Part 81
Henry remembers waking up in a middle of darkness and shards of glasses hitting the side of his face and pain shoots all over his body. "Al-ex." He mutters feeling heaviness sets on his chest and his head when his eyes finally opens. There were sirens and mumbles around him and Henry couldn't comprehend what are they talking about.
"Alex-" he mumbles again noticed the small light flashing over his face before he saw a dark tall figured towering besides him. "Hey buddy. We're gonna help you alright. Stay still, don't move." The person says but Henry was fixed on finding Alex before he tried to raise himself up.
"Woah, woah, stop. Don't move. You were just in a car accident." The guy spoke again but Henry shoved his hand off from helping him. "Alex? Where's my husband. L-Luke, m-my son, where are they?" His head was pounding but he fought through it trying to find them around him when he noticed he was not exactly in the car. He was outside and the ground is wet underneath him. The smell of rain and wet gravel hits his nostril.
"Oh God. Wha-" Henry choked feeling his throat tightened at the sight of their car flipped over on the sides with glasses shattered all over the ground and through his tears, he could see the figures still inside the car when the realization hits.
"No, no no." he didn't care for his own injury when he sat up running towards the flipped car to see both Alex and Luke still strapped over in their seat while his own seatbelts defects. "Luke. Alex!" Henry tries to enter the car but he was stopped by couple of strong arms pulled him back.
"Sir, stop. We will get them out but we need to check on you first." The guy pulled Henry off from crawling into the wreckage but Henry protest strongly from his grip. "Fuck that! That's my husband and my son damn it! Let me go!" Henry yelled trying to fight him off but he wasn't as strong as the firefighter. Henry noticed the label on the helmet and on the person's chest says 'Captain' trying to calm him down from his own rage.
"Sir listen to me. They are alive, just unconscious. Please stop fighting and let my team check on you." Henry finds the guy's voice rather soothing and comforting enough to convince him from his outburst when he finally calms down but tears kept flooding his eyes.
"Please, them first." Henry told the guy and he sighed shaking his head, "Alright but please, let us work." The guy told him and Henry thanked him.
He witnessed them pulled Luke out first and Henry cries when he saw him limped in the paramedics arm. "Luke, baby. I'm here. I'm right here darling." Henry stroked his blonde haired that now covers with blood seeping through his temple with his neck supported in a brace. He still unconscious on the gurney when they pushed him inside the ambulance.
"Sir? You're coming?" The guy asks and Henry shook his head, "No. I'm waiting for my husband. Where are you guys headed?" Henry asks, "Bellevue Trauma Centre." He replied and Henry nods. "I'll meet you there. His name is Luke and he has no medical history nor allergies." Henry adds for a brief background on Luke.
His gaze went back to Alex noticed how they had started to bring him out on a gurney and Henry's heart broke when he sees him covered in blood all over his chest and his stomach. "Alex? Alex wake up darling. Please, Alex. Baby wake up. Please." He taps him on his cheek but Alex's eyes are closed, not even flutter nor a twitch. "Sir, let's get you both to the hospital right now." The paramedics told Henry as they pushed him into the second ambulance.
Henry ride the same ambulance as Alex and sat himself by his legs not wanting to interfere with their work. He saw them cut of Alex's shirt in seconds exposing his wounded chest and noticed the bleeding from his side.
"His vitals are dropping. He's crashing." The guy said turning Henry's head sharply at him before he hanged a blood bag high for Alex.
"Baby please. If you can hear me. Fight Alex! Fight! You hear me?" Henry squeezed his legs that was not covered in an immobilizer.
It took them only ten minutes to arrive at the hospital and the emergency room is flooded with people. His eyes lurked around for Luke when he was pulled away from Alex. He knew they needed to save him and Henry trusted them to do their best to save his husband before he tried to find Luke.
