San didn't care about anything except keeping Wooyoung in his sights at all times.

When the pair of them had managed to stand, he immediately looped an arm around Wooyoung's waist to guide him inside.

What he really wanted was to get Wooyoung alone in their room, but he knew that would have to wait.

Especially with the surprise guests they had.

Fifteen people crammed into their living room was a lot, so San ended up pulling Wooyoung into the corner and sitting on the floor so the younger could sit in his lap.

It made his heart race when Wooyoung did so without complaint and started scenting him, small whimpers joining the action.

The couple lost themselves for a bit, or at least San did. He remembered catching only snippets of what the others were sharing.

How BTS ended up here, their story about the change, Hongjoong and Jongho sharing their history here.

Wooyoung did freak out a little when Hongjoong started talking about how he'd mated with Chan.

"You're kidding!"

Hongjoong rubbed over his mating mark and bowed his head. "No, I'm not. When an announcement was posted saying that packs could benefit from mating, pool their points and gold, I knew it was the best way to get you back."

Wooyoung frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but Namjoon spoke first. "Mating? Is that what that mark is?"

"You haven't done it?" Yeosang asked from where he was standing off to the side. "You sound like you've fully accepted this change; I'm honestly surprised you haven't felt the need."

"Maybe because we were the first successful group?" Hoseok hummed. "Or maybe it's because we've always worked together as a group to help everyone with their needs."

"It's..." Hongjoong shook his head a little. "Honestly, it's incredible. I feel a connection with Chan now that I can't explain." Then his eyes drifted over to Wooyoung and San.

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but a knock on the door had everyone freezing.

Scents spiked and every member of BTS looked like they were about to have panic attacks.

Jongho placed a finger to his lips and looked at Hongjoong with a silent question. The Beta shook his head, which spurred Jongho into walking to the front door.

He opened it slowly to peer out, then stepped back in surprise as three Androids walked inside.

"Shit!" Namjoon jumped up and held his arms out wide, a low snarl rumbling in his throat.

The Androids didn't react at all. They just stood there, unmoving...

With boxes in their arms.

"What do you want?" Jongho snapped, moving around to stand next to Namjoon.

Both Alphas were so big, they almost formed a wall between their packs and the Androids.

Then, one of them turned its head to look at Namjoon. "We are here to welcome you to The Games."

"Excuse me?" Yoongi crossed his arms and poked his head around Namjoon's shoulder.

"You have joined The Games late. We have come to welcome you and give you your equipment." The Android's hallow voice didn't make the statement any better. Several growls rose up around the room, both packs coming together instantly.

But the Androids didn't seem phased. One stepped and held out three simple, flat boxes. "For your Betas."

Namjoon looked like he wanted to refuse, then Seokjin placed a hand on his shoulder. The Alpha deflated a little as he grabbed the boxes to hand back to the Beta.

"For your Omegas." The second Android said, handing over two large boxes, the sight of which made both San and Wooyoung flinch and looked away.

Finally, the third stepped forward and extended a box to Yoongi and Namjoon since they were both right there.

"As of today, you will be required to wear your accessories marking what you are. You may start earning points and gold, participating in events, and interact with the other packs. However, you will be starting from the bottom and there is no pack house available for you. If you have any questions, we are here to answer them."

The Androids waited thirty seconds or so, and when no one had questions for them, they turned and left.

"No." Jungkook said as soon as the door closed. "I am not doing this!"

When San glanced in his direction, Jungkook was looking inside his opened box and shaking his head. Next to him, Jimin was just staring at his with a blank expression.

"Kookie, calm down." Taehyung started to rub his back, though his eyes were on Jimin.

"That was unexpected..." Mingi was still looking at the door, forehead creased and lips turned down. "How... How did they know you were here?"

"Someone is probably watching the cameras at all times." Jongho said, motioning to one in the corner. "But you're right, it was still unexpected."

"Why would they want us to join? What's the point?" Namjoon pulled out his watch and huffed through his nose.

Seonghwa's eyes drifted to the watch as well. "And how could they not give you a place to stay? There have been packs that have forfeited, surely there's one you could use."

"Knowing the people who made this game, they would probably make them buy it." Mingi rolled his eyes and returned to Yunho's side. He stared at the Beta for a long moment, then took his hand.

Yunho's ears started to turn red and he cleared his throat. "It's probably a way to punish you. You escaped, but there was a chance you had been seen when attacking Tressor, so they couldn't cover things up easily."

