
Shawn and I were led to the ship station that was connected to the main government building in the city. He tried to make small talk but I wasn't having it. My instincts were on alert and I didn't have time to talk. What if I had to run? If I was talking I would probably make a wrong move and end up dead, or just have no chance of escape. The ship was huge and I immediately recognized the engines as one of the most powerful engines ever, powered by electricity and gas, making it capable of traveling thousands of light years at a time with no break. Yeah I know, im a total geek, but it's the small things that count. My lip ached and as we boarded the ship I saw my reflection and realized it had swollen up somewhat. I the bottom half of my face in my jumper as we were led to a cabin room. I immediately stopped hiding and our jaws dropped. The room was luxurious, red velvet cushions and a snack bar. We were pushed in and told to wait as the door slammed shut.

"You lip doesn't look so good" Shawn said worriedly

"Its fine, im sure it will go down" I said with a shrug

I looked around to see if there was a plant in here or something I could get some healing nutrients from. I spotted a small plant in the corner and began to walk around the room, slowly making my way to the plant.

"This place is amazing" I said looking up at the chandelier that hung on the ceiling

Shawn just nodded his head and watched me move around the room, which kind of scared me. What did he want? You know how dogs can sense fear, well us canines can sense emotion, and I was receiving a scared/interested vibe from him. I finally got to the plant and turned my back on it, putting my hands behind my back.

"Damn, I cant believe this is happening" He said slumping down into one of the red cushioned arm chairs.

I sighed and made one of the leaves behind my back wrap around my hand, I immediately felt the nutrients go through my body.

"Well, it is.. But I'm sure we'll make it out alive" I said, pulling away from the plant who didn't want to let go

The plant grew back to normal and I sat in an arm chair beside Shawn.

"But only one of us gets to go home" he said with a frown

I opened my pocket and took out what his sister gave me. It was a purple flower, like the ones I used to grow around my house as a child. They have always been my favorite and a note his sister, Aaliyah, had left me said that they were his also. I realized that it was wilting slowly so I gave a burst of life before showing it to him.

"Aaliyah said, In times where you needed hope, to show you this" I said holding out the flower which made him smile

"And why would she give this to you?" he asked taking the flower from my hand

"Because I made her a promise I intend to keep" I said looking down at my feet

And that promise included my death and him going back home. Shawn looked at me questioningly and just as he was going to speak, the door opened and in stepped Felicia

"Hello darlings!" she said, one hand raised, as she walked to a chair like she was the queen of England, wherever that may be.

She went up the snack bar and pressed a button on the side. Shawn and I jumped slightly when a wiring sound was heard and suddenly, the top slid open and suddenly, the whole snack bar was full. I realized a 'Woah' as she grabbed a cup of tea and walked towards us, sitting in a chair across from us.

"That's the technology we have these days kids" she said sipping on her tea

"So my little kittens," she started

I almost started to growl but caught myself. Kittens... I mean I love them and all, there adorable, but it hit me like an instinct to be insulted when compared to a 'kitten'. I guess I started a growl because Shawn looked over at me with a 'Stop' look.

"You guys have been selected for the games and must be prepared! Now once the ship lands, you will be introduced to you trainer." She said putting her cup down on the side table beside her

"Wait, when it lands? We haven't even taken off yet" Shawn said with a confused look on his face

I face palmed myself

"That's right! A ship with those type of engines have a smooth take off, cause the engines are able to move around. Its specifically for royal ships so no one gets sick as they take off" I said excitedly

Shawn just stared at me as Felicia laughed

"Well I guess we have a wiz on board. Who taught you that? I mean no school really teaches that until college and you Venus, are only 16" she said in-matter-of-factly

I frowned. Shoot, I guess reading all those books so many times and recording the information is not normal at all...

"Uh well-" I began

"But I guess living with that father of yours takes a toll huh" she said picking up her tea and sipping slowly

I looked at her questioningly. What was she talking about?

"I mean he was practically the smartest man in the galaxy! He had such a high position" she said shaking her head

My eyes widened. My suspicions were right! Dad did live a normal life, he was a government official... And I ruined that all for him. I nodded as if I knew what she was talking about. I could sense she was telling the truth, and Shawn was nervous and afraid. I wasn't even nervous and afraid, whats his problem? As there was an awkward silence, I realized I had gone nose blind to the smell of a bird, which triggered my hunting instincts. It was strong, like it was nearby, but I heard no birds chirping at all.

"Well kittens, you will be introduced to the team soon, and I have to fly, but maybe we'll get to know each other before the games eh?" she said standing up and walking out of the room

Fly? Wait, is she a special?! What if the whole specials being prosecuted was just a conspiracy theory!? Wait, maybe im just over thinking things. Its just a saying Venus, stop with that.

"Next time try not to growl" Shawn said, I felt his emotions switch to tense and nervous, as he rose and went over to the snack bar

"I didn't growl, growling is like for dogs or something" I said in a nervous voice, there goes my innocence

"Well you started to growl, and people growl too you know" he said turning to face me

"Right.. Normal people growl too" I mumbled approaching the table

"You ever been somewhere outside your house Venus?" he asked, his soft brown eyes watching me like an eagle

Wait. That's what I was smelling eagle! But why would they keep an eagle on the ship? I went back to thinking about his question.

"Y-yes" I said, what harm would it do if im going to die anyways?

We stayed silent for awhile as we took some food. I took some jerky strips and some candy as he took jerky strips and a little bit of everything. I sat down and placed my plate down on the table besides me. I suddenly got this brilliant idea to sit upside down on the chair! My legs hung over the top of the chair as the rest of my body laid on the seat of the chair.

