@v.ante hey bro wassup🤪

@jimpark hii, v :D
i'm at dance practice 😌

@v.ante the epitome of a smol bean

@parkjim nooo😡 i'm tough and scary

@v.ante you don't look like👀

@parkjim i hate you

@v.ante whaaaatttt fan
turns into hater 😱 no one
will ever love me :(

@jimpark many people love you hmph
and i was just jokingggg

@v.ante fine, cutie~

@jimpark literally not cute but go off ig

can i... maybe see you 😯

@v.ante bro i love you but i'm really sorry

i can't show anyone my face

@jimpark oh don't worry i understand :)

i'm sure you're an adorable babie😠

@v.ante no i'm not... trust me ahah

@jimpark but you're my
cute lil babie🥺👉👈

@v.ante save it for taehyung >;(

@jimpark yah don't mention him

@v.ante huh why? over a crush so quickly

@jimpark not a crush:( and i just miss him

@v.ante but you were just with him...

@jimpark what? how do you know??

@v.ante hah so you were!! gotchuuu

@jimpark jeez i thought you were
jungkook for a sec and i was about to have a breakdown

@v.ante jungkook? ion know a jungkook

@jimpark he's a dumbass.. idk how tae forgave him so easily ;(

@v.ante is someone jellyyyyy~

@jimpark shut up

i am not

why would i be jealous of an ugly fetus

@v.ante i bet tae thinks he's hot

@jimpark ... istg if that's why tae forgave him i'm going to shoot my leg and punch kook's bunny face

i'm hotter than bunnyboy anyways😡

@v.ante sorry babie but you're just cute~

from my dance performance 😌

@v.ante awe what an angel~ wanna squish you eheheh

fuck you

@v.ante damn daddy 😳 fUCk mE

suffocate me with those thighs 🤤

no homo

@parkjim see i'm hot😁

@v.ante whattt🤔 i don't remember you being hot...

@parkjim you called me daddy, i have blackmail material so stfu mr photographer

@v.ante damn is daddy angy 😯

@parkjim i'm ignoring you

this is jk

@v.ante y'all look like a cute couple

@parkjim we ain't more than a couple of homies 🤢 i'd rather eat my own ass tyvm

@v.ante omg yesss what's his #? 🥴

@parkjim shush you are not dating my bsf he's already madly in love

@v.ante omg tea
but i bet i can win his heart 🤭

@parkjim still not giving you his number bcs he's a toad

@v.ante he's hotter than you so stfu

@parkjim how dare you defend him! >;( and to say he's hotter than me?? i'm heart broken😭

@v.ante go cry to your boyfriend

@parkjim he's not my bf 😠😠

@parkjim ah shit he's calling... gtg


"jimin-ah," taehyung whined through the phone.

"yes, tae?" jimin answered. he was just cleaning up the studio, getting ready to leave.

"i'm bored," taehyung breathed, plopping onto his bed with a thud.

jimin swore he could feel taehyung's breath tickle his ear.

"and what do you want me to do about it?" jimin asked, in a playfully annoyed tone.

"can i come over?" taehyung asked in pout. jimin could imagine his face and couldn't help but feel his heart race.

"y-yeah sure. i'll be home in twenty. joonie's there though." jimin found it kind of funny how even though taehyung just visited the older, he wanted to hang out.

"okay. see you soon! don't die, bye." jimin heard taehyung make a kissy sound before the phone hung up. he chuckled at the younger's cute behavior.

a few long minutes and tidying later, the studio was prepared for the next class.


taehyung gasped in shock when the door to jimin's house opened, immediately wanting to turn around and run. the other stepped out of the way with a frown plastered on his face, scrunching his nose when taehyung entered.

"what're you doing here, hoseok?" taehyung asked, looking around the room to see if he could find namjoon. surprisingly, he saw a familiar face sitting on the couch.

"that's none of your business, and i could ask you the same thing," hoseok growled, trying to keep his voice low so his partner couldn't hear.

"be nice, idiot," yoongi, the other blonde, said from the couch. hoseok shut up instantly, cringing at the memory of the elder beating the shit out of him after finding out what he did to taehyung.

"sorry," hoseok said, huffing before stomping away to yoongi.

"hi... uhhhh."

"yoongi," the smaller gave a smile, standing up from the couch to see taehyung. he stuck out his hand, waiting for the younger to shake it.

"taehyung," the strawberry blonde smiled back, shaking yoongi's hand gently. the older had large hands for someone his height, way larger than jimin's. "how come i've never seen you at school?"