"I suppose." Namjoon agreed. "But what are we supposed to do now?"

"Stay with us." Hongjoong said right away. When everyone looked at him, he stood up a little straighter and glanced at Jongho. "We already decided we are going to play the game. We've partnered with Stray Kids, why not partner with BTS too? That has to put us close to Tressor's numbers, if not more! Plus, I mean," He held out his hands toward the other pack and motioned at them several times, "Come on!! How can we lose with them by our side! It's BTS for crying out loud!"

Silence followed his words and for a second, Hongjoong looked like he wanted to die from embarrassment. But then Mingi started laughing and clapped the Beta on his shoulder. "I expected Wooyoung to fanboy, not you Hyung!"

The spell was broken and soon almost everyone was laughing or at least smiling in one way or another.

Except for Jimin.

Wooyoung noticed right away and, after planting a sweet kiss on San's cheek, stood to walk over to him. "Jimin-ssi?" He said gently.

The older Omega looked up at him and tears started to roll down his cheeks. He dropped the box and threw his arms around Wooyoung, pulling him into a fierce hug. "I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry! You t-told us and I-I guess I d-didn't fully r-realize..."

"I know." Wooyoung said softly.

It was weird... watching Wooyoung comfort Jimin. San scrunched his nose a little and shifted in place a little. Maybe it was just because it was Jimin, or maybe it was because San wasn't ready to let Wooyoung go yet.

But it was clear to see they'd made a connection during the day and a half they'd been together.

"So, how would this work, then?" Namjoon asked after a few minutes. "We'd... We'd need to mate?"

"The rules specify that mated Omegas are worth more points, and mating is a way to form alliances between packs." Yeosang stated, glancing between al four Omegas in the room.

Hongjoong sucked on his lower lip and turned to Jongho once more. "I've been thinking about this a lot, honestly, I just haven't had a chance to talk to you about it. I suppose now is as good of time as any, especially if we are going to form a new alliance."

The youngest Alpha in the room sighed. "I know. I have been too. Especially because I know it means extra protection." Jongho glanced at San, then Wooyoung. "I think we need to form mating bonds with all our Omegas."

San's gut flipped and he felt like he might be sick.


Could he really do that? Could he really...

"I know it's a lot to ask." Jongho said softly.

"It is!" Jungkook cut in. "How can you expect us to-"

"Jungkook." Namjoon shut him down with a sharp growl. "He's right. They've accepted us into these games, now I plan to shove it back in their face and take down whoever is in charge."

The power behind his voice had the entire room vibrating with emotion.

San was in awe. Everyone knew how powerful Namjoon was, but to witness it in person was another thing entirely.

The Alpha turned to Jongho and held out his hand. "Let's do this."

Jongho's eyes grew wide, it was his turn to stare in disbelief. Slowly, he raised his trembling arm to shake the older's hand.

Then Namjoon was smiling, wide and relaxed. "How do you want to do this, Jongho-ssi?"

"I- Um..."

"May I propose an idea?"

Jongho cleared his throat and blinked a couple of times. "Y-Yes. Of course. Please, Namjoon-sunbaenim."

"First," Namjoon turned to the room, "Let's drop formalities. Please. It's not needed and I think it would be easier if we can just... be us. Can we do that?" He gave a lopsided smile when everyone nodded, even if most of Ateez seemed hesitant or nervous still. "Now, I'd like to propose that one of us mates with Wooyoung since we already have that bond with him."

The Omega in question squeaked from where he was still comforting Jimin. It earned a few chuckles from those who found it amusing that he was still standing in the presence of his role models, but for San, he looked down at the ground and clenched his hands together in his lap.

His human side absolutely hated the thought of Wooyoung sleeping with someone else. Wooyoung was his.

But... the side of him that was begun to grow and take form ever since being here told him that it would be okay, that he needed to respect his Alpha's wishes, and that doing this didn't mean he was losing Wooyoung for good.

If BTS had managed to have an open relationship with each other, then maybe...

The smell of charcoal grew a little stronger and San looked up to see Jongho clenching his jaw. He looked conflicted, which had Namjoon frowning a little. "If that doesn't work for you-"

"No, no..." Jongho closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Sorry I'm just..."

"Still learning control." Namjoon said gently. "I understand. This is all still very new for all of you, and since you're allowing us to stay here, we can help you."

A warm, comforting coffee smell settled across the room, making many of them hum contently. Namjoon glanced around, checking on his pack with quick, silent questions.

