
December 11th, 1925.
Nurmengard Castle, Austrian Alps.

Amélie was wide awake the entire night this time, she didn't allow her eyes to close, not even for one minute. Although it did feel as if her eyes were closed because of how dark the room was.

  She was thankful she had her watch with her and working, that way she was not going to go mad in this place, she knew time was going by and could take notes on it.

"It's been a day." She said to herself as she placed the watch into her waistcoat pocket. Amélie stood up with whatever strength that remained in her, for Vinda's torture session last night left her very weak, and started trying to find a way to get out.

  She looked through the small window that's in the door and saw there were no guards. Of course, she thought, why waste someone's time looking after a prisoner? She could use that to her advantage, though; the trick was getting the door open.

She searched her pockets, she had nothing she could use. Not even a mere hairpin. The room had nothing helpful either. It had bloody nothing, not a loose brick, not a stone on the floor, only small puddles of water here and there.

Amélie sighed as she heard footsteps on the other side of the door. She moved to stand beside the wooden gate, so that when the person opened it, she could throw them in and get out. It surprised her to hear the door was locked with a spell, meaning that, even if she had had a hairpin and picked the lock, the door still wouldn't open.

The door opened slowly and Amélie wasted no time in locking the head of the person with her arm and apply pressure to knock them out.

"Amélie." It was Queenie. "Amélie." She gasped for air and Rosier groaned before letting go. Amélie had wasted her resources of energy and her knees gave in, causing her to fall, as Queenie coughed. "It was me."

"Is there a difference?" Asked Élie from the ground. Queenie turned around and looked at her as she rubbed her neck and looked ashamed. Amélie looked terribly awful, her lip and eyebrow cut open, as well as her cheekbone; a black eye, and dried blood on her nose and lips. Rosier's blue suit had dust on it and a sleeve of her coat was wet, her hair was messy too. Queenie was filled up with concern to see her like this.

"My goodness...What happened to you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I didn't break through magic, so they tried physical force." A sigh left her lips slowly as she reclined her back and rested her head against the cold brick wall. "Although I did break...I told them everything I know. What I knew, after all, there was no point in lying. I'm surprised to find myself still breathing, people like these kill and get rid of those who are not useful for them anymore." She sighed and remained quiet for a moment. "You know? I told your sister I'd look for you while she was busy in America, and I did. I followed every clue that could possibly lead us to you, but I couldn't find you, Queenie." A beat. "However, for better or for worse, I'm here. I've found you think he'd let me send her a letter?" Another beat. Amélie chuckled with no emotion. "No, he won't. But, if he did, what should I tell Tina?"

"That I'm sorry." Queenie levelled with Amélie and sat beside her. "I went with Grindelwald because I thought that what he was offering actually sounded good. A world in which I could be with Jacob, you know? But it's nothing like it. It's just death and torture and lies to make people join his army to destroy my lover's world. And my own." She sighed and Amélie just listened. "That's what I'd ask you to tell Tinny. And I would add some words written by my own hand."

"I'm sorry for what he's made you go through. No one deserves to see any of that." She nodded

"Nor go though it." Amélie smiled very weakly.

"Thank you for that." Queenie nodded again. "Back in the Academy there's a class we take. Advanced Dark Arts class, there they taught us how to resist and not break when someone uses the Crucio curse on us. They throw it a little on you and you're supposed to not black out. It's easy to endure it when you have two of your closest friends holding you. However, when you're's unbearable." Queenie sighed and looked at her hands. "I didn't know it was you going through the door, I'm sorry." Goldstein smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry. I know I would've done the same."

"Why are you here? Did he send you? Or Vinda?"

"Vinda doesn't even speak to me unless she has to. She's a real pain in the ass." Amélie laughed.

"Tell me about it." A pause.

"He did send me to spy on you, though, since yesterday. I had to stand outside the door and listen to your mind but I can't read it, I just tell him you think of a way out or think about Newt's brother."

