it was three o'clock when taehyung woke up, tears streaming down his face, shaking and sweating profusely. he felt like he was suffocating, a dark liquid dripping from his ceiling, swallowing him whole. taehyung hid under his covers, kicking and punching the monster away. the blonde screamed for his parents, but unfortunately they weren't home this night. it had been a little over a month since the last time he's seen one of his demons, and of course it had to be when his parents were away.
he needed comfort. he needed to be protected and hugged. but it was three in the morning, no one would be awake at this time.
taehyung suddenly remembered the device his parents had gotten him in case this happened. he yelled for his amazon alexa to turn on the lights, which she obeyed. he could breathe, the demon disappeared with the brightness.
taehyung hopped out of his bed and walked towards his kitchen. he got himself a cold glass of water, and munched on some crackers. he wasn't tired anymore, but was bored. he felt the sudden urge to text jimin, but he knew the older was sleeping. he decided that it was worth a shot and messaged jimin.
taehyung hi jiminnnn are you awake ?
jimin yes, tae, i'm awake.. but why are you?
taehyung bcs i'm not tired 😴 now can you plsssss do me a favor
jimin what could you possibly ask me to do at 3am
taehyung meet me at the park pls🥺
jimin why??
did something happen?
are you alright?
taehyung can i not see my friend in early morning 😔
jimin yeah... but this early? are you insane?
taehyung so is that a no🥺😭
jimin no! ofc i'll meet you at the park @ 3am😁
taehyung okay i'll be there in ten <3
jimin i hate you
taehyung nooo you lov me🥺
jimin i do?
taehyung yesss i lov you too😚
jimin you're drunk
taehyung am not 😡 but get ready i'm almost there !!
taehyung waited patiently on the parks bench, scarf tied tightly around his neck as it was chilly this morning. he played with a stick he found on the ground, writing his name in the sand beneath him. he heard leaves crunching in the distance, and looked up to see a bundled up jimin running towards him.
"hey, taetae," jimin panted, sitting down beside the younger.
"hi," taehyung replied, throwing the sick he was playing with back onto the ground.
"so, what's the real reason you called me here?" jimin asked, looking up at the latter with a concerned expression plastered on his face.
"you're going to judge me," taehyung frowned, playing with his fingers.
"no i won't," jimin said in a serious tone. he stared at taehyung's side profile with heart eyes, the younger not daring to look back.
"i see things," taehyung confessed, leaving the older confused.
"what? what things, tae?" jimin asked, holding one of taehyung's hands so the younger would stop picking his nails.
"like.. demons." taehyung held his breath for a moment. "i know it sounds crazy. but i've been seeing these things ever since i could remember. i haven't seen them in a while, but tonight it was really bad, and my parents weren't home. so yeah, i wanted to see you."
jimin looked at taehyung, mouth ajar with stars in his eyes, slightly fascinated by taehyung's story. "i'm sorry to hear that, taehyungie. i wish i could protect you." jimin frowned, playing with taehyung's long fingers.
"it's okay, you're here now!" taehyung smiled his box-like smile. jimin immediately looked away, his heart racing and cheeks flushed. stop doing this to my heart, taehyung. jimin thought.
"did you have anything planned?" jimin suddenly asked, an attempt to distract himself from taehyung's beauty.
"uhm not really," taehyung scratched his head with a shy smile. "just wanted to hang out."
"oh well that's cool. it's a saturday today, we can hang out later," jimin suggested, leaning his head on taehyung's narrow shoulder.
"really? that'd be nice!" taehyung bounced his knees in excitement. the latter giggled at his cute act.
"also," taehyung continued. "could i have jungkookie's number?"
jimin froze, shoulders sinking at the thought of his ex best friend.
"why would you want his number? he's a dick," jimin scoffed, pretending that it didn't hurt.
"a dick? hm well i don't really know him, so what would i know? well anyways, me wanting his number is none of your business. but can i please have it? please~." taehyung whined cutely, puffing out his cheeks and pouting his lips, giving jimin his big round eyes.
fuck you, taehyung. jimin cursed to himself, chewing his bottom lip.
