You're On Your Own, Kid
August 12th, 1921.
Paris, France.
Amélie Rosier's house.
Theseus opened his eyes slowly when he felt the surface he was laying on jump. He realised he had fallen asleep on Amelie's chest. The red haired woman had a frown on her face, clearly having some sort of nightmare.
"Hey." He whispered. "Élie. Élie, wake up." He said and shook her shoulder. Her green eyes looked into his when her eyelids opened abruptly. "Hi." She blinked and breathed in and out.
"Sorry." She said.
"Whatever for?"
"I woke you up, didn't I?" He shrugged and laid down slightly away from her, shaking his head. He shivered as his body felt cold the spot where it received the warmth of her own.
"I don't mind." She smiled at him and looked at the clock, 2:30 a.m. She sighed and looked at the ceiling. "What was it about? The dream."
"Last night, the legs started hurting." Theseus frowned and sat down before he removed the blankets from them. "What are you doing?"
"Cooking." He answered with sarcasm as he started to lift the trousers all the way to her knees. "What do you think I'm doing?" She smiled a bit, their sarcasm and personalities as a whole have always been the same and complementary. He looked at her skin, he remained silent.
"Is it that bad?" He looked at her.
"Meh, fifty-fifty. I expected it to be worse and I am surprised it didn't hurt until now." He stood up. "Do you have a first-aid-kit?"
"Bathroom, underneath the sink." He walked towards the bathroom, opened the door that's under the sink and found a wooden box. He took it with him to the living room, at this point, Élie was already sitting down, taking a look at the wounds.
Theseus sat down and opened the box finding bottles with potions inside. He grabbed a green one with a round top. He shook the bottle as he gently held her left leg and placed it over his lap, then, he looked at her.
"Try to be quiet." He said before removing the cork of the bottle with his teeth, he then held it in his hand.
"I know, this one burns too." He nodded and proceeded to leave a few drops over the wounded skin, she bit her lip and grunted as she squeezed her eyes shot.
"Shh, I'm almost done with this one." He said and moments later, the last drop fell. She breathed out in relief as he placed down her leg and took the other one. "Ready?" Rosier sighed and nodded, a second later, the potion started dropping onto her skin again. She covered her face and let her head fall on the pillow she had been sleeping on and breathed in once he was done. "Crybaby." He placed the cork back into the bottle.
"Shut up, idiot." He smiled at her and grabbed his wand from underneath his pillow.
"Ferula." He said lowly and white bandages were wrapped around her legs. When they were settled, he placed down her trousers and smiled at her. "All done, you should be good as new by the time we wake up again." She smiled back at him.
"Merci, Monsieur."
"No problem." He laid down beside her once he had placed the potion into the box and said box on the coffee table. She closed her eyes and turned to lay on her right side while he just stared at the ceiling before falling asleep again.
Six hours later, at 8:30 in the morning, his blue eyes opened again. He sighed as he felt that he hadn't sleep at all despite doing it for hours, and he frowned when he realised he had scooted closer to Amélie in his sleep. He was hugging her, his arm around her waist and his head just above hers as she is too short compared to him. Her hand was on top of his, taking in the hug unconsciously.
He pulled away slowly in order not to wake her up and stood from the couch to make his way towards the balcony. He stepped outside and breathed in the cold air, this made his body feel less heavy.
Theseus turned around and saw the redhead turning on the couch, pulling the bedsheets closer to her. He closed his eyes and shook his head, it felt wrong in some way. I mean, Leta had been gone for hours...and he found himself cuddling a woman like he would cuddle her. It didn't feel right. Problem was, he found the cuddle comforting, her heat heartwarming, her presence and touch electric. He sighed and shook his head.
Moments later, he saw how the case opened and Newt crawled out of it. He looked around until he saw Theseus, both of them smiled at each other sadly as Newt walked out to stand beside Thes.
"How'd you sleep?" Asked Newton.
"Like shit." Theseus answered with honesty. "I didn't rest." Newt sighed.
"Me neither."
"Yeah." He turned around and walked up to Amélie. She was deep in her sleep as he checked on the bandages, the skin underneath them was in perfect conditions once more, it only looked a bit red but it was nothing to worry about. He removed the bandages with a wand movement and covered her with the bedsheets again. As he did so, Newt paced in front of the bookshelf slowly, reading every single title. His scoff called Theseus' attention.
