|Chapter 2|

*Dylan's P.O.V*

The next morning, I woke up and panicked when I saw the time. I was supposed to be in the kitchen to help Mum make breakfast half an hour ago!

I jumped out of my bed and saw that Mitchie's bed was empty, which made me roll my eyes. She left without waking me.

Good thing I had a shower before bed last night because there's no way I would've had time this morning. I went straight over to the chest of drawers that currently held all my clothes and opened the top drawer. After rummaging around for a bit, I decided on wearing a pair of light denim dungarees with frayed legs over the top of a white t-shirt which had a black neckline, sleeves and a yellow pineapple on the right and the pineapple it said 'Love' on it. I had my black high top Converse on my feet and a bandana wrapped around my head. I slipped on my gold flying heart necklace and my Little Mermaid bracelet set before grabbing my phone and leaving mine and Mitchie's cabin.

I ran down the path, towards the kitchen, only to crash into someone and fall to the ground. Luckily, we both landed on the grass.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you okay?" The girl asked me, getting up and holding out a hand for me.

"Yeah, sorry, that was my fault. I shouldn't have been running so fast." I said, taking her hand and letting her help me up.

"I'm Stefanie Baxter, but most people call me Steffie." She smiled at me. She had long, wavy, fiery red hair and warm brown eyes.

"Delaney Torres, but most people call me Dylan." I smiled back at her.

"Torres? As in Mitchie Torres?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm her sister."

"No way! You're Mitchie Torres' sister? The Mitchie Torres?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess." I didn't really know what to say. I knew Mitchie was pretty well known at this camp, as she made quite the impression in her previous years here, but I didn't realise she was this popular. I really hoped people wouldn't use me just to get close to her or Connect 3.

"So, do you know Connect 3?" Steffie asked me.

"Um, well, kinda. I only met them yesterday."

"Oh, that's cool. And don't worry, I'm not going to use you just to get to them." She gave me a genuine smile which made me believe her. I didn't fully trust her, as I'd literally only just met her, but I wanted a friend and I figured I'd be sure about her sooner or later.

"Thanks. Now, I really need to get going."

"Oh, totally, me too. I'll see you around, it was nice to meet you." She smiled at me once again. A warm smile that matched her eyes.

"You too." I grinned at her, before we went our separate ways. I eventually made it to the kitchen and Mum wasn't best pleased with me.

"You're late, Delaney."

"I know, I'm really sorry. I slept in and then I met this girl and we ended up talking and... Look, my point is, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"It better not." Mum gave me a stern look, "Now, go and help your sister finish off those fruit salads."

I obeyed my mother and went over to Mitchie, who was filling small bowls with fruit.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I hissed at my sister.

"You looked so peaceful, and I thought you'd wake up soon anyway. Sorry."

I accepted my sister's apology and before long, we finished making breakfast and Mum took it out to the cafeteria, while Mitchie and I also went out to the cafeteria so we could get something to eat ourselves. I ended up picking up one of the fruit salads as well as a smoothie and then went to find somewhere to sit. Mitchie was sat with Caitlyn, Peggy and Ella, two other girls that were good friends with my sister. I would've gone to sit with them, but I sometimes felt a bit awkward hanging out with my sister's friends. It just made me feel like the kid sister who doesn't have any friends of her own.

"Dylan!" I heard my name being called and saw Steffie waving me over. She was sat at a table with two other people, a boy and a girl. They looked alike, perhaps they were related. The girl had short brown hair with bits of blonde in it, and the guy's hair was the same colour of brown.

"Hey." I smiled, sitting down next to Steffie, opposite the boy and the girl.

"Guys, this is Dylan, the girl I was telling you about. Dylan, this is Casey, my roommate, and her twin brother, Justin." Steffie introduced us. I saw her mouth curl into a tiny smile as she said Justin's name. I'd have to ask her about that later.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at the pair.

"Ditto." Justin replied, "So, you're Mitchie's sister?"

"Don't even try it, Justin." Casey warned her brother, before looking at me, "He has a crush on your sister." I glanced at Steffie and saw she looked tense.

"I do not! I just think she's pretty, and her hair is so shiny and soft and her voice... Oh, her voice." Justin sighed dreamily.

"I hate to break it to you, but I don't think she's going to be breaking up with Shane anytime soon, so you're out of luck." I laughed. Steffie laughed as well, but it sounded a bit forced.

"So, Dylan, what do you do? Music wise, I mean." Casey asked me.

"Oh, um, I like to sing and write songs... I play the guitar and the piano, too." I answered, "What about you guys?"

