The Mystic Knights


THESE PEOPLE ARE FROM THE SAME GROUP! I can't believe this. Romeo can save me he isn't strong enough but if I-, no I can't do it I know Romeo will save me and I wont have to tell him anything.

I bite the mans hand again and he grabs a rag to put in my mouth, but before he could I escaped his grasp when he least expected it. I started running and I grabbed Romeos wrist as he started running away too.

I started getting slower and slower until someone stands in front of me. ¨WHO WAS THAT?¨Romeo screamed into my ear. I start feeling dizzy, really dizzy. I start running again but Romeo keeps stopping me.

¨The way I used to be, is who I still should be.¨I whisper but Romeo hears me and he grabs both of my shoulders. ¨You changed because you didn't want to be that person, why change back?¨He asks me.

I start crying blood, I run away from him as fast as I could. ¨WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?He screams as he runs after me.

I keep running away barefoot. I keep bleeding and I look like I am about to die. Romeo is crying now as he keeps running after me and screaming my name. I look up and see all the stars.

I was supposed to die after I found Peter. Why am I gonna be like this, is this how my life was supposed to end.

Suddenly someone appears in front of me. It was that jerk, Mystogan. I run around him but suddenly he is right in front of me again. He grabs onto my arm. ¨LET GO OF ME!¨I scream.

¨DON LET HER GO MYSTOGAN!¨Romeo screams as Mystogan nods at him. Mystogan holds my arm tighter and tighter.

Finally I break free and Mystogan and Romeo are now both running after me. Blood is streaming down my face. Why am I running from them. It's not their fault that they are my emotions.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS? I keep running away from them, I didn't want to become like this ever. What is happening to me? "GUYS RUN AWAY!"I scream as I feel magic energy coming this way. 

I start running towards the magic energy. My magic energy, I am running out. Mystogan is frozen not sure what to do. Romeo is still running towards me. I start shaking a lot. 

I start crying in pain and fear. I start running away from all of them. I want to be free. I keep shaking in fear and start running in random directions. I start sobbing. I'm not strong enough still! I can't protect anyone, not even myself.


I wake up from a weird feeling. I look around the room. ROMEO AND RAVEN ARE MISSING! "Get up everyone, Raven and Romeo are missing."I say shaking everyone awake.

Everyone realizes they were missing and didn't even hear me. We ran out of the building. 5 minutes later, I see a little bleeding girl shaking violently. ITS RAVEN!

"RAVEN!"I scream but she doesn't respond just keeps shaking. Everyone see's her in shock but keeps running towards her.

I get closer and see she was sitting in a huge puddle of her own blood. I run up to her, everyone is getting more and more scared.

She is looking at the ground. She stands up and runs. She ran up to a  boy and a man and a man in the shadows. It was Mystogan, Romeo, and Someone I didn't know. 

Romeo started fighting same as Mystogan but they were losing badly. Raven summons a sword and I could tell she was using all of her magic energy to do that. She swung the sword at the man.

She swings her sword at the man as he dodges all her attacks.

"I can't feel it anymore, I can't feel the pain."She says with a fake smile and blood coming out of her eyes. She hit the man with her sword and kept hitting him and hitting him. Blood spills out everywhere. 

The man stole the sword out of Raven's hand and he threw it to the ground and it disappeared. "You know you don't have enough strength to summon another sword."He says with an evil smirk.

"This my job and if you wanna stand in my way I will do anything to protect them."She says and I stare at her in shock and so does everyone else.

"I thought the soulless knight would be more powerful than that."He says as he heals instantly. I look at Raven and see her look at him in horror. "You stole his power."She saws in fear.

I summon a sword and run up to the man trying to help Raven. Raven gets up almost falling over. The man runs toward Lucy. Raven starts running towards Lucy and she gets there right in time.

¨Your still not strong enough.¨He says as he hits Raven to the side and she winces in pain. Raven slowly gets up and saw the man unsheathed his sword. He aimed it at Lucy as she stood in horror.

