Part 12

Heya guys! I know its been like, really really long since I published another part of Invisible Demons, but as I told you before, School's been keeping me really busy. Sorry if I update like, twice a month or something, but exams are starting, but I assure you that I will try to make time for all of you. (gods look at me, talking here to non existent followers. *facepalm*)



I sat beside Percy, hugging him and occasionally sobbing, and drawing long ragged gasps while crying. Percy had been to the infirmary too many times in one week, too many times for his own good. And now he was here because of me. Because I dived in water. Because of that, Percy risked himself to save me. Me. I'm pathetic. I freaking tried to kill myself over a stupid kiss that Percy would have probably even forgotten right now. Percy tried to kill himself for reasons still unknown to us, but it was surely not a petty one, because I had never seen Percy cry. And by never, I mean never. I had seen everyone I know cry, except for Percy, even at the most dire situations, when he was probably gonna die fighting some monster, some sarcastic, humorous remark would always fall out of his mouth.

Percy had never broken down in front of anyone, probably not even himself, but he seemed to be doing that a bit too often since we found out he nearly killed himself. I shivered lightly, remembering his battered, broken body when we found him that day in Nico's cabin.

Percy was probably the strongest demigod I knew, heck,  I knew he was the strongest person alive. He had been through Tartarus, won two wars, been offered godhood twice, and gods only know how much survivor's guilt and mental trauma he had inside of him because of the war. But at least he still had the, like best childhood ever. Sure, he grew up with Dyslexia, and ADHD, and had been kicked out of many schools, but still. I mean, every demigod's childhood was traumatizing, but Percy had a great childhood. An awesome one; I'm kinda jealous of him now, though even though I know I shouldn't be. Percy, Percy, Percy. Wake up. There's so much I need to clarify from you, and still need to explain so much. Please. Just wake up. I thought to myself, even though I knew it wasn't such a big deal, I was beginning to freak out. 

I didn't realize when I fell asleep. The last thing I remember was Will telling me that he'll be fine, and I should retire for the night. He smiled kindly at me, and after giving Percy some Nectar in a glass, went away. I continued to clasp and unclasp his fingers, as I held his hands in my own. He looked so peaceful. He actually looked like he didn't have any worries, as if he didn't care what would happen tomorrow. I thought of our memories fondly, and sighed. I fell asleep not long after that sigh. 


I walked through murky waters, that were literally liquid earth, and felt nervous. Yes, I could control any liquid, as long as it had the smallest amount of water in it. I remembered the last time I was in such kinds of waters, in Alaska. That..... hadn't gone so well. I shuddered violently as I saw a vision of me drowning in Alaska. Then, to my worst fear, I got pulled down in the waters. I tried to scream for help, but it was as if the water clogged up my throat the minute I opened my mouth, making through my lungs, and slowly killing me. My eyes widened in fear. Somehow, I felt glad that I wasn't able to have a panic attack right now. But, my satisfaction was short- lived as the water slowly began to suffocate me, blocking out every sense in my body, until it felt painful to even open my eyes. all of a sudden, I looked below me, from where two screams reached my ears.

'Help me! Please! Somebody, anybody help me! Percy! Please, please help me!'

'Percy! Percy!! I can't endure this torture anymore! Please, get me out of here!'

Jason. I thought. Nico, my eyes widened. I waded over to them, as best as I could, without passing out from either fear or pain. They were tied to two weeds, surprisingly strong weeds, and were bleeding profusely. I wanted to scream, but couldn't. I clutched at my throat. It was as if someone was throttling me underwater, worsening the feeling of drowning. I gasped, and made a desperate grab in the murky, thick water. I caught riptide, and was about to slash away at their bonds to release them, when an unpleasantly familiar voice called him. 'Now, Now, Percy. You don't want to do that, do you?' A voice, bittersweet, called out to Percy. I gasped.

It was a mixture of Akhyls' and Aphrodite's voice. A sickly, bittersweet voice. I shivered. The presence of Akhyls sent him into a nervous breakdown. I gasped and with some difficulty, spoke. 'Wh- what do- do you m- m- mean, Akh- khlys?' I gasped again, as the intense feeling of overwhelming panic rushed to me, nearly killing me from pain, and the feeling of drowning intensified. The screams of Jason and Nico were coming to an end, leaving me horrified. I began to thrash about and roll in the water. Akhyls- Aphrodite whatever the end hybrid goddess was, chuckled delightfully. ' Oh, Percy. Don't act as though you don't know what I'm talking about. You'll have to choose, Percy. And soon. You can save any one of them. Not both.' Her bittersweet tone twitched to it's dark tone for a millisecond, towards the ending of the awful statement Akhyls (I think its better to go with the darker version of the hybrid goddess.) 

