Paris, France.
Père-Lachaise Cemetery.
The group of around fifty Aurors arrived at the Cementry, right outside the Lestrange Mausoleum. As they approached, Amélie and many others, felt the tickle of anxiety and fear in their stomachs as they divided themselves in pairs.
"Listen." Élie said when they entered the Mausoleum, finding themselves inside the elegant tomb with many coffins and white marble statues that represented the dead members of Leta's family. "We must act swiftly. I know you're scared, I am too, but we must remain calm, we don't know what are we going to find in there or what will happen. We don't know who's in there."
"There will be men, women and maybe even children." Theseus commented. "We need you all to remain calm and keep your head in the game if we're all to go home tonight. It isn't illegal to listen to him." He added, just as a note because he knew the man would try to be persuasive.
"Stick to your partner and try to blend in. You move on our mark, use minimum force on the crowd."
"We mustn't be who he says we are." Everyone nodded as the bricks of the back wall opened, revealing some stairs. They all walked down said staircase and their eyes opened like plates when they saw the amount of people standing by the staircases around what seemed to be an underground amphitheater.
"Alright, make your way around the area, we'll stay here so you can see us." The Aurors nodded and the Heads of the Bureaux started walking to stand close to the stairs. "I have a bad feeling."
"Mhm." Everyone could feel the tension, many were tense and intrigued, excited and some seemed ready to fight. It was very bad energy. Their eyes scanned the room, they found their Aurors standing at the back of the room on tactical points, they could see the people who were nervous, those who weren't, and eventually...
"Vinda." He looked at her, Rosier was looking at someone on the low floor. A woman wearing a black coat and black hat, holding what seemed to be half a skull.
"That's your sister?"
"Indeed. And, apparently, she does try to kill me frequently." Only a second later, the crowd started clapping and clamouring at the man of the moment. The situation seemed unstable and could end up very bad. Both saw the way his Acolytes stepped closer to the entrances and the Aurors were heavily outnumbered.
Grindelwald approached with a steady pace the centre of the room. When he stood in the middle, he extended his arms and smiled at his public as they received him like a God. When the last applause echoed in the room, he dropped his arms and head before speaking.
"My brothers, my sisters, my friends...the great gift of your applause is not to me. No. It is for yourselves. You came here today because of a craving and a knowledge that the old ways serve us no longer." He walked around the area where he was standing. "You came here today because you crave for something...new, something different. It is said that I hate les non-Magiques. The Muggles."
"Vermin!" A man yelled from the right side of the room, seen from where these two were standing.
"The No-Maj." Grindelwald continued. "The Can't-Spells. I do not hate them. I do not. For I do not fight out of hatred. I say the Muggles are not lesser, but other. Not worthless, but of other value. Not disposable, but of a different disposition. Magic blooms only in fade souls. It is granted for those who live for higher things. Oh, and what a world would we make for all of humanity we who live for freedom, for truth and for love." A pause. "The moment has come to share my vision of the future that awaits if we do not raise up and take our rightful place in the world." That's when Vinda stepped forward to stand beside him. She offered the skull, that had a pipe attached to it. He took it, inhaled deeply and, when he exhaled, the smoke gathered on top of everyone's heads. Images were on the smoke.
"A skull-hookah." Said Rosier in a whisper.
"Used for divination, isn't it?" Scamander asked, whispering as well.
"Correct." There were soldiers running and gunfire could be heard, making the people exclaim in fear. "He's showing us the future." There were tanks, people running, cities burning and buildings crashing on the ground. Airplanes firing their machine guns, people fleeing the danger and eventually a huge explosion. The column of fire and smoke made every nerve of the Aurors' bodies tingle with a familiar and yet so unknown fear.
"Another war." The blue orbs met a pair of green that stood to his right. They knew how it had been, their minds are still tortured by the memories. Another war would be too terrible. Both of them had a worried frown on their faces as the smoke cleared out.
