From Exhile

August 17th, 1922.
Paris, France.
Ministry of Magic.

  Three months. It's been three months in which many dark wizards that caused havoc in the name of Grindelwald. In Paris, many acolytes managed to escape while others were captured and brought to justice. Which was good, the only bad part was the amount of paperwork that came afterwards.

  Amélie found herself in her office. A cigarette consuming itself on an ashtray to the left, an empty glass of whiskey on her desk to her right, her fingers stained with blue ink, the quill moving onto the parchment as she explained with detail how her Aurors and herself managed to successfully break a small rally in Lille. It was tough to write it, let alone being there after all these years. Flashbacks of the war didn't have mercy on bombing her memory. She was signing the paper when a knock on the door called her attention.

"Entrer." She said and the door opened. She expected to find Miss Dupont about to wish her a good night, perhaps François about to ask her if she'd like to get a victory drink, but it was neither of them. Instead it was..."Monsieur Cotillard." Antoine Cotillard, the Minister of Magic, her boss. She stood up and opened her mouth to apologise for some inexistent reason when he smiled and shook his head, as if he knew.

"Bonne nuit, Amélie." He greeted.

"Bonne nuit, Monsieur." He closed the door behind him. "What can I do for you?" He shrugged.

"I need to talk to you." She nodded.

"Oh, alright. Please." She pointed at the chair that's opposite from hers with a smile that he returned as he approached the seat. He sat down before her and she sat too. "What is it?"

"Well-" He saw the glass and the cigar on the desk. "Back to your old habits?" She frowned as he pointed at the objects.

"It was a stressful day. And I'm not back at it." He arched an eyebrow. "Seriously, Antoine." He sighed. "Do you want one?"

"A cigarette? No, thank you. Those things are hideous." She smiled.

"I meant a whiskey."

"Well, in that case, yes. Make it double." She laughed and he chuckled. She moved to the bookshelf, opened one of the cabinets on the bottom, took out a glass and the bottle of whiskey. She proceeded to pour the beverage on his glass and then into her own. "Merci beaucoup." He said when she had handed the glass over, Amélie nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm concerned about you, Élie." She sighed and looked through the opened window at the night sky.

"We agreed you didn't have to."

"I agreed with you that I didn't have to. However, I promised your mother I'd look after you, hence me being concerned either way." She shook her head. Antoine and Amélie's mother were childhood friends. He has been working on this line of duty for ages now and, when he found out Angelique's daughter had entered the Auror Academy, he promised her he'd look after her. Élie has never liked it, though.

When you've got someone powerful in your corner, people tend to believe and spread the rumour of them giving you a hand and some extra help to get into the position you might be at the moment. When Amélie started working at the Ministry, she ascended quickly in the hierarchy. People found out her mother was friends with Antoine, that he's the child's godfather, and assumed he had been helping her despite Amélie's sweat, tears, and blood, and hard work been given in exchange of her titles. Some elected to ignore that and believe she just had an easy way in. Or called her a whore for being better than them.

Even if she knew she had done it all by herself, it made her uncomfortable that others might think otherwise. Specially given her family's past. The Rosiers are known to be mostly Dark Magic witches and wizards. Still, Antoine never cared knowing very well Amélie did it all on her own, that she had earned it by being the prodigy she trained herself to be since a very young age. And he'll always care, despite Élie's insistence of keeping their distance. They're family. Antoine stayed because, that way, Amélie wouldn't have to be alone. And he knew she appreciated it more than she'll ever say out loud.

"And why are you concerned? Because I'm smoking again?"

"Yes. Precisely. Because I know you smoke whenever things aren't well in your life. A habit that started back in the war."

"Well, being back in Lille triggered stuff, you know?"

"I do. And I understand. And...I received intel about it." She frowned. "It was planned. The place and the time."

"Makes sense, it was a rally." She said after she had gulped the sip of whiskey she had taken. Antoine shook his head.

"It was planned for you to be there." She placed the glass down. "When you told me Vinda had been here, I directed a squad to look throughout the entire place to check if anything was missing. I personally checked the archive room." A beat while he drank his whiskey slowly. "Your file was gone. She stole the missions you've done, the places you've been to, the people you've locked up-"

"She knew I served in Lille." He nodded.

"Did anyone try to kill you today?"

"Yes. But she wasn't there. Vinda wants to kill me herself, she wouldn't send people to do so."

"Maybe not. But those witches and wizards were rookies." She sighed, understanding.

"She was testing them." He nodded. "Did they confess?"

"One. The youngest one. A girl. She's only fourteen. She gave us precious information." Élie shook her head. "You need to be careful out there."

"I know. I am."

"You weren't twice." She sent him a glare. "Sorry, but it's true."

"Well, I promise I'll watch my back better. Okay?" She took a long sip of her drink. "Now, it's getting late, you should go home to Marion." He smiled.

"You forget I've known you long enough as to know when you're trying to get rid of me." She rolled her eyes. "Why don't I take you home?"

"No need to. I can go by myself. Thanks, though." He smiled.

"You'll go home like you've been going home all these months?" She frowned and he tilted his head to the right, knowingly. She sighed.

"Who was it? François or Madame Dupont?" Antoine chuckled. "I won't tell them anything from now on."

"Neither of them would ever betray you." He took another sip of his beverage. "I've been working late, Madame Dupont did tell me you were also working late. I've come here to wish you a goodnight and ask you not to stay too late just to find you asleep on a bed that comes out of the corner of that wall." He said pointing at the wall behind her. "You're getting creative with your spells." Her head fell forward, defeated. "Why don't you go home?"

"Because I don't want to be home."

"Because of Alexandre?"

"No, no. It's no longer because of Andre. I just..." She sighed. "It's not really a home anymore. It's a house, it's all alone, and nobody's there. Therefore, I don't really...enjoy walking through that door. Not lately, at least."

