and jack.
"This is what I look like to you?" you asked in an innocent voice that mark smiled at.
"Yes hon that's you." mark said in a low and sweet tone. Jack grabbed the mirror and put it back.
"Now that you've seen yourself we need to clean you and get new clothes." mark said. You looked up at jack
"Can I wash off here in your tub?" you asked.
"O' course!" jack said. He tested the water in the tub that you were standing next to. He nodded and took out a drying cloth. "We'll leave you to your wash and clean up the tea mess." mark said. The two men walked out of the room and shut the door. You took off your clothes and bandages. You got into the tub and washed. You especially washed your long tangled unevenly cut hair. As you felt the uneven edges of your hair you remembered why they were uneven.
---------- FLASH BACK ----------
The monster punched your chest making the chair slide back. He then pulled out a knife out of nowhere. You closed your eyes and whimpered waiting to feel pain in your arm. You screeched as your thigh long hair was pulled back from behind making the chair tip. You opened your eyes to see chunks of you hair fall to the ground as sick laughter spewed out of the monsters mouth. your hair was finished and you felt it brush against your neck. You hair was now short. Really short. The monster laughed maniacally. "Gooood your hair was getting it the way of my fun." The monster said in his deep scary voice.
---------- END FLASHBACK ----------
You snapped back to reality as mark shook you. Your eyes fluttered open and you coughed weakly. Mark looked down at your face. He was crouched over you his eyes full of worry. He noticed you were awake. He pulled you into a tight hug.
"Thank the gods." he whispered shakily in your ear. You coughed quietly. You felt something drip onto your shoulder. He pulled you out of the hug. He looked into your eyes. His were puffy and red. He had been crying. "What happened?!" he asked his voice shaky and about to break. You didn't know what happened.
"I don't know." you said in a weak voice. You were soaked head to toe but wrapped in a towel. "Jack says you passed out in the bath Feexi, but how?" he asked "were you tired? Are you injured? Did you faint?" mark started babbling to fast for you to pick anything up. You coughed again. Mark stopped
"I-I was s-seeing t-the monster." you said in a weak voice. Mark looked into your face even more worried. You sniffled.
"Are you getting sick?!" mark asked in a hurried tone. You nodded. He picked you up and put you down in a bed, the guest room you thought. Jack walked in with a matching worried expression. Mark pulled the covers over you and went to talk to jack. Your eyelids felt heavy again and with your head throbbing you drifted off.
------------OHHH MARK POV YAS ------------
I walked over to jack who was staring over at feexi with a worried expression.
"Do you think she's fine?" I asked.
"I am so worried." jack mumbled.
"Jack?" I questioned, Snapping jack back to reality.
"What?" jack asked turning towards me
"Do you think she's fine?" I repeated. Jack looked over at her again.
"Poor girl." jack said. "Where did you pick 'er up?"
"I was on my walk and she was in a tree," I recalled, "she was covered in bruises, deep cuts, and had a black eye." I told jack
"Oh my gods mark." jack said surprised.
"Yeah I took her home and patched her
up." I finished. I looked over at her. She was turning in her sleep in the covers.
"What's the 'monster' she keeps going on 'bout?" jack asked.
"Don't know" I replied. "When she wakes we can ask, but for now let her rest."
"What ya think she's dreamin' about?" jack asked walking out out of the room.
"I hope it's pleasant." I reply and walk out closing the door behind me.
---------- DREAM ----------
It was dark. And quiet. Your anxiety rose sharply. It was never this quiet. Your breathing got heavier as a door opened on the wall you were facing away from. You heard loud clunky stomping approach you. You couldn't turn but you knew who it was. The loud screeching noise of metal on stone echoed throughout the torture cell. You knew without looking he had his favorite tool in store for you. you winced as the stomping stopped behind you. You sobbed silent and still. If you cried he would treat you even more terrible than usual. You held your breath as the blade slowly but surely dug into the skin of your neck. You held back screams as he dug a hot knife into your skin. Carving words into your flesh. He was finally done and dropped the knife. He got down on his knees and licked the new hot scars. It burned ten times more with his wet tongue caressing each little crevice And imperfection in your new wounds. He was finished with his sick little game and you sat motionless and emotionless. Like a corpse. He stood and looked down at you hungrily. He pulled you up by your hair and put you against the wall with a creepy grin. He took the shackles down and put you in them. He laughed a deep chuckle at the look on your face. You had a terrified expression spread across your features. This only fueled him. He nailed the shackles to the wall so you had to stand on your tippy toes. He grabbed another pair and shackled your feet. Pain spread throughout your body and several scars that had sealed re-opened. You wanted to scream but you knew you couldn't without his permission. "Scream." he said in a creepy voice smiling from ear to ear. You let all out. Your pain was so great you could scream in agony for hours. He laughed louder and louder. Then he shouted for you to stop. You stopped. He pulled out a blunt knife and heated it with a torch as you watched. He lifted up your nightgown exposing your stomach. You braced for impact telling yourself not to scream but to fight back. He loved it when you fought back slightly and the session would end earlier. He pressed the red hot piece of metal to your flesh. You held in your noise but fought back a bit. He smiled showing his teeth this time. He drew a rune of some sort on your core. He then again licked it making you want to scream in agony.