"She's got my book." He said as he took it out and looked at the blue cover with golden touches. A very elegant design Leta had come up with, he smiled at it.
"She said she wanted to give it to you for you to sign it." Newt looked at him with a bigger smile before he looked around to find a quill, and he found it over the small dining table, the blue ink container right beside it. Newt grabbed the quill, dipped it in the ink and opened the book. When he got to the title page, he wrote down a note for the Auror and signed with his name. He let the ink dry as he placed the quill where it was and walked back towards the bookshelf, closed the book and placed it where it was. "What did you write?"
"A 'thank you' note for everything she has done for us and for wanting to learn more about magical creatures." Theseus smiled at his brother. "She seemed to be very fond on them, specially Bowtruckles."
"I think she used to have one."
"It was her mother. She had it, Amélie looked after it every now and then. She told me months ago when we met in New York." When he spoke those words, Tina walked out of the bedroom, as well as Nagini. Few minutes later, Amélie woke up and eventually Jacob and Yusuf joined the group.
The host kindly asked if anyone was hungry, but no one seemed to be, and it was understandable. It was ten in the morning when everyone tied the place up, before they left to meet with Dumbledore again.
Scotland, United Kingdom.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
They all apparated at the school bridge, all of them except for Theseus, he said he had to go to the Ministry first. There he met Travers, who had succeeded in escaping from last night's battle and Mister Spielman. He briefed them on what had happened at the Mausoleum and told them where they all were now, that's when the three teleported towards the school.
As Theseus made his way to stand next to his once academic nemesis, Dumbledore made his way towards them. Newt was quick on walking towards the Professor to talk to him alone. Travers tried to step into said conversation and walked fast to get there, but Theseus approached him and stopped him.
"I think is better if he talks to him alone." He said and Travers nodded, accepting that. All of them watched the two men meet at the middle of the bridge and saw them talk to each other, they obviously couldn't hear a word.
At some point, Theseus saw the sad expression on Dumbledore's face, and the way he looked at him. He knew Albus had heard about Leta, the glance he got from his once teacher made him breathe in deeply, as if he tried to remain strong before everyone. Because that's what he was doing. So, Amélie took his hand gently into hers and squeezed his hand, transmitting support, the support he already knew he had from her.
Only minutes later, Dumbledore raised his hands. He had chosen to help, but he needed his freedom to do so. Theseus sighed before aiming at him with his wand and make a swift movement of his wrist to unlock the magical cuffs that were wrapped around Albus' wrists. The cuffs fell to the ground and after a few more word exchange, Dumbledore and Newt started to walk down the bridge towards the castle.
The rest didn't quite know what to do now, so, they started to deapparate from the place and get back to the British Ministry or to France, the only two that stayed were Theseus and Amélie. They had come to the conclusion that both were hungry and decided to visit Hogsmeade. It brought back to them many memories of their younger years, specially walking into The Three Broomsticks to get something to eat and then Honeydukes to buy some candy.
When the time came, they walked back, only that they continued to wander around the school grounds. They walked on the permitted area of the woods, into the Quidditch pitch and watch a friendly game between Slytherin and Hufflepuff in which Theseus clearly supported his house and Amélie the opposite one, —this was because one time as they argued in detention, Theseus told her she would be in that house had she attended the school because of how she behaved. Rosier told him that her house, Ombrelune, valued the same stuff Slytherin did, so he would be correct. The witty response only made him angrier.— then they entered the Castle. Once in, they visited old classrooms and entered when they saw they were empty. Eventually, he looked at her and she looked at him, when he smiled she knew what he was thinking.
Theseus ran out of the Potions classroom with Élie right behind him. This was something they did constantly, specially at night. Both of them made their way to the Astronomy Tower, laughing as they ran. They started panting when they were standing on the tower, smiling and laughing.
"Just like old times." He said and she shook her head.
"That was unfair." She told him as she approached the railing and placed her forearms on it.
"How so?" He asked as his hands found his hips.
"Well, you got taller, you're faster. One step of yours are three of my own." He laughed loudly.
"Well, I've always been taller than you." He said as he approached where she was standing.
"Yes, but back in the day, you were taller a few inches."
"I've always been a head taller."
"Well, now you're almost two. Could have given me a head start." He laughed and looked at her, his eyes glued to her neck.