"The reason behind that?"

"A separate issue I don't want to talk about. That's it." She took a mouthful of her whiskey and Antoine understood. Amélie is a person that builds up walls too fast, she tends to build them as she opens up and suddenly, bam! Your face can hit the bricks she has just aligned. He has learned the pace in which she builds her fortress and knows when to stop walking in order not be shot out by a wall.

"Well, I might have a solution." She looked at him, interested. "I have a mission for you far from France. It's confidential. Only you and I know." This was serious. "The young girl, Marie, she told us a few French witches and wizards have gone to New York." She breathed in slowly. New York. Just like Lille, that city will trigger memories, pleasant ones, but they're the kind of memories that you were once happy and made you happy, only that now they make you sad and sort of angry.


"And they plan on attacking Non-Magiques. There are two women, two men from Britain, another guy from Germany, and a Swedish woman." He took one of the last sips of his whiskey. "Apparently, the Swedish witch was dealt with last week but the rest is still out there." He handed over a file, she opened it and she found pictures of the people she'd be arresting. Two blonde women, certainly twins. Two brown haired men, and a blonde man. "There are reports of another woman being with them but she hasn't been sighted in weeks."

"Do we have their names?"

"No. Marie didn't know."

"Who must I bring in?"

"The twins and this motherfucker." She nodded but frowned as her eyes met the picture in motion of one of the brunette men, his green eyes tough. Her own green —but soft— eyes moved from the picture towards Antoine. "Get him arrested, no matter what."

"Why? I mean, sure but..." He sighed.

"He went after my wife to give a message." Her heart skipped a bit and she felt her blood cold. She loved Marion as her own mother, just like she loved Antoine as a father.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you were fighting for your life at the Lestrange Mausoleum." Amélie nodded. "He will be our prisoner for not more than forty eight hours but all I want is to have him in my city behind bars. Perhaps beat him up myself." She scoffed knowing he'd never do that. Although, we're talking about his wife. He might do it.

"Why won't we keep him here?"

"He's the German guy." She sighed.

"Alright. I'll bring him in, or send him to you in case I'm stuck in New York." He nodded. "I'll give him hell." Antoine chuckled and Amélie smiled at him while the man nodded.

"I know. I'm counting on it."

"Do I assemble a team?"

"No, you're going alone." Élie's eyebrows shoot up for a second before she exhaled a breath and slurped the before last mouthful. "I know the British Ministry will send someone else to help you out." She opened her mouth. "No, I don't know who'll it be. I can only assume it could be Mister Scamander or someone he really trusts in case he's busy." She sighed knowing Theseus could most definitely be the one to take the case, however, she hoped for him to be very busy, for she didn't know if her eyes and heart could bare the sight of him. "All I know is that this whole operation is top secret. Grindelwad doesn't know we have the advantage over his little massacre plan."

"Does MACUSA know we're going?"

"They're aware, yes. But they won't interviene. If they do so, the element of surprise is gone."

" the other woman my sister?"

"We don't know. However, we do know that Vinda vanished from our radar alongside Gellert." Amélie nodded.

"When am I leaving?"


"Thanks for the long notice for me to get ready." She said with sarcasm, making him laugh. She smiled. That's when Antoine finished up his drink and stood up. She jumped to her feet too.

"Well, if you leave now you'll be arriving at their nighttime." She nodded. "Here." He took out a small envelope from the inner pocket of his blazer. "It's the address you must go to in New York."

"Is it a pub?"

"Most likely. There's where he'll be with the other two men. The women will be harder to find." She shrugged.

"They might be there too, you know?"

"Perhaps, but so far they've been working as separate groups." She threw her head back, annoyed, as her hands found her hips. "I know, I know." Antoine sighed. "Go home, pack stuff for three weeks tops."

"Three weeks?"

"Amélie, you have the record of the fastest arrests in the Bureaux, three weeks is too much for you. I just said three weeks because that's how long I'm allowing you to be gone in case you need time for yourself away from here." She smiled.

"Merci beacoup." He nodded.

"Head to the docks, a personal transport will be waiting for you, the password is the answer to a riddle. 'What can you break even if you never pick it up of touch it'." She nodded.

"What about my team?"

"François knows you're following a personal case and that he's in charge again. That's it." Amélie nodded.

"Thank you for this." Antoine smiled and nodded.

"Don't mention it. Be careful out there. Please." Élie nodded at the parental manner.

"I'll be." She walked him to the door. "See you in a bit." The man smiled at her and hugged her.

"Oh, before I forget, don't open the envelope until you've arrived at New York. It will burn to ashes in ten seconds after you do so."

"Got it."

"Good luck."

"Thank you. Give Marion my greetings. And hug her from me."

"I will." He walked out and got lost in the dark hallways of the elegant building. Amélie sighed before closing the door again.

  She walked towards her desk and kept all the important and classified archives and reports on the drawer of her desk, locked it with it's key and then a spell. She took the last mouthful of the whiskey and kept the glasses back into the bookshelf's cupboard. She gathered her belongings and placed them into her black leathered bag. She then buttoned her vest, threw on her blazer, her coat, bag over shoulder, took her hat and put it on before heading out of the office. She locked the door with the key and then with a spell, as it is of custom for her.

  She approached Madame Dupont's desk and wrote out a little note asking her to take care of Nauge while she was away. That woman was the only one who had a spare key of Élie's home. Besides Theseus. She damned the thought of him, it didn't matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop him from putting roots in her dreamland. Amélie placed the note into the drawer of sweets of Madame Dupont's desk and left the Ministry with her heels echoing in the empty hallways.

