chapter 9: Saros
*Note, this chapter has another language in it (one that I have made up) and the translations are at the bottom, but it is pretty easy to decipher. If you would prefer the translations in a different place, just let me know*
Zinnia and I had been walking for a while. It was very quiet and boring. Zinnia let out a small sigh and I decided to lighten to silence.
"You okay, Zin?" I sped up to walk beside her.
"What do you mean Zin?" She glanced at me.
"It's my nickname for you."
"You just learnt my name and have already given me a nickname?"
"Yeah. Zinnia seems too long, so Zin seems better."
"I like my name, thank you very much." She crossed her arms and huffed.
"Let's rest here, there's a bench." I pointed to a broken down bench.
"Is everything here old and broken?"
"Isn't that how you humans have it?" I smiled at her before running off to the bench.
"So do you aliens have your own language?" She sat beside me and asked.
*1"Esur ew od, sti' yelaler dierw houhgt," I said and smiled.
"What?" She shot me a puzzled glance.
"I said 'sure we do, it's really weird though,'" I shrugged and slumped into the bench, getting comfortable..
"It sure is weird to me," she mumbled, before looking around.
"Saros, what's that?" She pointed to a puff of smoke in the distance, before shaking me right off the bench.
"Aggressive, much?" I paused and looked up at the smoke, "Oh, that? I don't know, let's check it out," I jumped up and walked slowly, waiting for her to catch up. I shot her a worried glance, hoping she wouldn't see or change her mind about the smoke. I knew exactly what it was. It was a smoke shield, toxic to humans, It was to keep them away from our research labs.
I caught her eyeing me, she must've known I was hiding something. I gave her a weird look so she would shrug it off. We kept walking towards the smoke shield and it slowly grew. It fell on us the further we walked and it got thicker. Zinnia started to cough. She must have noticed I was unaffected because she said, "Is this some trap or something?" She started to cough again shortly after.
"No? What's that supposed to mean?" I looked at her, trying to keep up the charade that I knew nothing.
"I can't breath." She gasped for air before collapsing.
I panicked and went down to listen for her heartbeat. I didn't know if the smoke killed humans or how fast it did. I frantically looked around for the research center and cried for help.
*2"Hwos' heret? Od uoy ened ehlp?" A familiar voice came from the fog.
"Aerglo?" I called out.
"Saros?" A tall, purple alien figure showed in the fog.
"Aerglo!" I ran up and hugged her.
"What're you doing out here?" She looked me up and down and smiled.
"I was traveling with a human, I'm running from my mother." I shuddered at the mention of my mother.
"Oh, I see. No human is stable enough for this, I'll take your human friend to the center and I can help her. We can talk about your problems on the way." She took my hand in hers and kissed me on the cheek, before going to pick up Zinnia.
"My mother wants to kill me," I said once we started to walk.
"Why? Everything is going according to plan. We're getting married once your transformation is complete, we're taking over earth and have plenty of food. Why would she want to kill you? It makes no sense, if she killed you, there would be major problems. Once my father finds out, she'll be executed," Aerglo said.
"Well, she says I'm too much like the humans." I glanced at the floor.
"I said we should spare their lives, but she says I'm going soft. I fainted recently, I wasn't in a proper mental state to have my emotions drained, but some dumb alien fed off me. I think he was working for my mom. He purposely fed off me more than he was supposed to."
"Yeah, too much emotion drained and you could die, that's why my father put the rule in place. Oh he will be so mad once he finds out your mother tried to have you killed!" She started to raise her voice. I could see the steam rising from her head.
"Well," I paused. She gave me a look as if to say 'go on'. "Your father knows, that's how I figured out my mom tried to have me killed. I caught them speaking."
She stopped in her tracks and I saw her heart drop. She trusted her father more than anyone. He was the most important nosrep in her life.
"That's not possible, you must've not seen the nosrep clear enough." She started to shake her head in disbelief.
"I didn't see him-"
"So you didn't know. Why would you say that then?" She interrupted me and her face lit up with a little bit of hope.
"I heard my mother address the nosrep she was talking to," I sighed and watched her heart drop, again.
