darkiplier x reader! (male)

I sat up in bed quietly, it was dark, and I was alone. Have been for sometime now. I checked my clocked on my night stand beside my fairly good sized (f/c) bed. It read 1:05 am. My stomach rumbled, not too thundering, but just enough for motivation to do something other than space out in the darkness of my room. I stepped out of my room, going down the hall till I reached the kitchen on the right.

As I entered the petite kitchen, I turned on the light above the stove. That way the over head lights wouldn't blind me. My eyes adjusted to the warm light, and I headed for the pantry. Finding only ingredients and spices, I moved to the fridge. The bright light of the fridge blinded me momentarily. My vision soon returned, so squinting I scoured the fridge for something that would feed my late night cravings. Inside the icebox I found a slice of cake, probably from the last time I "accidently" compulsively bought some cake for "later purposes". I needed to stop doing that. I grabbed the slice and sat at the breakfast bar, closing the fridge on my way. I quickly remembered, you needed a fork to eat cake. Well at least if you were clean. I got up and paced over to the silverwear drawer at the other side of the kitchen, when the stove light flickered. As if it was an eye blinking briefly to rid itself of dust. My head turned towards the light, only to see it was perfectly fine. I shrugged and went back to digging out a fork in the dim lighting.

I fished out the desired cutlery, and went to get back to my cold treat, when the stove light flickered once more. I paused, turning towards it cautiously. It started fluttering in and out of light and darkness. I stepped up to it warily, thinking that maybe I could find what the predicament was. I set the fork on the counter, stepping up closer to the muted light, still flickering like a bat out of hell. I was about to make contact with the bulb, before it shut off completely. The room now ill-lighted, my vision was gone. I looked round, not finding a thing with my eyes. I heard a noise in the darkness. A bump.

"H-hello?" I called out, not expecting nor wanting a response.

"Good evening (y/n)." replied a near by voice. It was surprisingly deep and professional.

"Wh-whose there?" my small voice shakily asked through the pitch blackness, why was it so dark?

"I've been trying to find you for a long time, I'm glad we are meeting face to face for the first time." the voice in the abyss replied.

"It's not exactly face to f-face is it?" I ventured, "I c-can't see you."
"I'm afraid not (y/n), you can't see me, nor your surroundings. I will tell you now that you don't know me." he deduced. "Yet," he added after.

I backed up into the counter, trying to find the fork. It was nowhere to be found.

"Looking for this dear?" the voice whispered in my ear, much closer. I felt the fork poke my cheek lightly.

"What do you want?!" I asked frantically, starting to lose my cool.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. So impatient. If you have to know, I have come to take you with me. I've been without companionship for a prolonged amount of time." he stated matter-of-factly.

"You've coME TO KIDNAP ME?!" I squealed, trying to find a way to escape, but with the crippling darkness surrounding, there was no chance.

"You see (y/n), the dark is my element, I think you'll find escape quite improbable." the deep voice replied, as if reading my mind.

I frantically tried to search for a weapon, but found no such item.

"We could do this the easy or the hard way, easy is to just come peacefully, I don't ask for much." he informed, his voice moving around the room, "or the hard way, much less... Comfortable, for you."

I stood for a second, considering going peacefully. Wait a second, was i considering getting kidnapped without a fight? A struggle? I wasn't going down like this.

I quickly tried to take a run for it, but before I got to far, I was struck, right in the stomach. I stooped down and clutched the aching area.

"What a shame, I was willing to go peacefully." the voice stated disappointed.

Then I felt a blow to my head before it went even darker.

I woke with a start, pain shooting through my head and stomach. How long had I been dead to the world? Where am I? Thoughts swirled in my head, like a spicy soup of panic. Seasoned with the throbbing pain in my crown. As my memories surfaced, I started to piece together the puzzle. I tried to move my hands.

Both my hands and my feet were fastened to the surface I was sitting on, a chair secured to the floor. The bindings that held me were both leather and rope, tied in complicated and expert knots. This was a bad sign.

"Is anybody here!?" I asked into the dark, this time praying an allie would reply.

"Yes (y/n). I'm here." said the oh so familiar voice. A light flickered on above.

The light lit up a small area in front of me, where I found I was sitting at a table, various dinner wear spread across its surface. A man sat in a chair on the other side of the table. His suit was gray with a dark-red tie to pop the colors. His under shirt was white. His face was not bad looking, his appearance helped me to deduce he was in his late twenties. A stubble peppered his chin, and his black hair fell to the side of his face. His eyes were black, with dark circles under them. His complexion was pale, even a light gray. He had a dark, but alluring aura around him.