  She quickly teleported home and packed as Antoine had asked her to. Then, she took some of the American dollars she hadn't used from the last time she had been in the city and kept them in her wallet, headed out of her bedroom to find her cat on the couch of the living room. She petted Nauge, kissed its head and got out of the house. She did the same lock-the-door process and teleported to the docks. There, just like Cotillard had said, a boat seemed to be waiting for her. The man in it narrowed his eyes as he looked at her.

"What can you break, even if you never pick it up our touch it?" He said.

"A promise." She said after three seconds. He nodded.

"Welcome aboard, Madame."

"Merci beaucoup, Monsieur."

"Make yourself comfortable, it will be a long trip."

  And it was. Most of the time she spent sleeping and thinking of an identity to use, she decided to use use Angelina Rocher again; she created a story in her head, and took a nap again. When it was least expected, she was woken up by the boat owner saying they've arrived. She nodded, took out of the pocket some extra coins and handed them over before grabbing her trunk and stepping out of the boat. She thanked the man and walked away.


Manhattan, New York.

  When she found herself alone near a subway entrance, she grabbed the envelope from her blazer's pocket and opened. She memorised the address and, as promised, the envelope burned to ashes in her hand, without burning her skin. She hopped into the tube and knew where to hop off, Madison Avenue. When she arrived, she saw from the opposite side of the street a pub, indeed. She looked to the left and saw an Inn's sign.

  She walked up to the building, walked in and headed to the receptionist. She looked at her up and down before Amélie asked for a single-bed room.

"How long will you be staying?"

"Five nights." The woman nodded and took her name. When she had annotated the fake identity in an agenda, she charged Élie and gave her the bedroom key after she had given her the money. She'll need to change more money to their coin. "Thank you." The woman just nodded before focusing back on whatever she was doing.

  Élie arrived at her room, unpacked, and sat on the bed. She breathed in before she untangled her red mane from the braid and made a simple up-do to make her hair look shorter. She stood up and got rid of the coat, the blazer, and the vest. Then, with a wand movement, her clothes changed into an elegant black cabaret dress. She applied a darker shade of red to her lips and deapparated from the bedroom to apparate on the alley of the motel.

  Amélie walked out into the street and quickly crossed the street to get to the pub. She walked in before the door closed and found the hidden-from-Non-Magiques-sight wizarding bit of the world. A Dwarf was walking around with a trade with drinks on it around the tables, a Nymph was dancing in the middle of the room to the rhythm of a song sang by a Goblin Jazz singer.

  She made her way towards the bar as her eyes scanned the room looking for a brunette man with German factions. She ordered a glass of red wine.

  Rule number one for these kind of situations: you must make yourself notice. Not with your looks, but your drink of choice. Here people will order whiskey, firewhiskey, a pint of beer, fancy cocktails, martinis, etcetera. But almost no one would ask for suck an elegant drink for a not so elegant place.

  Men at the bar were already looking at her, smiling invitingly, but none of them was the one she was after. She smiled back but the smile wasn't inviting. They understood. That's when she turned around on her stool. And there he was, right across from her. Amélie saw her target from the corner of her eye, giving him time to be more invested. She took a small sip of the wine, counted to ten, and allowed her eyes to swim across the ocean of faces until she made their eyes collide. He smiled at her. She smiled back and his smile widened.

  The man proceeded to point at her glass, she shrugged. He chuckled. She started counting in her head. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Enough eye contact and pretty fake smiles. She looked away and didn't look back at him for another ten seconds. When she did, it was only a glimpse over her shoulder and a flash of a smile. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. He excused himself from the conversation, the other two men looked over to where she was. The two British men. She looked back to the front and took another small mouthful of her bitter wine.

"Hello, madame." He said. His voice rough, like his gaze. She smiled at him. His thick accent brought her back in time again and she felt her blood cold.

"Bon nuit, Monsieur." He arched an eyebrow, his smile not fading.

"You're from France?" An assertive nod.

"Indeed." He chuckled. "You're German" Another nod.

"I'm Luka, you?" His hand finding hers over the black marble. His thumb caressing her wrist softly.

"Angelina." He grabbed her hand and brought it close to his mouth.

"Pleasure to meet you, Angelina." He kissed her knuckles slowly, without breaking the eye contact. She smiled tenderly.

"Le plaisir est à moi." He smiled against her skin. They talked for a bit, but it's nothing too important as for me to tell you. What it is worth telling you is that, on the opposite side, not far from where the Brits were, is another Brit. He goes by the name Theseus.

  He arrived ten minutes before Amélie did, he didn't see her walk in, but he did see her exchanging looks with the guy. Luka said a woman was looking at him, Theseus heard and looked discretely for the woman to find his once lover. He sighed. And it annoyed him to see the way Luka was undressing her with his stupid green eyes. The only eyes that got to do that, and even had the honour to see her actually naked were his. No one else's.

"Can I invite you a drink?" She smiled.

"I haven't even finished this one."

"Perhaps later." He nodded. A beat. Tango started playing and the Goblin started singing the song.

"Invite me a drink after a dance." Luka smiled. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the middle of the room, where they started dancing alongside other couples. Theseus looked at them, jaw clenched, whiskey burning his throat as he swallowed it roughly, his bruised knuckles white over the table he was sitting at. He could see him with his hands around her body, both pressed closely against each other. His blood boiled.

"Red wine?" She chuckled. What did I tell you?

"I wanted something...different."

"Hm, so you're not like other girls?" She laughed and he laughed alongside her, but the joke's not funny at all. She hates that pick-up-line.

"That'll be up to you to decide."

"Oh." They laughed again.

"Where are you from?"

"Jumping into personal questions, huh?"

"Well, you can't blame me for trying to get to know better the stranger I met in a bar." He nodded in agreement.

"Munich. What about you?"


"Never been."

"A beautiful Parisian town."

