
My eyes fluttered open and I squeezed them shut again when the sun hit my eyes.

"Stupid sun, always hurting my eyes" I mumbled opening my eyes again to realize I was in my own room.

I looked down and realized I was still in last nights outfit. I remembered me falling asleep in Shawn's arms, causing me to forget the fact that I was here to fight for my death. I sighed and thought on how it was my last day of freedom. I sighed and I stood up, making my way to the shower. Once I got out I changed into my games suit and I slipped on some black shoes and brushed my hair until it was shiny, putting it up in a pony tail. I looked at the time and realized it had just turned nine. I walked out of the room, looking for my backpack. Shawn had walked out of the kitchen, holding several muffins.

"I don't get one?" I asked crossing my arms

"No, these are all mine. Go get your own" he said shaking his head and going into the living room

I laughed lightly and went into the kitchen and took several muffins of my own. I was about to reach for another blueberry muffin when I saw something red and round touching it. Eww a tomato! I grabbed the corn muffin beside it and went back to Shawn.

"You know there was another blue berry muffin right?" he asked as I sat down, biting into my muffin

"Yeah but a tomato was touching it" I said, worried that he would laugh

"Eww tomatoes" he said with a shudder

We laughed and his hand grazed my arm, causing me to pause at the warm touch. Our eyes locked and before we could say a thing, the elevator door dinged open and Jacob came in, as serious as the day we first met him. His face didn't lighten or change when he saw me like it used too.

"Get your butts off the couch and lets go!" he said sternly

I got up and grabbed my backpack, not taking my eyes off of him. I guess what I said last night really affected him. We went down the elevator in silence and the car ride stayed the same. I looked out the window and Jacob snickered, breaking the silence.

"You should probably roll the window down and stick your head out" he said with a laugh

I stared at him, my face showing I was mad and serious. He just raised an eyebrow and pouted. He was so lucky we were in the limo where I couldn't kill him in front of peace keepers. I just turned my head and noticed Shawn staring at me, his face full of confusion. I looked out the window and sighed in relief as the limo came to a stop. We were led to the same training facility as before, this time Jacob would be physically training us.

"Alright, today were going to see how well you guys can fight." He said, stepping into a boxing ring he had set up.

"Now a sim cant replace this and nor can a dummy, you will be up against amateurs who will die in the first wave of attack and warriors who show absolutely no mercy." He said leaning against the ropes

"Venus you first, Shawn you ,ight want to leave." he said with a smirk

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the ring, Jacobs eyes following me and Shawn with a worried expression as he was lead out of the room.

"Now were not going to take it easy, full on blows" he said coming off of the ropes

"Got it, your not going to take it easy" I said rolling my eyes

I suddenly felt a blow to my stomach and I leaned forward as I gave out a loud whimper.

"Exactly puppy" he whispered into my room

I smacked him and he stumbled back, his face slightly full of shock

"Whatcha gonna do bark? I'm sure your just going to put your tail in between your legs and walk right out." He said, a smirk plastered on his face

I grew angry at his talk about canines. Me being an alpha was extremal aroused when he told me I was going to back down. I felt a sudden burst of adrenaline rush through my body as my pain kink took pleasure in the after feeling of the blow.

"Nah, its going to be the other way around" I said with an evil smirk which made him furrow his brows

I ran forward and tackled him to the ground. HE eventually threw me off and came after me.

"To bad you cant fight something you cant see" I said with a smirk which made him suddenly grow scared

I turned invisible and running up behind him, jumped onto his back, hoping off with my arm wrapped around his neck. I threw him to the floor and became visible as he stood back up. He swung a good blow at me and pinned me up against the wall. I quickly swung several blows and tossed him to the side of the ring. I smirked as he suddenly chased me, causing me to run up the wall and jump, turning invisible mid air and kicking him into the wall. I swung several blows at him and became visible as he suddenly picked me up and threw me up against the wall. I groaned as I began to stand up. He grabbed me by the neck and held me up against the wall.

"How you gonna get out of this one?" he said with a smirk

An instinct took over me as I was afraid to die and my mouth clamped against his arm. He cried out and realized me, clutching his arm. I dropped to the floor and looked up, panting as he rubbed his arm and winced.

"You bit me?!" he said looking down at me

The doors swung open and Shawn ran in, a peace keeper chasing him. HE ran into the ring and helped me up, completely ignoring the completely shocked and in pain Jacob.

"You okay?" he asked, still supporting me with his arms

I nodded and looked at Jacob who was furious.

"She bit me! How do you bite someone?! That hurts like hell!" he shouted as he opened his first aid kit

I smirked and realized the blood on my mouth wasn't mine, but his. His eyes widened as I licked my lips the same way Jake did without Shawn noticing.

"You savage mutt" I heard him mumble

I was about to outburst when I realized Shawn had started staring at me.

"You bit him?" he asked, looking slightly concerned at me

"Well he was choking me and asked me how I would get out, so I bit him" I said, rubbing my neck from the memory

"Right..." Shawn responded, leading me off of the ring.

We continued training, Jacob way more cautious around me than before. He focused on Shawn in training, telling me to observe. I observed Shawn, whos move were almost bird like when he jumped to dodge the things Jake started to throw at him. Talking about birds, that smell was hitting my nose causing me to fight with my tools so I wouldn't go crazy over the fact I was hungry.