"That!" Grindelwald yelped and Amélie flinched. "That is what we're fighting! That is the enemy! Their arrogance! Their power lust, their barbarity." The Aurors looked at each other and, with a simple glance, they knew both were thinking just the same: we move now. They looked to the front, left and right and nodded at those who were around, all of them nodding back. "How long will it take before they turn their weapons on us?" A heavy silence pitched through everyone's ears as Grindelwald's eyes started shooting across the room. "Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions." A pause. "There are Aurors among us." They all looked at each other as the crowd murmured with panic, all of them seemed hostile about the presence of the wizards and witches. "Come closer, brother wizards. Join us." Theseus looked at Amélie and she looked at him before they stepped forward, their heads standing tall.
"Do nothing." Scamander told those around them.
"No force." Rosier insisted. With a final nod, the leaders started walking downstairs, their army following their movements. She looked at the front and made eye contact with Vinda, who smiled wickedly at her. Grindelwald also had an arrogant smirk on his face.
"They have killed many of my followers." He said. "It is true. They confined me and tortured me in New York." They all saw how the followers looked with anger at them, the way their hands gripped around their wands tightly. With all the nervousness, Élie tightened the hold around her wand but did nothing, she just kept on walking. "They struck down their fellow witches and wizards...for the simple crime of seeking the truth. For wanting freedom. Your anger, your desire for revenge is natural." In just a second, the sound of a spell being casted and the screams filled the room. Just across from where they were, an Auror had attacked a girl. "No!" Everyone's heartbeat increased in a second.
"No." Élie said at the same time Grindelwald did. She groaned annoyed while Theseus simply exhaled a breath he was holding, his chest moving up and down as he breathed in and out quickly. Now everyone would think of them as the bad guys, now they seemed to be what Grindelwald said they were. Fear had made the man act and now there'll be consequences.
The Auror ran to the back of the place and got lost in the shadows as Grindelwald approached the corpse that was laying on the ground now, Vinda going behind him.
"Take this young warrior back to her family." He said once he was right beside her. He started walking upstairs as some people took a hold of the girl to take her out. "Disapparate. Leave. Go forth from this place and spread the word." He told the thousands of wizards and witches. The battle was about to start, it could be felt in the air. "It is not we who are violent." With the endless sound of a 'puff' everyone left the place until it was the Aurors, Vinda, himself and a few others who stayed.
"Lets take him." Theseus and Amélie said at the unison but, before anyone could do anything, Grindelwald spinned around and made dark fire appear around him forming a perimeter. The ironically bright blue flames blinded everyone's eyes for a moment. Someone moved forward but Rosier stopped her, it was Elyna. "Don't!"
"It's a protection spell, it will burn us to ashes." That's when Vinda stepped into the fire and crossed unharmed.
"Nothing happened to her." Elyna pulled herself from Élie grip and rushed downstairs.
"Elyna, no! Stop!" She ran behind the woman to reach her but it was too late, when the blonde and bold lady tried to cross, the fire burned her alive. The flame grew bigger as she screamed and Rosier had to step back and cover her face from the infernal heat. "No!" She yelled as Lyna was reduced to ashes in within seconds, her sight blurry with tears. Theseus grabbed Élie's arms and pulled her up, away from the flames. "Bastard!" She yelled at Grindelwald as her tears fell, the man simply smirked and then chuckled.
More people walked forward. Abernathy who everyone thought formed a part of their team a while ago, crossed and some more of his followers. One man tried to cross it but was burned, meaning he wasn't entirely loyal to the Dark Wizard. His eyes were pinned on the Head Aurors.
"Aurors, join me in this circle. Pledge to me your eternal allegiance or die." Said he. Amélie spotted Vinda looking at her in the background, looking straight at her, her glance was cold but inviting in some way. When Élie sent her a colder glare that said 'no' without any words, Vinda's eyes turned even icier. They had hate in them. "Only here shall you know freedom. Only here shall you know yourself." The flames started moving up.
"Move!" Yelled an Auror from the right. That's when everyone started running up to escape the blue fire. Many yelling and screaming as they ran. When someone tried to deapparate, the flames got to them. The echo of a scream was heard everywhere.
