I looked around me. Everything was dark, but I had enough light to see myself. I was wearing a short, strapless dress that had a train in the back made of ruffles. It was blue and white and I had a small hat on my head and white stilettoes. My dress was covered in blue hearts and my hair was done.
"The queen of hearts" I heard a girls voice say
I looked around me, who was that?
"She was insane, but without her, what would be the bases of the story? No conflict, no need for Alice to go to wonderland, no story, just characters with nothing to do" The voice continued
There was a light glow and I covered my eyes. When I looked through my fingers I saw girl walk through the light. It disappeared and the girl smiled at me.
"That is why I chose that outfit for you. You take risk, chances that make you insane. Without you, this dimension would have no story line, no conflict. See, there would always be the one conflict of Specials, but there would be no hero and this would continue onto its way to oblivion" the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said, walking closer to me
"Who are you?" I questioned cautiously, not moving as she approached my still frame
"The names Julia" she said, sticking her hand out for me to shake
I shook it, looking at her oddly.
What am I doing here?" I asked, looking around at nothingness
" I'm here to tell you the truth" she said grabbing my hand
There was a bright shine and when I opened my eyes I realized we were hovering over the city of District 12. I looked around and looked up at the hill where my house was. It wasn't there, it was just a bare hill with children playing on it.
"Many, many years ago" Julia began, another flash of light leaving us inside one of the governmental houses
"There was a happy family" she said
The door to the study where we were in opened to show my father, and a woman holding a baby entering the room.
"Dad?" I asked in wonder as he walked by me, not noticing me
"There was a scientist. He was considered one of the highest of his kind, inventing and making new discoveries. He had a beautiful wife and a daughter, everything he could have ever wanted he had in the palm of his hand." Julia said as the woman gave the baby to dad
There was another flash and we were in the living room. Father was reading and the woman was playing with the baby who was now sitting up.
"As you know specials were prosecuted over the years, but what people didn't know was that specials didn't just appear, they were made by the council in hopes of making a super being" she said as I looked around
I looked at her and furrowed my brows.
"This man Timothy married a woman named Amber who he convinced to be apart of an experiment"
There was a flash and we were in a lab where scientist were adding chemicals to vials and moving things around working.
"The experiment was to use her egg and his sperm and combine them with a special serum to create a special. The only thing is, they wouldn't know how it would turn out. The carried on with the procedure putting the newly created egg into her womb and that was the child they gave birth to" she said, another flash of light bringing us to a girls room where the baby was now crawling about, playing with toys and laughing
"They had there first child, but she didn't belong to them, she belonged to the Council. They weren't meant to grow to close to the child but they did anyways. A couple of years later they had a son. This time they had there own child, for there's to keep" there was another flash and we were back in the lab but in another wing.
"The day came when the council asked for the special child, it was time to use her in there master plan and begin testing, you know use her powers of electricity for something. Well Amber didn't sit well with that. She tried to protect her child, after all she gave birth to her. They asked Timothy to convince his wife to let the child go but he denied. He had also grown close with the child. They warned him that things were not going to go well if he denied so they asked him again. But once again, he was full of confidence and he denied."
The door to the room opened and keepers came in dragging Amber and a four year old girl into the room. Dad was restrained and Harriet and several other council members entered, all standing in front of a metal circle.
"And he paid the price. They were going to use his wife and child in the same experiment, and hopefully the mother would die in front of his eyes and the child would live but suffer."
Harriet pressed a big red button and there was a sizzle and a loud whirring sound. I realized that the metal circle in the middle of the room was some type of portal. I looked over at Julia who had sadness in her eyes.
"What was the experiment?" I asked looking back at my fathers frightened face
"Dimension hopping. They thought that the little girls electricity would make it easy for her to travel through dimensions. I'm not sure why. They tossed both the mother and daughter into the portal and almost immediately they received the status of the subjects. The mother had lived, there test was successful. But the little girl died, but her body never made it out of the portal, lost in between the time gap forever." There was another flash and we were back in the living room.
Father was sitting with a two year old boy who I recognized as Nick. Father was reading a letter as Nick played with blocks
"The council told him he still worked for them and to never again disobey there orders. A year after loosing his wife and daughter the council sent him a letter telling him his wife's eggs that were kept and frozen were being brought back to life for another experiment. He was forced to comply but that didn't mean he didn't put up a big fuss. He told them he would give his sperm if he could live alone with his son, far from the city and people. That he would be given a pardon from Keepers and that no one was to bug him in his new home. Well the council agreed and the experiment was carried on."
There was a flash and we were back in my house on the hill. We were in my living room and Dad was holding a baby while Nick jumped on the couch from excitement.
"One of the scientist carried the baby and when she gave birth, it was a girl! Timothy was alerted immediately and eventually brought the newborn home for his son to meet his new sister. Guess what the child was called?" she asked as I stepped forward
I saw a necklaces wrapped around the baby's neck and realized it was mine. I was the experiment.... I was Venus, supposed to be unique...
"The first child was me, Julia. When I died I became one with the dimension giving me the power to travel through the dimensions, being able to make myself part of one, to move people from dimension to dimension and talk to them in there sleep like I am doing with you. " Julia said as I faced her
"Venus, I came here to warn you. To show you the truth on what really happened to your mother. To show you why your such a big deal to Harriet." Julia said taking my hands in hers and looking down on me
A tear slipped down my cheek. My whole life had been a lie... My own father had lied to me. Julia hugged me and I cried even more.