"Even if you can't read my mind that's pretty much what you'd be able to see." Amélie looked at her hands and felt her eyes salty. "Is Theseus really...dead?"

"He doesn't know."

"Oh." A shaky breath escaped Amélie's lips and her tears rolled down her cheeks, suddenly feeling the pain in her chest less heavy. Relief.

"I found out he's captive in Berlin somewhere...I don't remember where, though."

"But he's alive."

"As fas as I'm concerned, he is. Some people say that he wouldn't last long there, but if he managed to survive that night in Paris, I believe he could survive anything." Amélie smiled again.

"He surely can. He's the strongest person I know. He's survived the worse, his scars prove it so."

"You love him so much, don't you?"

"I do. So much it hurts. It doesn't seem to matter if he breaks my heart, the thought of him is always present. It had been years since I last saw him, but when my eyes met his last night, it was as if no time had gone by at all." She sighed. "I just hope I can tell him again, even if I know he won't tell me he loves me too."

"Oh, but he does."

"How do you know?"

"When at the Mausoleum, I could read almost every mind. Even yours cracked open for a split second. Every single one of you was so focused on fighting, surviving, that the lock to your minds fell and I could hear them. When Theseus and Newt were fighting Grindelwald's fire and you duelled Vinda, his mind was rushing with memories from when you were younger, he remembered how much he loved you even if he knew he was engaged to Leta. I assume that feeling grew stronger after that night. He loves you." Queenie smiled at Amélie and her hand reached for something in the pocket of her coat. "Here, I assumed you'd be starving." Tied in napkins were three biscuits.

"Thank you, Queenie." The woman nodded, offering a smile. Amélie ate in silence and offered a biscuit to Goldstein, although she refused.

"Those are for you. There used to be four, you know? I ate one on my way here." Élie giggled in a whisper and Queenie joined her, both laughed quietly until they started laughing loudly. Goldstein stayed there until Amélie stopped eating. Then, silence joined them. "You should get some sleep, Amélie."

"I fear that if I sleep I will be assaulted by nightmares, plus, someone not as kind or good as you could burst in any minute know." Queenie sighed. "You should go. If someone finds you here fraternising with the enemy, they'll start treating you like one too." Queenie sighed and nodded before standing up and heading towards the door. "Queenie." The blonde woman turned around. "It's good you're not like them, keep it that way. Don't allow them to change you."

"I'd be damned if I allowed them to." Amélie scoffed with a truthful smile. Queenie smiled, too.

"Again, thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome." She opened the door and stepped out. "By the way, it was a good punch the one you gave her. It hasn't healed yet, not even with Gellert's magic." Amélie looked at her bruised hand, rubbed her knuckles, brushed the golden ring with her finger and smiled. She nodded as a thank you. Queenie drew out her wand and aimed at Amélie, which made her flinch. "Don't worry, I won't do anything bad." Amélie blinked and Queenie moved her wand gracefully. Suddenly, Amélie's hair was not messy anymore, nor her clothes filthy. She looked the same way she had arrived, plus bruises and cuts, but no blood was on her face anymore. "Much better." Goldstein said before she walked out and closed the door behind her, however, she didn't lock it. Amélie stood up and walked towards the gate as she kept the napkin in her coat's pocket.

She breathed in before her hand reached for the doorknob, Rosier knew she'd have to fight with her fists her way out, for she didn't have her wand. Merlin, if she had her wand everyone in this goddamn fortress would be cuffed by now. When she was about to pull the door open, someone pushed it and she gave quick steps back. It was Krafft and Vinda.

"Good, you're awake." Said Vinda with a fake smile. "Come on." Krafft held Amélie's arm and was about to drag her, but she pulled away as she somehow felt stronger.

"I can walk by myself, thank you." She said.

"I'm surprised you can." Said Vinda.

"Well, I'm not going to let you ruin my favourite pair of boots any longer." Amélie walked out of her cell with her chin up and the dark wizards guided her to a room that was a level downstairs. Her eyes scanned every corner of the place as to find a way out of the castle, but she couldn't find one that could be useful.