"Impossible," she said and stormed off. I followed her to the research center.
"You think she'll wake up soon?" I was standing by Zinnia while Aerglo worked on her computer. I could tell she was still upset. Aerglo had put Zinnia in a very pretty spring dress that complimented her hair.
"I don't know, it's uncertain. But there are lots of signs she's well and might just require rest," she said, not looking back at me.
"But she doesn't look fine at all." I looked her up and down. I wondered if we had taken too long in the fog.
"Saros, it was the right thing to come to me when you did, she's stabilized now." Aerglo turned to me. She still looked hurt, but she was trying to be brave.
"I didn't even know you were here," I mumbled.
"Okay, sure. Then why were you headed towards my factory?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Not important, I'm going to try to wake up Zin." I placed my hands on her and shook her lightly.
"Hey Zin, wake up," I said.
"Zia sounds better," Aerglo commented.
"Not the point – Zin, wake up."
"Zin," I kept repeating before getting annoyed and shouting.
"ZIN! Wake up!"
Her eyes shot open and she went to go sit up, but she was restrained by metal cuffs.
"Oh! Let me get those for you." Aerglo practically ran across the room to open the cuffs with her remote. "Hi, I'm Aerglo." She waved at Zinnia.
"I'm Zinnia," she slurred her words together.
"I'm very well aware of this," Aerglo caught her before she fell off the bed.
"Thanks." She placed her hands on the bed for base.
"You're welcome," Aerglo said. Zinnia looked down at her dress.
"Ew! I'm wearing a dress," she said in disgust.
"I thought humans – well girls – loved dresses. I must've gotten my research wrong, I will update that," Aerglo said, before rushing over to her computer. "Orion."
Zinnia tensed up. "What did you say?" She narrowed my eyes.
"I said the password, Orion. The constellation?" Aerglo looked at her weirdly.
"My brother's name is Orion, I just thought you meant him." Zinnia blushed in embarrassment and looked at the ground.
"So, Zin, you want your old boring pyjamas back?" I said to break the tension before moving closer.
"Not really, are there any shirts and pants or anything?" She responded.
"Well, only men's clothes. I thought my data was correct," Aerglo turned around. After a few minutes of typing, she said, "The data is all caught up," she leaned on the keyboard with a proud expression.
"Want a tour?" I asked. Zinnia nodded and followed me around.
"So, how do you know each other? There seems to be a bond," Zinnia asked us.
We had gone on a stroll through the very smokey forest and were currently participating in some light conversation. "Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you later. How is that mask working for you?" I responded.
"It's working great, but we have time. I want to hear the story." She ran up ahead of us and we came to a halt.
"Oh, come on Saros, you can tell her," Aerglo playfully hit me.
"Yeah, she gets it." Zinnia looked around and spotted another bench to sit on before running off to it.
"Fine." I rolled his eyes and went to sit beside her.
"Saros," My mother called for me.
*3"Twah?" I called back.
*4"I drenten uoy no het nuanal truancy yolar tenstoc! Uoy nwo!" She burst into my room and hugged me.
*5"Twha?" I looked at her.
*6"Uoyre' gniog ot rarym het secspricn!" She squealed.
*7"Haey, fi I nodt' ied rudring het tesncot!" I yelled at her in surprise
*8"Ho eb hyapp. Uoy nwot' ied." She placed her hand on my cheek and smiled.
She waltzed out of the room, right after telling me she had sent me to my death.
The next day I didn't want to get up. I was scared I was going to die.
*9"Saros, elts' og! Fi uoy nodt' moce, I liwl defe fof uoy!" My mother yelled for me from downstairs.
I got dressed and slowly trudged downstairs. Not going downstairs and skipping the contest would be a fate worse than death. When my mother didn't get her way, she would act like a two year old that had nothing, but sugar and no sleep the night before. It would be living in a place worse than hell. I would rather compete in the competition than suffer her wrath.
*10"Mingoc," I called back to her.
We walked to the stadium and went in the competitors line while waiting to be signed in.
*11"Kictets lapese," the ticketere said. Mom handed him the tickets and we went to our preparations room.
