chapter 13: plans for the dance. (part 1)
after what happened to bash in the cafeteria 3 periods ago, we see micheal, his friends and ash walking down the halls with smiles on their faces but then ash noticed something on a nearby wall
ash: hey guys, what's that?
katie: what are you talking about?
ash: that, right there, the ''till all are one'' dance?
she said while looking at a poster with nothing but an image of the matrix of leadership
(like this)
as they saw it, micheal spoke up
micheal: oh, it's basically a prom sponsering a very popular franchise we humans call ''transformers''.
ash: is it popular than HALO?
kai: oh, it's just a popular than halo because it came out like, 20 years before HALO did.
katie: exactly, don't you have proms back home?
ash: well yeah, but i had a bad experience with them and since then, it brings me to a very dark place. it's basically became a great fear i had back home.
she said in a very dark way of speaking things, which made micheal had an idea
micheal: tell you what, how about i try to conquer it for you, infact when it happens, you don't have to wear a dress.
ash: really?
she said in surprise
kai: really, you could wear your (whispers) alien clothing to the prom, just to blend in with the crowd when it's time.
ash: ok, so when does it sta-
she was cut off as she heard a voice
???: micheal!!!
micheal: (groans in anger)
he groaned as they all turn around and see micheal's ex girlfriend, teresa
kai: what do you want?
teresa: i heard what happened in the cafeteria about micheal having a new girlfriend named ash, is it true?
ash: (thinking) this must be micheal's ex girlfriend, but i wonder what happened between them.
micheal: why would you care after you cheated on me with that jerk, bash.
he said, making ash's eyes widen at hearing what he said, which made her angry and was about to use her powers, but was calmed down after remembering to keep her cover from blowing
teresa: micheal, i was different back then, please take me back.
she begged
micheal: not...happening.
teresa: but--
she was cut off as she noticed ash
teresa: this is her, she looks like a freak with that skin color.
everyone around them: (gasp in shock)
student 1: what did she just say!?
student 2: did she just say something racist to the new girl?!
student 3 (female): THAT'S A HATE CRIME!!!!!
she said as the students around her began to agree with her and it made teresa worried at thinking what might happen as she sees ash with a angry face with tears in her eyes, but then heard micheal breathing heavily
micheal: no one...says!!!!!!!!
he yelled to his ex and as he was about to punch her in the face, he was cut off as he heard a guitar strum, which made him and everyone else freeze in fear and as they turn around, they see david portilio with some cops behind him
david portilio: i heard what you said, teresa. now know what to do.
he said as the cops restrain teresa, thus arresting her for saying something very racist to ash, who smiled at david for helping her out as she said
ash: thanks david, it's just that no one has ever said something like that to me before.
david portilio: thanks, just helping micheal out, even though i did notice that he's taking a liking to you.
he said, which made micheal freeze even more and ash blush at hearing what he said as she looked at him
ash: wait, is that why you called me adorable when we first met?
she asked to her human friend, who slowly turned his head to her, like how sun slowly looked at ghira on volume 4 of the rooster teeth anime series, RWBY
micheal: (sigh) yes, it's true. the reason i called you that is because....i kinda fell in love with you when we met all those days ago. and i was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me as a date.
he said, making kai and katie stare at him in shock after hearing him what he's saying to her while katie is having stars for eyes, knowing what would happen next as she sees ash, a serepentian from the planet serepentis, stared at micheal in suprise, but then smiled adorably
(like this)
micheal: do you want to go out with me?
he asked to her
ash: yes, i will go out with you.
she answered as they hug romantically and everyone cheers for the two, who now became a couple, but were being watched by someone on the sun-roof until he flew away somewhere
(at the warehouse terk found)
at the warehouse terk found, we see it is now filled up with alien bounty hunters who are loading weapons, doing arm wrestling matches, studying on what earth has, it's history, accomplishments, all of it. now we see terk, along with two other bounty hunters having a meeting on finding their respective targets (aka: ash, fox, and clarence)
(this is what they look like)
(pretend the rwby luitenant has snake scales on his skin, and he'll be know as ''thang'')
terk: ok, now that i brought you all here and officialy made this our base of operation, next thing we should do is finding the target, get our reward, and probably hunt down other bounties on this planet.
thang: that is if this planet even has bounties, either dead or alive.
terk: maybe.
he said as another bounty hunter came in, and it's the same bounty hunter who was spying on ash and micheal at the highschool
(he'll look like this, and he'll sound like soundwave from FOC)
terk: ah Bone-Snapper, what did you find on this mudball?
thang: i bet it's a bounty or something.
he said as he crossed his arms
Bone-snapper: i found something that we've been looking for.
he said as he activated a hologram of ash and micheal hugging
thang: hey, isn't that one of the target's we were hired to find?
terk: yeah, but who's the human?
bone-snapper: this is ash graven's new boyfriend, they just became official after the young human asked him out to his school's dance, which is sponsering a form of sci-fi entertainment called ''transformers''.
thang: i looked that up when we got here, and i think that it looked interesting, despite the humans not being capable of interstellar travel like the rest of the galaxy is.
terk: i did the same with a thing called ''star wars'', and i also am impressed that they managed to create a race that has a similar story to the ventrexians.
thang: wait, why are you telling us this?
bone-snapper: because this dance the humans are having is the perfect opportunity to get the target, find out where the other two are hiding and we get our payment.
terk: THAT!!!!!! (then realizes) is a really great idea, i mean if we wear our helmets during the time, it just might work.
thang: so, when does this ''dance'' start?
he said with a smirk on his face
(end of chapter, hope you like it)
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