"And what are you doing here all alone, Angelina?"

"Taking a pleasure trip."

"Pleasure trip?" She nodded. "And have you experienced pleasure yet?"

"Can't say I have."

"I could help with that." She smiled.

  Theseus' eyes were glued to her and he had to look away when he saw him pressing his lips against her neck when they had to dance more closely. When he looked back, Luka had twirled Amélie around for her back to be against his chest. She looked away from the German man's green eyes to find her favourite shade of blue. The only shade of blue she wanted and she'll ever want. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew and was certain he could be here, yet, she didn't really prepare herself for that. She saw him staring at them, at him. Sending the dirtiest of looks on his direction.

  Luka turned her around and that's when the last chords of the song played, being replaced by a different beat. A slow song. Luka held Élie tightly as they slowly drew circles with their feet. He looked at Amélie and slowly leaned over until he pressed his lips against hers. Theseus looked away again. He was angry now and his grip was dangerously tight around the glass of his drinks, the bruised knuckles almost white. He knew she was doing her job but, up to what point could she be doing this to punish him in some way? Because she could be.

When Theseus looked back, he was facing Luka's back and his eyes met Élie's again. His eyes added insult to injury. He asked if she was fucking serious with just a glance. Amélie rolled her eyes, as if he could be angry for this.

  Both got their hearts broken yet again the last time they had seen each other, and Theseus was the one who didn't look for her despite her telling him she'd wait for him, the only way he reached out was through drunken letters that she didn't want to reply.

  Rosier looked at Luka and kissed him when he smiled at her. Scamander sighed angrily. That kiss was to punish him. Sooner than expected, the song ended and Élie moved away from Luka, who smiled at her.

"We can get that drink now." She said and he nodded. They started walking back towards the bar, his hand on her lower back. When they arrived at the bar, her glass of wine was still there, intact. She finished it quickly.

"Would you like another glass of wine?"

"No. Whiskey. Double. On the rocks." Luka's eyebrows shoot up.

"Quite a strong drink for a delicate flower, don't you think?"

"I am not a delicate flower, trust me." She chuckled dryly. "If you want to invite me a drink that's what you'll get me." He placed his hands up in defeat.

"Your wish is my command, madame." He ordered the drinks and they started drinking slowly with the music playing in the background softly. "Tell me, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a Librarian."

"Does it pay well?"

"Could be better, if I'm honest." He scoffed. "What about you?" He shrugged.

"I'm here and there."

"But what do you do?"

"Whatever my boss tells me."

"And what's that?" He shrugged again. There was something she wasn't liking about this, all of the sudden, the conversation Odd. She tried not to show her discomfort on her face. Again, for the untrained eye, the slight frown she had and the way her smile dropped a bit just to reappear was easy to miss, but for Theseus, it wasn't. Oh, it wasn't. He knew she felt something was not right. And Élie knew he was looking and started tapping the black marble of the bar. Morse code.

  Theseus took out of his blazer a notepad and a pen. He looked closely and discretely.

"I don't know."

"I'm confused."

"Well, one day it could be sending out messages, collecting merchandise, or recruiting people." She nodded. "It's hard, you know? Doing my job with all those Aurors on us. It makes me anxious, even if my brother's one of them."

"You're with...the mafia or something?" Her head started to hurt a bit. Luka chuckled with little emotion.

"That's one way to say it." A beat. "What do you think of the Ministries and Grindelwald? Everything that's going on?" He suspects of something. That's what she communicated to Scamander. He looked over at the British men and they were looking at Rosier closely. They didn't pick up on the code, for them it seemed as if she was tapping her fingers to the rhythm of the music.

"I don't know. Aurors scare me, that's all I know. They're unpredictable." He nodded. "I think Grindelwald has a few points on his favour, you know? We must take what's rightfully ours." He nodded again, even more effusively. He looked at her and smiled. "So, your brother's an Auror?" He sighed and nodded.

"Helmut Hoffman." He said and she remembered the face of the man, she's seen him at one or two Balls the Ministries organise and on her trips to the German Ministry. Élie nodded and tapped the wood again to inform Theseus of the German Auror's name, a potential connection or contact for this guys. She has learned to trust the Ministries employees, however, she keeps a mental note of not trusting anyone at all plainly. Only a small circle, emergency contacts.

"Sounds complicated."

"What does?"

"Well, your job and the Aurors interference, your brother being one...I don't know, I guess you don't have the best relationship." He chuckled.

"Surprisingly we do." Hm. She wished she could say the same about her sibling situation. "Hey, uh...want to get out of here?" Luka asked after a short pause and Amélie smiled.

"Right now?" He nodded.

"The place I'm staying in is right across the park."


"Central Park." He said with a chuckle.

"Mine is across the street."

"I like mine better." He's still suspicious or just eager about taking her to bed. He chugged down his drink. "Come on." He stood up and the British men did too.

"Oh, okay, I guess."

"It'll be fine, I promise." She finished her drink quickly, feeling slightly dizzy. She frowned. She stood up and looked over Luka's shoulder. Theseus was already on his feet too. They nodded at each other. The pair walked out of the pub back into not magical New York. "This way." He said to her as the other two men placed themselves behind her. One of them placing his hand on her shoulder, she flinched a bit.

"Who are they?"

"My friends."

"I thought I was just going with you."

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you." Luka took Amélie's hand and started dragging her down the cold night. She felt very warm, though. And the world felt like it was spinning slowly. One of them had probably drugged her.

  This is what takes us to rule number two: As a woman, you never show up alone. You don't arrive with a man, but another woman. Élie's problem was that she couldn't tell anyone and the one who'd be her partner for this was dead. And men always suspect of a woman that shows up alone. They arrived at Central Park and started crossing the park.