"Play by the rules! No cheating, children!" Grindelwald mocked as many Aurors were burned and their ashes fell to the ground. When Theseus and Amélie had reached the top floor, they turned around and panted as they recovered their breath.
"Credence!" Newt called, Theseus' attention snapped towards the source of the voice.
"Newt." He said. "What is he doing here? What on Earth is he doing here?! Newt!" He saw Newt trying to reach the Credence boy and didn't waste a second before running towards his brother. Élie ran behind him to help. Both saw the way the flames stood in between Newt and Credence, only that Scamander succeeded on blocking the fire with a protection spell until it was too much for him and he fell. "What are you doing here?!" Theseus asked as he helped him up, they had reached him by the time he was on the ground.
"I-" Said the youngest brother.
"Are you alright?" He nodded. "Are you hurt?" Newt shook his head. That's when the three of them saw Credence walking through the fire. When he was by Grindelwald's side, he hugged the boy and whispered something into his ear.
"Walk with me!" Yelled a woman on the opposite side of the room.
"Queenie." Said Élie.
"Jacob." Newt said at the same time. Only moments later, they saw how the youngest Goldstein started walking downstairs.
"Queenie, don't do it!" Jacob yelled.
"Queenie!" Tina, who apparently was also there, yelled only a second later. As Queenie got closer to the fire, Jacob covered his eyes, he was terrified to see his beloved face a horrific fate. The blonde woman screamed as she felt the heat embrace her. But she didn't lit up, instead, Queenie Goldstein walked down the fire until she was standing beside Grindelwald, then she deapparated. "Queenie!" Tina yelled again as she tried to get to her, even if it was too late and she was gone from the place.
The oldest Goldstein sister fought the flames that made it impossible for her to cross until she broke them apart for a moment before throwing a spell at Grindelwald for taking her sister, but the flames blocked her attack. The flames grew more aggressive and, by this point, half of the Aurors that came with Amélie and Theseus had crossed the fire while more than a dozen of the remaining half died because of the flames.
That's when Grindelwald started moving his hands as if he was directing an Orchestra and the flames continued to rise. Many Aurors escaped, others were burned as they tried to escape while some stepped forward and crossed the fire. Then, silence filled the room, as if this had just been the first wave and they were waiting for Gellert's counterattack.
"Mister Scamander." The Dark Wizard called and both brothers turned to see him. "Do you think Dumbledore will mourn for you?" It was clear he was talking to Newt. Theseus clenched his jaw and stepped forward to stand right in front of Newt in a protective way. Grindelwald threw a column of dark fire towards the brothers, both fell and protected themselves by using Protego.
"Angelina." Vinda called her sister by her middle name, their mother's name.
"Elisè." She called hers. Something they always did as kids, what once was said out of love, was now said out of hatred. Now, it was as if nothing was happening around them and it was only them in the room.
"Had you joined us...we could have been a family again." She shook her head.
"Why are you doing this?"
"To get what is my birthright to have. What Papa always said we deserved."
"Don't you realise that Papa was a bad man? He brainwashed you with all that, Vinda. Please. Stop this while you still can." Vinda's gaze softened a bit only to go hard as stone once again seconds later. "I know deep down you know what's right." Vinda chuckled dryly. "What would Maman think?" Vinda went dead serious.
"I've never cared about what that woman had to say. Why would I? She never cared for me." Amélie frowned. "Not the way she cared for her golden child."
"So that's it? You want revenge on me for something that was not even my fault? For your jealousy?"
"Oui." She said it as if it wasn't obvious, then, a short pause. "I want all that has been promised to me, and I also wanted to see you gone." The eldest Rosier child's eyes filled with tears, she couldn't believe her little sister was telling those things to her and it pained her beyond words because she loved Vinda beyond words, despite everything. "You had all I wanted from Maman and I hated you for it. This was the best shot I had. We're polar opposites, sœur, the best chance I had to get rid of you was doing this. Sadly I failed. Hadn't it been for that stupid man, Alexandre, wasn't it?" Amélie shook her head as fury burned her broken heart.
