Part 86
Luke my love,
My heart,
You are my world darling.
I love you so much."
"I love you so so much."
"Mum? Please don't go. Please don't leave me again."
Luke could feel his grip onto his mother's fingers began to slip away. He cried or he thought he did. He couldn't feel his own body, his face but he knew he had a grasp at something, or someone.
"Mum, please. Take me with you." He pleaded again. His mother, shined with her bright blonde hair with her smiled that he had longed after years unable to see her and missing her finally paid off.
She didn't say anything, she didn't utter anything except smiles at him. She leaned kissing him on his forehead running her thumb over his cheek. He lifted his eyes to meet her and slowly darkness faded her out in distance and Luke fell back to sleep. A deepest sleep.
A hush breeze.
It's all Luke could feel with his eyes still closed and he could feel his body weighed a thousand pounds over him. He could barely lift his fingers or even his eyelids to open but it felt nice. He felt free and all the weighs in the world has disappeared from his shoulder.
Although he couldn't feel his own body but he could feel the pebbles underneath his palm as his skin grazed. It wasn't sharp, it wasn't unpleasant either, it's like he's lying on a field ground soaking up the sun above him.
That voice, it was so familiar when a hand softly grazes over his temple and his jaw. Softly, slowly he tried to open his eyes to meet a couple of dark figures towering over him. He could feel his visions blurred but he knows it wasn't because of tears so he blinked repeatedly trying to remove the blurriness when he finally sees the figures hovering above him.
"Hi love."
He misses that accent, that voice, that soft smiles with the glistening eyes staring back at him.
"Dad?" He finally opened his eyes wide to see Henry towering above him. His arms flew opened and wrapped tightly around his neck. He huffed on the sudden gesture but soon breaks into a small laughs before wrapping his arms around Luke's body.
"I can't believe it. You're here. You're actually here." He pulls away from Henry's grip before his eyes darted towards his paps on his side smiling in tears and he immediately jumped at his neck wrapping his long arms around him. He huffed with laughter too almost stumbling back when Luke jumped to his hug.
"We miss you too bud." Alex says stroking his back softly feeling him shivers in sobs. "I miss you guys so much. So, so much it hurts." He let his tears floods his eyes as he pulls away and sat right in between Henry and Alex. Their hands tangled in his of each lap.
"Luke what have you done?" Henry finally says and Luke couldn't help lowering his gaze down unable to face his fathers disappointed expression towards his actions.
"I miss you guys so much. The house is never the same without you. I can't look at anything without thinking about you both. I can't imagined living my life without you." Luke eyes are pleading when he shifted his gaze back and forth between his parents.
"Luke, it's not how it's supposed to be. You were supposed to grow old and live your life to the fullest. I couldn't imagined what your grandparents felt right now! This is-" Alex couldn't completed his words before Luke interrupted him.
"NO PAPS! Stop telling me that it was wrong! Stop telling me what I did was upsetting you both because I would rather die than to live in that house with each passing minute thinking about you being gone!"
"Honey, we didn't mean to make you feel this way. We never meant for this to happened." Henry tried to reason with him but Luke furiously pulled his hand away from their grip and darted his sharp look at Henry.
"You damn right! None of this would happened if you didn't ignore yourself! You were too busy saving us both, rescuing me first when you let yourselves untreated and die dad! You died! You told me you were fine but you weren't! You lied to me!" Luke pushed his arm off from Henry's grip and stood abruptly before both Henry and Alex followed his gesture.
"Luke calm down." Alex stood in between him and Henry protecting Henry as always but he could see how upset Henry was by Luke's words. He never meant to burst out like that especially when he had been bottling up his feelings since the funeral.
"I'm sorry." Luke whispered letting his tense shoulder down before Alex pulled him for another hug. "I'm so sorry." He broke down in tears further in Alex's neck before his eyes landed on Henry stood behind Alex with tears in his eyes.
"Please don't make me leave. I wanted to stay with you guys. Please let me stay." Luke pleads again slowly pulling away from Alex hug.
"You can't love. It's not your time yet." Henry says.
"I don't care. I want to stay here. With you guys." His eyes searching for approval in between them both when Alex finally let out a sigh and stood next to Henry with his arm wrapped around his shoulder.