"Wait. This...feels wrong." She said, listening to her gut.


"I don't know, I just don't like it." She took a second. "And I feel sick." Theseus frowned and pressed his walk. The shadow wanted to meet its owner and make sure she was fine.

"Angelina, you have nothing to-" He said as he turned around. He stopped talking when he saw a figure of a man hiding behind a tree.

"What?" Asked one of the Brits. Luka frowned and looked at the distance.

"Fuck." Theseus whispered drawing out his wand.

"We're not alone." Theseus cursed under his breath again. "Who did you come with?" He asked Élie.

"No one."

"Don't lie to me!" He said as he grabbed her arm tightly.

"Fuck you, I'm not lying to you! You saw me walk in, I came alone, and you're hurting me, asshole!" She managed to free her arm from the man's grip. Luka hesitated. Silence was pitching through Theseus' ears. Luka looked at Amélie. "Can we go somewhere warm? I'm freezing." Theseus made a wand movement to place an invisibility dome over them all. Everyone saw it falling upon them. "Imbecile." She meant Theseus.

"You bitch." Amélie groaned, annoyed. She pulled out her wand and aimed at the guy before he could.

"Stupefy!" She yelled and Luka flew a couple meters away from her, when he fell, his head hit the ground roughly, leaving him unconscious. She turned around and engaged a duel with one of the British men while Theseus jumped out of his hiding spot and attacked the other guy. The four of them fought strongly. Scamander was the first one to capture his target. He had fallen down when he didn't block Theseus' stunning spell. He then petrified him. Amélie's attack had connected itself with the other man's spell.

  The light was so bright it hurt the eye. Theseus approached the guy that was on the ground and handcuffed him. That's when Élie broke the connection of the spells by sending it upwards, taking out the invisibility dome. In a fraction of a second, she sent the man backwards, he fell by a tree and she used the roots of said tree to hold him down. That's when Theseus saw Luka standing up and aiming at Amélie.

"Avada Kedavra!" She turned around fearing for her life but fearing more for the life of the man that was running towards the other one. She had seen this film before and she didn't like the ending. And Theseus had lost someone too, he couldn't save her, but he could save Élie. She screamed when he saw Scamander jumping. Her yell chilled to the bone.

  Theseus tackled Luka right on time. The spell hit the tree behind Élie, the green and unforgivable curse had flown very close to her face, due to its closeness, she felt her skin burn. Theseus was alright, no harm had come to him.

When both men were on the ground, Scamander started beating the shit out of Luka. One after another, and another, and another, punches hit Luka's face. Amélie stayed there, cold on her feet watching Theseus being a total savage with the man. This was the image of a soldier who would stop at nothing to ensure his safety and the safety of his own.

"Scamander." She called. "Scamander." He continued. "Theseus!" He stopped. He was breathing in and out heavily, his hand hurt, his knuckles bloody for her, the man on the ground passed out with blood crawling out of his nose and mouth. His blood staining his own face. Theseus stood up and turned around slowly. She saw the blood on his face, his shirt. Even if it wasn't his, a wave of worry washed over her. And he saw the burn on her face. He approached her with two large steps. Theseus felt his hands trembling, not only because of what he had done, they trembled because of worry too, pure fear had filled his veins.

"Élie, are you okay?"

"You fucking idiot!" He didn't think much of it, but he was confused. She could've said that because of so many different reasons. Because he precipitated and blew her cover, because he hadn't called or written, because he showed up and she didn't want to see him...Because, because, because.

"Amélie, are you okay?"

"Don't do that! Don't you ever do that!"

"Answer me! Are you okay?" His hands cupping her face, his deep blue eyes examining the burn.

"I'm fine." She looked over at Luka, then back at Scamander. She hugged him tightly. His arms around her felt good, unlike Luka's. She broke the hug seconds later. "Don't do that ever again! Last time- Last time I-" She started crying. "Never do that again!" The crying was uncontrollable. "I hate you! You scared the shit out of me!" He understood why she called him an idiot. Today was triggering her in every possible way. "Don't do that again, please-" He hugged her again, and even tighter than before. "I can't go through that again." She pushed him away to look into his eyes. "I can't lose you." She hugged him back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." Her breath started to regulate. "I'm sorry. It's okay. You're okay." They stayed like that until her crying stopped. "And I'm okay too, by the way. Thanks for asking." She separated from him as she chuckled. He smiled. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You said you felt sick."

"Right. My head is spinning a bit. The adrenaline is helping, I suppose. I drank the wine and whiskey too fast. If I was drugged, I don't think it was a big dose. I won't need any medical attention, but I don't think it's the case."

"You should take something, though. Just to be sure."

"I have a potion in my suitcase. I'll take it later tonight." He nodded.

"Let's take these idiots where they belong." She took a deep breath and nodded. Theseus worked on the tree roots and freed the guy just to handcuff him. that's when Élie approached Luka. She bent down next to him.

"Wake up, motherfucker." She said and slapped him as hard as she could even her palm hurt. Luka's eyes snapped open and she turned him around just to handcuff him, then, she made him stand.

  With a wave of her wand, her dress turned back into a suit. They deapparated from the park and apparated right in front of the MACUSA building. They stepped in and everyone looked at them, specially at Theseus who was covered in someone else's blood, and the guy with a broken face. Tina received them.

"Goodness." She said.

"Hello." Said Theseus.
"Salut." Said Amélie.

"Hi." Goldstein said. "Sucessful mission then?"

"Partially." Amélie said as they walked towards the detention block. "We still have two on the loose." Tina nodded.

"We haven't heard of them in a while." They locked the three guys in the cell. "Ever since the Swedish witch was captured, they've moved with discretion."

"Do you think they'll call for reinforcements when these three don't show up?" Asked Scamander.