"Uhm- L-Luke Fox Claremont-Diaz. M-my son. He was brought in earlier before me and my husband. Where is he?" Henry asks stuttering in shock by the counter still covered in a bleeding mess but he couldn't care less about himself. He had to make sure his family is alright first. The nurse seems shock to see him covered in abrasion all over his temple, his jaw and his clothes are all bloodied, she wonders whether it's his blood or someone else's.
"Sir have you get yourself checked first?" The nurse asked and Henry nods frantically at her, "Yes!" He lied unexpectedly raising his voice at her. She frowned at him still in disbelief, "Where's your tag? Which doctor saw you just now?" She asks and Henry sighed shaking his head at her.
"Please just tell me where's my son is right now and I won't bother you for the rest of the night." Henry plead and she sighs tiredly before typing over her keyboard to locate Luke.
"They are taking him to CT at the moment, he'll be right back to the Trauma two. Please, have a seat. Do you want me to call anyone?" She asks and Henry contemplate for seconds. He couldn't even remember where his phone is right now, nor Alex's or Luke's. Probably in the car broke in pieces, he thought.
He nods at her after she asked for the second time feeling his own hand shakes as he tried to taps on the phone numbers but failed when he accidentally pressed the number wrongly.
"Here, let me." The nurse says and Henry let her. He was glad he remembers Oscar's phone numbers since he had read Luke's file hundreds of time with Oscar's personal numbers attached at the bottom of every pages from their company logo. Surprisingly Alex didn't put his but he was glad he remembers the number still.
The calls connected immediately and Henry listened to the ringing before it stops and Oscar's sleepy voice breaks. "Hello?" Henry couldn't find the words to tell him that Alex is severely injured and unconscious right now but worst when the last they both spoke, Henry was upset by him.
"Hello? Who is this?" Oscar asks again and Henry gasped swallowing his own throat bitterly.
"O-Oscar." Henry voice breaks.
"Henry? Whose number is this? Oh God what happened mijo?"
He could hear shuffling and clicking of button from Oscar's side which Henry assumed him turning his nightlight on.
"What's going on? Are the boys home?" Ellen soft voice muffled and Henry cupped his own trembling lips with his palm trying to suppress his tears from being heard by them.
"Henry where are you?" Oscar asks and Henry took a while before he could answer him.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Oscar." Henry didn't know why he's apologizing to them and he could not stop the tears from running down his face.
"Henry where are you?" Oscar asks sternly and Henry inhaled sharply before he could answer. "B-Bellevue." He choked on a cough before he cleared his throat.
"Hen, are you alright?" Ellen asks stirring shock and shivers when he heard her voice unexpectedly. He assumed she ripped the phone away from Oscar's grip to talk to him.
"I-I'm alright. Please hurry." Henry plead clutching on the phone in his hand.
"We'll be right there darling. Hold on." Ellen says and Henry gave the phone back to the nurse. "Sir, have a seat. It's going to be a long night. Help yourself some water over there." She says pointing at the water dispenser after she heard him coughed earlier.
"Thanks." Henry faked a smile before he headed back to the hallway leaning against the wall waiting for any of them to call him.
It took both Ellen and Oscar about half an hour to arrive before Henry saw them running towards the counter where he stood and called them earlier. He was still leaning against the wall waiting for the news when he saw them rushing.
"Our sons and grandson. Fox Claremont-Diaz. Alex, Henry and Luke. Where are they?" Ellen says frantic at the counter before Henry broke their conversation.
"Guys." He says standing a few feet away from them when Oscar and Ellen turned to face him. They gasped at the sight of Henry covers in blood with his usual neat combed blonde hair is disarray with cuts over his cheek and his clothes are dirty. "Oh God!" Ellen cries wrapping her arm around him and Henry winced at the crashed.
"Are you alright? Where's Alex? Where's Luke? What happened Henry?" Ellen start bombing him with all the questions before Oscar pulls her away and noticed the tears flooded his eyes.
"He's in shock love. Easy. Henry? Look at me." Oscar pulls Henry chin to face him and he did. He swallowed his throat dryly feeling the familiar metallic taste in his mouth as he did. "Are you alright? Did they checked on you?" Oscar asks and Henry wants to shake his head and tell them the truth but he was too afraid to think that he deserves all that attention.