"You have a great future ahead of yours Luke. We might not be able to see each other anymore but know that we will always looking out for you. We love you so damn much." Alex could see the disappointment in Luke's eyes after.
"No. I'm not leaving. I'm happy here with you guys. I won't be able to feel this happiness again. I get to have you both with me. I'm tired paps. Please. I just want it to stop. I just want the pain of losing you both to stop." Luke pleads again.
Henry closed his distance cupping Luke's cheek in his palm. "I know Luke. I know that feeling. Trust me. I never wanted us to be apart either. But darling, I can't let you do this to yourself. You deserved a better life. A better future. We'd made sure of that." Henry states wiping the tears away with his thumb.
"We made sure you had a better future despite everything that happened to us love. Your trust fund is set until you are ready, you have your grams and abuelo to take care of you. You are not alone Luke. You never were in our family. Remember that always. You have to live on and carry our family name." Luke shook off Henry's hand away from his cheek stepping a few steps away from him and Alex.
"Nothing in this world matter anymore without you guys. You and paps are the reason for my being. I won't be alive without you both. I should have died years ago but you guys saved me and now-" He lowered his gaze down before lifting his teary eyes back at both of them.
"Now none of it matters anymore. You guys are gone, leaving me all alone to survive. I can't do that. I'm sorry but I'm not strong enough to survive this. All of these." Luke breaks hugging his own body that shudders in tears.
"I can't let you do that love." Henry took a step forward closing their gap with his palm raised. "I know how devastated you must feel, I know I was when I almost lost you and paps. But I would rather see you live on, breaking all of those obstacles and know how strong you are Luke."
Henry stepped closer cupping his cheek again with Alex stood besides him wrapping his arm around his waist with his left cupping Luke's shoulder.
"Love, you are so much stronger than you know it. You survived living on your own when you were just a child. I know we should have a lot more time together but darling, life isn't fair. It never was. Taken a mother away from a child, taking innocence away from a boy. But you lived on. You fought your way to live before we both even in your life. So when you-" Henry paused looking down at Luke's wrist hidden under his arm before lifting his eyes again.
"When you hurt yourself, you hurt us too darling. Because we couldn't be there for you. We couldn't stop you or hugged you, or tell you that everything will be alright. I'm so sorry that you had to deal this all alone Luke but you are not alone remember?" Henry eyes starts flooding in tears.
"You had us watching over you. Your grandparents that loves you more than anything in the world and right now, they needed you more than anything. Luke don't break their hearts after what happened to us. I know gams would be so heartbroken right now." Alex adds thinking how much his mum would fallen deep in depression if something happened to Luke.
"We will see each other again. That time, you will tell us all the adventure that you had, and we will be waiting for you." Alex continued.
"We are so proud of you Luke. I am more proud of calling you my son, our son." Henry wiped the tears off Luke's face before softly pulling him into their hugs. He wrapped himself in between Alex and Henry curling in their soft strokes that he missed most in the world.
"What if I'm not strong enough. What if I needed to talk to you guys when I had problems in my life. What if I had heartbreaks or when I felt so lonely, who will comfort me then?" He asks shifting his gaze towards Henry and Alex.
"Just know that you can always talk to us, at our graves, in your dreams, we will always be here Luke. Always." Henry softly palmed Luke's chest letting his head lowered to his hand. "Even though you can't hear us, know that we would always hear you. No matter what, we will always be here with you." Alex adds palming his own hand over Henry by Luke's chest.
"I love you guys so much and I'm so sorry all of this happened because of me." Luke whimpered. "No darling no! Don't say that. It was never your fault. We couldn't had known what would happened. None of us. So don't ever, ever think this is your fault. You hear me?" Henry stares deeply into his eyes and Luke softly nods.
"I love you both, I will make sure I make you both proud and carry on your legacies. I won't let you down, all your hard work, I promise." Luke pressed his lip into a thin line letting his parents pulled him into another hug.
"We love you so much darling. But you need to do one thing for us." Henry asks and Luke stared at him bewildered by his question.
"What?" Luke asks still holding on to their hands.