"How did you get out of the market that day?" I heard Shawn ask

I arched my back of the chair so O could see Shawn clearly and upside down.

"What?" I asked, reaching for a jerky strip and biting into it

"I know that was you, same wild , hazel eyes" he said with a smirk

"I just did, I got out alive, and now im gonna die" I said putting the rest of the jerky in my mouth

Dang how Jake would have loved these strips, better than the deer ones at home.

"Hope" he said, handing me the purple flower

I rolled my eyes and took it, putting it in my pocket. We felt the ship descend and finally land. Peace Keepers entered, this time treating us more carefully than before. We were led out and I whimpered once the suns rays reached my eyes. Again, the sun is out there to kill me. My eyes adjusted and I gasped as I saw a huge city before me. Hover cars flying around everywhere and skyscrapers everywhere!

"Woah" Shawn and I said in union

We were led down the ramp and into what looked like a ship station. People were scurrying everywhere, trying to reach the ship in time before it departs. We were brought to a hover limo and squeezed in-between two peace keepers.

"I feel like this would be more comfortable if you just sat on my lap" Shawn said out of breath from how much we were squeezed together.

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows, I have a feeling he's hitting on me. I mean after all, hes less nervous and more confident, although every time a peacekeeper moves he is terrified. I sighed, knowing he was right, it would be more comfortable. I sat on his lap and crossed my arms.

"There is another row over there that they could've sat in" I hissed/whispered

"Tell em about it your heavy" he groaned

Yeah I have reinforced bones you idiot.

"Well it was your idea" I said with a smirk

"Shut up" he hissed

We finally arrived, as I stepped out of the limo, I gazed at the tall building in front of us. It glimmered in the sunlight. Shawn shoved me out of the way and I rolled my eyes, I had to die for this guy? Damn it. We walked in and everything was white. Like if I were to turn Invisible, my jumper would be the first thing you would notice. The Keepers motioned us to stop and we did. A guy with black hair and piercing blue eyes stood before, wearing an all black jumper and standing in a military like position.

"So you guys must be the new players for District Twelve" he said in a husky voice

His cologne over powered my nose making me sneeze.

"Well aperrantly" I said rubbing my nose

He shook his head and Shawn nudged

"I would rather die in the rink than by this guy so shut up" he hissed under his breath

The guys eyes narrowed and I looked at him up and down. I saw Felicia walking up from behind him and I gave him a cheeky smile

"Well, we both down want to die just yet so if you wipe that seriousness off your face for several minutes we might just listen to what you have to say" I said patting his shoulder as I walked by him. Felica smiled as I approached her.

"Well kitten, have you met Jacob?" she asked embracing me in a hug although we talked to each other about half an hour ago.

"Oh so that's what that guys name is? I asked turning around to see him standing right behind me

I jumped but I caught myself from going completely invisible.

"We got a stuck up one on our hands" he said, his arms crossed

"Yep, now wheres Shawn?" I asked looking around

"He's going to the stylist right now as we lead you to the training facility!" Felica squealed

I covered my ears and walked with her, trying to keep away from Jacob and his strong cologne. We went into an elevator and Felica slipped in her security card and pressed the 5 floor button. I sneezed again into my arm, feeling my feet go invisible, luckily im wearing boots.

"You okay kitten?" she asked rubbing my back

"Im allergic to seriousness" I said looking up at Jacob who was looking down on me

The door opened and my jaw dropped as I stepped out. People were training everywhere, trainers pressuring the little kids to work harder. I swallowed hard as I watched the shirtless warriors at a punching bag. How was I supposed to

"I'll leave you too alone" Felica said as the elevator door closed leaving me and Jacob alone

"Lets see what you can do" he said shoving me forward

I followed him to a double door and he opened it up. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at all the equipment in the empty room.

"Damn, lots of stuff in here" I said looking around the room

I shuddered when the door slammed shut behind me. I turned around slowly and fear took over me as Jacob towered over me.

"Look kid, what you did for your brother was tuff. But do you have what it takes to survive out there? Just looking at you makes me realize that your attitude and pretty face aunt gonna last a day out there" he said in a gruff voice

I was terrified. I had multiple people around me before and a very grumpy mind set, but now I was alone with a guy two times bigger than me and the power to have me killed. I swallowed hard as he grinned.

"Lets see what your capable of first" he said leading me then shoving me into a room of glass

"Lets see how you would do in the forest" he said picking up a tablet and pressing several buttons

I heard something open and a whoosh causing me to flip backwards. I looked and realized it was a virtual arrow as it smashed against the wall.

"Fast reflex's" he said with an eyebrow raised

I quickly turned around and leaned back as I heard another arrow wiz by me. I closed my eyes and thought. This was exactly like dodging Nick when he threw things at me. I opened my eyes and I was in my living room. An arrow whizzed by me again, this time going lower which caused me to jump up. More and More arrows flew by me as I dodged them all, flipping backwards and running up the walls. I completely forgot the fact that it was a sim and I let my wolf take over me. My body twisted in the air as I dodged several arrows that flew by at once. There was a buzz and I stuck the landing. I closed my eyes again and opened them to reveal the glass training room. I turned around, panting and wiping sweat away, to see Jacob staring at me, jaw dropped.

"Th-that's not possible!" he said

"You can keep a secret right?" I asked, sensing shock and confusion coming from him

He nodded and I saw him press an arrow on his laptop. I turned invisible and the arrow flew by me, completely missing. I reappeared and shrugged at him, as his eyes widened.

"Im gonna have no problem training you" he said, raising his eyebrows

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