"Had I done it, you would've gotten angry. You've never liked not having the same chances as everyone else." She felt the intense glance of those big blue eyes on her and turned to look back at him. His eyes looked into hers and both smiled.
"It's funny how you still know me that well, despite the fact that people change over time."
"I could say the same." They remained silent as they looked at the landscape, feeling the wind on their faces and hearing the birds that flew by and the way they sing. After a while, Theseus pulled out the watch from his vest pocket and looked at it, 1:15 in the afternoon. She looked at his hand and found the blue silk tie around the chain.
"Why did you keep that?"
"Keep what?"
"My tie." He looked at his hand and saw the blue fabric there.
"Oh, well...because you left and were obviously not coming back for it. I figured it was better if I kept it rather than leaving it there on the dirty ground." She smiled as she looked back at the front. "What?"
"You want it back? Because I can-"
"No, it's not that."
"Then what is it?" She shrugged and looked at his hand before taking the watch into her hand, then, she untied the silk.
"It just looks a bit too big there." Once she had the silk in hand, she took out her wand and pointed at it. "Diminuendo." The fabric shrinked, a second later, she tied it the way it was around the chain. "See? Now it looks much more proportionate." She handed back the watch, their hands brushing against each other. "You have always been considerate over the tiniest things, even a piece of clothing. That's one of the many things I loved about you." He smiled. A beat. "That I still love about you." Theseus just looked at her and felt butterflies in his tummy. He looked away as he tried to suppress that feeling. She looked away too and damned herself for saying that. She shouldn't have, the timing isn't right and, the fact that she could still have feelings for Scamander after all this time scared her in some way.
"Thanks. For that and for fixing the tie." She laughed.
"No problem." She breathed in and kept her hands in the pocket of her trousers. "Well, what time is it?"
"Quarter past one." She nodded.
"Newt is still there?"
"I suppose."
"Will you wait for him?"
"I don't know how long will it take for him to get out and I still need to fill in reports about...what happened." She nodded. "It's going to be a lot of paperwork."
"Tell me about it." A short pause. "Come on." She added signalling the staircase with a head movement. Both started walking towards the entrance and then downstairs until they had reached the low floor, from then on, they walked towards the exit of the Castle and all the way down towards the bridge. When they were there, halfway through, they looked at each other. "Thank you, for the meal and the candy." He nodded.
"My pleasure." He smiled, pursing his lips.
"I'm leaving too, like you said, plenty of work to do. Not to mention that I have to contact plenty of families to inform them." She sighed.
"Me too. Getting all those names won't be easy task."
"Specially since very few survived or stayed." He nodded. "Well...if you need anything, I'm here for you. Miles away but one letter or call away." He smiled more.
"I know and you know that I'm here for your too." She smiled back.
"I know." They stepped close to each other and shared a hug. A tight hug. "See you soon, Thésée." He smiled and rolled his eyes at the way she had pronounced his name as she said those words into his ear before pulling slightly away and kissing his cheek. His hand found hers and she squeezed three times before letting go, looked at the Castle, and deapparated from the bridge. Theseus breathed in and out, tightened the hand Amélie had touched into a fist, and kept his hands in the pockets of his trousers and nodded.
"See you soon." He said to no one as he walked down the bridge and deapparated moments later just to appear outside the British Ministry.
London, United Kingdom.
British Ministry of Magic.
He walked in and went straight to his office, feeling the glances of everyone on him. It was as if everyone knew and he didn't doubt they did. He opened the door and breathed in and out when he had closed it behind him, his back against the elegant wood.
He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair and approached the desk. He sat down, took out parchment, his quill and ink. He started writing down what happened at the Cemetery, who did he see had died and who had crossed the fire as they pledged their loyalty to the Dark Wizard.
When that was done, he noticed there was a pile of papers on his desk already. Those were the letters that already had the names of the family members of the Aurors that had died. He thanked Mister Travers for that, after all, he saved him a whole deal of time. Now, he didn't have to search for the names of all those who had died.
He sighed continued to write. It is a tough task, to inform them that their child had joined Grindelwald or give his condolences for the loss of their son or daughter, the brothers or sisters. He wrote plenty of those, his hand and heart ached. At some point, he had to write to Angela Clifford. His heart grew small. Angela was Thomas' wife, they had been together since Hogwarts, as some would say, they were school sweethearts. He shook his head and stood up to get to Angela and tell her the news.