"well..." yoongi sighed. "i take higher level courses, and plus i don't show up half the time." he let out a dry chuckle.

taehyung subtly frowned. "you should go to school. you'll fall behind in classes and clearly someone as smart as you shouldn't go through that." yoongi noticed the seriousness in taehyung's eyes, and tried to hold back some laughter.

"ah, it's really not a big deal. i'm very close to doing all online schooling anyways." yoongi scratched behind his ear. "also i'm sorry about hoseok. he's a good kid, really. he's just been mad at himself recently, since i.. you know.. yeah."

"i'll give him time, it's okay. i'm used to not taking people's actions as how they are as a person, since i know it's my fault they're acting that way. and uhmm you said you do online classes, how come?" taehyung's ears perked up, suddenly interested in what the elder had said.

"hey, it's not your fault, don't ever think that," yoongi put a hand on taehyung's shoulder. "and about the online classes, i just don't like being in the classroom. i only come to school for exams, but i'm working on being able to do exams from home."

taehyung took note to look it up later. "well, i'll let you get back to whatever you guys were doing. i hope we can be friends," taehyung gave a box like smile. "is namjoon here?"

"friends would be nice. i'll give you my number, yeah? oh and namjoonie is just in the washroom, we were all just working on some music." yoongi paused for a moment. "your guy's song was amazing by the way, you have a great voice."

"oh okay! and thank you. i don't sing much but yeah... maybe we can work together in the future," taehyung said, pulling out his phone for yoongi to add his number.

"yeah definitely!" yoongi have a gummy smile, handing back taehyung's phone. hoseok watched from the couch, an unreadable expression on his face. he looked confused and hurt almost, but it was hard to say why.

taehyung waved before heading to jimin's room, taking a seat on his bed. he took a deep breath before falling onto his back. all of jimin and namjoon's friends were so kind. he didn't doubt for a second that hoseok was a good guy either. especially after getting to know jungkook's true self. but he wasn't going to push the older to realize what he'd done. he would let hoseok decide when he wanted to apologize and make up. when taehyung had basically fallen asleep, the door widened and jimin peeped through. the younger looked cute sprawled across his bed, soft snores escaping his mouth, sweatshirt riding up exposing his cute yet muscular body. jimin took in taehyung's beauty for a moment, before jumping on top of him and hitting him with a pillow so he'd wake up.

"taetae~ i'm here!" jimin sung, ruffling the sleepy boy's hair before letting his body relax.

"jiminnn," taehyung whined. "you're heavy."

jimin slapped taehyung chest, offended by the younger's words. "not as heavy as you, hippo."

"yeah, heavier," taehyung teased, scrunching up his nose before shoving jimin off.

"keep it up and i'll kick you out," jimin scoffed, holding his hands on his hips.

"sorry, jimin-ah," taehyung apologized in a higher voice, pouting his lip and using puppy eyes.

"i forgive you, just stop acting like a puppy or i might just eat you," jimin pinched the blonde's cheek, standing up from his bed.

"why the fuck are you eating puppies! you cannibal," taehyung yelled in disbelief, making jimin pounder what he just said.

"i wouldn't be a cannibal because you're the puppy," jimin said, matter of factly. "and i wouldn't actually eat you. maybe just your cheeks."

taehyung puffed out his cheeks, frowning even more. "i have gross cheeks though."

jimin made another face of offense, holding his hand to his heart. "take that back! you have the cutest cheeks."

taehyung rolled his eyes, standing up from the bed to stand up beside jimin.

"fine... but let's do something~," taehyung whined, grabbing jimin's hands while bouncing up and down on his feet.

"like what?" jimin raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

"mario kart!" taehyung giggled, his smile reaching his eyes. (y'all know i'm a hoe for that game)

"okay, i'm not good though," jimin smiled lovingly at the cheerful boy.

"that's okay, i'll beat your butt! oh, can the others play too?" taehyung asked with excitement.

"you want the others to play? i'll ask i guess," jimin chuckled when he saw taehyung's eyes sparkle. as long as taehyung was happy.

the two walked into the living room, jimin having a light grip on taehyung's wrist.

"hey guys, do you wanna play mario kart with us?" jimin asked, everyone noticing the bright smile taking over taehyung's face.

"but there's only four controllers," namjoon said hesitantly, not wanting to ruin taehyung's mood. however, he noticed how taehyung's smile faltered.

"that's fine. hobi and i can be on a team," yoongi said, looking over to his friend.

"how's that going to work," hoseok asked, already feeling annoyed that he wouldn't even be able to enjoy playing.