"Not gonna fight back anymore?" he said in a deep mocking tone.
"D-do you wish me to?" you ask in a barely audible whisper.
"Oooh yes, slave~." he said the last part odd and it made you very uncomfortable. You squirmed under his touch. He grabbed your waist. You stopped fighting.
"Awww don't stop now~." he said.
"I-I won't f-fight if you d-do anything..." you said. He sounded dissatisfied but backed off. He knew he wasn't gonna get anymore out of you tonight and he looked tired. He got up and put his tools away but didn't take you down from the shackles.
"That's punishment for not cooperating~." said. Looking at you completely helpless turned him on, you could tell. He pulled out a device he invented. It was called his "special machine" it captured portraits instantly and had the power of the sun to make the room lighter. He called it a camera. He pressed the button on top of the device and a bright light entered the room. It left as fast as it had come. He looked at the portrait and smiled devilishly. He walked out and closed the door behind him.
-------------- END DREAM --------------
You shot up in bed. You surveyed the room around you and took a sigh of relief. You were still in jack's in the guest bedroom. But this time you had a clean gown on. They must have cleaned it for you. You took another look around and tried to sit up. You were stopped by something attached to you. You look over and see mark. He has his warm arms wrapped around your torso, fingers tangled in your hair. He stirred a little and tightened his hold on you. he rested his head on your chest. He curled up his legs and his breathing evened. You tapped his temple until he started to stir. He looked up at you. His eyes filled with joy, he hugged your frail body. You winced and he detected that and loosened his grip.
"I'm so glad your back." he said full of meaning. You smiled.
"Hold on let me get jack," mark said, "he'll be so glad your up!" mark got up and left the room. Only a warm spot on the bed and on your chest was what he left behind. You sat up. Gasping in agony you feared the worst when you felt the back of your neck and core twinge with pain. You lifted up your gown to see your core was marked with a strange rune. You gasped and realized that it wasn't a dream. You had had another flashback. A recent one to that had only happened a few weeks ago. Mark walked back in a jack walked over to the bed and he sat down next to you on the ledge. He took you into a soft hug and whispered in your ear.
"I almost didn't think you were going to wake up." He said, his hand caressing your long hair
In the back. you were still hugging him tightly as pain shot through your body. You shivered and he pulled away holding your shoulders at arm's length studying you with a concerned look placed on his face.
"When did you get that those?!" mark asked looking at some more bruising. You half shrugged and a twinge of pain shot through out your body mark and jack pulled you in a group hug and they held tight. You felt warm and safe. You could stay here forever without worry about the monster. Mark let go and tapped jack on the shoulder. Mark whiskered to jack. You couldn't make out what the were discussing. Then they left the room. You got up and went to get off the bed but you collapsed under the sheer pain of your stomach wound. You held back a screech and tears. You sat at the edge of the bed. Mark walked in again.
"Hey feexi, we are making breakfast, we can eat then talk if that's alright with you." mark said. You nodded. Even this caused pain, as a hot pain shot down you spine your face showed it this time. Mark walked over and sat on the bed next to you. You looked over at him and his big caring brown eyes fell on you with a pitiful gaze as he studies your face.
"We need you to eat and drink. You've been sleeping for two days now." mark said sadly. Your eyes widened. Your were out for two days? He nodded as if he read your mind. Jack walked in carrying a pleasant and delicious smell with him into the room. Mark got up.
"Can you stand?" he asked in a concerned voice. You shook your head.