So he lied. He nods his head softly and Oscar sighed gripping his shoulder before he pulled him towards his chest softly. Henry sighed resting his chin over Oscar's shoulder before the realization hits him.
"The truck came out of no where. All I remember is the light besides Alex and everything after that was- " Henry claimed still in his catatonic phase rewinding everything that had happened.
"Mr Claremont-Diaz." A voice breaks them from their hugs and Henry was the first to shot his head up towards the exhausted doctor in his pale blue scrubs.
"How are they? How is my husband? My son?" Henry asks running to face the doctor and he sighed flipping the folder in his hand.
"I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. It's bad." He starts earning them a gasped and Henry could feel Ellen strong gripped holding Henry by his arm. "Your husband, Alex, he suffers injury over his left lung due to the ribs fractured that punctured through and his kidney unfortunately damaged in the event as well. I believed from the impact on his left side also causing his femur to break. Sir, he suffers extremed blood loss and we had to push him for surgery immediately." The doctor explained before he flipped to another chart.
"As your son, Luke." He starts and Henry felt his gripped over Ellen's hand tightened. "He suffers a dislocated shoulder with a brain concussion. We did CT scan and I'm glad to say there is no bleeding internally but we do need to monitor him for tonight." He states and he could see the stupor look on Henry's face staring at the file in his hand.
"Would you like to see your husband first before we wheeled him into the OR?" The doctor asks and Henry nods softly at him following them inside.
Henry couldn't believe he was standing in the room with Alex in bed instead of him. The moment he saw him, his heart drops into his stomach at the sight of Alex covers in wound with cast over his leg, tubes strapped over his perfect lips and it broke Henry to see his talkative Alex was silent. His eyes are closed and there are more tubes coming out of his chest that drained bloods out of his lungs. His heart beats lowly next to him over the monitor and Henry felt frozen standing in the middle of the room letting both Oscar and Ellen approached him first.
"Oh my baby." Ellen choked seeing her only son laid in bed unmoving as she run her fingers through his curly hair. "Mummy's here darling. June will be soon. You hear me? You're gonna be alright darling. They're gonna fix you and you will be home soon."
Henry watched as both Ellen and Oscar holds Alex's hand in each side keeping himself in a distant not wanting to interfere their moments. He couldn't keep his feet forward as much as he wanted too. He wanted to be close to Alex, to hold him, to kiss him, to touch him like they always did. But at this moment, Henry could feel Alex is slipping away from him, the Alex that laid in that bed is no longer his, it was just a body that holds him prisoner.
"Henry darling." Ellen called startled Henry from his daze when he realized she was holding out her palm for him. "Come here." She offers her stand and Henry finally stride slowly towards Alex's side. She held Henry's hand placing it over Alex's cold palm and Henry broke in tears.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry darling." Henry shudders kneeling on the floor by Alex's side with his forehead leaned over his cold palm. "Henry, it's not your fault." Oscar stood behind him resting his palm over Henry's shoulder. He could feel Henry's body shakes under his palm as he breaks in tears before Henry lifted his gaze back to Alex in bed.
"I spent my days being angry with him. Picking fights with him. I shouldn't have- I should have treat him better. I shouldn't have yelled at him. We were fighting the whole time we were there like fucking toddlers."
Henry felt Oscar comforting strokes on his back hushing him softly before he pressed his lips over the top of Henry's head. "Not your fault mijo. Even if you both here in New York, you would fight like you always do. Because it's you guys. Henry and Alex." Oscar tries to coax him knowing how much it meant for Henry to hear it.
Henry sniffed his tears with his fingers before they were interrupted by couple of nurses entering the room. "Sorry, we need to push him to the OR now." She says and Henry nods. Oscar helped him raising himself from the floor before Henry leaned pressing his lips over Alex's temple resting his aching forehead against his cold skin.