"Most likely. They were planning a mass attack."

"Where? I wasn't told the location." Said Rosier.

"Times Square." Élie blew the air out of her cheeks at Tina's response. "I know."

"Well, three less, two to go." Said Theseus. "I doubt they'll call in a massive number of supporters since only the five of them were sent to do it." The two women nodded.

"Still, we must not take this lightly." Said Tina. "Let me show you to your working areas." She guided them upstairs and into the lift.

"So, these guys, we don't need to interrogate them?" Asked Rosier.

"No. Our spies have gathered all the vital information. You make the reports and take them to your respective Ministries for processing." She nodded. They walked out of the lift and into the third floor. There, Tina showed them to their desks. "You know? I must say I'm impressed. I've never seen such a fast arrest here. I have the record and, for an operation like this, it took one week." The redhead smiled as she crossed her arms over her chest, and the brunette smiled too as he placed his hands into his pockets. Tina smiled.

"Thanks." They said at the unison.

"Well, I'll leave you to get to work. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

"Thanks." Again at the same time. The three of them laughed and Goldstein walked away. "Good team effort." Élie chuckled.

"Yeah." They smiled at each other and sat on their respective seats, across from each other. "Where are you staying?"

"At the inn across from the pub." She stopped her movements and looked at him. "What? You too?" She smiled. "Who would've thought?"

"Who would've thought?" She giggled. "Out of all the capable Aurors in your Office, they sent you." He scoffed.

"And out of all the Aurors in your office, they sent you." She giggled and he smiled. She focused on her parchment but he continued looking at her. She felt his gaze as a silence fell upon them. He then looked away when he realised his glance didn't have the same power than before. Truth is, his eyes were just as powerful, if not more. It took everything she had within her to not look up.

  Time went by in silence. They did their reports in silence, one for MACUSA and one for their Ministries. They took the reports to Tina and she took them with a pair of Aurors that she trusts with her life. Amélie and Theseus gave them each the file with the reports and they watched them get their prisoners out of the cell, walk into separate chimneys and disappear underneath green flames.

"Well, that's that." Said Tina. Amélie sighed while Theseus yawned.

"What's next?" Asked Thes.

"We wait."

"Why? We should go after the other two, capture them before they can signal their accomplices and increase their numbers for the attack."

"Yes, but, you should wait at least what's left of the night, Amélie." She smiled tenderly. "Get some rest, I'll meet you here tomorrow morning. I expect to have some information about the whereabouts of the other two." They nodded. "Goodnight." Theseus nodded.

"Meet you at the front?" Theseus nodded again as he hid a yawn. She laughed and he smiled. "Okay." She turned towards Goldstein. "Hey, Tina." Amélie called out and the black haired woman turned around.

"What is it?"

"Have you heard anything about Queenie?" Tina's smile faded.

"No. Last thing I heard she was in Romania with your sister and some others." Roiser nodded. "We should start a club." Amélie laughed.

"We should. Anyone with sister issues is welcomed to join." Tina laughed too.

"You're captain of the club, clearly." Élie scoffed.

"Alright, co-captain." A short comfortable silence. "When I get back to Paris I'll search for leads on her and tell you right away if I find something." Tina smiled.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." She nodded.

"See you tomorrow."

"Nine AM sharp."

"Sure thing, boss. Don't stay up too late, you need to rest too."

"I won't." They walked their different ways.

  Élie made her way out and found Theseus patiently waiting for her. He took off his blazer and placed it over her shoulders as they walked.

"Thanks." She said with a smile as he offered his arm. She took it and they deapparated just to appear on the alleyway of the Inn. They walked in together, the receptionist didn't even bother looking up. When she faced their backs, she just rolled her eyes. And it's a good thing she didn't see them because she would've freaked out if she had seen Scamander with blood on his face.

"Which room are you staying in?"

"3B." He laughed. "What?"

"Mine's 3A." She laughed too. They hopped into the lift and waited patiently. Then, they stood on the hallway, each one with their backs against their doors. "Do you, uh..." He cleared his throat. "Do you wanna come in?" She meditated for a few seconds, then, smiled tenderly.

"Yes." She whispered and he smiled back. He turned around to open his door and opened it for her. She walked in and he walked in behind her. He closed the door. "Sit down on the bed, would you?" His heartbeat started going faster and she noticed the arouse of nervousness that took over him. She chuckled. "Relax, just sit down." He cleared his throat and did as she had asked while she got in the bedroom. Only seconds later, she walked out with a first-aid-kit and warm towels.

"Oh." She chuckled.

"What? Did you think we were going to do something else?" He shrugged. "I'm messing with you."

"Yeah, you are." She stopped her movements and looked at him. He smiled and she smiled back. She took off the massive blazer and left it on the rack that rests behind the door. She rolled up her sleeves and placed her hair up in a ponytail to keep it away. She grabbed the towel and started to wash away the dry blood from his face. "You know? I've always liked the way you look with your hair up like that." She smiled. "And when it was short."

"You remember that?" He nodded.

"First night I saw you since the war, how could I forget that?" She smiled. "It was a rollercoaster." She nodded.

"It was. I actually cut it because you told me I'd look good with short hair." He smiled.

"Really?" She hummed an affirmative response. "When?"

"Some night in Lille." He noticed the light in her eyes flickered but didn't ask. He felt like it probably wasn't the right time for some reason. "I was there yesterday, you know? Brought back a lot of memories." He sighed knowing a few things: a) those memories aren't pleasing. Therefore, b) she would not talk about it. He didn't ask anymore about Lille, he stuck to the prior subject of conversation.

"Why didn't you cut it again?"

"Because I like it when my hair is long, if I'm honest. I'll cut it again someday though, when it annoys me." He chuckled. Then, a silence fell upon them.