He walked out of the office and eventually the Ministry. He walked down the London streets feeling the cold air around him. It felt like the coldest day and it was summer, nothing made sense. Eventually, he arrived at the house. He stood before the opaque glass of the door and made the bell ring. He placed his hands into the pockets of his trousers and waited, moments later, the black haired woman opened.
"Theseus." She smiled. "What a lovely surprise." He made an effort to smile as she pulled him into a hug that he returned. "What can I do for you?"
"I have some-" The kettle started to make it's characteristic noise, cutting him off.
"Oh, sorry. Do come in." She stepped into the house and rushed to the kitchen while Theseus walked in slowly and closed the door behind him. As he walked to get to the living room, he found plenty of pictures of the couple that went back for years, some of their wedding. He smiled when he looked at the picture where Tommy, James and himself were smiling and laughing. It was taken right after Tom and Angie had given each other the 'I do'. "The groom and his Best Men." Theseus washed off the tears in his eyes as Angela spoke from behind.
"Yeah." He said and turned around. "It was taken before they took that one." He pointed at the one where the Bridesmaids and the Bride standing with them, she chuckled.
"Indeed. Can I offer you a cup of tea?"
"Oh, thank you but I'm afraid I have to go back to the Ministry in a moment."
"Alright. Well, what brings you here?"
"Something that happened last night."
"Right, Tommy was called to Paris at the very last minute. I was there delivering some stuff to Marissa." That was her sister, she worked as the receptionist of the Ministry. Theseus just nodded. "Did...something happen?"
"I...I'm afraid so, Angie." She placed her cup of tea down. "We went to face Grindelwald and he uh...he attacked us. We were a group of fifty people and...only five of us came back." The brown eyes of the woman across him started filling with salty water and her shoulders moved up and down rapidly, her glance asked for the words she was anticipating not to be true, not to leave Theseus' mouth. "Tom was one of those that didn't make it back home." She busted into tears. "I am terribly sorry."
"We...he wanted to be a father, you know?" She said after a while. "I was going to tell him today at dinner." Theseus frowned sadly as he acknowledged Angela was pregnant.
"I really am sorry, Angie. I wish I could've-"
"I assume you were trying to survive too, there is no way you could've divide yourself in two to save yours and his life."
"No, but I wish I could've done something. I know I could've."
"You're not a God, Theseus." He looked at the white carpet.
"No, but it was my job to keep them alive. My Aurors, my best mate, Leta-"
"Wait, Leta? You said Leta?" He looked up and sighed. "Oh, Theseus...I'm sorry." He shrugged and sniffed as he felt the tears in his eyes and the knot in his throat, as well as the weight of her wand in the blazer's pocket and the ring on his trousers.
"I couldn't do anything, you know? Never in my life have I ever felt so powerless." The tears fell and he rushed to wash them away with the sleeve of his blazer. "And it all happened so fast."
"Please, don't blame yourself for this. That's not something neither of them would want you to do." He chuckled.
"Yeah, Tommy would say something like 'suck it up mate, we'll get it next time' or something." She smiled and giggled.
"Yeah. And she'd simply tell you to relax and try again tomorrow." He nodded.
"She would." They held each other's gaze for a moment. He breathed in and after a moment he stood up, Angela stood up with him and walked him to the entrance. "I was going to write but...I figured it would be better if I came."
"And I appreciate that." She opened the door. "Take care of yourself, Theseus." She hugged him again and he hugged her back.
"You too. Both." She smiled and started crying, making him intensify the embrace. "If you need anything, please, let me know. No matter what it is."
"Will do." She let go, her hands on his shoulders. "You too." He nodded.
"Thank you." She nodded back and he stepped back, walking down the little stone steps. When the door closed behind him, Angela broke down. He was able to hear her sobbing and crying, this made him cry.
He didn't even know Tommy was there, he was too focused on apprehending the Dark Wizard rather than memorising the faces that had gone to war with him and he hated himself for that. He thought how his friend's wife was going to prepare his favourite meal and some tea to give him the news and it ached him to think that she could've been sitting there, waiting for him to get home, only that he wouldn't.