*12"Uoy darey?" My mom asked when she handed me a suite of armour to put on.
*13"Ot ied? On. Ot eb node hwit sith? Esy," I groaned and put on the armour.
*14"Nodt' eb kiel taht Saros, flit pu uoyr prisits." She smiled and then pushed me out the door into the arena.
*15"Yhe!" I screamed while being pushed.
I looked around me and there were 4 other nosreps in the arena. The stands were filled to max capacity. I looked back at the door I was shoved out of, it was gone. There was a window in its place where my mother could watch.
*16"I nod't twan ot od hist," I mumbled before a loud announcement came on the speaker.
*17"Tantestonc, lapese kipc a peawon," Grand master Agenus said and five different weapons appeared in the middle of the arena. The other four nosreps ran straight to the middle and I froze in place. I turned to face my mom and I started to sweat while she motioned for me to go choose one, too.
*18"On," I said, shaking my head. *19"I nodt' twan ot."
*20"Og," she mouthed and I finally felt my legs moving towards the weapons.
Tears formed in my eyes and I picked up a lousy wooden, dull knife.
*21"Vreye nosrep sha reiht peawon. Own ghitf ot het aethd! Ceon wot rae felt tansindg, ew liwl tosp."
Instantly a mace was thrown at my head and I was just barely able to dodge it. I ran back to the mirror where my mom was and I pleaded she opened the door. She shook her head and I looked back at the battle field. One nosrep was already down and the other three were going at it.
*22"Nief," I said.
I took a deep breath and charged to the other three while raising my knife above my head. I knew there was no way out of this other than fighting.
The other nosreps stopped their fighting to look at me.
*23"Twha?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.
They all looked at me and smirked. I gulped and froze in place again.
*24"Woh idd uoy etg rehe, crawnsy oby?"
*25"I-i own het rettoly," I stuttered.
*26"L-lewl uoyer' nogna sloe," one of the nosreps stuttered to match my tone.
*27"On, I nodt' nawna ied," I yelled and ran at them again with my knife.
I grabbed the nosrep who was making fun of me and attempted to jab my dull knife in his stomach. It broke his skin, but didn't draw any blood. He laughed and punched me in the face. I flew back to the ground and they surrounded me. I started to backaway, but one of them grabbed my legs and the biggest nosrep leaned down in my face.
*28"I ownt' eb denenig hist," he said, throwing his mace to the floor. It was the same mace that was thrown at me in the beginning. I gulped as the other nosrep did the same with their katana and their halberd.
*29"Ays dogoyeb. Uoy ownt' eb nishfinnig hist table." He raised his hand and closed his fist. I closed my eyes, getting ready for a mirage of punches, but I heard a grunt and I felt nothing. I hesitantly opened my eyes and right in between my eyes was the tip of a halberd. I left out a faint scream and saw blood everywhere.
*30"Rosry I koto os nogl ot od taht," someone said from behind.
I finally took in the whole situation, and one of the contestants, the one with the halberd had grabbed their weapon and stabbed the bigger nosrep that was talking to me in the chest with it. I was astounded and just smiled as a thank you.
*31"Rae uoy tusdip?" The nosrep that was holding my feet said.
*32"On, ywh? I swa odnig twha I swa oldt ot od. Dna tahts' lilk," The nosrep with the halberd said.
*33"Ew vahe ot lilk racheohte own," The nosrep holding my feet cried. *34"I twaned a ewf roem teusnim twith uoy."
*35"Mi' rosry Grant, tub ew tusm ysa dogoyeb," the nosrep with the halberd said, while walking over to hug the nosrep named Grant.
*36"Mi' roem rosry," Grant was in full tears now.
The two nosreps kissed and the entire crowd went silent. There was barely an audible gasp, then the nosrep with the halberd stabbed Grant through the heart and let go.
*37"Mi' Noêl," he said, helping me up after having a moment.
*38"Mi' Saros." I looked at him and a big bell tolled, meaning the match was over.
We walked to our room, changed into new suits of armour and met in the waiting room.