"fine whatever, i'll give you his number." and so jimin did, the younger smiling widely in response. worth it.
taehyung noticed jimin getting tired, and eventually heard soft snores almost like lullabies to his ears.
taehyung checked the time on his phone. 4:00am. he let the older sleep on his shoulder for a bit, knowing he must be tired from staying up so late. this time, taehyung was his protector, his guardian angel. he wouldn't let anything harm jimin during these dark hours.
in the afternoon, jimin found himself buried in hundreds of blankets, drool dripping down his cheeks, wearing his peppa pig pajamas.
"how did i get here?" jimin questioned himself, not remembering much of what happened last night.
he grabbed his phone to check the time. 2:38pm. he also saw a message from taehyung.
taetae hi jiminie! just wanted to let you know that i brought you home last night 😁 please message me when you see this. and i hope you had a pleasant sleep ♡
jimin's heart paused after receiving this message. he felt bad for falling asleep on taehyung, but glad the younger cared enough to bring him home.
jimin good afternoon, tete 💕 thanks for taking me home, but did you reallllyyy have to put me into my peppa pjs😳
taetae awww heh i thought they were cute, chimchim🥺
jimin for some reason...
taetae hey it's true! didn't mean to embarrass poor mochi~
at least i didn't change you into your paw patrol night gown ;)
jimin yah this is bullying! leave me and my cute pjs alone 😡
taetae *my cute pjs and i
jimin quit annoying me or you're uninvited to my dance practice 😌
taetae you wouldn't :)
jimin don't test me, kim taehyung :D
taetae okay sorry, papa:(
jimin i— whatever just be @
dance is my seoul studio in 30 :))
taetae okie! where do we meet?👀
jimin outside the front entrance! or if it's too cold, you can wait inside bcs there's chairs😁
but that's only if you get there before me!
if you see my car, just head in😋
taetae okay thanks! can't wait to see you🥺
jimin tae we just saw each other...
taetae i meant to see you dance, i don't miss you idiot🤢
jimin oh right. well i have to get ready, you're holding me back
taetae ok byee! don't be late or i might be forced into a leotard and tights 😳
jimin ahah i'd like to see that
and bye 👋
jimin took a quick shower and packed his things. before leaving, he waved bye to namjoon who was sat on the living room couch, reading a hardcover novel.
he took his car, and headed to the studio. surprisingly, taehyung was already inside, sitting at a table and colouring in a colouring book. when taehyung heard the door open, he looked up to see a breathtaking jimin enter with messy hair and rosy cheeks.
"i'm sorry to keep you waiting, there was a bit of traffic coming my way," jimin sighed, kicking off his shoes and entering the change room. he came out a few minutes later, metal stick in hand.
jimin motioned to taehyung to enter behind him, the latter doing so.
they were still early, so the two had the studio for themselves. taehyung has never seen a baton before, and especially never seen anyone dance with one.
"can you show me something?" taehyung asked, sitting in front of the mirrors in the studio.
"yeah, just let me stretch first." taehyung nodded and jimin went to the ipad to play some music.
the stretching began and taehyung couldn't keep his eyes off the older. jimin has a nice and flexible body, which is quite intimidating. the way jimin could easily slide into an over split with no sign of discomfort, it was captivating. taehyung felt that if he stared any longer, he'd be pulled into whatever trap jimin was setting.
suddenly, the door swung open, a breath of wind bursting through. taehyung smiled secretly, already knowing who it was, and jimin looked back thinking it was his instructor.
jimin was surprised when he saw a crying jungkook wheel himself into the studio.
jungkook wiped his tears quickly, taking in the studio which he missed dearly.
"i hate it," jungkook whispered to himself. taehyung heard.
"i'm glad you could make it," taehyung smiled, standing up to shake the youngers hand.
"yeah." jungkook let out a shaky sigh. "it's the least i could do."
jimin eyed them suspiciously, not knowing what was going on.
"why are you here? i thought you'd never come back," jimin said, after turning off the music.
"i miss this place. i miss dancing with you and hobi. look at me, i left my baton partner all alone," jungkook answered, trying his best to hold back tears. he's lost his passion. he's lost everything.
"i'll be okay," jimin frowned towards his friend. "but i'm worried about you. don't do anything stupid, okay? even though you're an asshole, you're still my best friend. i'll be by your side every step if he way, you're never alone."
jungkook was fully sobbing at this point, and taehyung couldn't help but let a few tears escape.
jimin bent down to give the younger a hug. "don't cry, idiot."
taehyung thought that the friendship these two had was special and always growing. he's hoping that jungkook turns out better than he thinks.
