the sound of the boiling kettle was not coming from the kitchen, which led to the fear in taehyung's eyes. he wasn't sure what happened, or what he did wrong, but the steam pouring out of his parents tata red ears told him something was up.
taehyung started to look back at all of the actives he's done the past week, asking himself what could get him into trouble. was it because he skipped class that one day? or maybe because he gave his lunch to seokjin? taehyung really couldn't put his finger on it.
the lost look on the teenagers face only made taehyung's mother fume more.
"how could you!" she finally yelled, releasing a sob.
taehyung panicked, quickly standing up to hold his mothers hand. "w-what's wrong?" taehyung asked in a small voice.
"you lied to us! all of us! i knew it was too good to be true..." mrs kim yelled, pushing her son's hand away.
taehyung went pale. his head was spinning. he knew what she was talking about.
"i-i'm sorry!" taehyung whimpered. "i just c-couldn't deal w-with it a-all over a-again."
"do you know how embarrassing it is to pick up the phone to have a teacher asking about your son's medical condition that he doesn't even have?! how could you fake such a serious thing?" taehyung looked up at his mother to see disappointment all over her face, and looked over to his father to see that same look.
"i-i'm sorry. i really a-am. i just— i didnt want to be made fun of." taehyung knew it wasn't a good reason, but it was the truth.
"i know son, that's understandable. but you have to understand that you're human like everyone else, and if they can't see that then fuck them. they're idiots who can't see true beauty. now please, be honest with us in the future."
"o-okay, mom," taehyung hiccuped, wiping a tear that rolled down his cheek.
"oh and no more paper bags for you," mrs kim evilly smiled. "if i see or hear about you wearing a paper bag without me giving you permission, you'll be grounded for life."
taehyung's eyes widened in shock, and he felt like he could pass out.
taehyung: bro...
namjoon: uh yeah what's wrong, bro?
taehyung: my mom found out abt me
wearing those bags.. an now i can't
wear them anymore😔
namjoon: oh shit i'm sorry dude
maybe god is just saying it's time
to show the real you
taehyung: you don't even
believe in god 😑
namjoon: hey man, we go to
a religious school 🤚
taehyung: yeah whatever... don't be
surprised if i drop out
namjoon: nooo don't leave i love you
taehyung: you love me bro?🥺
namjoon: yes bro 🥺
taehyung: damn i love you too bro
taehyung: let's hug?
namjoon: ain't abt that life, sorry bro
taehyung: b-but you l-love
m-me, r-right 🥺
namjoon: yeah bro but i don't hug😔
ask jimin he likes hugs
taehyung: ion even know jimin
namjoon: he hasn't texted you yet?
taehyung: not in a while, no
namjoon: waittt you've
messaged him before?
taehyung: oh shit yeah no that
was a different jimin
namjoon: oh well you should talk to
him on monday :)
taehyung: ahah yeah
it was sunday night, the only time where taehyung felt comfortable leaving his house. he had decided to go downtown to just walk around and to see what's happening.
there seemed to be a street performer, so he went to check it out. it was a boy and he was dancing with another boy. they seemed to be young, but taehyung couldn't recognize them because it was dark out and they were wearing masks. one of the boys had left after a dance, leaving the other to finish up on his own. it was quite cold out, but the dancing probably kept him warm. the crowd was starting to get smaller, which made taehyung want to stay and cheer the boy on. whoever the teenager in the baggy pants and bucket hat was, he was an extraordinary dancer. his moves were sharp and played with your feelings. the way his body rolled was hypnotizing, it was hard not to fall in love then and there. sadly, taehyung could tell the boy was getting frustrated with the missing crowed, he needed to do something exciting to make people stay.
unfortunately, the ground was slippery.
the boy had tried to do a backflip off the the wall behind him, but slipped on his landing and fell hard on his back.
the people gasped, and taehyung ran to the boy with his phone already to his ear.
"are you alright!" taehyung asked as he waited for someone to pick up the phone.
the boy only moaned in return.
as taehyung got a closer look of the boy's face, he realized who this was. jungkook.
when taehyung was talking to the emergency line, both of the boys recognized the other and jungkook started sobbing.
jungkook wasn't sure if the fat tears rolling down his face was from the pain in his heart or the pain in his back.
"yes. this boy, jungkook, was street dancing and ended up falling hard onto his back," taehyung told the officer.
"jungkook, can you move?" taehyung got no response.
"he's not answering me sir, i think that's a no."
"okay, i'll stay with him until they get here. okay, i'll tell them to leave."
taehyung quickly took jungkook's mask and stuck it to his face.
"everyone!" he called once he was covered. "you must leave, the ambulance is on its way!"
after a bit more commotion and the incoming sirens, people started to move.
taehyung looked down at jungkook, noticing he was becoming less and less conscious.
"hey, jungkook, stay awake," taehyung panicked, poking the younger's face.
jungkook grabbed taehyung's hand in order to remove it from his face, but ended up passing out, leaving the older's hand in his. taehyung blushed, pulling his hand back in embarrassment.
what felt like hours of waiting, was only minutes until the ambulance arrived. taehyung decided it'd be best to contact namjoon and tell him what happened, since no one jungkook knew was there as a witness.
taehyung: i'm downtown and i was just watching a street performance
when he tried doing a backflip
and fell on his back
taehyung: by he i mean jungkook
taehyung: i called the ambulance
and they took him
taehyung: but he went unconscious
before they arrived
taehyung: just thought i'd let you know
namjoon: oh shit.. do you think
he'll be okay?
taehyung: i don't know.. he couldn't even talk.. only moan
namjoon: that might just be
because of the pain but what
do i know
namjoon: i'll call his mother
and tell the others... thanks
for being such a good kid, even
if jungkook is a dick sometimes
taehyung: don't thank me! everyone
deserves a second chance :) and plus
it was the right thing to do
namjoon: right. well get home safely
and get lots of rest :) we have school
tomorrow remember ;)
taehyung: don't remind me🙄 night
it's been a while... huh
i'm always apologizing but i'm sorry again!! been really busy and now it's break!
hope everyone had a very merry christmas/ happy holidays
this will most likely be the last update of the decade :P happy new years, hopies💜
also it's not letting me add a pic but just know i'm still freaking out over that vmin car selca jimin posted 😔🤚
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