"I love you baby. Come back to me. Please. Come back to me." Henry whispers in Alex's ear even though he knew Alex couldn't hear him.
Henry gave Alex a final squeeze on his cold scratched hands that covers with dressing before he pressed his lips over Alex's temple one last time and he watched as the nurse wheeled him away to the OR.
"Let's go see Luke, okay?" Ellen says cupping Henry's cold cheek noticed the tired eyes as Henry nods. Henry let her take him by his arm with Oscar followed behind when he noticed Henry swayed almost tripping over by his own legs.
"Woah, buddy, you okay?" Oscar held his waist steadying him back in place. He could see how Henry tried to balance himself by placing his arm over Ellen's shoulder and blinking his eyes repeatedly.
"I'm fine. Think I'm just exhausted." Henry says and Ellen was ready to catch him if he falls only Henry had finally held himself strong with few deep breaths. "Let's get you a wheelchair." Oscar says trying to run towards the door when Henry caught his wrist.
"N-No need Oscar, I'm fine." Henry says and truthfully, he didn't want Luke to see him in a wheelchair or he will think of the worst.
"Are you sure? Maybe we should get the doctor to see you again." Ellen gestured to Oscar but Henry stopped them both. "Guys! It's fine. I'm alright. Just want to see Luke and wait for Alex there." He says couldn't help raising his voice a little. He could see Oscar and Ellen exchanged glances at each other still not convinced.
"Please." Henry whispered. Oscar sighed tilting his head back before he exhaled another breath with his hand gripped over his waist. "Bien, vamanos." He held Henry's hand guiding him towards Luke's room although he noticed how slow Henry moves and each movement made him winced, he still stubbornly denies them or to be check at.
Soon as they arrived at Luke's room, Henry almost falls on the floor seeing his son had a bandage wrapped around his head with an oxygen tube curling under his nose. His heart beating steadily next to him over the monitors with a bag of fluids hanged on his side through a pump.
"Oh God." Henry broke rushing to Luke's side holding his cold palm against his. Luke is covered with a blanket over his lower half and he could see the scratched and wound over his neck that broke Henry further.
"Baby. I'm here. You're okay. You hear me? You'll be okay." He whispered stroking Luke's cheek with his finger before Oscar offered him a chair to sit. He thanked him wiping his tears with his palm before he pressed his lips over Luke's knuckle.
"Oh sweetheart." Ellen came from other side cupping Luke's cheek looking as miserable as Henry was right now. Oscar stood beside her cupping Luke's knee that was covers by the thin white blanket muttering prayers in Spanish that he used to do for Henry when he was sick.
It was on cue he could see Luke's eyes flutters to open when he hear Oscar's voice that cause Henry to gasp. "Luke?" He called feeling Luke's gripping his palm tighter when a groan escaped from Luke's throat. "Dad."
His voice croaked, harsher than usual and Henry assumed due to the event, he barely had anything to drink since they left Massachusetts. But he couldn't ease Luke's throat with water right now until the doctor cleared him.
"I'm here darling. I'm right here." Henry stroked Luke's hand pressing his lips over his knuckles. "Dad- oh God. Paps. What happened?" His eyes are widen now when he sees Henry covers with blood over his temple with few scratches here and there but when he looked around, his papi wasn't here.
"Paps?" He asks with tears starting to fill his eyes, "Paps in surgery. They are fixing him." Henry said briefly and Luke sighed desperately.
"A-Are you okay?" Luke asks trying to raise himself higher but when the pain shoots him on his side, he winced letting his body plopped back on the bed. "Don't move darling. You are still concussed and banged up." Ellen palmed his chest to prevent him from trying again.
"I'm okay Luke. I'm fine." Henry says feeling Luke's palm cupping his cheek. His eyebrow furrowed in disbelief and he knew Henry is hiding something from him. But he knows better to ask since Henry will snapped at him for pressing on so he let him but keeping his eyes closed at his father.