It was honestly fascinating to watch how the seven of them could talk without words and move as one unit, as if they could feel what the other was doing and reacted purely on instinct.

An instinct that had San looking at his own pack to see how they were handling things. He noticed that Jongho seemed to be doing the same, and the Alpha smiled just a little when he met San's eyes.

Trust Alpha.

San deflated a little and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Is this plan alright with you, Wooyoung-hyung?" Jongho asked after a few more seconds.

Wooyoung glanced at Jimin once, then took a step back. "Can... Can I have a day to think about it?"

"Of course." Jongho said.

Namjoon quickly followed with, "We would never force you into something you don't want. Especially after what you've been through. If we need to find a different pairing, we can."

Wooyoung blushed a little and murmured a soft, "Thank you," before he turned around to return to San.

The older's heart nearly burst in his chest and he was quick to unfold himself so that Wooyoung could situate himself back in his lap. He quickly leaned in to scent the younger, whining just loud enough for only him to hear.

He felt several pairs of eyes on them and chose to not look up. They didn't need to know anything about them, not right now.

But somehow, they all seemed to sense it, because Seokjin cleared his throat and said, "Wooyoung mentioned something about a pond? I'd love to see it, and maybe the rest of the territory?"

"Yes, I think it would be good to know what we need to protect." Namjoon agreed.

"While you guys give them a tour, I'm going to go fill Chan in." Hongjoong bit his lip and glanced at Jongho for permission. "He should know about this so he's not blindsided the next time we see each other."

"I agree. I'll go with you." Jongho said with a firm nod. "Namjoon-su-... Namjoon-hyung, would you like to come?"

The older Alpha gave an amused chuckle, then nodded. "I'd like that very much. It would be good to start preparing and planning as much as possible."

With that decided, both packs started to filter their way out of the living room. Mingi gave one sidelong glance, worry set evident in the lines creasing his forehead and the way he hesitated for just a moment.

Then Yunho grabbed his hand and whispered something in his ear that had the Alpha relaxing a little and following him out of the cabin.

Their pack knew exactly what they needed right now, and San was so grateful for it.

As soon as the front door closed, Wooyoung spun around to straddle his lap and pressed their lips together with a needy whine.

San returned it with a savage purpose. He was ready to devour the younger, needing to feel every inch of him, especially since his human side was fueled by jealousy.

But surprisingly, his would was thrilled. It urged him on, needing the connection as well, which was something he hadn't felt before.

For just a second, he wanted to ask if Wooyoung felt it too, but that thought vanished the second their mouths opened and their tongues pressed together.

Wooyoung clung to him, digging his nails in and tugging at his shirt with desperate whimpers.

The older growled into the kiss and pushed Wooyoung away just long enough to stand. Then he grabbed his hand and they ran up the stairs to his bedroom.

Both of their scents were stifling, sweet and so incredibly potent, but if anything, it proved to San that Wooyoung wanted this just as much as he did.

They ripped their clothes off in a matter of seconds, then San had Wooyoung pinned to the bed.

"Young-ah..." He breathed, claiming Wooyoung's lips over and over. "Young-ah..."

The younger keened and arched his back of the bed. His hands started to slide down San's back, down to squeeze his ass, which made San groan and drop his head.

Especially when Wooyoung's fingers ran through the slick his body had started to create.

They both paused and looked at each other with wide eyes.

This was the first time either of them had willingly participated in sex since their heat... San had only done it then and Wooyoung...

No, he wouldn't think about that right now.

So he dipped his hand between Wooyoung's legs to press a finger against his entrance. "Fuck..." He pulled his hand back and studied the slick glistening on his fingers.

Wooyoung blushed a little. "I guess this eliminates the need for lube." He said with a teasing smile.

San's eyes darkened just a little, hunger driving him forward. "Yes it does." He leaned down so his lips were right next to Wooyoung's ear. "Are you that anxious for me to fuck you?"

The second Wooyoung gasped at his words, he slipped his fingers into the younger's mouth, making him whine with surprise.

But he also started sucking on them with as much enthusiasm as he's sucked on San's dick in the past.

The sight drove San insane and he removed his fingers to claim his love's mouth once more.

Both of them gripped at the other, fingers pressing in, hips grinding, mouths never parting.

If they could meld together into one body, they would.

"San-ah... San-ah, please!" Wooyoung breathed against the older's mouth. "N-Need more!"

Give more. Give more!