"How dare you say his name?" Vinda smiled.
"You know? When I saw the way you looked at him, I knew I had achieved something greater thank killing you."
"And what's that?"
"I made you be completely alone. Something I've always been, something that now you are." She chuckled, her face looked psychopathic. "And it's hell in life, wouldn't you agree, big sister?" The tears fell from her green eyes.
"And what now?" The Auror asked after a short pause. Vinda went serious all of the sudden.
"I finish what I started." She moved her hand up and before she could throw a spell, Amélie aimed at the ground.
"Bombarda!" She knew Vinda would go for the kill and, as far as it has been known, there is no counter-spell against the killing curse and no one has survived it, only something physical can stop it. When the younger sister threw the green spell, Élie lifted a rock from the ground to use it as a shield.
And they went on again and again until the rocks ran out. As Vinda got ready to shoot again, Amélie shot at a stone figure that was beside her sister and turned it into small pieces, then with a flick of her wand, the rocks hit Vinda's left side, making her groan.
Vinda looked coldly at Amélie and threw those same rocks at her, only that Élie used a protection spell that turned the rocks turned into a thin dust before they could to hit her. Seconds later, they attacked each other at the same time, the spells met midair and they had to add pressure for their spells to push forward. When they both moved their arms forward, they were thrown backwards as the connection of the spells broke. Amélie stood up but, before she could move her hand to attack again, Vinda attacked her.
"Mobilicorpus!" Amélie groaned as Vinda made her float. Like a puppet with invisible strings holding her in the air. Grindelwald smiled at his Lieutenant and extended a hand, making a column of fire approach Amélie. Her green eyes looked with horror at the blue flames but she couldn't move to get out of there.
"Amélie!" Theseus yelled as he saw what was happening from the corner of his eye, still fighting his own fire. Rosier tried to scream as she tried to move with no use. The scream finally crawled out of her mouth, breaking her throat as the heat of the flames reached her feet. She could feel the fire burning her skin but she couldn't move. Vinda was only smiling.
When Charles saw this, he hit Vinda with a stunning spell and that broke the immobilisation spell that was upon Amélie. She fell to the ground, hitting her head and her whole body against the stairs. She was slightly dizzy but conscious enough as to protect herself from the dark fire while Vinda looked at the Auror who had attacked her, she killed him in a second.
"Charles!" Élie yelled when the corpse of her friend had fallen to the ground, right beside her. His brown eyes were wildly open and looked into hers. She groaned as stopping the fire was starting to feel harder.
"Grindelwald, stop!" Leta's voice echoed from the back of the room after a moment. The attack on the brothers and the Auror ceased as she walked downstairs. The three of them exhaled a tired breath with relief.
"Leta." Theseus whispered, his heart started racing and pounding in his chest as his anxiety and fear for something to happen to his fiancée took over his body. He stood up to aid his Auror friend, who threw her arm around his wild shoulders as she stood. The wounds on her legs hurt beyond words but she had to stand right now, she had to.
They walked a few steps before they ran towards Leta's position, Newt ran with them. But Grindelwald made the blue flames appear before them, the three of them started fighting the fire as they could. Theseus was desperate to reach her side, he could not lose her, he couldn't.
"This one I believe I know." Said Gellert. "Leta Lestrange." He crossed the fire to stand before her. "Despised entirely amongst wizards, unloved, mistreated, yet brave. So very brave." The flames stopped trying to get them. "Time to come home." He offered a hand and Theseus looked horrified at the way she took his hand but he knew, oh the boy knew, she wouldn't go with him. Leta knew he was vile and she could see and read in between the lines of his lies.
She held his hand and he turned around but, as he walked a few steps down, both let go of each other. Leta looked over her shoulder, both Newt and Theseus were there, standing beside each other.