Raven pushed Lucy out of the way and gets sliced in the gut. She falls to the ground eye's wide open. "THAT'S IT!"I scream as everyone else gets ready to battle. I run towards the man and everyone else does the same except Lucy and Romeo.


I covered my mouth with my hands and start crying. Her eyes are wide open and she isn't moving. She is so bloody. We need Wendy, and fast. Romeo was hiding his face and I saw tears roll down his cheeks. 

Everyone was fighting the man and they were winning. Raven suddenly trys getting up, she stands up. She starts running towards the man, but Romeo grabbed her. "Don't."He says in a serious voice. She stops and gives Romeo a death stare.

She gave out and walked back to me. "Are you ok?"She asks me. What, me? She is the one bleeding to death. "I'm ok but what about you?"I ask her with worry. "That doesn't matter."She was lying, she was in pain it was obvious.

She closes her eyes then falls over, Romeo catches her. "I told her not to do this."Romeo says while picking her up and holding her.

"Lets go find Wendy."Romeo says, and I nod in agreement. We start running towards Wendy's apartment in the guild apartments. We get there and I knock on the door.

Wendy answers the door in her PJ's. She looks at Raven in shock. She lets us in and Carla runs over to Raven. 

"What did this to her?"Carla asks as Wendy trys healing Raven. "I can only heal some cuts but she will wake up soon." Wendy says as Raven only had some minor cuts gone.

Ravens eyes open and she looks around. She sits up and stands up. She starts running and jumps out the window and starts running back to the others.

We all run out of the building and run after her. She summons a silver sword with a wide circle handle and a blue gem. Her eyes start glowing blue and her sword has blue glowing words on it.

We reach the others, to see them defeated by the man. No this can't be happening. I run towards the others with Wendy and Carla. Romeo runs towards Raven.

Raven swings her sword and Romeo grabs her. He puts her to the ground and her sword disappears and she winces in pain. Romeo attacked the man with his flames.

The man teleports away but before he could, he said to Raven,"I will come back and get your power."Then he was gone. Raven got up, but she was still in pain.

Romeo turned towards Raven and Raven just stood there. The others got up and ran to Raven. She was still weak, Wendy didn't completley heal her.

"RAVEN!"Everyone screams and ran up to her asking if she was ok. Natsu gave her a thumbs up, "You and Romeo are a pretty good team."He says with a closed eye smile.

Raven turns to Romeo. "So what will our team name be Romeo?"She asks and Romeo just blushes. I look at my watch it was 10:00 a.m.

"How about, The Mystic Knights."Raven says, Romeo nods in agreement. "I don't know about you guys but I am going to the guild hall to see if Mira has any drinks."Lucy says while walking towards the guild hall.

Everyone else follows me. I still wonder who that man was. Raven walks next to Romeo and Happy. "Hey Romeo we should totally go on a mission."Raven says while hiding her injurys with her arms.

"Sure."Romeo says. We get to the guild, and the master looks at Raven and see's her injuries were worse, but she was smiling. "Hey master."Raven started talking to the master with Romeo of how they wanted to form a team.

After they finished talking with the master Mira appears on stage singing a song. Everyone cheers for her as Raven hums the tune of the song.

"Hey Raven I dare you to sing me a song."Romeo says. "Wha-at me no I don't sing at all."Raven was blushing. Romeo kept giving her looks, until she said ok. "I will do it, but if I sing you have to tell your father about our team not me." He shivers in fear, but he says fine.

Mira walks off stage and heard Raven singing a song to Romeo. "Hey Raven can you go up and sing on stage I need a break and Gajeel isn't the best replacement."Mira says as she stares down at me.

I look at her shocked, but she grabs my arm and drags me on stage. "Since I need to go take a break Raven will sing a song for you."Mira says everyone cheered. "This is a song I wrote."Raven says as she starts singing.


When I finish the song everyone cheers for me, I smile and blush a little. I walk off stage and I sit down across from Romeo. "Your turn."I say while I laugh at his reaction to me singing.