"easy. you sit on my lap and we can control the game together," yoongi had a slight smirk on his face noticing how hoseok's cheeks reddened.

"whatever. i'm only doing his for t— so i don't ruin the mood," hoseok pouted, folding his arms cutely into his chest.

"okay let's goooo!" taehyung yelled, not be able to control his excitement over being able to play with his friends.

"you're so cute," namjoon chuckled, standing up from where he was sitting to set up the game.

they all sat on the couch patiently, eventually being handed controllers. jimin sat on the left side of the couch, taehyung laying beside him with his head in his lap. namjoon on the other side. and yoongi sat on a cushion in front of namjoon, hoseok placed in his lap. taehyung used the game pad, since that's what he's used to because he usually plays by himself.

jimin picked isabelle from animal crossing, taehyung as luigi, namjoon as his mii, and the team as toadette.

"why the fuck are we a pink toad?" yoongi groaned, clearly not happy with his partners decision.

"she's cute," hoseok answered, sinking deeper into the older's lap in embarrassment.

"whatever, i'm picking next time," yoongi sighed in defeat, leaning his head against namjoon's leg.

taehyung giggled at the bickering, which caused smiles to appear on everyone's faces. even a small one on hoseok's.

an hour later of screaming and crying and weird noises, the boys were exhausted. namjoon had fallen asleep on taehyung, and jimin was almost on the ground. hoseok let out a content sigh, as he and yoongi won the last round.

"thanks. for letting us play," hoseok said shyly, playing with yoongi's fingers to distract himself.

"no problem! it was really fun and we should all get together sometime, as seven," taehyung announced, as he brushed his fingers through namjoon's hair.

"including... jungkook and i?" hoseok asked after hesitating.

"of course! i've forgiven jungkook and i'm very willing to forgive you too. you're a fun guy, and as long as you want to be my friend... i'll want to be yours too," taehyung admitted, reaching to hold namjoon's hand to comfort himself.

"only forgave jungkook because you think he's hot," jimin muttered, but taehyung heard and tried his best not to laugh.

"yeah," taehyung breathed, his face turning red from trying to hold it in. "i'd let jungkook fuck me."

jimin eyes widened at what taehyung said, not knowing that he heard his comment in the first place. hoseok and yoongi also went red, a bit uncomfortable with the conversation.

"what?" taehyung asked. "he's daddy material and damn... those thighs and chest." even taehyung himself grew uncomfortable with what he was saying, but it was fun pissing off jimin.

"all he is is chest and thigh... nothing else good about him," jimin spat, crossing his arms in anger.

"don't say that about your best friend~ i was just joking. i mean yeah he's attractive, but ew never," hoseok and yoongi let out a small sigh, and jimin frowned.

"how's jungkook doing, anyways?" yoongi spoke up. he hasn't seen jungkook in a while, but he knew jungkook would be really affected.

"we haven't seen him much either," taehyung responded. "but i think that as long as he's having a good time, he forgets and can be happy."

"yeah," jimin agreed. "i could tell he was really enjoying his time with tae, even though we were at the studio and he couldn't even dance. taetae ended up trying to help him stand and sway with the music, but they both fell on their butts." the two laughed at the memory.

"oh well that's good. i'm still worried about him though. will he ever be able to walk?" yoongi asked in pout, his lips sticking out a bit.

"the doctor said no. i don't know if he's going to try, but jungkook isn't the type of person to give up until he gets what he wants, you know that. so i believe he'll try. i just hope he doesn't push himself too hard and beat himself up for not being able to do it..." jimin said. it went kind of silent, everyone except namjoon (because he was asleep), feeling bad for their friend.

"well, we'll be there for him. anyways, thank you for today. hobi and i will get going before he falls asleep too. don't forget to text me, tae," yoongi lifted hoseok off of his lap, the younger falling onto his chest as they stood up.

"walk by yourself, loser. i'm too tired to carry you," yoongi sighed, brushing hoseok's hair so his forehead would be exposed.

"but," hoseok whined, hugging his arms around yoongi. "am tired."

"jeez, whatever. just put on your shoes and i'll carry you to the car yeah?" hoseok nodded, sluggishly heading to the door. "sorry guys, i'll see you later."

jimin and taehyung waved the boys off, too tired to move.

"let's just... stay here for a while," taehyung yawned, resting his head on the couch.

jimin agreed, leaning onto taehyung's shoulder and shutting his eyes. namjoon was on top of taehyung, and the three slept like that until next morning.


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