Peter gets a Lactose reaction in front of Tony

~some will be very short, whereas some will be longer!~


Abdominal bloating, pain, or cramps

Borborygmi (rumbling or gurgling sounds in the stomach)


Flatulence, or gas

Nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting





Peter was 8 when he was diagnosed with severe Lactose Intolerance. He couldn't eat anything with more than half-a-cup's worth of dairy in a product, or he'd react. When he had the Spider-Bite, most of his allergies had gone. His Lactose had gone down to a minor reaction! However... he still had flare ups. But they were as rare as him being MJ. Like... in 2 years, he'd had 1 reaction. Peter still had slices of pizza when the Avengers came over or he was eating with Tony. Sure, he'd get really bad stomach pains after, but it was worth it.

One day, when Peter had the entire weekend with Tony, Tony invited Pepper along on their excursions. Pepper was very maternal when Peter was around, it was like another Aunt May... but younger...

First, Tony made them all pancakes... but burnt them. So, they settled for cereal instead. After Peter finished his (very) milky breakfast, his stomach began grumbling, unhappily as it tired to digest the excess dairy. Tony looked over at Peter's very loud stomach and raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

Then, they all went for a walk round Central Park, which turned into a contest of who could get to the nearest ice-cream stall. Peter won by a landslide, but had jostled his stomach as it churned restlessly. Peter could feel the dull cramps slowly increasing in pain as the day passed.

After the run, they all ate a (shit)tone of ice-cream. Peter's stomach had grown in size, slightly. On the slow walk back, Peter felt one warning cramp of a future explosion if he didn't find a bathroom soon. Peter told Tony that he was heading to a bathroom in the nearest cafe.


Tony had noticed the kid's grumbling stomach at breakfast, but thought he was just hungry. After the run, he also noticed Peter paling and wrapping his arms around his stomach. He also noticed that when they'd eaten ice cream, Peter's shirt looked slightly tighter around his abdomen area. Then, when he'd ran off to a bathroom, Tony knew something was up. He confronted Pepper. "Hey, Pep? I think somethings wrong with the kid." Tony said, shifting from where he was waiting for Peter to come back. Pepper frowned, "What do you mean?" Tony told her what he'd noticed, and all Pepper did was raise her eyebrows, a smirk playing on her lips. Her eyes were gentle though, "Tony, it sounds like he's Lactose Intolerant." Tony's mind blanked for a few seconds. Enough for Pepper to think that he didn't know what that meant. "It means he can't eat dairy, Tones. Poor thing must really be suffering now. I mean.... he had a very milky breakfast, and loads of ice cream. You should go and check on him." Tony felt really bad now. "I um... I'll give him some space."


The amount of liquid that just escaped Peter's body amazed and disgusted him. It amazed him because he didn't know that there was that much liquid in his body. It disgusted him because... well... it was gross. He cleaned himself up and walked out of the bathroom, praying he could escape the cafe before someone else walked in and knew it was him. He hurried out and tried to locate Mr Stark before his stomach gave another sharp cramp and he was forced to run back into the bathroom. He heaved and retched up everything he had from that day. (And probably the last 15 years)

When he was eventually done, the cramps were duller but still there. He hurried out again and did find Tony this time. He put on a brave face and sauntered over. Mr Stark jumped up and grinned, "I thought you'd died and come back to life. What took you so long?" Peter felt a lie formulate itself so quick, it made him feel dirty. "The queue was massive, man. I mean, I coulda ran to the tower and back before I was in the toilet." Tony looked into the (very) small cafe and judged that there could well have been a queue. "Ok, kid. One question though?" He asked as the 3 of them began to walk off. "Mmm?" Peter answered, looking at the trees. "Are you Lactose?" Pepper lightly slapped his arm and Peter stumbled. "Um... not really. Not since before the bite. Even then it was only mild." Liar. Tony accepted the answer, "Ok. How about we grab some McDonalds and head back to the tower. Watch a movie?" Pepper agreed, but said no McDonalds and Peter agreed to both. Tony went back to the tower and made the orders to McDonalds and set up the movie. Pepper had gone to make one of her nutrition smoothies and Peter had disappeared once they got in.


Peter was, once again, in a very disturbing situation. He was violently being sick out of both ends. The bottom end was coming out in the toilet, and he was heaving into the sink. This is karma for eating too much. When he felt slightly better, he made his way down to the living room. He flopped onto the couch and crossed his legs behind his butt. His head rested on the sofa arm and he tried to ignore the sounds of his stomach reacting to all the dairy. A drink gets placed in front of him, and he winces. Of course its a milkshake... He sipped the cool beverage, tenderly and focused on the movie.


Tony and Pepper were on the love seat, while Peter was stretched out across the sofa. Pepper tutted and got up and placed a blanket over Peter's body. About another 15 minutes into the movie, and Tony was out like a light.


Even though the boys were asleep, Pepper was still watching the movie. About 10 minutes after Tony had fallen asleep, Pepper turned into a proper mum. She was listening out for Peter's breathing, finding that a Childs breathing always calmed her down. She once had a younger sister, before she moved to London, and Peter reminded Pepper of her. Her name was Hayley.

Hayley was kind and sensitive, she was polite and charming. But she was witty and sarcastic. Peter reminded her of Hayley so much.

Hayley was also Lactose intolerant. So, one too many had Pepper ended up having to clean up her sisters bodily messes after an attack. So, she was prepared.

Peter shifted in his sleep, but also made a noise. Pepper couldn't help but wince. It was flatulence... or... a fart.

Whenever Hayley used to gas, she usually got a back-end evacuation after. Pepper ran and got a bucket, just in case and placed it by Peter's face. Less than 2 minutes later, Peter shot up and leaned over the couch and threw up, violently. Pepper sat by his feet (after grabbing a towel and placing it near his backside just in case) and rubbed them as he threw up. No sooner, did it come out of the reverse side as well. I'm glad I put the towel there, after all. Pepper thought as she kept rubbing his feet. Peter looked up to her and her heart broke. "Miss Potts... I don't feel so good..." His stomach rumbled loudly, and Peter whined before leaning over to throw up again. Pepper moved from his feet to his head and began rubbing his head. Peter hung his head over the bucket and left it there. "Think you're spent?" She asked, and Peter shook his head. "Vomit?" Pepper asked. A blush rose to Peter's cheeks as he shook his head. "Ok, that's ok. Come on, let's get you to the bathroom." Pepper helped Peter up and to the bathroom. "I'm just gonna make you a drink, go and lay down when you're done. Peter made a noise of "ok" before locking the door. Pepper called in the cleaning bots and made a drink that she used to make for her sister.

A strawberry and Pineapple smoothy. It used no dairy and hardly any sugar. Perfect. She also added a small teaspoon of salt to balance out Peter's salt levels in his body. When she walked back, Peter was dozing on the bed. She placed the drink down. "Feeling better?" He shook his head. "A little." Pepper handed him the drink and he drank it all. Peter looked up at her in a look of longing. "What's the matter?" Pepper asked. "You just remind me of my mom. She used to make that drink for me when I used to react." He began to cry and Pepper pulled him into her arms. She hushed him to sleep and accidentally fell asleep along with him.

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