"Well, Justin's obsessed with his drum kit." Casey said, "And-"

"I can speak for myself, thank you." Justin cut in. I couldn't help but chuckle at the siblings, as Justin continued speaking, "I do play the drums, but I like singing as well. And dance."

"I also like singing and dancing." Casey explained.

"Cool." I smiled at them both.

Before long, we all finished our breakfast and left the Mess Hall together. However, as we were exiting, Nate just so happened to be entering.

"Oh, hey, Dylan." He got me again with that charming grin.


"Listen, I had a lot of fun yesterday. I haven't been able to enjoy myself like that in a long time, so thanks."

"No problem."

He then went inside and I left with Steffie, Casey and Justin, who were all smirking at me.


"What happened yesterday?" Casey asked.

"Not much. Nate just gave me a little tour of the camp. No big deal."

"Then why are you blushing?" Steffie raised an eyebrow.

"I-I'm not, it's just hot. It's the middle of summer, guys." I pretended to fan myself with my hand.

"Sure, that's why." Justin said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes as we walked together, before parting with each other so we could go to our separate cabins. Well, Justin and I went our own ways, but since Steffie and Casey shared a cabin, they stayed together.


Later on that day, I had dance as one of my activities. I know what you're thinking; 'Dylan, I thought you were terrible at dance?' which is true, but that's why I'm taking it, so maybe I can learn how to dance like I don't have two left feet.

Anyway, I got changed into something a little more dance-appropriate before leaving my cabin. I wore a grey Adidas tank top, a pair of pink capri joggers which had stripes down the sides and said 1983 and a pair of turquoise Converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and slipped on some pink, turquoise, black and white infinity bracelets.

I left mine and Mitchie's cabin and made my way to the dance hall. I walked in and funnily enough, saw Steffie, Casey and Justin.

"Hey, guys."

"Oh, hey, Dylan. I didn't know you were in our dance group." Steffie said while the twins smiled at me.

"I didn't know I was in your dance group either." I chuckled.

"So, you dance, huh?" Casey asked.

"Well, not really, I'm only taking dance because I'm hoping to get better at it."

"Oh, that's cool too. Did you hear who's leading this class?"

"Who?" Me, Steffie and Justin all asked in unison.

"Nate Gray!" Casey squealed, causing Steffie and Justin to get excited as well. I wasn't all that excited, though, because now Nate was about to see be embarrass myself on the dance floor.

It wasn't long before the activity leader showed up and what do you know? It actually was Nate.

"Hey, guys," Nate grinned, making me and probably all the other girls in the room swoon, "I'm Nate and I'll be your leader for this activity." The girls all started squealing and going on about how they knew exactly who he was.

After the excitement died down a little, Nate got on with the actual dancing, "Okay, this first sequence is pretty simple. It shouldn't be too hard to follow." He then showed us the moves, and they were pretty simple, but not simple enough for me. "And five, six, seven, eight!" He counted us in and I tried so hard to follow everyone else, but as I expected, I ended up tripping over my own two feet and falling on my butt. This caused everyone to stop dancing and stare at me, including Nate. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

"Are you okay?" Nate asked me as he walked over and helped me up. He looked genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I told you I was a klutz." I giggled. I was really just laughing to hide my embarrassment, but nobody needed to know that.

"Well, as long as you're not hurt."

"I'm sure I'll live."

"That's good." He smiled at me before going back up to the front and once again, those butterflies were back.

After another twenty minutes of 'dancing', or in my case, stumbling around like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time, the dance session was over. Casey and Justin left pretty quickly, as I think they had another activity to get to, but Steffie and I took our time getting our stuff together.

"What?" I asked Steffie when she smirked at me.

"You know what; you and Nate."

"Oh, not this again."

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, Dylan. He was so worried that you'd hurt yourself and you were blushing and giggling like some little schoolgirl."

"Oh yeah? And what about Justin?" Now it was my turn to smirk.

"What about Justin?" She played dumb, but I could see her cheeks turning slightly red.

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, Steffie." I mimicked what she'd said only seconds ago, "I've seen the way you look at him."

"Oh, look, Nate's coming this way. I'll leave you kids alone." She said, before getting up and running off so she didn't have to talk about her feelings for Justin. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. I then realised that Steffie was right and Nate was walking towards me.

"I have to say, I wasn't expecting to see you here." He stated, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"Why? You didn't think such a clumsy girl like myself would put herself and those around her in so much danger by hitting the dance floor?" I joked. Nate laughed.

"No, I just didn't peg you as the dancing type."

"I'm not, which is why I'm taking this activity. I'm a terrible dancer, but I figured giving this activity a go might help me improve."

"Well, I'm glad you decided to join." I wasn't completely sure what he meant by that, but it made me smile and I felt my cheeks heat up.

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