"I didn't know you wrote songs Raven."Lucy says as she walks over. "I don't I just kept a journal and switched around the words a little bit."I say with a smile.

Lucy looks shocked. "What was the song about?"Lucy asks as she takes a seat at the table.  "It's a long story."I say. She looks at me a little upset. "Why did I agree to this."Romeo says as he gets up.

He walks towards his Dad and I start giggling then laughing. He was sweating a lot and his Dad turned from happy to furious. "WHO IS THIS RAVEN! ARE YOU DATING HER IS THAT WHY YOU ARE LEAVING OUR TEAM?"He screams and everyone in the guild hears it even me.

My face turns bright red. Everyone was laughing, I feel so embaressed. "Were not dating Dad we are just forming a team."Romeo says. "WHO IS SHE I HAVEN"T EVEN MET HER!"He screams.

Romeo runs over grabs my wrist and pulls me over. I look up at him in fear. "Is he always like this?"I whisper to him and he nods trying to give me a apolagetic look.

"We aren't dating sir we are just forming a team together."I say with a smile. I look at him as he observes me. I am still wearing torn up black shorts and a ripped purple shirt. I should consider shopping.

He picks me up and hugs me. "My boy is all grown up he even has a girlfriend."He says with a smile as Romeo's face turns into a tomato. I laugh and get out from the tight hug.

"W-W-We aren't dating."Romeo says as he stutters. After that scary and embaressinng talk I walked around town with Romeo. I bought a black bag and put some stuff inside. Then I saw a strange store and I stared at it. Romeo stops and looks at me.

"Hey what are you looking at?"Romeo asks me. I walk up to the window and look closer at the sign. Dragon noticed at the town Green Hills. "A dragon."I say as I grab the piece of paper off the window.

Romeo walked up and saw the paper, I looked up at the shop and saw it was a store about dragons. I froze, dragons were still alive. "Hey Raven wanna go look for it?"Romeo asks, I nod with a smile but keep thinking about the dragon. 

We walk towards the train station and hop onto a train. What would a dragon be doing in Green Hills?The train ride lasts for 4 hours. I am so tired.


I am blushing like crazy, Raven fell asleep on my shoulder. Should I wake her up? I look at her as she smiles. I look and see some men passing by giving me a thumbs up. My face starts boiling.

I see her bag on her lap and her notebook sticking out. So she has a diary. This is so gonna be pay back for what she made me do. I look back at her injurys, we shouldn't do this she needs to recover first.

I pick her up and get off the train. I sit on a bench and put Raven next to me. She looked so peacefull sleeping. She opens her eyes and looks up at me. 

She sits up and looks around. "Lets go find the dragon."She says as she gets up from the bench. I grab her and squeeze her putting preasure on her injurys. "OWWW!" I knew she was still recovering. 

I hold onto her as she tries to escape. "Lets just go back to the guild your still recovering." I say while looking at her. "I am not."She says. I squeeze her more and she keeps saying ow. "Really?"I say with a grin.

"Ok fine but that doesn't matter we did come here so lets just go look around for the dragon."She says trying to convince me. "Fine."I say.

We start walking into town, she hid her face with her hair. She trailed behind me and suddenly she summons a sword. "Why are you summoning a sword?"I ask but she just looks around and then stares at an alley.

Then she disappears and she is holding a sword in front of 2 people. I run up to her, it was Sting and Rogue and behind them their x-seeds. "This is why."Raven says while putting the sword closer to them.

"RAVEN THEY ARE FRIENDS!"I scream. She looks up at me, "What." Sting and Rogue look at me with confused faces. "You can put the sword down."Sting says. Raven's sword disappears and she leans against the wall.

"Who is she?"Rogue says. "Thats Raven, the new member sorry about that she is new to all this." Sting looks at Raven then sees she had tons of bandages on.

"So are we gonna look for the dragon or not?"Raven asks as she moves her hair out of her face. I still don't want her to come with those injuries. "What happened to you?"Sting asked Raven. 