*39"Rewe uoy wot locse?"
*40"Eahy, eh swa ym yobfeirnd," Noêl sighed.
*41"Fi uoyer' ayg, yhw idd uoy trene?" I asked.
*42"I swa recorfd," he mumbled.
*43"Yb owh?"
*44"I nact' sya, I louwd eb redrumded," he said, before standing up. *45"Og miet." He walked out to the stadium and I followed.
*46"Lewmeco lal nosreps. Tis' mite orf rou caer. Tels' tel het caers vaelutale het caer efbreo ew menecmc," Grand master Agenus said over the speakers.
It was a race to test our skills. We had to run a few miles, then swim two laps in a long pool. Then, we had to jump over obstacles before throwing a heavy metal ball. Then, lastly, we had to run on beams to two lances, pick them up and fight. The fight was to push the other nosrep into a vault of lava under our thin beams. I gulped.
*47"OG!" Grand master Agnues yelled and I was running. I ran as quickly as I could.
I tripped on my feet a few times trying to catch up to noêl.
*48"Ruhry pu," he called back to me.
I swam the two laps, still behind Noêl, then started to catch up when we were jumping over our obstacles. We finally got to the throwing and I threw my ball, It didn't go far, but I still ran. I made it to the beams with Noêl then we each grabbed a lance.
*49"I ownt' lilk uoy," I said.
*50"Stuj husp em fof."
*51"Toni a tip fo vala? On ywa, I lilw tiefrof," I said.
*52"Uoy nact' od taht, tis' ganasit het lures," Noêl said, and looked at the lava.
*53"Herets' lures?" I raised a brow.
*54"Sey, lil' su-"
*55"Nief, lil' pumj ni, telenig uoy niw." I turned to jump in the lava.
*56"Tub mi' ayg, I douwltn' eb hyapp thwit het secspricn nyanwyas," he sighed.
*57"I swa rofced ni het tencont, oto. I nodt; twan ot niw," I tried to reason and let him win.
*58"Oto adb," he said, turning to the lava and jumping in.
*59"ON!" I yelled.
*60"Ew avhe a niwren!" The speakers boomed.
*61"Noêl, on. Uoy nact' eb aded." I looked down at the lava.
I took a deep breath before starting to walk off the beam.
*62"Mi' ton. Ti swa lal rof whos. Grantacs," a voice said from behind me. It was Noêl. I helped him out and looked at the lava. *63"Tis' teraw," he chuckled.
*64"Uoy crased em." I pushed him playfully once we got to the platform.
*65"Uoy teg ot rarmy het secspricn," he said. I just rolled my eyes and headed over to my mother.
"Oh, how cool! It wasn't the type of story I was expecting, but it's still cool!" Zinnia smiled.
"It is a cool story. When I saw the contestants I hoped it would be Saros who won, he was so kind and unique," Aerglo was beaming with joy and she hugged me.
"It's a very cute love story. But Saros, if you didn't want to win, why didn't you fail on purpose?"Zinnia asked, trying to break the awkwardness of the situation.
"Well, my mother was depressed with our living situation and she threatened me to win. She said she would feed off my so-"
*66"SAROS! Shut up, het snamuhs tnod' nwok thta. Oyu lilw nuir ym stheraf' lanp!" Aerglo interrupted me, shooting me a glare.
"You don't have to speak in a different language. I won't spill anything, even if I did no one would believe me," Zinnia said.
Aerglo slowly turned her head, and glared at her, "Sure, I know that. But what we're talking about is between us. Fiancée stuff, mushy disgusting things," Aerglo started to smile again.
Zinnia nodded in understanding.
"Ew, you're right, then. I don't want to hear that stuff," Zinnia said.
"But that's not what you sai-"
"Okay! Let's get walking. Where to?" Aerglo interrupted me again. We all just went along and followed her back to the laboratory.
"Zinnia, you will sleep here," Aerglo led us to Zinnias room.
"That sheet is my door? And am I just sleeping on the floor or what?" Zinnia asked, with a little resentment in her voice.