The candles would burn out, the tea would get cold and eventually someone would knock on the door and hand over the letter he could've written saying that Thomas would not come home tonight or ever, that he would not be having a funeral because his body was reduced to ashes that the wind eventually blew into the atmosphere. And he knew that in that scenario, Angela would sit and cry, just like she was doing now with a letter in hand, the ink of the paper stained with her tears.
He thought about it all the way back to the Ministry. When he stepped in, many people approached him to offer their condolences but that only made him angrier. How could the people that whispered behind Leta's back could say that she was so loved by them now? He couldn't be there, not now, not yet. He needed time.
Theseus sat at his desk after he had locked himself in his office, took a deep breath and placed the letters into envelopes, then, he placed them all on a stack and held them into his left hand. Moments later, he grabbed the report he had written and proceeded to walk out of his office. He locked the door the way he has always done and handed over the letters to his assistant, he asked him to send them out on his behalf before heading to Travers' office. He knocked the door three times and walked in after he heard his voice saying he could come in.
"Theseus." He said sitting at his desk.
"Mister Travers." Theseus greeted back.
"What can I help you with?"
"Just came here to hand over my report on last night's events. Fully detailed." He left the parchment on his desk. "I wrote letters to notify the families of those we lost, my assistant will send them out." Travers nodded. "And, I'd like to make a request, sir."
"Tell me."
"I'd like some time off. I haven't taken a vacation since I got promoted and that was a while ago and...with what happened I need some time to clear my head."
"I understand, but-"
"I know these are tough times, that we're at war and that the hardest part might be just starting, but I really would like some days off. I'm not asking for months, just...a few days." Travers seemed to be considering it. He sighed before nodding.
"Does a week sound alright?"
"Brilliant, sir."
"I give you a week, then. I understand that what you're going through is not easy but I won't say I understand what you're feeling. Many will, but I won't, because I don't. Had I lost my wife..." Theseus nodded, in all honesty, he didn't want to hear a speech about this. He just needed to get out of there.
"Thank you, sir."
"Get yourself some rest, we'll handle things here." Theseus nodded and after he shook Travers' hand, he walked out of his office and the Ministry before he deapparated from the street and apparated at his building's doorstep.
He walked into his house and sighed when he closed the door. It was so odd how, despite not living together, it felt as if Leta's presence was missing at home. Theseus made his way to the living room and sat on his uncomfortable couch to look out of the window, small raindrops falling from the sky and hitting the glass. His leg moved up and down as he suddenly felt uncomfortable in his own house. He stayed there the whole afternoon making all sorts of cleaning activities to feel 'better' as if that made him relax, but it seemed impossible.
His nose was able to catch glimpses of her perfume from the moment she had been there a while ago, he knew it was just him missing her but it felt as if a ghost was making its way through the place. It was tormenting him, messing with his head. He stood up and made his way to the bedroom, he grabbed a suitcase and filled it with his clothes, shoes, things for his hygiene, cologne, etcetera. He packed so fast and when he thought it was done, he closed the case and walked towards his door. When his hand found its handle, he hesitated. What was he doing? Where would he go? It was so overwhelming running from a memory that he simply thought he was going crazy.
He made the decision to leave his place for a few days, he thought of visiting Newt and stay there for a while, that seemed like the best and most reasonable option. He nodded to himself and looked at the coat rack to get his black coat but found nothing there, that's when he remembered where his piece of clothing was. He sighed through his nose as he knew of somewhere else he could go.
Paris, France.
Paris seemed as sad as London. Rain was pouring down here too. Theseus made his way into the magical side of the city and walked underneath the rain towards the Ministry. When he walked in, he met the receptionist, she was on the phone with someone and the man waited patiently for her to hang up the call.
"Bienvenue au Ministère des Affairs Magiques." She said and he pursed his lips.
"Thanks." He knew those words for the times he had been here before. "I'm looking for Madame Amélie Rosier, is she still here?"
"I'm afraid not, Monsieur. She left about ten minutes ago."
"Her house, I suppose."
"Right, seems obvious given the time." The woman before him smiled, slightly amused. "Well, merci beaucoup, madame."
"Je vous en prie, Monsieur." Theseus sighed as he walked towards the elevator of the Ministry that would take him out of the building. Once outside and as the rain continued to soak his persona, he thought of the house Élie had teleported him to last night, for he didn't know the address. When he felt confident enough, he tried to apparate there.
