Chapter Two
(6/9/17) - (6/10/17)
We arrived at Easthallow in the middle of the afternoon, the streets full of bustling people. Through the entire street, you could see smiles and friendly faces, until you saw the others. The others who stood far away, watching, observing. Wearing capes of black to hide, to hide in the night as if they will get away. Judging a book by its cover isn't always the best option, but sometimes it's the only one you have.
"All they said was that they looked very shady and usually came in groups of drunk men." Gray stated while observing the slip of paper which held all of the information given to us. Suddenly, Natsu burst out into a sprint. He began to run straight towards the shady figure, IS HE INSANE?!!?! Let me rephrase that, IS HE MORE INSANE!?!
"Natsu!" Erza yelled, but it was too late. Natsu had already grabbed the cape of the shady figure, a smirk spreading across his face.
The others and myself ran throughout the street, reaching Natsu and the hooded figure in a matter of seconds.
"Let go." A female voice commanded.
Its been a bloody fight and our team is down. Wendy, Carla, Happy, Erza, Gray, and even myself, were all down. Natsu won't give up. I know he wants to protect us but he is in the worst condition out of all of us. He doesn't want them to win.
"Hey lets shoot one of them until they give up."One of the criminals suggests. Oh no! Who will they shoot? Natsu? One of the criminals pulls out a gun and aims it at me. M-Me!?!
"Shoot the stupid blond already."A different criminal commands. They load the gun and I am frozen in fear. Natsu turns to look at me with fear masking his face, he is afraid of me dying. He's to busy fighting off other criminals he can't save me, not this time.
BOOM! They shoot the gun as I close my eyes bracing for impact. Suddenly someone pushed me out of the way. Was it Natsu? Opening my eye's I look up to see the hooded girl got shot, I also see her wince in pain as she falls to the ground shot in her gut.
"A-Are you ok?" I stutter with worry and concern in my voice. Natsu stares at her his eyes wider than ever before, she really is a hero.
I can't give up, NEVER! While slowly getting up I wince in pain forced to lean on my sword so I can stand.
"LUCY GET OUT OF HERE!"I shout while giving them an emotionless face(not complete face is shown). Everyone looks at me in shock. Protecting them is my priority, I have to fight! My sword shines in the sunlight as I run towards the criminals cutting them as much as I can.
One of the criminals grabbed my cape and threw it onto the ground revealing my wounds, and that I was only a 12 year old girl. Adrenaline flows through my vains as I start slicing the criminals harder and faster.
Protecting Lucy is my priority even if my injuries seem impossible to fix. Looking around I realized something...I did it. All of their eyes were glued on me, as I realized something I didn't fail. Lucy is ok!
My sword disappears as I stand there, panting. The pain I am feeling, its not as bad as...before. The pink haired man came up to me and I look up at him tilting my head up so I could see him better. I think I am gonna call gim Pinkie.
"Are you o-." Pinkie gets cut off as the leader of the gang appears in the distance. "I think it's time for Fairy Tail to die. Oh and look the famous knight is here too, guess we get a double kill." He purred.
"Famous knight?" Pinkie questions. This man, knows. Turning to look away from Pinkie, I decide to ignore his question. While looking at the dark guild leader, I summoned a different sword to help me stand up. I said I will never give up and I'm keeping that promise.
"The knight, isn't me." My eyes narrow as I lie to the man, but all he does is grin at me in return. "Then why did you protect the dumb blond?"He asks with the same sickening grin as before.
"I AM NOT HER!"I scream as I run up to swing my sword, that I summoned. Once I sliced him in the gut he started repeating a phrase that kills me inside, "You are soulless."
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" While yelling in protest I attack the man harder. He falls to the ground bleeding and in pain. Looking down at this bleeding man, I smell a metalic aroma projecting off of him. That scent is familiar, very familiar. It is the scent of blood.
He gets back up and my sword disappears. I'm out of magic power. Oh crap. He kicks me in the gut which sends me flying backwards. Pinkie ran up to me and looked to see me wounded badley, I don't know how much longer I can do this.
Slowly I get up again which the criminal didn't like. He runs towards me and starts punching me harder and harder. Guess this is what I wanted all along, to truly protect someone from all the pain. But, was it worth it?
Falling to the ground once more, I attempt to get up. Protecting Lucy, top priority, can't let him win! Thoughts cluttered my head as I finally stood up. Pinkie stood beside me until he put both of his hands on each of my shoulders. Suddenly I got hit in the stomach so hard, that I blacked out.