"whatever. just start practice already. i came here to watch," jungkook scoffed, rolling over to one of the corners so he wasn't in the way.
taehyung frowned at the distance, and walked over to the wheelchair. he took jungkook out and carried him over to where he was sitting. he placed jungkook in his lap so they could watch jimin together. jimin wouldn't admit it, but he was jealous. jealous that someone like jungkook could be forgiven so easily. he knew jungkook didn't even apologize.
however, jungkook was confused and thought he was uncomfortable with the sudden actions. but jungkook ended up fitting perfectly in between taehyung's arms, and the older was soft and warm. he almost forgot who's lap he was sitting in.
"i'll show you some stuff now," jimin said, turning on the music again.
taehyung giggled excitedly, his breath hitting jungkook's ear, making the ravenette's face heat up.
jimin started with thumb flips, moving to two hand spins, double elbow rolls, and horizontal throws. all had taehyung amazed, and jungkook had the biggest bunny smile while clapping for his friend. but taehyung didn't know what was coming.
next jimin showcased his routine. the music changed, and jimin strikes his pose. the dance was a mixture of his two majors, baton and lyrical. if taehyung thought his simple twirling was amazing, than this was outstanding. the way jimin could do flips and jumps with his baton in hand. and when his baton rolled across his body and he so effortlessly catches it. he was phenomenal. the routine ended with a spinner, which was a spinning horizontal throw and a turn. jimin did four turns before the baton dropped into his hand and he let out soft breaths.
taehyung sat there in awe, not completely sure what to say.
"taehyung, you're drooling," jungkook chuckled, then winking at his best friend.
taehyung immediately shut his mouth, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"uh, wow, i really wasn't expecting that, jimin-ah. you really never fail to amaze me," taehyung sighed, wrapping his arms gently around jungkook's waist.
"wah just look at my best friend. you're really gonna rock that stage, i was only holding you back," jungkook couldn't stop grinning at his best friend. he was so proud of how far he's come.
"yah, you're good too, kookie," taehyung frowned, hitting jungkook's shoulder.
"i'm not that good at baton, though. i only did it because jimin didn't want to do it alone," jungkook said, full of smiles.
"ah you bunny, who could stay made at you?" taehyung pinched jungkook's cheek, ruffling his hair.
"since i'm here..." jungkook started. taehyung moved jungkook so he could face him. "i want to properly apologize to you. you don't have to forgive me yet, because i know i don't deserve your forgiveness, but i really do regret everything i've done to you. and i made hobi look like a bad guy too. god, i'm so stupid. i know i don't know you well, but you're a good kid. i'm sorry for judging you and hurting you just because you look different. truth is, you're not much different. the only thing different about you is how big your heart is. i know i don't deserve to be let in, but i'm willing to do anything for forgiveness. i've learned to never judge people on the outside, because i could miss out on times like this, and miss out on people as fun and kind as you."
jimin watched the interaction with a smile on his face, completely forgetting about jealousy. his baby kookie was all grown up now.
taehyung listened. listened to the sincerity in his tone and the cracking of his voice.
"i've already forgiven you." this took jungkook by surprise, and he looked up at the older in confusion. "the day you fell and i went to help you. i noticed the way your eyes changed when you recognized me. that's when i forgave you." taehyung continued. "not a lot of people have the heart to forgive, or even regret. with all of the shit i've been through my whole life, you and namjoon were the only people who hurt me, intentionally, and forgave sincerely. so of course i forgive you. and i hope we can be friends, if that doesn't cause too much trouble."
jungkook smiled sadly, before doing the unexpected. he lunged over and gave taehyung a big hug, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. taehyung returned the hug, rubbing jungkook's back gently and carefully.
"of course i want to be your friend. i promise to never do that again," jungkook said, smiling widely at taehyung. "i'll even help jimin fight off the bad guys, since he's weak," jungkook whispered the last part. taehyung giggled deeply, and jimin thought he was having heart problems.
the door had opened again, this time the instructor coming in. dance class would finally begin. and all boys had smiles painted on their faces.
sorry eheheheh i love taekook😭
also i both see demons and do baton and lyrical eyyyyy🤪
anyways shshdh stay safe🥺 wash your hands, don't touch your face, social distance, all that shit, yeah?
i love you mwah
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