Hours ticking by and Henry anxiously waiting for Alex news from the doctors but each time he went to the counter, they told him that Alex is still in surgery. His knees bounced on the floor with his fingers over his teeth which he didn't even realized until Ellen pulling it away from biting his own fingernails.
"Dad." Luke called waking up from his sleep and Henry shot his head up at him. He fell asleep earlier after they talked and Henry decides to stay in his room for Alex's news so he can keep an eye on him as well. Oscar sat by the couch with his phone pressed on his ear.
"Hey, buddy. You okay? Doctor said you can have sips of water if you want." Henry says taking the glass by the bedside and held the straw to his lips. Luke sipped the water not peeling his gaze away from Henry. He could see Henry had changed into one of the hospital scrubs and the blood over his hands and face had been washed away.
"Luke you okay?" Ellen noticed the burning gaze from him which startled Luke before he spoke again. "Just can't believe among all of us, you're the one came out- unharmed." Luke says letting Henry propped him higher with the remote on the bedside.
Henry chuckled shaking his head at him before grabbing his hand again. "I can't either but here we are." He says and Luke still unconvinced.
"What happened exactly?" Luke asks the burning question and Henry sighed turning his gaze to Ellen sitting closely by Luke's leg. He remembered the police came by taking his statement when he was still in shock but told him that they will come back for better statement.
"They said the truck driver fell asleep. Swerved to the oncoming traffic and loss control. He hits the red light and when he tried to gain balanced, it was already too late." Henry whispered letting his tears fell on his cheek as his gaze lowered on his clasped hand between his legs. He could feel Ellen's comforting palm cupped his shoulder stroking his shirt to ease him.
"Paps took the hit." Luke says and Henry nodded sniffing his tears.
"I saw those bright light from behind his head and the next thing I know-" Henry couldn't continued his own words when his throat fails him again. He tried to suppress the cough deep so it won't burst out harshly in front of Luke. He cleared his throat feeling Luke's burning a hole on his face from staring too long.
"I remembered something." Luke says when the glimpse of images hits him. He didn't remember much about the crash since he was asleep. But he remembers waking up feeling pain all over him and the car had turned to the side. His eyes opened to see his father limped over the driver side but his dad, he remembers not seeing him there.
"What is it Luke?" Ellen asks noticed he won't stop staring at Henry by his bedside.
"Hun, darling. It's June." Oscar interrupts them when he handed her the phone and she grabs it excusing herself with Oscar following behind her.
As soon as the door closed leaving both Henry and Luke alone in the room, his eyes went back to Henry that kept his gaze on the floor beneath his feet. "I remembered waking up after the accident. Strapped in my seat, I couldn't move but I saw paps, unconscious." Luke says and Henry kept his gaze down.
"But then I remembered not seeing you dad. You weren't in your seat." He whispered and Henry sighed tilting his head back before he gripped Luke's hand on the sides. "Luke, it's fine. I'm alright, okay?" He says assuring him.
"Dad." Luke raised himself straight and moves closer to grab Henry's hand in his. Henry lifted his gaze towards Luke in bed, he could see Luke's eyes glistened with tears begging to fall and his lips pressed tightly into a thin line before he continued.
"You were thrown out of the car and you sit here like it was nothing? Don't bullshit me dad. You're hurting I can see it in your eyes." Luke whispered and he could see Henry's eyes widen at his words. "Luke-"
"What did the doctor said?" Luke asks and Henry shook his head, "They said I'm fine. Okay?" He lied and Luke clenched his jaw tight.
"I don't believe you." Henry wanted to assure him but the door barge open revealing Oscar frantic look, "Hen, it's the doctor." Henry jumped on his feet but Luke pulled him by his wrist, "Dad-" Luke eyes are pleading and Henry broke seeing the tears fell on his cheek. He rubbed the pad of his thumb wiping the tears away with a soft smile, "I'll be right back darling. I let you know the news." he says pressing his lips over Luke's forehead before he left.
Luke watched as Henry rushed outside of his room and he wanted to follow but his concussion won't let him stand more than a minute or he will be on the floor covered in his own vomit.