Seeing her fight, I learned that she is very strong but she can't keep fighting. She's in no condition to fight but neither am I. While pulling her in close I punch her in the gut knocking her out, she can't fight. Not in the terrible condition she is in.
She falls to the ground with a thump as I glare at the leader of the dark guild. My friends slowly rise from the ground as we make our way towards the man, we have enough magic energy to hit them all one last time. We will beat them and help this girl.
"FAIRY TAIL WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" We shout as everyone starts running towards the man.
"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"I scream as I burn him to a crisp.
"REBULOUS IMPACT!"Leo bellows as light shoots out towards the criminals.
"REQUIP!"Erza yells as she changes into a different armor and attacks with her swords.
"ICE MAKE LANCE!"Gray hollers.
"SKY DRAGON ROAR!"Wendy screams, as Carla and Happy fly above us.
The man says one last thing before falling to the ground unconcious, "You really are weak." He whispers with his raspy voice while laying on the bloody battle field.
We all rush towards the girl, and start crying. What are we gonna do? "I still can't believe that she took a shot for me."Lucy whispers to herself as she sobs. Looking down at her, I notice that she is bleeding a lot more than we are. We need to get her help.
We get our reward from the citizens who now feel much safer, knowing the gang of criminals/dark guild were defeated. Turning my head, I see Natsu carrying the unconcious girl. He cares for her. We all care for her.
"Hey Natsu, why did you knock her out?" I ask. Natsu looks down at her hiding his eyes, "I had to. She was going to die if I didn't."Natsu answers in a serious tone. Who knew he could actually be serious sometimes and not just pick fights with Gray.
We get on the train ride and Natsu decides to lay the girl on the seats as Wendy trys to heal her. Natsu is about to throw up so we had to put Raven away from him. He looks like he is gonna hurl...everywhere.
"I can't heal her, her injurys are to severe."Wendy mumbles.
Her injuries, they are too severe. Why can't I be strong like Erza or Lucy? Sadness washes over me as I look down disappointed in myself.
"You did your best Wendy."Lucy says with a smile. Pity. They all must be pitying me. I try to be strong but I still can't even help this girl. I'm not strong at all. I can't even heal her how am I supposed to help on missions?
The train ride is over and we all start heading towards the guild. Natsu is still carrying Raven. He really is caring. We get to the guild and when I open the doors, everyone turns towards us with smiling faces. Then everyone notices Raven, making their smiles slowly fade away and become replaced with concerned looks.
"Gramps?" Natsu calls as the master walks over to them from his office. "Can you help her?"Natsu asks with a wavering voice. The master nods and gives him a hand motion telling Natsu to follow him.
The master and Natsu walk into the medical room. Wendy comes in and spends hours trying to heal her, but to no avail she doesn't succeed. I wonder how long it will be until she wakes up.
Then suddenly Raven's heart beat goes faster and faster.
"GUYS GET IN HERE, HURRY!" Wendy screams. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Happy, Carla, Gramps, and Mystogan come rushing inside the infirmary.
"What's happening to her?" I ask as I see Raven starting to sweat as her heartbeat speeds up more and more. "A nightmare." Erza replys in a serious tone. Everyone turns to her in shock, what she is experiancing is just a nightmare?
Everyone stares at Raven with worry filling their eyes, but Mystogan walks towards her and looks down at her. "Hmmmmm." Mystogan says while thinking.
"What do you think she is dreaming?" Wendy asks. "Whatever it is, it sure is intense." Gray replys. Looking down at Raven one question keeps repeating in my mind, is she ok? Suddenly she wakes up and looks around. "You had a nightmare."Erza says.
RAVENS P.O.V. (I am just putting there names so you know whos who)
"YOU!" I scream with rage as I summon a dagger and aim it at Pinkie. (Natsu)
"I am a friend." Pinkie says. "This is Fairy Tail." Lucy says while trying to calm me down. The dark haired man (Gray), looks down at me with worry in his eyes. This is Fairy Tail. "Why did you take me here?" Eyeing them, I decide to start asking questions. This place is weird.
"We wanted to help you since you took a shot for Lucy." Pinkie says with a big smile. "That's my jo-" Stop! You know you can't reveal any secrets, ever. "Nevermind, it was no problem." I lie while sweating nervously. Now they are starting to feel like interagators...