"I've missed you." She feared he'd say that. She didn't say anything, this made him sigh. He closed his eyes and the image of idiot Luka kissing her replayed behind his eyelids. He groaned, angry and opened his eyes to look at her. "Did you kiss him just to torture me?" Her turn to sigh.

"Stop. Don't do that. Not...not now."

"I mean, I'm pretty sure it was because of that. Just trying to confirm it."



"I don't know."

"You don't know? Bullshit." Jealousy had made the gentleman façade fall to the ground.

"Well, what if I was? It's not like you care, anyway."

"I don't care?" He repeated her words, incredulous, as he stood up, towering her, with an angry frown on his face. "I do care!" He walked away, towards the opposite side of the bed.

"Oh, don't you raise your voice at me. You're not the one that should be mad, I am! You care like you cared to let me know if you had gotten your shit together these past three months? Huh?!" He placed his hands on his hips and looked at the ground while she just stared at him. "I waited, and I waited, and you never came. I gave you a second chance, a third one, a hundred, and never came back. You didn't even bother to write a letter, at least not one while you were sober. And you didn't call..." She felt a knot in her throat and heard her voice breaking. It hurt him to see her hurting like this knowing all too well is his fault she's feeling that way. "Three months went by without hearing a word from you, so, I guess I get to kiss whoever the hell I want."

"You know what? You're wrong." Scamander said after a prolonged silence. She scoffed. "Partially."

"Partially." She repeated. "Really?" She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.



"Because I did come back." A beat. She just looked at him, not really knowing what to say. "I stood outside the door of your house and your office, but I couldn't bring myself to knock." Their eyes met. "I thought that a month without you was enough time for me to notice that I need you. That I cannot breathe without you. And a month was far too long. I don't know why I waited such a long time, because I noticed that your absence was intoxicating, and not in the good way, since day one." She gulped as she felt her heart racing in her chest. "One night I couldn't sleep and I tried to move in my bed to get comfortable, but I realised I cannot occupy the spot on the mattress you fell asleep on. That night I made my way to Paris and I stood there underneath your front porch light. And my knuckles met the wood but I couldn't knock. Just...I couldn't." He sighed. "The next thing my skin made contact with was a wall because I got drunk. And because I'm an idiot man who thought the only way to let out my frustration, besides drinking lots of whiskey, was punching a goddamn wall."

"Why?" He sighed.

"I just told you, because I am an idiot man that was drunk."

"No, I know you're an idiot, and I understood that part." He almost laughed at the way she accentuated that he, indeed, is an idiot. "I mean...why couldn't you knock?"

"Because I'm scared of it. Of love. Of- of saying it out loud."

"But, Theseus-"

"I know what you're gonna say. Probably that love is actually quite easy and beautiful, but it's not for me." Her green eyes asked him to continue. "The two times I said those three words, the people that I loved died. First, it was my father. It was at the end of the winter holidays, I was on my way back to Hogwarts and I told him that I loved him before stepping inside the train. Next thing I know is my Mum sends me a letter that says he died a week later. I was only fifteen."

"Thes, that couldn't-"

"Ever since that day, my mother never heard me say that I loved her again, and neither did Newt. I've always hugged people, physical touch is my love language, you know that. But since Dad's passing, hugs became the new 'I love yous'." A pause. "Then there's Leta. I thought this time it would be different. Because the first time I had said that I loved her it was an accident, she caught me off guard. I didn't mean to say it, in more ways that you can imagine." Amélie frowned, she actually didn't know or understood what he could mean by that.

"What does that mean?" He sighed.

"That I'm a dickhead, that's what it means." He ran a hand through his hair. "I fell for Leta, but not for the right reasons. Not at first, at least. I fell in love with her to force myself to get over you." Another pause in which Amélie felt her heart falling to the ground. "So she said 'I love you' and I said it back but I wished it was you. And nothing happened to her. So, I started thinking that perhaps it had been an awful and stupid coincidence what happened with my father. Eventually, when my heart was convinced Leta was the one, I told you that I did love her, and nothing happened. And I suppose it was just good luck that had to run out at some point because, when I told her a third time and when I no longer feared the feeling, she was burned to ashes right before my eyes that night." He breathed in. "That's an explanation for why I didn't tell you now. And back when we were younger I didn't say ' I love you' because I was just a seventeen year old kid who knew nothing, that time made him realised he did love you like that, he knew that he missed you, but was still scared to say anything. I was scared of getting my heart broken and losing the first girl I ever loved." He scoffed. "And I lost her either way."

"For a while you did."

"And could I have her back?" He asked after a while. "Even if I couldn't...even if I can't say it? Because I know you need to hear it, and it's valid, but I...I can't. Not yet, at least. And I'm trying, I swear I'm trying to figure it out. This is me trying." She looked at him with empathic sadness. She approached him and held his hands gently. Theseus closed his eyes under her touch and laced their fingers as he took a deep breath. "I know I didn't learn to read your mind, and I couldn't turn things around to avoid everything from happening like it did all those years ago, but I don't want to lose you. Not again. Not this time." He moved closer to her, dangerously closer to her, his forehead touched hers. Élie closed her eyes and frowned with sadness. The feeling of desire burned inside of them. He wanted to kiss her but something stopped him. Her hands cupped his face gently, his eyes still closed under her warm touch. Amélie pulled away and kissed his forehead. It was Theseus' turn to frown sadly.

"I wish I could say yes." His hands found her neck and held her gently, closer to him.

"Then do." She smiled sadly and shook her head slowly.

"I can't." Amélie sighed. "Theseus, we're each other's hoax." He almost laughed once again. 

"You've always spoken with such fancy words." She chuckled.

