
Its been about two days now since we started using Venus's home as a safe house. Venus has been hard at work modifying the car in her tool shed, she even fell asleep in there the first night. The next morning she didn't complain, as if she were used to it. Jacob has been going over escape plans over and over again, just in case. And me? Ive been messing around, with nothing to do... I sat on the roof of the house most of the time, watching over the city. I can see my house from up here, there hasn't really been a lot of movement inside. Im worried about Aaliyah. I cant go a night without thinking something bad was going to happen to her. Sometimes I wondered if she was still alive. I mean, my life has already been ripped inbetween reality and non, but I couldn't bear to loose Aaliyah to the latter. Leo, my puppy, seemed to share the sadness with me. He would nuzzle up against me everytime I looked over the city. I was actually pretty glad Jacob gave us the dogs, I mean we could still use company on this expedition to escape the law. Currently I was going down the stairs into the living room, agh I need some type of entertainment. Saphire and Leo were both toppoling over each other and messing around, well there happy. I went out the back door to get to Venus's shed, might as well check up on her. I opened the door and found Venus under the car, torching something.

"Need help?" I asked, leaning against a wooden post inside

Venus shut the thrower off and took of her mask, rolling out from under the car.

"Well im just about done with that, but if you can hand me that car part over there, that would be great" she replied, pointing at a huge car part

"How did you take That out?" I asked, it looked pretty heavy

"I just did, now please, bring it over here" she said, wiping her aily face with her arm

"Remind me how you know what your doing." I said, carrying the heavy part over to Venus's bench

"Im smart like that" she replied with a cheeky smile

I shook my head and laughed, shes crazy sometimes. I suddenly felt her arms wrap around me and her head on my chest. I hugged her back and we stood there for a moment.

"It gets cold in here you know" she whispered, looking up at my face.

She had no idea the affect she had on me. She thought she needed my warm touch, well I need her cool, soothing touch. Wihtout it I felt like I would over heat myself.

"And it gets lonely out there" I whispered back, kissing her forehead

She smiled at me and stood on her tip toes, planting a kiss on my lips before turning around and taking off an apron she had on.

"Im just about done, so I might as well take a break" she said walking back towards me

I grabbed her small hand in mine and together we exited the shed. We walked back towards the house where Venus washed her hands and her face froom all the car oil and grease on them.

"Wheres Jacob?" she asked me as we went up the stairs to the roof

"Somewhere making plan Z on our escape" I replied rolling my eyes

She laughed as we stopped in the attic area. She sighed and walked up to a box, pulling up a book and blowing the dust off of it. I watched over her shoulder as she opened it. At first it was a picture, but now it was moving. It started with a 5 year old Venus running and jumping on an unsuspecting Nick, sending them both to the floor. She flipped the page to show a picture of her as a baby. She was sitting and clapping her hands, talking and jabbering nonsense.

"Venus can you make me a house?" a masculine vice asked in the background, probably her father

Baby Venus nodded her head quickly and picked up several blocks. In less than a minute, she had succecfully made a house of blovls without toppling it over. In the picture after, A 6 year old Venus was chasing Jake around the lawn on all fours. The now grown wolf was trying to be careful with Venus but she was just being ruff. Out of nowhere Jake clamped his mouth around Venus's arm and she stopped and stared at him.

"Jake, that doesn't hurt.. You know that right?"

I chuckled because it looked like it would hurt, but she said it hadn't. I heard Venus sniffle and I placed my hand on her back. These were all old memories, when life had been what it was and not the mess that it is now. About mid way in the book, after laughing several times, Venus turned the page and gasped. There was Jacob! Well, a younger version.

"Venus? Where are you?" he called out looking around

"Hey Jacob, I think she might be over there" Venus's father whispered, pointing at a clump of vines at the corner of the house

Jacob nodded and slowly made his way over where he jumped and yelled BOO! Venus squealed and jumped out of the clump of vines. She ran around the lawn and Jacob chased her.

"Hes gonna get me! Ahh hes gonna get me!" Venus shouted running around some more before Jacob caught up and tackled her to the ground

"Well, now you know." We heard a voice behind us say

We turned around to see Jacob leaning in the door way.

"How come I don't remember you?" Venus asked, shutting the book and placing back in the box

"Well after about a year of being friends, you started becoming rebellious, wanting to go into the city and meeting new people. So the council technically just erased that whole year of memories with me" Jacob explained

Venus just stared at Jacob, we were both completely dumbfounded... I mean it explained why Jacob was so like "I know her, back off" when we first met and stuff. Venus slumped down on the floor and held her head in her hands.

"Oh..My..God..." was all that she said

Jacob just nodded, yep this was happening.

"Well, I'll go make something to eat." Jacob said awkwardly, exiting the atic space

I sat down next to Venus and wrapped my arms around her.

"How many other memorys could've they erased?" she mumbled, still staring off into space

"I don't know but that's not important right now." I said, nuzzling my head in the crook of her neck

She snapped out of her daze and laughed.

"I guess your right" She chuckled, putting her head on mine

I began to hum a song I had written recently. With all this spare time, ive been able to write down all the songs Ive been singing to Venus, and now this one.