"I love you." She said as she looked at the Scamander siblings. Amélie frowned as she realised Leta was not looking at the man she was going to marry and those words weren't meant for Theseus alone. A second later, Lestrange looked at Rosier, nodded, and attacked Grindelwald from behind, he blocked without even turning around. Then Leta attacked Vinda, making her fly across the room and hit the staircase behind her roughly. As she fell, the skull-hookah was knocked out of her hand and hit the ground just to break into pieces, fanning the dark fire when it collided against the ground. It created waves that were moved by an invisible wind. "Go! Go!" She ordered, still aiming at Grindelwald. She was making time for them all to escape. It was a sacrifice and everyone knew that.
"No, no!" Theseus yelled as he fought the blue flames to attempt at saving her. He thought that he could save her, that if someone was sacrificing their life it was going to be him for her. He screamed, grunted and groaned as he couldn't get to her. "Run! Leta, run!" Grindelwald aimed at Lestrange and in a blink, her body incinerated. She gasped before her ashes fell to the ground alongside her wand and her engagement ring that once belonged to Mrs. Scamander. "Leta! No!" Theseus tried to run but Newt and Élie grabbed him. "Let me go! Let go!" He struggled to get off their grip as he tried to throw himself towards her, even if she was gone.
The flames started to climb up again, more aggressive than before. It was as if they were reflecting Grindelwald's rage, so, they teleported out of the Mausoleum. In within seconds, the flames crawled out of the building and the three had to step backwards to avoid getting burned. They were taking shelter by the entrance of a crypt, feeling the hellfire heat very close to their bodies.
When it dissipated a bit, they ran out just to be stopped by a fire monster, it looked like a gargoyle. The three of them aimed at the creature when it tried to eat them, then, they ran again. Amélie ran with a limp, so, Theseus placed his arm around her torso to help her go faster.
The fire was like a flood, it was everywhere in the labyrinth of tombs. A wave of the blue flames went too close to them, Theseus pulled Élie with himself to take cover by the entrance of another crypt and Newt did the same, only that in the next one.
"Newt!" Theseus yelled when he lost his little brother from sight.
"I'm fine!" He yelled back. The fire dissipated again and everyone ran towards a staircase where they saw a man dressed in white. "Up!" Said Newt when he saw another fire demon. Every single one of them aimed at the head and it disappeared from sight. When their attention returned to the front, Jacob was there, as well as Tina, and a man and a woman, neither of Theseus or Amélie knew their names.
"Nicolás Flamel." Rosier said in a whisper as she looked at the man with a hair so white it matched the color of his robes, she had read and heard stories about the alchemist, after all, he was a Beauxbaton's legend. The incredibly old man nodded at her and she placed herself back on the current situation. "That fire is going to destroy Paris if we don't do something."
"I know." He looked at the reduced team that stood before him. "Together in a circle, your wands into the earth." Everyone extended themselves around the area, then, they stuck their wands into the earth as Flamel had instructed, casting the same spell.
"Finite!" Could be heard from six different sources. The spell made a perimeter of a purifying fire surround the dark fire. The fire demons tried to escape further into the city but the skilled wizards manipulated the orange flames for them not to escape.
There were grunts and yells echoing around from them as well as the roars of the demons as they tried to escape and the humans tried to contain them. Moments later, the orange fire they had created dragged the demons down until they were sealed into the crypts that were nearby.
They panted as they saw ashes falling onto the ground. The smell of smoke predominant around the entire area. Everyone seemed to be in shock for what just had happened. Specially Theseus.
The older brother had his glance lost in the darkness of the night. He just breathed in and out as tears formed in his eyes. He felt two pairs of eyes on him and he turned to the right to look at his brother's eyes first.
Newt simply looked at him, he hesitated for a second before he hugged Theseus' figure for the first time in a long time willingly. Theseus hugged him back immediately and sobbed. Seconds later he was crying, this made Newt tighten up the hug.
"I've chosen my side." He said before letting go. Moments later, Theseus felt a hand running up his back, he turned around and found Élie looking at him with tears in her eyes. If anyone in this place knew exactly what he was feeling, it would be her. Scamander just tilted his head and she wrapped him in a hug.