"You need to wake up. You need to go home. You need to promise me you take care of gams and abuelo. Make sure they know how much we love them. Make sure all of them knows." Alex replied and Luke let another tear fell on his cheek.
He nods softly squeezing his hand tightly in their grip, "I will, I promised." He said and Alex pulled him by his neck letting their forehead touches altogether with Henry buried his head in Alex's neck.
"Te amo mijo, mucho." Alex pressed a kiss on his temple stroking his hair back with his finger before planting a kiss on Henry's lips. "Mi precioso familia." He whispered letting them hugged one last time.
"Oscar? We're just about to head into the private terminal. Sorry I didn't let you know earlier. We didn't want to trouble you guys. Yesterday has been- hard for all of us. But June is still at the hotel with Bea and Hope so I think they will swing by to see you guys later."
Phillip's voice seems distant in the speaker and for a moment, Oscar forgot he was on the call with him. His mind distracted by the sound of his voice that reminds him of Henry and the thought hits him when he realized he couldn't hear his voice ever again.
"Oscar? Is everything alright?" Phillip voice startled him from his daze. He had to step outside from Luke's room letting Ellen continued chanting her prayers holding on to his hand hoping he would be alright but at this moment, not even the doctors could tell them what will happened.
"Uhm- Phillip- it's uhm," Oscar stuttered couldn't find the exact words to tell him. He was pacing in the hallway pressing the phone close to his ear and he could still feel the nerves are still shaking him from earlier incidents. He looked up to the clock on the wall signing three in the evening. It was hours since they were here after they rescued Luke and he and Ellen couldn't find any appetite to eat until Luke is clear.
"It's Luke." His lips whimpered before he pressed it hard into a thin line.
"What happened Oscar? Is he alright?" Phillip asks anxiously.
"Stop the car." He adds.
"He tried to kill himself." Oscar mutters feeling the word is too heavy on his lips to even say it. Phillip didn't say anything except his breathing in and out sighing still on the line.
"Where are you?" He asks briefly.
"Presbyterian." Oscar replied and he heard Phillip orders the driver to head there with Martha questioning next to him. He's sure he would explained to her but he felt he needed to be here just in case. After all Luke is their family too and he knows how much indifference they had over the years, Phillip deserves to be here as much as the rest of them.
The moment all the Fox arrived at the hospital, their heart broke when they saw Ellen in bed next to to Luke that was covered in tubes. Her arms drapes over Luke's chest with her head buried in his neck. Her eyes swollen and her nose red with all the tears she had shed.
She had fallen asleep while hugging Luke next to her clinging to the hope that if she does that Luke won't go away like her son did.
"What happened?" Phillip asks stunt to be here after everything they all had been through. He still couldn't believe when Oscar told him over the phone, he needed to get the full details. He was worried that it was due effect from their conversation yesterday that brought Luke to this thought.
When Oscar showed him the snap picture he took of the letter Luke had written, their eyes were wide and followed with tears. Phillip broke down in tears more after he read the letter written by him. "Oh God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He mutters.
Martha tried to coax him at his side but worries at how horribly her husband shudders in his tears. "Love it's no one's fault. Stop punishing yourself like this." She hushed and he shook his tears while remained crouched by the wall of Luke's room.
"It's not that." He starts wiping his tears off from his face before another flooded back on his cheek. His eyes darted at Luke and Ellen on the bed still asleep.
"It's not that he's Henry's boy. He is just like Henry, and I c-couldn't save them both." His lips trembled at the thought of Henry being the way he is years before he met Alex. How fragile and vulnerable he was and every single moment of his life is worrying about him.
He cried burying his face into his arms as Martha hugs him close to her. He couldn't care less about his children watched him breaking down in a sobs on the cold hard floor. This is the ugly truth about his family. That mental health never skips anyone, that life was too hard for Luke to face after the death of his parents that made him took this decision instead of talking to anyone.
He knows how much it hurts Henry before having to deal with his own mental health but seeing Luke facing this all alone hurts him more. But when he thought of how his children had to face it one day losing either him or Martha, his heart shattered in pieces. He couldn't let his thoughts worsen at the possibilities, death is inevitable, and there is no one can escape it.