"Whatcha humming?" Venus asked, moving to lay down in my lap

"New song" I said, running my fingers through her hair

"Sing it please?" She asked, closing her eyes

Maybe Im just a kid in love

Maybe Im just a kid in love

Oh baby

If this is what its like falling in love

Then I don't ever want to grow up

She smiled as I continued to sing. I loved it when she found my singing soothing. She was beautiful when she slept, when she worked, when she just did nothing, she was perfect. After just several minutes of sitting and petting her hair, Jacob shouted to us from down stairs

"Dinners ready!"

Venus sprang up and ran down the strais.

"IM COMING!" she yelled causing me to laugh as I chased her down the stairs and into the kitchen

"Lets just hope you guys run as fast of we need to leave" Jacob said, hanind us our dinners

Venus was the first one to finish hers, which wasn't really anything new. We turned on the TV just to watch our faces appear several times and what not.

"I still don't understand why they think Venus is your fiancé" I said, finishing off my dinner

"They were going to have me marry her, but Venus didn't know which would explain the shock in the begging. They thought that if she was married in with someone who worked for them, she would mostlikely obey more" he said, petting Leo who was currently in his lap

"Wow, they sure do know how to put me down" Venus said rolling her eyes

Jacob just shook his head and I watched. Them two haven't had a full on conversation alone in days. Not that I wanted them to be alone like that, but they only talk when im around. I don't want Venus to think that just because im around that they cant talk.

"Here I'll wash the dishes" I said, grabbing there plates

I walked into the kitchen but just hid so I could listen in and see if they would actually talk to each other.

"Hello stranger" I heard Venus say

"Hi, person ive never met before"

"Well except you have just my memorys been wiped"

"Venus sorry I didn't tel you before I-"

"Shh, zip it child. I really don't care anymore about anything you do. As long as I don't loose anyone else, its okay"

I was relieved really, Venus was forgiving Jacob and didn't care about anymore mistakes. Im happy for her.


"Thanks for what?"

"For actually caring... Ive learned to care now too, no more selfish person over here"

"Oh really? Can I have your watch?"

"No its mine!"

"See your still selfish"

"Oh my god Venus"

"Im just joking!"

They began to laugh and I chuckled lightly to myself before actualy getting on with the chore of washing the dishes. They were friends again! Great! My thoughts began to wander off to my family. Then I thougth about Aaliyah again, how she could be a special and us not know it. Its just a hunch Shawn cut it out. Right after I finished the dishes I just stood there, Aaliyah... I had to see if she was okay. But, what if it's a trap? What if-. I was suddenly inturupted by someone jumping onto my back

"Hai" Venus said obnoxiously

"Hello there" I said with a laugh

Venus slid off and I turned around and picked her up, slinging her over my shoulder.

"Put me down!" she whispered

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, ging up the stairs with her

"Because Jacobs sleeping!"

I opened her room door and tossed her onto the bed.

"I have to take a shower, I smell" she said smelling herself and shaking her head

"Yeah I know you stink" I said with a laugh

She rolled her eyes and got up to go to her shower. Once her door closed I went out into the hall to the other bathroom to take a shower myself. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back to Venus's room. I was grabbing some clothes when Venus's bathroom door opened.

"Wasssup?" Venus asked

I turned around to see she was just in a towel, yet she acted like everything was fine.

"Wassup? You just saw me" I said grabbing my clothes

"Yeah well now I need to unsee you, get out or go into the bathroom" she said with an eyeroll

I laughed and went back into the bathroom, chanig. Once I came out, Venus had just slipped her shirt on.

"Ill be right back, I have to do something" She said, shutting the bathroom door

Wasn't he just in there? About five minutes passed and she still didn't come out. I heard a whimper, what was going on.


No answer

"Venus, hey you okay?" I asked, knocking on the door

Still no response

There was the noise of something metal clattering to the ground and Venus give out a low cry. Venus?! I hsoved the door open to see Venus leaning over the sink, a towel now turning red to her neck and a knife on the floor. I ran up to her and she groaned.

"What did you do?!"

She held out her hand to reveal a small metal device blinking purple.

"Theres still one more.." she mumbled

She bent down and picked up the knife again, now holding it to her wrist.

"Venus" I warned, but to was to late

She had already stuck the tip in and cried out as she took out a small metal thing.

She grabbed another towel and covered her wrist.

"Venus wha-"

"A mind control device and for what we know a tracker. I had to take them out" she said, taking out a needle and thread and using them to stitch up her wrist

"Here let me do it" I said, taking the needle in my own hand and sewing up her wrist

I began to sew up her neck also. Wait... I had one in my wrist too, right? After I finised she cleaned herself up and I picked up the knife. She looked at me with sudden realization and I stuck into my wrist also. Venus flinched as I tried my best not scream by the pain. The device now blinking red came out and Venus was there, stitching me up before I could blink.

"What do we do with them now?" I asked pointing at the devices on the sink

She shrugged andput them under her foot, stepping on it and smooshing them with oe step.

"There, disposed of" She said proudly

I laughed and we cleaned up the bathroom. Venus leaned against me when we finished to show she was tired. I picked her up and brought her to the bed, laying her down and crawling in besie her. I wrapped my arms around her, and like always she asked me to sing. Right after Venus began to snore, my thoughts wondered to if Aaliyah was still at the house or not. It could be a trap, I shouldn't go. But what if shes actually there? No, you could compromise eeverything. I made up my mind before drifting off. I had to check, I just had to.





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