

We were all on the new Christina for hours. I was talking with Lucy, then I saw Raven, she was sitting in the back of the the ship and she was staring at everyone, watching over them.

Suddenly, she disappeared. It was like her soul was watching over us, then she was gone. IS SHE DEAD? "MASTER!" I yelled and I grabbed the walkie-talkie from Lucy and I asked Master something, "Is Raven dead?" I asked worridley.

I looked around and saw that the soul wasn't there anymore and I listened in for Masters response. "She is still healing, she isn't dead. Don't worry child." He says reasuringly, and I sighed in relief.

Hibiki was using his archive magic trying to find out how Raven and he told us his name was Jackson knew each other. "They were rivals. He tried killing all of the knights because he wanted their fame." He says and I nod as he keeps typing.

"So where can we find this guy, so I can punch his teeth in!" Natsu yells while pounding his fist into his other hand. Natsu, always so excited about beating other people up.

"He is-" He stops as his eyes widen. "He is very close." He says seriously. Everyone nods and gets ready to get off the Christina.

"No way." Hibiki said and we all turned towards him. "What?" Lucy asked and I looked at him and he turned back to us with a shocked expression.

"Lucy, Raven wanted to protect you right?" He asks and Lucy nods. He motioned for us all to come closer and we all looked at the screen. It was a piece of music filled with notes.

"Is it a song?" I asked and he shook his head yes. "Its the song that Raven can be sumoned from." He says while we look at him curiously. "If Lucy plays that melody she could be brought here, but it only works when you are about to die." He says and Lucy's eyes widened.

"You mean Raven won't wake up if I don't almost die?" She asks and Hibii responded. "Sort of but you still have to get the melody to play some how." He says then I see Ichiya. "Good job!" He says and HIbiki salutes him.

"Thank you Sir Ichiya!" He yelped. Really? Is he gonna keep calling him different names hust to annoy us? The Christina slowly goes down to the ground and parks in a forest a little bit away from Jackson's location.

We all get out of the Christina and we carefully make our way to the forest. We saw a giant mansion which seemed brand new. It looked amazing, we walked over to it and I went to touch it but my hand went through it.

Its a holagram, I mouthed to them and everyone nodded in understandment. I walked through the holagram with the others and we saw a staircase. I was to scared to go first so I made sure someone else did.

I walked behind Erza and behind me was Gray. We all walked down as silent as we could even though Jura had a hard time not making the steps make noise because of his weight.

We all made it to the basement and say Jackson he was hooking something up, wires. I looked around and saw multiple wires and then saw it was connected to machines. Must be to make the holagram.

"HEY JACKSONGET READY TO GET BEATEN UP!" Natsu yells and we all turn to him angry. "There goes the element of suprise." Lucy mumbled and then I heard Jackson laughing.

"I will turn myself in, but before I do I need a word with your comrade." He says and we all turn confused. Who? "I believe her name is Raven, I really need to talk to her about a little something she dropped when we first met." He says and takes out a necklace that had a little black star connected to it.

"Lucy since you seem to be so close to her, why don't you wear it for now." He says and throws the necklace towards Lucy and Lucy catched it.

The necklace glowed and went around Lucy's neck. This could be a trap, better stay alert! I watched him intently and all of his movements.

"WHY DON'T YOU TURN YOUR SELF IN NOW AND RAVEN CAN SEE YOU IN JAIL?" Gray screamed out of anger/rage. Jackson smiled at us and he walked towards Gray. "You silly boy, I need to talk to her without anyone else listening." He says slyly.

I get into a fighting stance readying myself for what he might do next. I looked up and I saw he disappeared. Where did he go?


This necklace, why does it make me I stared at the man and suddenly he disappeared. He grabbed me by my head and he reappeared behind a magic barrier that none of the others could get through.

"This is the way, I know she will come." He says as he held me up in the air by my head tightening his grib on me. "No way is she gonna come, you still need one last thing." I say and I kicked him. He let go of me and backed up a little.

"I already have the song." He says while chuckling as if it was obvious. My eyes widened and then suddenly he grabbed me by the neck strangling me. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath! I coughed and coughed and gribbed on his hands trying to push them away while the others pounded on the glass.

Suddenly the necklace glowed and his devilish grin grew even bigger. The necklace snapped off of my neck and flew up in the air and suddenly stopped in mid air.

I stared at it and then I heard music. PLAY VIDEO NOW BUT KEEP READING AFTER!!!

I heard music play and the black star started to crack. I stared at it and the man dropped me and I coughed.

I was gasping for air while the music played and it kept getting louder and louder. When the last note stopped playing the entire necklace broke, shattering into pieces. A gold light was still in the air and then took the shape of a human.

The light disappeared and nothing happened. "I guess she didn't really like you enough to come." He said and then turned to me and the others. Suddenly a sword went through his gut from behind. Someone pulled the sword out and dropped it to the ground, the sword disappeared after hitting the ground.

Jackson smirked and I was confused. "Well played." He said then disappeared. Suddenly someone dropped to the ground panting heavily. "Is that her?" Eve asked and Wendy froze. Suddenly the radio went on, "RAVENS MISSING!!!" He screamed and we could hear his footsteps while he ran around searching for her.

She looked up at us and smiled a closed eye smile. She finally got up, after all this time...

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