Next morning... A fresh beautiful morning...
Sunrays peeked inside the couple's room... there Mr and Mrs Vansh Raisinghania.. sleeping cuddling eachother... riddhima was sleeping on his chest... under one duvet...
Vanshs eyes opened slowly.. nd 1st felt on her... his happiness his soulmate... his everything... he smiled nd stroked some of her hair strands.. she was in deep sleep.. vansh kissed her forehead... Last night.. she handed herself completely to him.. nd he claimed her as his.. she is only his.. nd he is only hers...
♡ How's this relationship of ours,
I don't like distance of even a moment
Every day, I live for you
All my time is for you..
There shouldn't be a moment of mine without you,
There is your name on every breath..♡
She is the colour in his white life... She is the reason of his peace... she is the reason of his smile... she is the medicine as well as his pain.. she is his strength as well as his weakness... The Person VR vansh Raisinghania who wasnt scared of anyone.. now he is scared what if riddhima goes away from him... which he cant afford at all...
Vansh hugged her lil tightly.. he cant loose her at any cost.. he can loose every battle of his life if it costs riddhima...
His phone started vibrating.. he looked at the side table on which his phone was kept.. he looked at the phone Adhiyunts name was flashing.. it was 6am in the morning..
Vansh picked the phone keeping in mind not to disturb his sweethearts beauty sleep..
V: Hello!!
Adh: Vansh come to the Lab now...
V: Is everything all right.. ??
Adhi: Vansh.. just come in lab.. now..
V: Adhiyunt not now.. I'll come after 1 hr or 2 hr..
He doesnt wanted to leave riddhima right now.. It was her 1st time he was concerned for her.. so he doesnt wanted to leave her alone...
Adhi: Vanshh come right now.. its important(serious tone)
Vansh he is back..
Vanshs eyes widened..:Whatttt!!
Adhi: Come right now.. we r waiting..
V: Okay..
Vansh hanged the call.. vansh looked at riddhima.. wid guilt.. he carefully shifted her from his chest on the bed.. he carefully placed her head on pillow.. widout disturbing her sleep.. he carefully slid out of the duvet..
He wore his pant.. nd again looked at her who was sleeping peacefully... he went to bathroom for shower... after taking shower nd proper dressed in his Formal suit he came near riddhima.. nd kissed her forehead.. he pulled the drawer nd took out sticky notepad nd pen.. nd wrote a note nd sticked it on the Jug kept on table.. nd went..
After some hours.. riddhima woke up.. she stretched her arms... nd opened her eyes slowly.. she looked beside.. but vansh wasnt there.. she rubbed her eyes nd yawned..
R: Vanshhh...(sleepy voice)
She sat on her place nd looked here nd there..
R: Vanshhhh... (cutely)
After not getting response she pouted... then her eyes Felt on jug.. on which a note was sticked.. she pulled off the note..
Good morning sweetheart!! Hope u had a good experience last night.. [Riddhima blushed] Jokes apart I m sorry riddhima.. I didnt felt like leaving u alone.. but there was an urgent work.. so i have to.. Sorry.. Will come back soon.. if I get late u have your Breakfast on time.. sweetheart..
~Yours Only Yours
Riddhima smiled.. she remembered their last night and her cheeks turned red... she blushed nd chuckled.. then her eyes felt on his shirt on floor near the bed she picked his shirt.. nd wore it.. nd slid out of the duvet..
Adhi: How U will do this Vansh.. U know very well who he is.. Your wife loves him alot.. if she comes to know u r going to kill him... she will...
V: Shutup!!!! Shutup adhiyunt Not a single word(wid anger)
Adhi: Till when vansh.. Not now.. but someday she will come to know u are the very same invisible man.. Very same serial killer...
V: She will never come to know....(cold voice)
Adh: means u r going to hide your invisible truth from.. her.. ?? Vansh she is your wife... she has all the right to know about your this truth...
V: She is not my wife adhiyunt.. She is my life... she is my everything nd i cant loose her.. Invisible man.. adhiyunt she is scared of invisible man.. she hates him... nd i dont want to see hate for me in her eyes..
Adhi: Vansh. U know very well who is our next target.. he is very close to riddhima.. nd riddhima is also close to him..
V: Adhiyunt I love riddhima more than anything... but I have some responsibilities nd duties too... This is the last target.. then i wont become invisible any more nor will use this power.. And all this I am doing for someone very close to me.. He Have to die.. he have to..
Adhiyunt sighs...
Vansh picks a chemical spray bottle.. he sprays it on his Handkerchief nd it becomes invisble...
V: This this spray only have the capability to make cloths invisible not a human body... nor it works on humans.. nor animals nor anything.. only on cloths.. He Have to die.. he have to pay for his deeds...
Riddhima got up from bed nd went to bathroom... nd what she saw made her eyes widened nd she gasped.. her mouth was opened.. she was shocked...
She gulped.. she saw her reflection on mirror.. she was in his shirt.. her neck was visible.. on which His marks were too visible... it was dark though... she unbuttoned 2 3 buttons.. nd gasped.. he had marked her every part... she could only see his bite marks on her shoulder... neck..
She banged her hand on her head... she cant go out like this.. marks were too dark.. even makeup wasnt helping.. she have to wear full covered cloths today..
R: Vanshhhhhhh!!!!(she whined)
She dont have any other option she have to wear full covered cloths..
She Went to the closet nd started finding full covered cloths.. she found a High neck Nd long hand white Frock suit.. she picked it nd opened the closets door... she hitted a wall like something she whined... her kurti felt on ground she lifted her head... it wasnt wall it was her.. tall broad husbands chest..
V: Goodmorning sweetheart!!(wid a smile)
Vansh scanned her from toe to top she was in his shirt.. and was looking extremely hot.. which was turning him on.. riddhima realised his stares.. she pulled the shirt lil down to hide her thighs..
Vansh smirked nd pulled her towards him by her waist she landed on his chest and gasped...
V: What r u hiding sweetheart I Had seen everything... (husky voice)
Riddhimas eyes widened she hitted his chest he chuckled...
V: Whattt?? Did i said anything wrong..
R: U r such a pervert na...
V: Well yess... Only for u..
Riddhima rolled her eyes..
R: Vanshhhhh leave..
V: Mhmmmmm...(neglected)
Riddhima whined...: Look what u did Now i have to hide this leave...(showing the marks on her neck)
V: Show...
Vansh caressed the place of her neck where he left his bite marks...
And suddenly vansh lifted her in bridalstyle..
R: vanshhhhh what r u doing.. put me down...
Vansh smirked: Naaaa sweetheart.. These Marks are light.. lemme darken it more.. let the world know u r mine.. only mine...
Riddhimas eyes widened... she blushed.. he chuckled looking her face... And again marched to their bed...
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