Mark walked over and picked you up with ease. Jack opened the door so mark could get through the door and then he walked through himself. Mark set you down on the couch gently. Jack came up and wrapped a heavy winter cloak over you to keep you warm. You pulled the cloak close around your shoulders. Jack and mark sat down across from you on the two matching armchair. There were three plates on the coffee table. You grabbed the plate closest to you and studied the contents. Eggs, bacon, bread and the berry spread. You took the bread and the paste and started to eat. It was just as delicious as before.
"So," mark said clearing his throat, "do you wanna share something? Like what happened before I found you in the
woods," he suggested. You put down your food and wipe your mouth of crumbs.
"How far back?" you ask.
"As far as you want." mark said.
"I escaped the monster that night," you said taking a breath.
"I put him to sleep and crept out of the house. It was my only chance. I got out into the light hills and ran from that place. I slipped into a bog where I ran. That's where he found me." you recalled. Mark and jack looked like you peeked their interest. Both leaning forward and studying your guestering and expression.
"I ran fast through the bog into the trees. The tall dark and foreboding trees. It was tightly weaved forest so I lost it him
quickly." you relay, taking a breath,
"I ran deep into the forest and climbed a tall dark tree and fell asleep. The next morning is when you took me in." you finished. You could tell they had thousands of questions but you knew what they would ask first.
"What's the monster?" jack asked, his face pulled into a thoughtful expression. You tried to recall its features.
"It looked like a man," you said, thinking back hard.
"its features looked like mark almost..." you recalled. Mark and jack wore matching expressions of confusion.
"He is scary. He is dangerous. He kept me in a cell and only tortured me..." you said shivering.
"What's the thing on your neck?" jack asked, motioning to his own.
"What thing?" mark asked worried.
You turned your body on the couch and pulled back your long hair to expose the burn scars. Mark gasped and jack's face went even more pale.
"Oh my gods..." mark said.
"What does the mark look like?" I asked
"Darkiplier..." mark and jack both whispered simultaneously.
---------- DARKIPLIER POV ----------
(Didn't see that coming did ya?)
Dark was sitting in the house grabbing supplies. That little girl was not getting away that easily. She was the only one to quench his thirst. He threw a dagger in the bag along with the other weapons. He sighed "maybe you shouldn't be so meeeeean" said a slightly slurred voice from the corner of the room. I sighed.
"Warfstache.... For a high powered demon you sure sneak around like a coward." I grunted, not looking away from my work. Warfstache chuckled darkly.
"Says the demon who let his only prisoner escape." Warfstache shot back. Dark rolled his eyes. "I have some... news ... about your little prisoner." Warfstache said, his jaw loose and words slurred. Darkiplier looked over at his ally, eyes excited. "She's in the woods,......" Warfstache said. "Ok what's the catch?" " but mark and jack have her." he finished. Dark cursed a spew of profanity and cuss words. "Urgh I can't believe they got her so soon!"
---------- END OF HIS POV----------
You were the only one eating.
"Is there something going on?" you asked seeing they were both deep in thought. Was it something you said? Had they been scared by your wounds? You grabbed your plate and walked shakily out of the main room of the cottage. You ended up in the kitchen and set your plate in the wash tub. This pace was mess. You started cleaning the dishes and platters on the table and ended up cleaning the whole kitchen in the process. You wiped your forehead of sweat and dried your hands on the drying cloth next to the wash tub. You waked out to see both mark and jack dozing off in the two arm chairs. You giggled silently as to not wake them up. You sneaked into the bathroom and cleaned that as well. you walked into the kitchen again and started making a snack for all of you while the two older men slept peacefully. You got half way through an improvising dessert thing and needed to get some berries. You looked through jack's cupboards and saw he had no berries what so ever. Then you remembered there was a small berry patch along the path to jack's home! Perfect! You grabbed the faded red cloak of the couch and quietly exited the front door. You wrapped the red cloak around you and started on your way. It shouldn't be far. You walked through the forest until you finally found the patch. You set down the basket you carried and started to collect berries. You heard a slight rustle near a tree in front of you. You looked up, curiosity taking over. A tall slender man was leaned up against the tree in front of you. You gulped at his wolf like eyes and wolfish toothy grin. He also had a pink mustache upon his lip but you had no problems with it.
"Hello young one." he said in a slurred voice his jaw jerked everywhere as he talked.