"Yeah, Saros will sleep with me tonight. We are fiancés and all, so it won't matter. See you in the morning, Zinnia," Aerglo grabbed my hand and dragged us to her bedroom.
"Why's she just sleeping on the floor?" I asked.
"I didn't know I would be having guests. Now turn around so I can change," she said. I obliged and sighed. I didn't want Zinnia to be uncomfortable all night.
"Put these on," Aerglo threw some pyjamas at me and I changed while she prepared the bed.
"Goodnight, Saros." Aerlgo kissed me on the forehead.
"Goodnight." I laid down and turned off the light.
I couldn't fall asleep, knowing Zinnia was uncomfortable, so once I knew Aerglo was asleep, I snuck over to Zinnia. She must've seen me because she called out.
"Who's there?"
"I had a feeling you weren't asleep," I said, moving the sheet.
"Well, I was almost asleep." She moved over so I could sit on her blanket.
"Sorry for waking you up."
"It's okay, this is better. Is Aerglo asleep?"
"Yeah, she fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow."
"Cool, I thought of some questions. Can I ask them?"
"Sure, go ahead," I smoothed out the sheet.
"It sounds like this whole test thing happened years ago, so why are you only fiancées?"
"Well, I have to go through my transformation first. Aerglo already had hers, I have to have mine. It will happen soon though, not much longer," I smiled. I wasn't excited for my transformation. That would mean I would change and I would have to marry Aerglo, against my will. I should've jumped in the lava and let Noêl win.
"What's with all the smog? And why can you guys breath it in?"
"Well, it's for protection, so humans can't find our secrets. Her father prefers she works in complete isolation, and there's a special thing in it for us to be able to breath it in. Her father spent a lot of time working on it to make it perfect. We may have taken a few humans to conduct experiments on before we came and took over."
"One more question," she paused. "For now anyways."
"What were you guys talking about earlier?" She mumbled out.
"Her father has a plan for your planet. He is honest about us not taking over but, we have a secret," I paused.
"I'm not allowed to say." I looked at her, surprised I was able to say anything. I knew telling a human about our plan would result in our, and that humans immediate death, if anyone found out.
"It's okay Saros." She hugged me. I hugged her back and we cuddled, before she fell asleep on my shoulder.
"What the hell is this? Saros, you know we are to be married after your transformation!" Aerglo came and hit us with a pillow and I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.
"What do you mean Aerglo?"
"You left me last night to sleep with her? On the floor!" Aerglo screamed.
"I'm sorry Aerglo, I just didn't want to bother you. You seemed so peaceful." I stood up to calm her down. I brought her to our room so we could talk.
"Aerglo, nothing happened. I swear, I l-lo, like you," I managed to lie in between her sobs.
"You left me and our comfy bed to sleep with her, on the floor," Aerglo screamed.
"Aerglo, calm down. We were both uneasy last night and I felt more comfortable with her. We haven't even spent a night together yet, and I've been traveling with her.
"But I'm your fiancée and you love me!" She yelled.
"Actually no, I don't. I was forced to marry you. I never wanted riches or royalty. I didn't even want to compete. This is all our parents plan. You don't even want to marry me, you're just caught in some dumb fantasy," I snapped back at her. She shut up and whimpered.
"You're right," she said, sitting on the bed. "I don't even get the plan."
"I don't either. But we're to be married, against our will. Now we should suck it up, deal with it and not act like children. When we're married, we can find people we love and date them undercover or whatever, but let's go through with this shit for now." I paced around the room, before pushing Areglo to the kitchen while I stood outside and listened.
Zinnia was having some coffee and Aerglo walked in. I just eavesdropped.
"Ugh, I honestly hate this design. I don't know why I chose it," Aerglo said and hit a button to change the design from cute and vintage to a newer, more modern version.
"Whoa," Zinnia said.
"Too bright?" Aerglo asked, before changing the colouring. "Better?" She asked, and Zinnia just nodded.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for my behaviour," Aerglo said, sitting beside Zinnia.
"It's okay, I guess. This is the first time anyone has really apologized to me," Zinnia said.