Both had a hand on each one's neck. She brushed his hair, as she knew that calmed him down, and rubbed his back. He simply tightened his grip around her tiny figure.
"I'm so sorry." She cried into his ear. "I'm so sorry, Thes." He buried his face on her neck and she just rubbed his back more. After a while, he frowned when he felt something sticky on the skin of her neck, his palm, and breathed in a metallic scent. He pulled away and looked at his hand, finding scarlet red blood on his skin. "What?" He showed her his hand and she frowned as she took her own finger tips towards her neck, when she took a look, there was blood on her fingertips. "Oh." They exchanged looks and a second later, her body started tilting to the side, she was falling down. The adrenaline had faded away making her fall and feel a sharp pain on the back of her head.
"Hey, hey." He said as his hand found her neck again and he took her to the ground softly. "It's okay. I've got you." He looked at his brother. "Newt." The Magizoologist turned around.
"What happened?" Asked Newt
"Deep flesh would on the back of her head." Answered his brother. Newt checked for the wound and nodded when he found it.
"I see it. I think I have something for that." He opened his case and pointed at its insides with his wand. "Accio!" A tiny bottle with some potion jumped into his hand. "This might burn a little." He said as he opened the bottle and took a bit of the liquid with the dropper, then, he let some drops fall on top of the wound. Élie grabbed Theseus' forearm tightly and groaned as the potion drops worked their wonder and closed the wound. "All done." She breathed out with relief and stopped holding on to Scamander's arm.
"Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Scamander." She said as she sat down, Newt nodded at her.
"Please, call me Newt." She smiled.
"I know." That's when the three of them heard something on the grass, their attention snapping towards the noise and finding one of Newt's creatures, the Niffler.
"Oh." Newt exclaimed as the little fella limped towards him. "I've got you, I've got you." Said he as he took him in his hands and the three stood up, Theseus offered Rosier a hand and she took it with no hesitation. Moments later, as Newt carried the Niffler, he realised something. He pulled something out of its belly as his brother and friend frowned at the view.
"What is that?" Asked Theseus.
"I don't know." His brother answered hesitantly and proceeded to keep it into his pocket before checking on his creature. "I think I have something for that too." He meant the burn it had on its paw.
"Might want to give me some of that, mine are a bit toasted too." Said Élie, her comment made the Scamander brothers chuckle a little bit. She looked at Theseus and he looked at her, both were sad glances. "I know what you need, but we need to get out of here first."
"Where do you suggest we go?" He asked.
"We need to see Dumbledore." Newt said with his characteristic innocence as Amélie opened her mouth to answer the question cutting her off, not paying attention to the conversation the other adults were having. "He will know what it is, the thing Teddy found." Rosier nodded.
"I agree, but we all need to sit and rest after this. We can go to my place. Everyone should come, there's plenty of room for all of us to crash for tonight. We'll go to Hogwarts tomorrow morning." Both nodded and proceeded to walk with the rest.
"I'll be right back." Said Theseus once he had left Amélie with everyone that had survived.
"Where are you going?" She asked softly.
"To get something." She nodded. "It'll take a second." He walked away and made his way back into the Mausoleum. No one dared to stop him or say anything.
He walked in and it shocked him how empty it looked compared to the way it was full of people only forty minutes ago. He found on the stairs, and everywhere really, belongings to all the witches and wizards that perished. Pocket watches, wands, rings, necklaces, anything that wasn't reduced to ashes. He found Leta's wand and the engagement ring on the staircase. He sighed and felt a lump in his throat as he sat down on the step and grabbed what once belonged to Lestrange. He kept the ring in his pocket and held the wand. He sobbed for a moment on his own, allowing himself to feel the grief before he stood up, washed his tears away, and headed back out.
When Theseus returned, Amélie was all alone waiting for him. He kept the wand in the pocket of his blazer and tried to forget about that additional weight. When their eyes met, she smiled. But said smile didn't reach her eyes. He tried to smile back, only that his was merely a smirk.