"I am Mystogan, and not to be nosy but what happened in your dream, I was watching you when you had your nightmare and I wa-"He gets cut off by me.
"It is not important." He eyes me suspiciously, but then Lucy starts talking to me. "Thanks for saving me." Lucy says. Looking up at her I accidentally blurt out, "I didn't really have a choice." Woops, I really have to be more careful around here. She looks down at me in confusion.
"What do you mean?"She asks me curiously. "I need to leave this place." I say as I walk towards a nearby window. Lucy grabs my wrist before I jump out. "Your not recovered yet."She says with concern and worry.
"It doesn't matter."I say as I give her a glare. She keeps holding me back. "Why would that matter to you."I ask rudely and with sass.
"Cause you saved me and I wanna repay the favor."She says with confidence. "Your completley blind to it all."I say and everyone looks at me confused now.
"Bye Fairy Tail."I say. I then run to the window and jump out. Lucy and the others try following me but I run away from them screaming, "I WILL COME BACK SOON!"I was lying I never really will come back unless it is something about Lucy.
I run out of the guild and start walking down the street when a gang of shady people stop me. "Hey little girl want some candy?"One of them asks with a grin. I ignore them and keep walking around them.
Then one of the criminals grabs me by the neck and drags me to an abandoned building. I look around and see that all of them have matching tattoos, then the leader of the group walks up to me and puts out a hand for me to shake.
"Hello little girl."He says with an evil smile. I see that on his neck is a tatoo of a spider, suddenley I see flashbacks.
"Y-Y-You-u were there?"I stutter. He nods as his smile grows and grows. "WHERE IS PETER?"I scream. "Dead."He answers. My eyes widen in shock, he was dead after all those times I tried to save him.
"We need to make sure you won't be a threat to us." Then they, take me into a cell and lock me up and put handcuffs on me so I couldn't use any magic.
"In the morning you will just be a powerless little girl." He says before walking away from my cell.
Its morning and I just got to the guild. I look around but I can't find Raven. "Hey Lucy."I say as I walk up to the bar.
"Hi Natsu."Lucy says with a closed eye smile. "Have you seen Raven?"I ask, but Lucy just shakes her head no.
"Lets go look for her."I suggest. Lucy agrees and Happy tags along. We walk out of the guild, and I try smelling her.
"I smell her, come on."I yell as I run through alleys. I stop in front of an abandoned building.
"W-W-We have to go in there?" Lucy asks with fear. I nod, we have to find her.
I get grabbed by the handcuffs and start being dragged to a machine. I look up in horror, they want to steal my power.
"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY POWER!"I scream as I break the magic barrier chains against the wall. I walk up to them, and a black sword appears in my hand.
"You killed Peter and now I'll kill you."I say as I start running up to them. I start swinging my sword and stab multiple people.
Its him, the man who killed Peter, the leader of the group. He unsheaths his sword and we go into a brawl.
We walk inside and I take a deep smell and drag Lucy to the basement while Happy flys above us. I open the basement door. I look around and find Raven surrounded by slowly bleeding and dying people laying on the bloody floor.
"RAVEN!"I yell, she turns towards me. But when she turned she didn't realize that the man she was against stabbed her.
Lucy gasps in shock and covers her mouth while sobbing. Raven slowly gets up and pulls out the sword he stabbed her with in pain. "RAVEN DON'T!"I scream while running towards her.
I pull out the sword and try not to scream in pain. I throw the sword on the ground and look up at the man. He smiles as he dodges my attacks.
"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?"I screamed while trying to hit him. "You told him to run away didn't you want him to die?"The man says with an evil smile.
I start crying as I swing my sword at him, not realizing that Natsu, Lucy, and Happy are staring at me. I stab the man with my sword. He falls back to the ground and I kick him and hold him up by his neck.
"I cough* cough* never killed him cough*." I drop him on the ground and I pull out my sword and I stood there looking down at the man my sword right in front of his neck.
He must be alive then. I can't believe this, he is still out there why couldn't I find him? Suddenly I felt dizzy. I fell backwards and land on the hard floor with all the other dying people. I look up to see Natsu and the others,"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?"He screams.
"It's not important."I say while standing up on my own, I wince in pain. Peter is out there I have to keep looking for him. I start walking out and someone grabs my shoulder, it was Natsu.
"You were stabbed."He says while staring at my eyes. I give him an emotionless stare and kept walking up the steps and out of the abandoned house.
He can't stop me from what I do and what I need to do.
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