"Its okay little sister" she whispered, rubbing my back
Those words caught me off guard. She was right, she WAS my sister that I never knew, the one that was supposed to be dead. There was a several flashes of light and Julia pulled away, looking down into my eyes as her hands rested on my shoulders.
"That means it time for you to wake up. Remember Venus, this is the truth" she said
She began to fade away and the world went dark.
I woke up automatically sitting up in my bed. I was in my prison room thing still. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. Had that all been some type of crazy dream? I looked to my left at a tall mirror and my eyes widened as I saw Julia in it. She winked and faded away. So it hadn't been a dream! I jumped when the glass door slid open to reveal Harriet and several Peace Keepers.
"Good your awake, come now darling your chariot awaits" Harriet said with a big bright smile
I furrowed my brows and stood up. She was acting way more preppy than yesterday which scared me. Two Keepers entered the room and just as they were going to grab me Harriet stopped them.
"Oh no no no! Venus can walk herself" She said walking in and taking my hand, pulling me out
I walked along side her, taking my hand back and wiping it on my shirt. I guess I'm afraid of getting the 'Means' from her. We stopped at a room and she used her keycard to open it. We stepped in and I realized it was a giant closet full of clothes.
"I thought you would like to change before we head out to bring you home" She said as I stepped forward, looking around
Harriet stepped out and the door slid shut. I looked down at my tattered clothes, she had a point. There were dress's, full suits, and just normal district clothing. I stepped forward and the floor beneath me moved. In several sift motions and blurs a mirror appeared in front of me. I was wearing a floral dress and boots. My hair was done and so was my makeup. I looked at myself strangely as I never really saw myself this dressed up ever, of course except when I had that interview but that's different. The door behind me slid open and Harriet reentered the room.
"You look beautiful, now come" She said pulling me away from the mirror and walking me threw the halls
I pondered on what she was doing. I was receiving complements from her, she didn't have that evil twinkle in her eyes and she wasn't threatening to kill me. I silently followed her out the front doors, greeted by the sun that hated me so much. My vision adjusted and a ship was waiting out in the front of the building. I realized we were back on the main planet where the council lived on, Jesfar. Once I step in I'm completely shocked at the sight of the interior. It was luxury white and the seats were of leather. The door opposite opened and Shawn was led in wearing a grey shirt, a jacket, and some jeans. His eyes settled on me and he ran forward. I was completely shocked as he hugged me, you guys don't understand how alone I felt through out the night without his touch. His warm arms wrapped around me as I slept giving me all the comfort I needed to sleep. Last night, I almost died but then again, I probably would have never seen Julia. I hugged him back and I gave out a sigh. We pulled away and he looked down on me, suddenly cupping my face and kissing my lips. I felt my cheeks grow red as we had people around us.
"I was worried they did something to you" he whispered as we sat down, my head resting on his shoulder
"I was worried they had done something to you" I said back
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. He kissed my forehead and smiled.
"We get to go home" he said with a cheeky smile
"I know" I said in a low voice
Harriet's words rung in my ears. She said the people were going to regret there decision in bringing Specials back to the Districts... I understood Specials were experiments but-... Wait a minute, Shawn... Oh no, Shawn's a special which would mean Hes an expirement which would mean the family hes going back to, might not even be his real one. My face dropped and I almost let tears roll down my cheeks. If he knew what I knew, he would be crushed, heartbroken.... He used his index finger to lift my chin up and force me to look up at him.
"What's wrong?" he asked
I looked around in the corner of my eye to see Harriet and the keepers looking at me. I swallowed hard. I couldn't tell Shawn, I didn't have the guts to crush his heart with this terrible truth. And if I told him here, Harriet would know that I know there little secret. I bit my lip and looked back at Shawn.
"Nothing at all" I said
"Venus-" he started off before I randomly handed him a purple flower
A plant had placed it in my hand and my first instinct was to give it to him. Shawn cut off what he was saying and looked down at the flower.
"Hope" was what I said as he took it from my hand and smiled
"Hope" he said putting the flower in my hair
I hugged him and we sat there. His spirits high, my spirits low. I was not as happy and enthusiastic as Shawn when we landed. He shot straight up and I stood up. I walked behind him as we exited the ship. There were to hover cars waiting outside in the loading dock.
"Well, I guess we split up here" I said looking around at the familiar planet of Terra, the home I missed and had hoped to come back to.
Shawn took my hand in his and smiled down at me.
"We split up here, but I'm looking forward to running into you in the market" he said which reminded me of the time I had first really set eyes on him
I smiled and kissed his cheek
"Maybe even sooner" I said with a smile
He kissed my forehead and I got into my car. Shawn got into his and a driver drove him off down the main road into the city. I sighed as Harriet entered my car and the driver began to drive down the backroads. I guess when Dad told the Council he wanted to live far away, he meant it. I smiled as I recognized the woods that surrounded us. I closed my eyes and remembered the times when Jake and I went hunting. The day we took down the dear and I carried it up the hill making Nick vomit. I laughed at the thought of Nick saying He was "Manly enough" to watch me butcher the deer. I opened my eyes to see us going up the hill into the driveway. The house plants seemed to have withered during the time I was gone. The house looked scarier and darker than the last time I checked. I got out of the house and looked around, what had happened. The front door opened and my face brightened when Nick came running out. He picked me up and twirled me around in the air, finally pulling me in for a hug. He squeezed me tight and I tighter.
"Its a miracle your home" he whispered
"I know" I whispered back
He suddenly pulled away but kept his hands on my shoulders. His eyes looked into mine with sadness.
"Venus come on you have to come inside quick" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me
"What happened?" I asked as we were halfway to the door
"Its Jake" he said looking back at me with a drained face
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