And he succeeded. He knew because he was able to see her through the opened curtains of the window, she took Newt's book out of her bookshelf and smiled when she saw the autograph she didn't even ask for. He stepped closer to the door and knocked on it.
"J'arrive! Une seconde!" She said and, more than one second later, the door opened. Her eyes revealed nothing else but surprise. "Theseus." She was untangling her hair from her signature braid and let her hair fall down her back.
"You're in Paris...again."
"I am." He looked around. "It's raining and it's windy."
"I can tell." He chuckled at her innocence and sarcasm.
"It's cold, Élie."
"Right, sorry. Come in." She stepped aside and the tall man entered the home. "What are you-?" She tried to ask as she closed the door.
"I went to the Ministry, looking for you."
"I remembered I left my coat at your office." They looked at each other in silence for a moment. She was shocked about his presence here, and she was concerned, for it was not very proper of Theseus just to show up, he would have written first and then come all the way to Paris to retrieve the coat.
"You came all the way here to get your coat back?"
"I wasn't going to let you keep it." She smiled.
"Don't worry, it doesn't even fit me." She smiled and crossed her arms as she looked at his hand, spotting the case. "What's with that?"
"This?" She nodded. " case."
"What's going on?" He frowned and she just raised her eyebrows, the gesture invited him to speak after he sighed and left the case on the The fact that, even if he thought she couldn't see right through him as she once did but she actually could, couldn't stop being surprising and assuring for some reason.
"I can't be in London, at least not now. So, I asked Travers for a few days off and he gave me a week, then I went home but...her absence really made me uncomfortable. In my own home. That makes no sense. Because we weren't even living together." The pace he spoke increased with every word he spoke. "And...before that...I found out my best friend, Tommy, he was at the rally, but I didn't see him. I didn't know he was there and...I found out he died." He laughed, as if humour could make the truth be a lie. "He died, Élie. My best mate is dead, and my fiancée is dead too." He frowned as his eyes filled with tears as his hands found his hips after he ran a hand through his wet hair, his words made tears appear into Amélie's eyes as well. "I was writing the apologies and condolences letters to the families and I came across Angela Clifford's name, she was his wife, now she's his widow. I couldn't write to her, I couldn't just...say 'hey, Thomas is dead now' on a paper, I had to tell her; so I visited her. She asked me to walk in, she prepared some tea as I looked at old photographs and then I dropped the bomb when she asked if something had happened." He made a pause as he just looked at her and sat down on one of the kitchen stools. "She's pregnant, you know?" The tears in their eyes fell. "She's...she's fucking pregnant." The gentleman façade fell to the ground as he was too overwhelmed, cussing seemed like the right thing to do to get his frustration out. "And she was going to tell him tonight, but he won't come home tonight or ever. And now won't have a father to play with, to read him or her stories...there will only be pictures and stories of him and...God, this is so hard. Why is it so hard?" He started to break down even more and she rushed to give him a hug.
Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck while his wrapped around her waist, his head over her chest. Rosier stood there, brushing his damp hair for a while as his fists tightened around her clothes. She had never seen him like this, so vulnerable, so broken, in so much pain.
"It's okay." She whispered as she stroked his hair softly, his sobbing made his wild shoulders move up and down quickly. "It's okay."
"I can't." He said, his voice muffed against her chest. She shook her head as she made an effort to hold back her own tears.
"It's okay." He breathed in and continued crying.
"It's all my fault."
"No. No, it is not." She pulled away slightly, her hands cupping his cheeks to make him look at her. "Theseus Kyllian Scamander, listen to me very carefully, this was not your fault and it will never be, you hear me?" Her tears pooled her eyes and fell like waterfalls down her cheeks now. "You cannot blame yourself for something you couldn't control."
"But I-"
"Shut up and listen. It was not your fault. Do you understand me? I'm speaking English so that you do understand me. It was not your fault." His eyes filled with tears even more. "You did everything you could and I know that you think you could've done more, but when we face death...there are very few things we can actually do to stop it. Do not blame yourself for this, I beg you. It will eat you alive." He sighed and continued to break down. "There is only one person to blame and that is not you, okay?" He sobbed, she breathed in deeply and exhaled. "It's okay."
His grip around her intensified, it had been a long time since they've allowed each other to walk in completely into their lives, even if they still knew each other, they were strangers in some way. But those strangers had a past and they cared for each other, Amélie knew she'd be Theseus' rock through this rough time and he knew it as well.