I built another odd part which made me wonder, why was I building this? I just shrugged and put it into my bag as Jacob and Shawn walked towards me.

"Come on, were going to go eat" Jacob stated as Shawn grabbed his bag which was beside mine

We went to the cafeteria which made me drool when I saw the steaks. I ate steak, bacon, jerky, and of course muffins. Shawn just stared at me as I ate.

"What?" I asked, not realizing I was showing a lot of canine today

"You eat like a hungry dog" he said still staring at me

"Well its going to be the last day I have a good meal so I might as well make it last" I said quickly making up an excuse

Shawn nodded and he stood up to get more food, leaving Jacob and I alone at the table. I could feel his anger be washed over by sudden lust and envy. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting immediately.

"You know I can sense what you feel right?" I asked taking a bite from my bacon

"Oh really? Than why don't you do something about it?" he asked with a smirk

"Because if I did, it would just make things worse when I die" I said with a shrug, taking a good bite from my steak

"Stop saying your gonna die, you have a good chance out there. And maybe I could take you out once you win" he said, confidence growing from within him

"Well its not about chance, its about promise... And Shawn's making it out" I said, my eyes going down to my plate as I picked up a strip of jerky

"What?" he asked, anger building inside of him again

"I promised I would get Shawn out alive" I said in a low voice so no one would hear

"Why would you make a promise you cant keep?!" he asked, slamming his hand on the table

"It's a promise I can keep if you say I have a good enough chance Jacob! Stop trying to express feelings to me when you barely know me and what I'm capable of! When was the last time you kept a promise Jacob? Or even cared enough to keep one?" I almost yelled, trying to keep my rage under control

His face grew blank and I stood up knowing his answer.

"That's what I thought" I said walking away with my plate

I headed down to Jeremy's level where I stayed and talked with him about strategies for the games. I finished my plate and sighed. I had been here for a full hour and a half just chatting and not preparing for the awful day tomorrow.

"Hun what's wrong?" he asked, stopping his work to sit besides me.

It was my last day, I might as well just spill as he was the closest friend I had ever had so far.

"That promise I made his sister was to keep Shawn alive and bring him back to her. When Jacob found out he was furious and we got into a fight, not that I really cared but it got me thinking... How was I going to keep him alive? How would I explain for any action I did in means to protect him? I mean, usually it's the guy making the risks, not the girl." I said with a sigh

"Oh hun... I guess you would have to tell him, I mean you could cover it up but don't you think that would hurt more in the future?" he said, rubbing my back

" I guess so.." I sighed

Suddenly the door opened and several peace keepers walked in, all eyes resting on me which started to terrify me.

'Ms. DeAngelo?" one asked as a knot tightened in my stomach and I held my breath, I was caught!

"Your limo is outside" he finished which made me breath out

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs with a keeper, staying a good distance away from him. When I got into to Limo, I immediately sat next to Shawn and looked away from Jacob as his eyes locked on me.

"Hey where'd you go?" Shawn asked, his confidence over flowing as he swung his arm over my shoulders,

"I went to visit Jeremy." I responded, not caring to shrug off his arm

I saw Jacobs face grow red and I looked at him shaking my head and then looking out of the window. The ride stayed silent as we all looked away from each other, except for Shawn's warm touch around my neck as he didn't remove his arm. Once at the flat Jacob told us that he would come by early to bring us to the ship station. We nodded and made our way to our flat, completely ignoring the warriors teases of how we were ready to die and how I signed my own death certificate. I sighed knowing they were soo right. Shawn led me forward faster to get to the elevator.

"Ignore them, have hope right? We'll both make it out alive right?" he said, a cheeky smile on his face

"Yeah sure" I said looking down

Just as he was to speak, the elevator door opened and I walked by him, going straight for my room and shutting the door. I sighed and took off my suit, changing into a white shirt and grey joggers. I went over to the balcony and opened the doors, walking onto the platform. The sun was setting over the city, glistening over the hover cars speeding around. I sighed at the sight which made me smile. Dad, Nick and Jake were probably watching the same sun set as me, waiting for me to come home.. Home.. I closed my eyes and imagined the huge creepy house on the hill. The small chicken coop in the back and my path that led into the woods. The dimmed out workshop and my desk where I would fall asleep tinkering. My room where Jake would be laying down on my bed, my different bones to different animals under the bed and my red curtains. I thought of the living room where Nick and I would sit and play video games, eventually throwing pillows at one another. The kitchen where when I was hungry I would put walnuts on a piece of cinnamon bread nd drizzle honey over the top. I thought of fathers corner where he read the newspaper, the roof where we would look up at the stars and where I heard the story of my name over and over again. I opened my eyes and looked up into the sky. The stars shimmered and I smiled, these were the same stars my dad and I gazed upon, except in a completely different world. I walked off of the balcony to my room where I grabbed my bag and opened it to find the flower Aaliyah had given me. I suddenly gasped. This wasn't my bag! It was Shawn's! My door suddenly opened and Shawn stormed in, holding an oh too familiar slip of paper.

"This was the promise you intended to keep?!" he yelled causing me to shrink down in my seat

I began to feel the same feeling I got when I realized fire was dangerous, I was scared and shocked as I swear I saw flames in his eyes. I was scared... Because I could get burnt..

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