"We are a humorous deception. Every time we've almost been together we hurt each other, it's funny. We need to figure out everything before we try again. And that's saying something, because we never seem to be able to actually end up with each other." He bit his lip and said nothing before wrapping his arms around her waist in a tight hug. She felt a lump in her throat and that crushing feeling of crying. She hugged him back knowing very well that he was telling her with no words that he did love her. "It's been a long day." She said after a while, not letting go of him because, in all honesty, she didn't want to.

"Why don't you stay?"

"I want to, believe me. But I'm tired. And I'm afraid of what could happen if I do. We still need time." He nodded and they let go of each other slowly.

"Of course. I understand." She smiled at him tenderly. Theseus sighed and walk her to the door. She opened his door but didn't move, instead, she turned around to face him.

"Try to get some sleep, okay?" He smiled and nodded as his hand found hers. "If you need anything, I'm right across from you." They chuckled.

"Likewise, Rosier." He smiled at her before leaning down and leaving a kiss on her cheek. Her eyes closed as she felt her skin on fire, that's the effect that he has on her. Damn him. "Goodnight." He didn't want to let go of her, he feared it. Just moments ago, had he moved a second later, he would've lost her. The idea was unbearable. However, her hand slowly slipped away from his reach.

"Goodnight, Scamander." He remained there, watching her cross the hallway, grab the keys from her pocket, open her door and step inside. She smiled at him when she saw him leaning on the doorframe. The door closed and was locked with a click. Theseus closed his eyes and sighed, that was yet another door that separated them and he couldn't step forward and knock on its wood. He stepped into his room and closed the door.

He took off his clothes, threw on a grey pyjama set, turned off the lights, and made sure his wand was on the nightstand before heading to the bathroom.

He started brushing his teeth and his eyes met his reflection briefly before he felt tears in his eyes. He let them out after he took two deep breaths. Scamander cried partially because he couldn't understand why he couldn't tell Rosier he loved her. He knew it was an unfortunate coincidence and yet...he couldn't fucking say it. That frustrated him beyond words. And because the idea of losing her in any possible way tormented him. He broke down in the bathroom for five minutes before he decided he'd go to bed. He washed his face and headed back into the bedroom.

He laid down on the bed and started at the ceiling until his eyelids fell close. That must've been around midnight or quarter past one. He started dreaming in no time.

  He found himself in a forest with thick mist, he could barely see the trees.

Suddenly, he found himself in a crossed fire between two people. Spells flew from left to right. He moved to take cover behind a tree and looked to the left, he spotted Amélie. Her hair short, her face reflected worry and fear. She looked at him and her expression shifted, now she was slightly calmer. She nodded and moved out of her hiding spot to attack whoever was attacking her. Theseus stepped forward and attacked the source of the enemy spells. A spell flew past him and his own hit the enemy. He saw a corpse falling and being hidden by the mist. He let out a breath of relief.

"It's over, Élie." He said but had no response. "Élie?" He turned around and his triumph smile dropped. "Amélie!" He stepped close to the woman on the ground. She was fighting for her life. Whoever attacked them threw a spell that only made a deep cut on her abdomen. "No, no, no." He whispered as he knelt down and grabbed her body from the mud, placing her on his lap. "Please, God, no!" He breathed in and out, trying to calm himself in order not to freak out Amélie more than she already was. "It's okay, you're okay." His left hand held her neck and his right hand made pressure on the wound, making her frown painfully. Blood crawling through his fingers. "Élie, hang on, okay? Stay with me. Stay with me." His eyes went from her green orbs filled with tears and towards the deep mist. "Help!" He cried. "Somebody help! Help me! Please!" He looked at her. "Stay with me, okay? Stay with me, Rosier!" Her breath was being cut short by death. Her hand with blood reached for his cheek. "Stay with me, stay with me." His hand placed itself over hers, pressing her skin over his own.

"I" He felt himself chocking with his own words. Her eyes begged him to say something.

"I love you, too." He said with certain difficulty as his eyes pooled with salty waters. She smiled and chuckled before her head fell backwards and the light was gone from her eyes. "Élie? Élie? This isn't funny, Amélie, wake up. Wake up! Blink, Amélie, blink! Please!" His ear was placed over her chest and no heartbeat could be heard. "No, no!" He took a deep breath.

"No." He said as he woke up feeling cold sweat all over his back, his breath too fast. He looked at the window and took a deep breath before closing his eyes. That's when he heard a scream on the other side of the door. "Élie!"

He got out of bed and grabbed his wand before rushing out of his room in seconds, following the source of the screams. Amélie's room. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and enlightened light from his wand. Rosier was on her bed, breath heavy.

"It was just a dream. I'm sorry." She said as she caught her breath and ran her hands through her face and her hair. What an odd situation.

"It's okay. You know I get 'em all the time." He said. "Woke up from one just now, actually." They remained silent while he fixed the door with a small wand movement. He stepped towards her, he sat down on the bed and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry, I gotta..." Amélie frowned as his hands lifted her silk shirt just slightly. There were no wounds, no blood. She was fine. Theseus let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He placed her shirt down.

"Is your shoulder okay?"

"Yeah, is. I'm okay." A short pause when he looked into her eyes. "Goodnight, Élie." He said as he stood up and headed for the door.

"Thes." He stopped before stepping out and turned around to see her. "Will you stay with me?" He nodded.

"Yes." He closed the door behind him and walked back towards her. He slithered his way into her bed. His arms wrapped around her, Élie's head fell upon his chest. The beating of his heart eased her nerves. "Always." He kissed the crown of her head and she closed her eyes.

They stayed like that for a while, until the clock on the nightstand marked 5:15. Amélie fell asleep first and he made sure to stay awake long enough in case he had to scare her nightmares away before he gave up to Morpheus' influence and fell deep into his sleep, after Élie's calm breath sang him a soft lullaby.

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