They may not be what they once were for each other but that sort of love remained there, that compassion, that friendship that has been brought back to life. Rosier was one of the people Scamander cared deeply about, and right now as it seemed like everyone he loved could disappear, he held on to her tightly, as if it could prevent her from disappearing as well in the blink of an eye. Both cried for a while and separated from each other only a bit when his grip around her went loose.
"I wetted your clothes." He said after a while. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine, je m'en fiche." He frowned as he didn't understand that last bit. "I don't care." He nodded.
"I spent the whole day at my place cleaning around to keep my mind busy but...that didn't work. I felt bad, anxious and uncomfortable. I had to get out. I impulsively packed some things and thought of where to go. I thought of crashing at Newt's first, and I wanted to put my coat on but it was not there." She smiled a bit. "So, I figured I could come here to get it back." He sighed. "And here we are."
"And here we are." She looked towards the entrance. "It's right there, actually." His eyes found the coat beside her own on the rack.
"Oh, thanks."
"Mhm." A pause. "I was about to make dinner, would you like to stay?" She commented after a while and he nodded.
"Gladly." He smiled, another thing to keep his mind occupied with. "What will we prepare?" Her eyebrow shoot up. "What? I wanna help." She smiled and nodded.
"Something simple." She rolled up her sleeves as he took off his blazer and placed it on a chair to let it dry, when he reached her side, she aimed at him with the wand, a warm breeze hit him and dried his clothes as well as his hair.
"You're welcome." She placed the wand in her hair to keep it together in a bun. "So, I was carving salade."
"Sounds good to me."
"Parfait." She took out of the fridge all the ingredients and guided him through the steps he'd do while she did others, that way, a ten minute job was made in eight. Eventually, they sat down and ate their food accompanied with glasses of wine.
"I might steal this recipe from you." She chuckled at the sudden comment as she took a sip of her wine.
"Go ahead." He took a sip from his own glass. "I have plenty of recipes, us French people have a good sense of gastronomy, and the Non-Magiques have a brilliant taste for desserts." He smiled.
"I bet." She nodded. "We could bake some other day, truth is, I'm oddly exhausted."
"That's normal. Where will you stay?"
"No clue."
"Well, feel free to stay here. I have no problem with having you here."
"Are you sure?"
"Oui. I mean, I'll have someone to look after Nuage." He smiled. "And you can relax somewhere else than rainy London, Paris is a good place to simply walk around. There's the couch or the spare room, take whichever you'd like."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." She nodded before finishing her wine, stand up and get her dishes to the sink. Theseus mirrored her actions and helped her clean the dishes.
When they were done, Theseus grabbed his case from the ground and made his way to the spare room. He liked it, just like the rest of the house, minimalistic and yet very elegant decoration. The walls were white, as well as the lace curtains. The view of the window similar to the one from the balcony. Small plants rested on the nightstand and the desk giving a splash of colour to the room.
He opened the window just slightly, for he cannot sleep with windows closed, sat down on the bed and sighed. He focused on the way the moonlight went through the window, the way it made the room feel cosier for some odd reason. He stood from the bed, opened his case, and started to take out his stuff. He settled his suits in the closet, then his shoes, his jumpers, his pyjamas and underwear. Suddenly, his chest felt ease. Moments later, he heard a knock on his door, he walked up to the wooden gate and opened revealing his new roommate.
"Just wanted to say goodnight." She said softly making him smile.
"Goodnight." She smiled back.
"If you need anything, I'm right across from you." He nodded.
"I know, thank you." She nodded as well and walked to the room that's on the opposite side of the hallway, flashing him a smile before closing the door.
Theseus closed the door of the room he was staying in and laid down on the bed after he had taken off his clothes, letting the softness of the bedsheets embrace him alongside a lavender scent he hadn't picked up on. He turned and turned in bed until he fell asleep.
Unfortunately, he didn't slept well that night either. He woke up multiple times because, either his brain relived Leta's death or played her memory over and over behind his eyelids.
He would stand up and gently knock on Élie door to get no answer, he opened the door and looked inside to find her asleep just in the middle of the bed, her window also a bit open. He closed the door. He headed to the kitchen and prepared some tea and stood by the window looking at the city of love completely asleep. He was left alone with his mind and the moonlight to keep him company until he decided to give his dreams and sleep one more chance.
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