"Oh, that's, interesting. Well, I just don't get many visitors and I feel like Saros and I are falling apart. I want us to bond, because I know he was never too fond of the idea of us getting married," Aerglo sighed.
"It's fine Aerglo," Zinnia smiled.
I caught their attention and leaned against the doorframe.
"Good Morning ladies," I walked over to the table. "What happened to the vintage design I saw last night?" I sat down between them, playing dumb as if I hadn't been listening.
"I didn't like it much," Aerglo responded.
"Hey guys, do your names have meaning? I just always imagined aliens names to always have some meaning to them," Zinnia asked.
"My name means a period of about 18 years between repetitions of solar and lunar eclipses," I answered and smiled.
"My name means a natural glow of the night sky. It's from the reactions that take place in earth's upper atmosphere," Aerglo answered shortly after.
"That's cool. I like them a lot." Zinnia smiled.
"So, Aerglo. What's the plan for today?" I turned to her and asked.
"Well I have more data to work on, I was thinking you could grab supplies and us girls could hang out. She would be good for my data," Aerglo smiled back.
"Great idea," I said, already getting up to leave.
"So, Zinnia. Tell me everything about human life." I heard Aerglo say once I had left.
I chuckled and went outside to gather some sticks and wood. I picked some apples, too. I just kept gathering when I felt a pain in my stomach. I let out a cry in pain and fell to the ground.
I saw the girls running to me, right before closing my eyes.
"Saros," Zinnia said.
"He's fine, we just have to bring him back to the lab," Aerglo said right after.
I woke up shortly after and sat up.
"Saros, you're okay!" Zinnia yelled and hugged me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled and hugged her back. We stayed there for a minute or two before she let go.
"Okay, back up. It's time," Aerglo pulled Zinnia back.
"Wait wh-" I heard Zinnia say right before I was wrapped up in a cocoon like shelter
"Saros?" Zinnia's voice came from outside.
"Let me go!" Zinnia cried out and I saw her silhouette run to me, before my eyes shut and I passed out.
1*Who's there? Do you need help?*
3*I entered you in the annual century royal contest! You won!"*
5*You're going to marry the princess!*
6*Yeah, if i don't die during the contest!*
7*Oh be happy. You won't die.*
8*Saros, let's go! If you don't come, I will feed off of you*
10*Tickets please*
11*You ready?*
12*Don't be like that Saros, lift up your spirits.*
13*I don't want to do this,*
14*Contestants, please pick a weapon*
16*I don't want to*
18*Evey nosrep has their weapon. Now fight to the death! Once two are left standing, we will stop*
21*How did you get here scrawny boy*
22*I-i won the lottery*
23*W-well you're gonna lose*
24*No, I don't wanna die,*
25*I won't be needing this*
26*Say goodbye. You won't be finishing this battle*
27*Sorry I took so long to do that,*
28*Are you stupid?*
29*No, why? I was doing what I was told to do. And that's kill,*
30*We have to kill each other now,*
31*I wanted to spend a few more minutes with you,*
32*I'm sorry Grant, but now we must say goodbye,*
33*I'm more sorry,*
34*I'm Noël,*
35*I'm Saros.*
36*Were you two close?*
37*Yeah, he was my boyfriend,*
38*If you're gay, why did you enter?*
39*I was forced,*
40*By who?*
41*I can't say. Or I would be murdered,*
42*Go time.*
43*Welcome all nosreps. It's time for our race. Let's let the racers evaluate the race before we commence,*
45*Hurry up*
46*I won't kill you,*
47*Into a pit of lava? No way, I will forfeit,*
48*You can't do that, it's against the rules*
49*There's rules?*
50*Yes, I'll ju-*
51*Fine, I'll jump in letting you win,*
52*But I'm gay, I wouldn't be happy with the princess anyways,*
53*I was forced in the contest, too. I don't want to win,*
54*Too bad,*
56*We have a winner!*
57*Noêl, no. You can't be dead,*
58*I'm not. It was all for show. Congrats,*
59*It's water*
60*You scared me*
61*You get to marry the princess,*
62*Saros, shut up. The humans don't know that. You will ruin my father's plan*
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