"What is such a poor little girl like you off the path so far?" he asked in an innocent tone.
"I-I'm picking berries S-Sir..." you reply in a timid voice.
"Oh is that true little red?" he asked you. You nodded in response.
"Can I help?" he asked still talking in his strange way. You nodded again, you didn't want to hurt his feelings. He helped you pick berries for awhile and then the basket felt heavy in your arms.
"I think that's enough." he said, staring at the full basket.
"What do you need them for, little red?" he asked in an eager tone as if talking to a toddler.
"I'm making dessert for my friends." you say in a shy voice.
"Oooh sounds fun! Can I meet your friends?" he asked.
"Sure!" you said, it's always nice to meet new friends.
"Ok little red you lead the way!" he said his jaw jerking at even more awkward positions as he talked. You hadn't noticed it before but he kind of resembles mark. You got back to the house and you heard moving around inside. You knocked 3 times.
Knock Knock Knock
After the third knock the door swing open and mark and jack tackle hugged you to the ground. They got off you and stood in the doorway and saw you carrying a basket full of berries.
"Woah," mark said looking at the basket. "How did you get that many?" he asked
"Oh I had help from my new friend!" you said gesturing behind you and the pink mustached man walked out from behind the door. His smile was wider as he saw mark and jack. Marks expression changed for just a moment. There was pure hatred in his eyes and then it faded and a fake smile spread across his face.
"Come on in!" Mark said opening the door. Jack went into the kitchen and set the kettle on the fire. You walk in and take off your cloak. You walk in the kitchen.
Feexi walked in the house and removed her cloak. She walked into the kitchen and I looked back. The demon was standing in the doorway still, an evil grin spread across his features. I eyed him up and down with a scowl on my face.
"You got a lot of nerve, warfstache." I say in a threatening tone.
"Well it's nice to see you again too mark." warfstache replied stepping inside. A cracked my knuckles and tightened my jaw as the taller man surveyed the cottage. "Oooh nice place. I don't like the furniture though." he said in a mockingly sly tone. He sat down casualty and stroked his mustache in a dignified way. I clenched my fists. I crossed the room and sat in a opposing arm chair as jack walked in with a tray of tea and feexi carried a tray of many little pastries made from the berries she had picked. The set down their trays and feexi sat next to warfstache on the couch. She was completely oblivious to the demon sitting next to her. I glared over at him as he now had a sweet smile spread out under his pink mustache.
"May I have a delicious pastry little red?" he asked. Oh god he even gave a her a nickname. She nodded and he reached over to grab a pastry from the tray. I pushed it further away from him so that feexi wouldn't notice me do it. Rage flicked in his eyes for a moment and then he regained his composer. The plate fell off the table with a clatter and feexi ran over. She started to pick up the pastries and jack went to help her. Me and wilford stared at each other, rage in each of our eyes. Feexi took the pastries and sadly put them in the waste bin. She sat down again disappointed that no one got to eat them. Something clicked in warfstache and he smiled.
"So little red," he said "how did you get your wounds?" wilford asked. I knew this would make her deeply uncomfortable.
"I-its a long story..." she said.
"Why don't you go rest hon... we can... catch up with our new friend." I said. She nodded and walked into the guest room. I heard the bed creak and after a few moments a soft snore. I turned back to wilford. His smile was filled with pure amusement.
"What are you doing in the light part of the forest?" I asked, my voice a low growl.
"Hey don't shoot the messenger." he replied in an amused voice.
"Spit it out then!" jack blurted.
"You know the sender. I'm here to say he will be looking for our little friend soon. I won't tell him where you are, it'll be more fun to watch him struggle." wilford relayed to them both.
"Well I'd best be off, darky will be heading out to find her in a day or two once he's packed enough weapons..." wilford chuckled and exited the house. I looked over at jack and we had a silent agreement. We would protect our forest and feexi. We were the guardians of the forest. The most powerful beings you will ever find. Feexi was lucky I found her in time.
(Okay so maybe I should have split this up, but laziness flows through my veins. I hope you liked it!)
(P.s. when I say pale I mean paler then your current skin. I wasn't assuming your skin color, just saying you hadn't had sun in a while.)
(Also sorry for grammer, this is a really old oneshot Made when I was younger idk)
(And I feel bad bout saying you are thin and have long hair, but its vital for the story line)
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