So instead, he wait. He wanted so badly to listen to their conversation but he doubted they are talking outside of his door.
"We had some complications." The doctor starts, breaking Henry's in a million pieces. They waited for him to continue clutching on each other's hand with Henry in the middle.
"He crashed on the table. His kidney ruptured pretty badly and his lungs punctured by his fractured ribs are a messy repair. We tried our best, our very best-"
Henry could feel the doctor spoke so softly and attentively trying to break them the news.
"He lost too much blood and his heart stopped beating for couple of minutes." Henry could feel his whole body shakes and his heart is beating in his own throat. His breathing hitched as he heard whimpered coming from Ellen and her hand clutched tightly in Henry's palm.
"We resuscitate him, best that we could. But the chances of him waking up, we just don't know yet." The doctor seems trying his best not to say the ugly truth but he can't lie either and gave false hope to the family.
"He's in the ICU, you guys can see him for a bit but they won't let visitors stayed for the night. You can come back tomorrow after you see him." He says noticed Henry shakiness and his ragged breathing with Ellen still clutching on his side with more tears running down her face. "Thank you doc." Oscar says since both Henry and Ellen are at verge of breaking down, Henry mostly.
"Sit down Hen, Elle." Oscar guides them over the bench pressed against the wall with Henry staring into the space before him. Ellen on the other hand refused to sit down and starts pacing back and forth gripping her blonde hair with her perfectly manicured fingers. "We can flew him to a better specialist. They will have better insight."
Ellen start making these plans on taking Alex to a different hospital, different states and she was sorting out list of hospitals and their friends and colleague who knew someone to someone that could help him.
Henry on the other hand remained quiet in his seat staring ahead of him trying to figure out his life without Alex by his side. How to tell Luke about his father may or may not survived this. Or the fact that his body is so sore right now he barely can move a finger.
The more his thought clutters in his mind, the more he could feel his chest tightened. He could feel his bile rising up behind his throat and he could hear both Oscar and Ellen arguing about Alex but everything around him seems, muffled. Like he is under the water and waiting for someone to pull him out.
Silence. He didn't react nor responded although he heard them calling him. He fear that if he responded, he will break in pieces.
"Hen, darling." Ellen taps him on his shoulder and Henry turned to his side to face her messy crying face. Her eyes are swollen and red with her lips cracked. She put on her brave face to make sure Henry's emotion is considered but everyone knew how lost she feels right now. No parents ever wanted to outlive their children, especially in such age and in a tragic event.
"Hen, we'll figure this out. Alex is a lot stronger than we thought he is. He'll make out of this." Ellen starts pouring out hope and wishes setting the boundaries high on her son and truthfully, Henry felt hopeful too.
But he couldn't say anything else, words seems to escape his thoughts and his lips are frozen from too much trembling and whimpering.
"Hen?" Oscar noticed the slurred gaze, the pale skin on his face had dropped shades lighter with his throat bobbing up and down but before he could react, Henry heaved forward spilling everything inside his stomach right on the linoleum pale floor.
The horror stricken both Ellen and Oscar as they saw Henry vomits was purely nothing but blood.
"Oh God! HELP! Somebody help!" Oscar yells for the nurse at the counter when he saw Henry slipped from his seat and fell on the floor still had few bloody strands on the side of his cheek.
"Henry, oh God, stay awake honey. You hear me? Stay with me darling. Stay with me." Henry coughed out more and blood starts dripping on the corner of his mouth down to his cheek. He clutched on his abdomen wrinkling his shirt with his pale fingers when Ellen noticed Henry gripped her fingers tightly over his chest. She lifted her gaze towards Henry's teary eyes with his mouth falls open. He tried to utter words but it took him few tries before he managed.
"Take care of Luke." He whispered right before his head fell on her forearm and his glistening eyes faded from a worried faze into a stunt silence.
"Hen?" Ellen called trying to wake him up but Henry remained stoic and unmoving. She was too afraid to check on his pulse when she noticed there is no movement on his chest anymore.
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