I was about to tell them waht happened but Raven interupted me. "Its not important."Raven was lying it was so important.

"I am going to look for the dragon."Raven walks out from the alley and I sigh. "So what happened to her?"Sting asks.

I tell him what happened and he looks at me in shock. "I told her we shouldn't be doing any missions until she was fully recovered but that didn't work." Rogue nods.

"Shes a fighter and I mean its not like she will get in a lot of trouble here."Sting says with a closed eye smile. "Frosh thinks so too."Frosh says.


I walk inside a cave and look around I see tons of jewels. I grab a few and put them in my bag and start running deeper into the cave.

"Raven."I see Peter say as he smiles at me. I start crying. "PETER!"I scream as I run up and hug him. He slips through my hands. He wasn't real.

Suddenly I see the man with a spider tatoo and Peter disappeared. I start shaking in fear. Theres no dragon at all, this is the cave of memories...

I start running around and keep seeing the man. Tears fill up my eyes, I start crying. I can't breath I can only cry.

Then I see Romeo screaming at me, "WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?". I need to leave this place. I start shaking violentley and keeep crying.

Its happening all over again. I can't take it I need to leave I need to run. I get up and start running out of the cave slicing my sword at all the images.

They keep reappearing and keep hitting me. I can't hit them back. I can't move. I cry even more. I try getting up nad almost fall over trying to run. I get out of the cave and I stop in the middle of the street.

I keep crying. I dry my tears and my sword disappears. I sniffle. I jump onto a roof and start runnning. It was night time and I lay down on the roof. I wasn't hurt that badley but everything hurts.

I look up at the sky and see the full moon over me. I smile and start crying. I sit up and start sobbing. I dry my tears and get up.

I jump from roof to roof, doing front flips and realy high flips. I jump down in front of a store. I buy a book on emotion.

"This is so complicated."I mumbled while reading the book. I walk outside the door and read the book while walking down the street. Then I bump into a boy.

"Sorry."I say while picking my book up and his. I look up and see a blond boy with blue eyes. I hand him his book and blush a little.

"I'm sorry too."He says while smiling at me. "I'm Akito."He says while he puts his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand.

"I'm Raven."I say with a smile. "Wanna hangout?"He asks, I nod. We just talk and I ask him a question. "How old are you?" He held up 10 fingers then 2. So he's 12 years old, like me.

"Now I get to ask you a question, whats with the bandages?"He asked as he looked at my bandages. I froze and stopped walking. "I-I-I-I was in a battle, I could protect my friends but not me."You said while looking down.

He grabs your hand and starts running. "You still won though that's something."He says with a closed eye smile.

I smile back and we run to a resturaunt. We walk inside and I sit down at a table,he sits across from me. We keep talking, I laugh sometimes as he would ask dumb questions. We order some food. When we were done we split the pay.

"Thanks for letting me hangout with you Akito."I say with my hands behind my back. He smiles, "It was fun." I blush a little.


I walk around with Sting, Roque, Frosh, and Lector. "Uhhh Romeo does she have a boyfriend?"Sting asks while pointing at Raven at a resturaunt with a boy. I start filling up with anger.

"No she doesn't."I say angirly. "You like her don't you."Rogue says while he and Sting smirk at me. My blood boils and my face is redder than a tomato.

"I am gonna go talk to her."I say as I walk towards the resturaunt and they both tackle me. "SHE'S ON A DATE YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!"They both scream. "You have to wait Romeo."Rogue says.

I see her laugh as they walk outside and they keep talking. I never had a conversation that long with Raven. I'm gonna kill him.


"So Raven wanna hangout tomorrow?"Akito asks and I nod with a smile. "Sure."I say. He waves goodbye and walks inside his house. I wave goodbye as he waves back and closes the door. 

I walk back to the last place I saw everyone. I smiled as I carryed my book. I hear footsteps and turn around to see all of the others runnning towards me. "WHO WAS THAT?"Romeo screams in my ear.

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