"W-who are you?" I asked carefully, wanting to know the name of my capturer.

"You can call me dark, or master, the second is preferred." he replied, an amused smirk finding its way on his lips. When he spoke, I noticed his canines and his first premulers were sharpened to a point, adding to his appearance.

"Why am I tied up? What are you going to be doing with me?!" I asked, starting to let the panic take hold.

"Nothing too terrible, mostly we will just be around eachother." he said, his face taking on a certain innocence. "The bindings were so you wouldn't try to wander when you woke." he said.

"Can you untie me now?" I asked with a slight urgency.

"Only if you don't try to escape," dark said with a menacing tone.

I nodded, and dark snapped his fingers. The rope and leather disintegrated into a black dust, like ash or gun powder. I rubbed my wrists, the put my hands in my lap.

"Now, time to go home," dark said standing, "You are coming with, stand up." he ordered.

I stood quickly and he walked up to me, my face level with his chest. He got close and bent down slightly, his finger hooking my chin. I looked into his deep dark eyes, and he looked into my (e/c) ones. His eyes were full of mystery, of the unknown. The whole universe could fit in those deep pools.

He tugged my chin up, to meet his lips to mine. His lips were unexpectedly soft. My eyes fluttered shut and I melted into the sweet kiss. Soon I felt a breeze pick up, and then die down again. Dark was first to pull away. I heard a noise, and I opened my eyes to see I was in a whole new place. It looked like normal house, we were standing in a normal living room.

"Dark, whose this?" asked a voice similar to dark's. I looked over to a door way to my right, leading from the living room to what I assumed was the kitchen. A man was leaning against the door frame, a stern look on his face. He looked just like dark, but his skin was a normal human tone, and his hair was more a shade if brown then a shade if black. He was wearing normal everyday clothes, and glasses rested on his face.

"This is (y/n)." dark replied simply, pulling me closer to him.

"And what are you doing here? I have friends coming over soon." dark's dopleganger questioned, folding his arms.

"How long are you going to keep me a secret mark? Anyways I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing, felt a pain in my hand and head."  dark countered.
"I'm fine dark, I just burnt my hand on the stove then hit my head on an open cabinet door. Now leave, my guests will be here any minuet." the other man re-assured, shooing dark.

Dark grabbed my hand and used his other to cover my eyes. When he uncovered them again, we, yet again, were in a different location than before.

This place was identical to the other, except all the colors were now replaced with gray and blacks, the walls were black with white pristine carpeting on the floor. Dark took off his blazer and set it on a coat rack, then rolled up his sleeves.

I stood awkwardly watching him move around the room, picking up things, placing things. He then glanced back at me,

"Enjoying the view?" he asked slyly, standing straight and facing towards me.

"I-I..." I faltered, feeling a blush spread on my face,

"Why so flustered? Mm?" he asked, moving towards me swiftly.

He got close again, and rested his hands delicately on my hips. My blush spread and I got more agitated. It's not like I was going to stop him though. Removing one hand, he lifted my chin with three fingers, so was staring into his handsome face once more.

"Am I too close?" he purred, teasing me. His eyes half lidded, his mouth in a coy smirk.

A small smile crept onto my face, and I relied quietly. "No, master, no you're not."

His smirk grew wider as he plunged for my lips, this time not caring to be gentle. His sharp teeth grazed my bottom lip, and I parted them how he wanted. My arms went around his shoulders, and the amazing kiss went on. Pulled away for air, and dark went to attacking my neck. Little bites and kisses trailed all across my neck and collar bone. He stopped and kissed my cheek, pulling me closer. He finished it off in a hug, which I didn't refuse for obvious reasons. He pulled away and smiled, then walked away into the kitchen.

"What do you want for diner?!" he called from the kitchen.

I think I have fallen in love with my kidnapper. But is that a bad thing?

(Hello! Hope you enjoyed my first oneshot, suggested by NathanOlivieri! I forgot to mention, if you suggest and x reader, and you want it to be female, please specify it in your request! Since I'm male I tend to write a lot of my x readers male, other wise, I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any requests just pm me or comment! Will have a new chapter out soon! Bye.)

(P.s. Comment if you want a part two to this later)

(P.s.s sorry the art is messy, tried to draw it quick for the chapter to go up soon)

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