chapter 4: first contact.
(michael POV)
Michael: (gasp) wha...what is place?
i said as i took a good look at my surroundings, and it looks like i'm in some sort of spaceship, like the millenium falcon in the star wars franchise, i got up and try to walk out of the ship, but find my right hand hancuffed with....well, an alien handcuff
michael: What kind of hand cuff is this?
then ash comes in
ash: it's called an energy cuff.
she said as i looked at her
michael: hey, your that cute girl from earlier.
i said as she blushed and said...
ash: (blushing) ye...yeah, i am. who are you?
she said nervously while blushing
michael: my name is michael johnson. but you can call me michael.
ash: ok, nice to meet you michael, my name is ash graven.
michael: nice to meet you too, ash. but one question, and not trying to be rascist or anything but....why is your hair pink, same thing with your skin?
ash: well, this might come to a shock, but...i'm a serepentian. from the planet serepentis.
ash: (sigh) if you don't believe me, i'll take you to your friends.
she said after turning off the energy cuffs and escorting me to my friends
(ash POV)
Ash: (thinking) why did he call me cute? is it because i am? i think i need to check my face with a mirror
(michael POV)
after minutes of walking, we arrived in what appears to be a dining room and when we did, my friends came up to me
kai: Michael, where were you? are you hurt.
katie: i don't see any bruises, so your good.
then a big alien with a machine gun for a right arm came behind my friends
fox: well it's a good thing he didn't.
he said as we look up to his face, which had an innocent looking smile
our eyes widened in fear at seeing an alien, and then.....
we backed up from each other as i grabbed an alien broom and said....
micheal: what the hell are you!!!!????
ash: no don't. he's my brother.
M/K/K: your brother?
kai: but you don't even look like...
he was about to say ''alike'', until ash revealed that she has alien powers, which made katie faint, then fox said
fox; we were adopted...which means it hurts my feelings when people run away from me without giving me a chance.
michael: adopted? by who?
clarence: by me, primate.
he said after entering the room, which made me and kai try our best to hold in our laughter of seeing a midget
(JTLYK: I think midgets/dwarves are hilarious because they're short)
clarence: now tell us, how did you find us?
he asked as we stop holding in our laughter as kai said...
kai: we saw something moving in the sky from our houses and came to check it out.
ash: well that ''something'' was actually the crimson light.
fox: as in the ship you're standing in.
he said as our eyes widened, making katie wake up after hearing that they're in a spaceship
katie: wait, so you guys are aliens.
ash: what's an alien?
then a voice pops in and answered ash's question
AVA: An alien is basically a lifeform that isn't native to a planet, or at least that's what i looked up on earth's datanet.
the AI answered
michael: wha, who is this?
AVA: i'm AVA, the ship's AI.
Katie: AI, as in ''artificial intelligence''?
AVA: exactly. but i'm not a skynet or legion AI if that's what your thinking.
kai: you looked up terminator movies?
AVA: yep.
michael: well can we go home now?
clarence: sorry, but we can't let you do that.
katie: WHAT? WHY!!!!!????
ash: because we're afraid if we let you go, you might blow our cover.
fox: yeah, and we just got here after trying to get away from a group of bounty hunters.
Micheal: look, we just came to see what we saw in the sky. how are supposed to know it was a spaceship.
AVA: He does have a good point, after arriving here, i researched this planet's achievements on space travel and discovered that they've only landed two locations in this solar system, this planet's moon and a nearby planet called ''mars''.
clarence: is that true?
he said to the humans as they nodded
clarence: ok, you can go home.
ash & fox: what!!!???
clarence: but...since that yellow haired primate said that my daughter is cute, she'll go with him to learn more about this planet while fox goes with the red haired humans. but don't worry, it will only be temporary. understood?
he asked as i came up to him and said...
michael: yes sir, mr...
clarence: clarence, my name is clarence.
he said as we shake hands
after clarence let us go, michael and ash were walking on the way to his house as katie and kai took fox with them to their house as the screen went dark
end of chapter, hope you enjoyed it.
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