They waited in the room for almost half a day with tears and sniffles were heard around him. June and Bea joins after an hour Phillip's arrival with Hope by her side. Hope was beyond devastated seeing Luke lying there while the memory of Henry in that bed brought nightmares in her sleep.
She never leaves his side holding on to his hand muttering prayers under her breath, talking to him in whispers telling him to come back so she could kill him herself for leaving. She could never forgives him for putting her into this state of emotion after her best uncles death and truthfully, she didn't blame Luke for it. She might have done it herself if she was in his shoes years ago.
Henry used to tell her that Luke is like a closed box that has hidden treasure filled with demons guarding it. "The moment if we disturbed the box, the demon would wake and hurt Luke. I'm trying to defeat the demon so Luke can be free. Free from all the pain in the world and received the treasure only for himself."
"Just like uncle Alex did with yours?" She asks him followed by his soft laughs.
"Yep! He's my knight and shining armor. I wish someday Luke would find his and that person will love him the way Alex loves me. He loves me to see through all the bad things that had happened to me and I prayed that person will do the same. Love truly trumps all obstacles."
Henry's voice is always calming and the way he tells stories made every children's heart melted and flutters at the sound of his voice.
She stayed by his sides for hours before her mother called her to head back to the hotel. "I wanna stay." She says but the rest of them isn't exactly surprised by her gesture. "Darling, they won't let all of us stay. I think it's better to let Ellen stayed." Bea tried to reason with her and her eyes darted towards Ellen in her messy low bun and swollen face. She doesn't look like the Ellen she knows. She was beyond devastated when she lost her son but this is worst. This is something out of the medical book about illness and symptoms.
"I want to stay." She said again turning her gaze towards her mother. "Even if I had to stay outside, I will stay." She said sternly surprisingly. "Love-" Bea called before she was interrupted by her voice.
"No mummy! I couldn't be there when uncle Henry was in that bed, let me make it up by being here for Luke. It's what he would want, it's what he want us to do! He would tell all of us to stay here and never let him be alone. This is what happened when you let people to grief alone! They took the permanent solution for a temporary problem because they thought it was for the best."
Hope didn't mean to raise her voice at her mother but seeing how they all acted like he was like a stranger in that bed and left when the visiting hours is up, it hurts her. She could see how her words reflected on Phillip's face because she was upset when Phillip decides to leave the day after the funeral.
She knows how much it broke her uncle Phillip when they news hits him about Henry's death. Years he had protecting him and finally his biggest fear dawn on him. But he couldn't spend another more time being here after what happened and the moment when the funeral ended, he is ready to leave this place and proceed to grief in his own way.
But the truth is, among all of them, Phillip was the one who fought the hardest all these years. He was the one who created the Foundation that helps with organ donation and making sure when Henry finally needs it, he will be ready. He had combined work with stem cell research and donated most of his wealth to helps them founding their work.
He hates how some family couldn't afford to pay the bills in order to received the proper care or even an organ listing is too dreadful for anyone in waiting. Hence why he gives all of his time and money to the stem cell research in creating artificial organ in helping reducing the numbers of people in waiting list.
Her words triggered something in all of them and instead of leaving, all of them stayed for the rest of the night and Oscar had his charming way of letting them all to stay in the room.
"The thing is with coma patient, we don't exactly know how long the timeline is for them to wake up. If they are not showing signs of waking up, no brain activity, we assumed his brain is no longer viable." The doctor began to explain and the horror look on their faces showed exactly why he hated to explain such situations.
"But he will wake up right. Tell me my grandson will wake up." Ellen plead with her hand clutching next to Oscar when the doctor had called all of them into the family room. He needed to tell the hard truth about Luke and it was devastating to see Ellen plead like this. She was hopeful when they removed the tube out from Luke's throat to see if he could breathe on his own, which he did but he never wake up since and it had been almost five days since it happened.
"Honestly madam, I'm not sure." He replied.
"Well, go and make it sure then! Why are you wasting our time and telling us this?" Phillip raised his voice after days of frustration and practically living in the hospital. They only went back to shower and rest but the minute they had was rather spent here in Luke's room.