Then, she smiled sadistically again and looked at me. 'Oh, sweet Perseus. I know you're probably thinking how is my voice sounding like this. Well, I managed to overcome Aphrodite, but only for a short while, to plague you with nightmares, courtesy of Morpheus. Until Aphrodite's so- called- "OTP" has been perfected, I have her full permission to visit your dreams. Choose, Percy. Choose.' And with that happy note, the strangling feeling overwhelmed me even worse, as I  heard the screams of Nico amplify, but Jason's voice stood out from the rest of the whooshing noise that was all around me, surpassing even Nico's voice. 

I woke up, feeling electricity pass through my body. Jason was standing there, towering over me. I winced and curled inwards. He raised his hand. No. I thought. No, No, no. 'NO!' I screamed, but Jason just hugged me. 'No! No! Let me go! Let me go! Don't touch me! PLease, please, please don't touch me....' I broke down, knowing he was gonna do what Gabe always did to me. That's what I deserved, and knew it was gonna happen. I started to hyperventilate. I could sense a panic attack coming on. I took short cropped breaths, remembering about when Gabe would hit me, and when he would..... touch me. I shivered at the thought. 

'Percy...' Jason started, but I wiggled even harder to get out of his grip. Fear and memories clouded my head, making me unable to think of a single logical thought. Words gushed on in my head, all the things he called me before beating me to a pulp. 





'Piece of shit'




'Good for nothing'

No, No, No, No, No, No......

'No one loves you'

NO!! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

'Percy! Percy! look at me! Please! Please, Percy, please look at me. Percy, Percy, Percy, look here. Look in my eyes.' Jason crooned softly, hugging me, grabbing my flailing arms and holding them in his own hands. I couldn't face him. What if he hits me? What if he's disgusted by me? What if he thinks I'm weak? What if he sees the scars? What if he hates me? What if he's afraid of me? My panic subsided slightly, as I glanced at his eyes. They didn't contain any emotions I expected. His eyes were full of compassion and kindness, sympathy, and maybe a small amount of sadness mixed in too?

I began breathing normally. The images of Gabe were distorted, and slowly dissolving from my mind, as my fear melted away, I could see Jason much better. Jason breathed a sigh of relief, panting lightly, as though he had a long run across Camp Jupiter and Back to CHB, as fast as lightning. (Pun intended) He pulled me into a bone- crushing hug, and wiped my face, when I hadn't even figured out that I was crying. But, I was shivering of fear, shaking of nervousness, and shuddering violently. Jason hugged me, not tighter, but deeper, pulling me into him. I breathed in deeply, trying to forget the memories. It took me a while, but after Jason continued to hug me and we both swayed rhythmically to a silent tune of comfort, from left to right, slowly.

Jason continued speaking words like, 'I'm here for you', 'It's okay. It's gonna be okay', and other cheesy boyfriend stuff that made me blush inwardly, but also helped me calm down. I felt a bit happy now, as well. After I had calmed completely, Will came rushing in the door. 'Where's Percy? Where's Percy?' He frantically looked around and then visibly relaxed as he saw me cuddling in Jason's arms, quite content and at peace. Obviously Will had come running, so he sat down on a chair, and sighed. 'Are you fine now, Perce? I- we all kinda heard screaming from here, but the crowd of people prevented me from entering here, otherwise I would have gotten here much quicker. Well, at least Jason managed to ease your panic attack.' He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. I gave him a weak smile. 'It's okay, Will. I get it. Thanks, Jase.' I spoke in a harsh, raw voice from all the screaming and crying. (Me and Jason were still cuddling, mind you, and were holding each other's hands, our fingers entwined. Gods I was fangirling so much at that time, blushing so much, just knowing that I was holding his hand.)

After Will checked my pulse and did other doctor- y stuff, he went away, but before that he whispered something in Jason's ear, which made him flustered, and he smiled in a sheepish way, glancing at me at random intervals. Huh, I wonder what could Will have told him to make him this flustered. After Will left, Me and Jason lay down on the same bed, and cuddled ourselves to sleep. Needless to say, no nightmares found me, and I had a dreamless peaceful sleep.

Heyyy! Oh my gods, 1900 words?! People I swear, this is my longest piece of work yet. Goodness gracious. And thank y'all so much for 150+ reads! People, y'all have no idea how giddy I am right now. Oh my gods. Thank you sooooooooooooo much! Love you all! Also, this was just a fluff chapter, but it will probably be the most important piece of information for y'all to understand this story, as this part contains many hints of what will happen in the next chapters. Sorry for adding all this shit, but seriously, what kind of angst story would it be if the characters lived happily ever after? eXacTLY.


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