Plus, Vinda and Krafft had the tips of their wands against her back and neck, she'd be dead in an instant; if she somehow managed to outrun them, she'd fail to leave. Even if she made it to the front door, she could hear the chanting of easily a hundred people that support Grindelwald right outside, they'd be the ones to kill her. She didn't stand a chance. Not alone.

They walked downstairs and found themselves in a dungeon looking room, only that it had a small pond in it. Next to it, was Grindelwald, with wet clothes, holding Credence by the neck. Amélie was confused at the sight. When Gellert's eyes landed on her, he released Credence.

"Ah, our honourable guest." Amélie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"And the douchebag that keeps me captive." Gellert chuckled.

"You're impertinent."

"Thank you for the compliment." She sighed through her nose. "What do you want from me now?" She asked angrily.

"Do you happen to know what that creature is, dear?" He asked as he stepped close to her. Amélie looked over his shoulder and saw a deer-looking animal. She gasped when she saw it.

"A Qilin."


"How did you manage to get one here? They're extremely rare."

"Aurelius was kind enough to retrieve it for me, alongside Vinda and some other friends."

"Who's Aurelius?"

"Credence." Amélie looked at the boy that now had very long hair, unlike last time she had seen him in France. He also looked ill, as if he was dying, for his face was grey and lacked colour. She felt pity for him. "Long story short, he's Albus' nephew, but I won't navigate on Dumbledore's family tree at the moment. It's boring and not what's most important at the moment."

"Well, congratulations for getting the Qilin, what does that have to do with me? Why am I here?"

"You're here because I need to know if there was another Qilin."

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"Women shouldn't cuss."

"Get fucked." He blinked and scoffed, surprised and amused. "Are you really trying to give me etiquette rules? Please. If you're going to waste my time, I'd much rather return to my cell."

"Tell me if there was another Qilin that your friends might have."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Grindelwald sighed and after a second spent in silence, his hand found the back of her head, pulling her hair and he walked towards the water that was in the middle of the room with rapid steps. "No, no. No!" In a second, she was being held underwater, Grindelwald's hands around her neck holding her down.

Vinda saw how her sister, the one that used to read her stories before bed when their father was away doing God knows what and their mother was asleep on the couch waiting for him, that would calm her down whenever a thunderstorm hit the town they lived in, that would play with her in the gardens of the English countryside; was kicking, punching and scratching her way out of the water. A small piece of her heart made her feel uneasiness.

"Stop." She said and Grindelwald looked at her as Amélie's movements became sloppy. "Don't kill her."


"I spent the whole night trying to make her talk, I'm certain she doesn't know anything. She certainly doesn't know about the other Qilin." Amélie started to stop moving. "However, we could use her to our advantage." A pause, he silently asked her to continue. "She could help us find the other Qilin, and she could be a weapon against them. They won't see it coming." She suppressed what her heart was feeling. "Besides...her life's mine to take." Grindelwald breathed in as Amélie opened her mouth to scream underwater, that's when he released her. Amélie emerged from the water after she had taken a mouthful of water and started coughing as her lungs desperately called for air.

"Very well." Grindelwald turned around and Amélie impulsed herself up, her arm flying around the man's throat and holding him underwater. He fought to get off her grip but she was using all the strength she had within herself to asphyxiate Gellert.

"Imperio!" Suddenly, Amélie let go of him and Gellert got out of the water, coughing as well. Amélie did too, moving with no emotion nor light in her eyes.

"If you don't do something about her soon, I will." He said as he walked away. "We're going to Bhutan. Now. Get her arranged." Vinda nodded and dried Amélie's clothes and hair using magic, then, she handed over her wand.

"You will do what I ask now." Vinda smiled. "Move." Amélie started walking out of the room and joined the lines of the dark wizard as they got ready to head towards Bhutan.

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