"Where's everyone?" Asked Theseus.
"They left. I thanked Monsieur Flamel and he deapparated quite quickly, then I told the rest where my house is for them to rest tonight. I have the keys to Newt before they left." She answered and he nodded.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Amélie shook her head.
"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind." He smiled at her, that's when Rosier's eyes got lost at the bottom of the Cemetery for a moment. Her sight went from shining with soft empathy to sadness in a second. She sighed and Theseus frowned as his eyes followed her every movement.
She stepped away from Scamander's side and walked slowly towards a destroyed gravestone. She breathed in as her knees fell to the ground. Theseus walked slowly behind her and stood right beside her as she simply looked at the broken grave.
Amélie took off her ring slowly and placed it over the remaining stone that was standing, then, with her wand, she repaired the gravestone. Her ring being a golden touch that was just above Jean-Alexandre Blanchett's engraved name. She felt Theseus' warm hand falling over her shoulder tenderly as a flower ornament that he had casted appeared before the grave. She stood up slowly and looked at him, his eyes meeting hers quickly. Both were crying and both brushed each other's tears away. They hugged again.
I once told you that destiny had funny ways to bring people together, well, it also has terrible and wicked ways to do so. Now, these two had something else to bond over: loss. They both lost the lovers they had found, the happiness they had brought to their lives. They were alone again. However, they were alone together, they would grieve together and they would help each other overcome that.
They held each other's hand as she teleported them to her apartment. She let go of Theseus' hand and knocked the door as he buried his hands into his pockets. Newt was the one to open the door.
"Thank you." She told him and he nodded. "Where's everyone?" She asked as her cat approached her.
"Tina is in your bedroom." He explained as she carried the white animal. "Jacob and Yusuf are at the guest room, Kama multiplied the bed and made a trunk bed, he said he'd fix that tomorrow morning, and Nagini is with Tina as well on a spare mattress." She frowned.
"I don't have a spare mattress."
"Yusuf also multiplied the mattress of the guest room's bed." Amélie nodded.
"Oh, magnifique." Newt sighed.
"I'll go into the case." He said.
"The case?" Asked Theseus.
"Yes, I have a place to sleep there, don't worry."
"Are you sure? We can make some room here." Élie offered.
"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry." Theseus nodded as he acknowledged his brother wanted to be alone right now. Leta was and had been his best friend for years and it was no secret for him that, when they were younger, feelings had risen between them.
The youngest Scamander offered a weak smile, turned around, opened the case that was already on the ground, stepped inside and closed the case with a flick of his wand. Both adults sighed. She looked at him, placed the cat down and took off her blazer before making her way to the kitchen.
"When Jean died, I couldn't sleep most of the night...for many nights, and tea didn't help, so I went for something stronger." She said as she placed a bottle on the counter as well as two glasses. "Thankfully, tea made its wonders again, otherwise it would've turned into a terrible and very bad habit."
"Irish to be specific."
"Quite strong."
"Indeed. But it helped a bit." She poured two glasses as he took off his own blazer and placed it next to hers while she moved to the living room. She sat on the couch and he sat beside her before she handed over a glass.
"Thanks." He said lowly. They were silent for a moment before taking a sip of their drinks. "How...how did you...you know...deal with it? With the fact that you won't see him every day anymore? Simply...the fact that he's...gone." He asked after a longer while, she breathed in and out thinking of her words.
"I...didn't quite deal with it." She looked at the city behind the white curtains. "I was suggested by Elyna to write him letters, that's what she did when her father died and...it did work for a while. Write whatever you would like to tell her and burn the paper moments after you've signed it. I've learned that is better if you talk to someone or even yourself." She sighed. "Truth is, I kept everything in because I had no one to talk to. It wasn't something I wanted to talk about with friends, his family doesn't reach out that often and I don't do it either, I don't even know if my father is alive and even if he is, I wouldn't have told him; Vinda...we can forget about her, and my Mum is dead too." She scoffed. "Like my sister said, I was left alone." She sighed. "I was always sad, angry, and frustrated, so I stayed indoors and in bed, drank some of this and some tea, barely ate, smoked...I didn't do anything else. I lost sight of myself." A beat "Then Antoine showed up on my doorstep, my boss and family friend. He dragged me out of my house and I focused on my job. That kept my mind busy."