"Honestly sir, that is not why I called you guys here today." He said pulling out papers from the folder next to him.
"Luke might be out from danger sign with his vitals are better than before but there is no explanation why he hasn't wake up and we think he might never will." He said and saw how each of them had different expressions towards what he just said.
"We are opting for DNR." A gasped came from Ellen, Oscar and Phillip altogether and he knew how hard this decision is for them.
"No." Ellen shook her head at him turning to her side to face Oscar and saw how he carefully read the papers being the lawyer himself. He read it lines by line thoroughly and understood how hard for him to be making this decision.
After both Henry and Alex's death, Oscar shared info with Henry's lawyer holding on to his last will and testament just like Alex was his and he knew who's Luke's medical proxy is. It was him and Ellen portraying the part of being Luke's official guardian.
"With all due respect, we are not signing this." Oscar said placing the paper down and he could feel the sighed of relieved coming from all of them, especially his wife. "Signing this would mean we are giving up on him, on Alex and Henry. We promised to take care of him, not letting him go." Oscar explains and it brought smiled on their faces.
"Sir, he might not wake up. Maybe it's the best rather than letting him suffer with lesser quality of life. It's giving all of you hope but honestly I've seen in most patients and it's better to let him go than letting him waste away on that bed." The doctor explains further but Oscar was already standing from his chair followed by Ellen next to him.
"You don't know anything about our family. If my son is alive right now, you would be hanging by that wall for telling him this." There was soft chuckled coming from behind him and smiles are wider on each of their faces. It's the first time in the last few days he'd managed to see the smiles are coming on their faces. It was the hardest when he couldn't even get Ellen to crack up but seeing her smiling softly with her hand clutched around his elbow made his heart flutters.
They all walked back to the room when Phillip bursted into a snorted laugh turning their heads to him - confused. "What's so funny?" Martha asks and he had his palm covers his mouth before he replied.
"You think Alex would hanged the doctor by his neck, Henry would be worst." He said and their eyebrows crooked further by his words. "Why?" Ellen asks.
"Henry would have him quit his job by telling them this. He would have the board of directors have him placed in the worst place possible and he won't stop there." Their eyes sparkled with tears and followed by horrid snorting sounds and laughter echoed in that hallway outside of Luke's room. It was the first time in days they had mourned Alex and Henry's death followed by Luke's tragic situation that finally a smile broke into their faces.
The truth was, after you lose someone, it felt like you couldn't go back to the way it was without them, especially if that someone is close to you and you saw them everyday in your life. You felt like you died along with them that day and there is nothing would make it better only time.
You felt like when you smiled, it's undeserving and it felt wrong to eat, shower and breathe thinking of the person you had lost might never had to experience this anymore. No taste in the world would be the same after you swallow that grief. The sounds of their voice became your haunted dream that hollows in your home being a memory. The songs that you used to listen that reminded you on everything about them is not the same feeling anymore. The routine you had encountered for years seems pointless after their death because the world does revolve around them, around you.
That's what they all felt after losing Henry and Alex from their life. No jokes seems funny enough without hearing Alex cackling in laughter or Henry's blushing besides him pinching his nose bridge trying to hide his embarrassment of his own husband's devilish smile.
No food ever tasted the same even it was the exact same food you have cooked over the years without hearing Alex and Henry humming to the deliciousness and complimenting you for cooking them such delicacies.
No more of late night video call from the different time zone telling you about the cases Henry had encountered at the shelter or asking you how's dating life was scarily enough since you will never forgets your first love.
It wasn't that they couldn't accept their death, it was too sudden for them to even process what was happening to fathom the fact that it actually happened.
They were interrupted when suddenly the nurse barged out from Luke's room and shouted for help at the counter. "CODE BLUE ROOM 53!" She yelled alerting them what happened and Ellen rushed inside with no hesitation and saw one of the nurse climbed on top of Luke and starts pressing on his chest. "What happened?!" She yelled gripping into her blonde hair.
"His blood pressure dropped and now the heart stop pumping." The nurse said pushing them out from the room to give them space. They protest greatly but they knew there is nothing they can do but allowed them so they could focus on saving Luke.
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