The sound from his wolf startled San for a second, but he pushed through it to spread Wooyoung's legs to slot himself between them.

He groaned when he saw all the slick pooling from him, covering his thighs and soaking into the sheets.

And he knew he was adding to it too. He could feel it, especially when he reached back to gather some of it and started to jerk Wooyoung's cock with it.

It made Wooyoung's eyes roll back and he fisted the sheets on either side of him. "Sannie!!"

"Fuck, I'm going to love this."

Wooyoung groaned and thrust his hips up, fucking himself into San's fist.

His orgasm was getting closer, San could tell from the way he chewed on his lower lip and his abdomen tensed.

The second he pressed two fingers into Wooyoung, the other screamed. His hips jerked time and time again as San worked him through his high, adoring how beautiful Wooyoung looked in that moment.

When he realized that the slick made things easier for him, he pulled his fingers out and brought them to his own lips this time.

The last thing he expected was for it to taste so sweet. But it was! It was sweet and thick and addicting.

San promised himself that he would spend one day just eating the younger out until he cried, but right now he needed to be connected with Wooyoung in every way.

So once Wooyoung's orgasm finished and his breathing had slowed, San turned him onto his side and laid down behind him.

It was the most intimate position he could think of that also made it so he could touch as much of Wooyoung as possible.

He looped one arm beneath the younger to pull him close, then used his other hand to start pressing his cock into Wooyoung.

The younger was so relaxed that he was able to bottom out easily, making both of them groan.

Then he used the arm beneath Wooyoung to grab his chin and tilt his head back so they could continue kissing, he started kneading at Wooyoung's chest with the other hand, and he let their legs twist together.

It was the closest thing to being one body as they could get.

When San started to fuck him, he kept his movements slow, rolling his hips in a way that his cock pulled out just to the tip and glided back in with one fluid motion.

And their mouths never parted. Both of them breathed through their noses as much as possible.

Wooyoung laced his fingers with the hand groping his chest, moaning heavily when San switched them so he was forcing Wooyoung to do it instead, controlling each time Wooyoung squeezed himself or played with his nipples.

It was a perfect moment full of connection, happiness, and love.

San never wanted it to end, and he could tell Wooyoung didn't either simply by the way he moaned into their kiss and his scent flourished.

When they both reached their peak, San pressed his lips even harder against Wooyoung's, desperate for the moment to last.

And so did Wooyoung. He whimpered the second San started to pull out and finally broke their kiss. "Don't." He whispered, making San pause. "Please, don't."

San lifted his head enough so he could gaze at his soulmate, soaking in the plea swirling within his eyes. "Anything for you." He whispered back.

The softest look crossed Wooyoung's face and he smiled up at the older. "I want to stay like this for as long as we can. Please."

It took a second, but San understood why he said that. "You're going to say yes, aren't you?"

Wooyoung's cheeks flushed a little but he never looked away from San's eyes. "I think it's what's best for our pack. Don't you?"

Yes. Trust.

San hated that he agreed with his wolf. Even so, he whispered, "But what about us?"

"Nothing is going to come between us, Sannie." Wooyoung said softly. "They've made an open relationship work with all seven of them. What's one more? You are always going to be my number one. Nothing will ever change that, I promise."

"Stupid instincts..." San whined, finally lowering his head to hide his face in Wooyoung's neck. "If this were any other circumstance..."

"I know... If we were still human this wouldn't even be a possibility. But... weren't not. We are something..."


Wooyoung hummed. He started playing with the fingers on one of San's hands. "You're my forever, Sannie."

The older's chest constricted at his words, love rushing forward and overwhelming him. He grabbed Wooyoung's chin again so they could kiss, with the new addition of salt present with ever pass of their tongues.

They were both crying now. Silent tears for the life they once had, for the deep connection they still have, and the mysterious future on the horizon they would need to prepare for.

San knew all of this. And his wolf helped him to accept it.

Because Wooyoung was right. Just because their lives had been upended, that didn't mean their connection had to change.

As he pulled back, he moved his hand up to cup Wooyoung's cheek. He could feel his lips turning up into a smile that belonged only to the man lying next to him.

"And you're mine, Young-ah." With his other hand, he hooked their pinkies together, making Wooyoung giggle. "No matter what happens, no matter what we have to do for our packs, you and me..."

Something started to build up inside him. Something strong, something eternal...

He and Wooyoung spoke together when a few seconds had passed, somehow both knowing exactly what to say.

"We will be together until the very end."

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