"Why didn't you reach out to me, for example?"
"Because I didn't think of it. Like I said, I focused on doing things to keep my mind busy rather than giving myself time to take it in and heal as I should have. I don't really recommend it, by the way. It's pure relief at first, then it drains you." A short pause. "Right now, I'm okay, I think. I've closed the chapter but...it took longer than it should have. I mean, the wound I thought had scarred snapped open with what I've learned Vinda did but I suppose it will take less time for it to scar again." She looked at him after another pause. "Unlike me, you are not alone, Thes. You have Newt, your Mum, your friends...you have me. As long as you surround yourself by those who love you, things will be easier. It'll take time, a lot of it but, eventually, things do get better."
"Do they?"
"Yes. I mean, at first thinking about her will make you sad but, with the time, you'll remember the good times you spent with her more often. They may not exactly feel as happy as they used to feel, it will be rather...nostalgic. But it won't be a burden." She held his hand and squeezed it three times. He smiled as he looked at their hands. "Soon everything will get better." Their eyes met and he smiled this time.
"I know, I'm gonna hold you to that. I know that, out of everyone, you're the one who knows the way I feel. Unfortunately." He sighed and placed the small cup up, she brought hers closer and the glass clinked when it collided against each other. A second later, they took a sip of the beverage.
"Whenever you're ready, pack her stuff." She suggested after a while. "Even if you never got to live together I know there are things she owned at your place, pack them up and keep them somewhere you won't see them often or give them to charity. It's sort of therapeutic to reminisce of things as you look through books, pictures and clothes." He nodded. "And get a pet." He looked at her with a weak smile.
"A pet?"
"They're great company." Her cat jumped in between them and purred when Theseus caressed its head. He smiled at the animal.
"I bet they are." They were silent for another while until they finished the drinks. He sighed as he left the glasses on the coffee table. "Well, I guess I'll ask Newt to make some room for me down there."
"No need, there's enough here."
"No, the couch is for you."
"Unlike you, I did buy a comfortable couch to take naps on. And it's expandable." They stood up and with the help of magic, she moved the table aside and the couch expanded to form a bed. "See?"
"Now you're showing off." She smiled at him.
"I'll get us some blankets." She walked quietly into the bedroom in order not to wake up her guests and grabbed from her closet said warm pieces of fabric, as well as pillows.
Both of them placed the sheets over the couch-bed and set the pillows, then, they sat down and took off their shoes and vests. She took off her suspenders and unbraided her hair. He also took off his suspenders before laying down. He saw the red stain of blood over the collar of her shirt's white fabric and sighed. It pained him to had seen her hurting like that. Suddenly, his hand moved up and his fingertips brushed the new scar, she turned around to look at him as he placed his hand down. The touch made nervousness tickle her skin, electric. She breathed in and fought back the butterflies in her tummy.
"Does it hurt?" He asked.
"No." She answered as she shook her head. "My body does hurt. I will have the most ugly-looking bruises tomorrow." He chuckled as she laid down and they looked at each other as they placed themselves on their sides. He frowned as he felt like crying, she opened her arms and he approached to get that hug. She calmed him as he allowed himself to break.
"It's okay." She whispered as his tears splashed against her shirt. "Shhh. You'll be okay. Everything will be okay." She brushed his hair and rubbed his back again. He cried until he fell asleep being held by her, and he held her back.
This was a traumatic night for everyone in the place and, like it was said, it'll take time for every single one of them to be okay, to get over this. But they will.
They all rested underneath a quiet Parisian sky, with the soft breeze entering from the open window. It was a rough night but, in the world of dreams, they all seemed to find a little bit of peace before heading out the next morning in order to find answers, because the fight wasn't over. It seemed as if it was only beginning.
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