Part 80
The whole car ride fills with laughter, Alex attempt to do karaoke but failed miserably since he sang it off keyed causing Henry to shut the radio off but later caught him humming sounds of the music silently.
Henry thought Luke was asleep when he hummed the same song he sung the time Alex caught him by the barn back at Stanford. He smiled cupping his palm over Alex cheek next to him while Alex smiled his half smiled with his eyes focused on the road. He had sunglasses on but Henry could see the crinkled on the side of his temple when his smile lifted on his face. His thumb running through the depth of Alex's dimple while his throat hummed the song softly in his throat.
"Woah Dad, I didn't know you have an amazing voice." Luke chirped startling Henry back into the car pulling his hand away but Alex caught his and brought it over his lips. "There's a lot of things you didn't know about your dad. I fell in love with his voice back in college but I never told him." Alex adds earning Henry a soft smile leaning his head over the headrest.
"And I fell in love with how your dad husky voice sounds when he calmed me down each time I had nightmare." Henry replied with the same smile creeping on his face. Alex couldn't help but shifts his gaze to Henry on his side before Henry pushed his chin facing his face back on the road ahead of him.
Luke smiled when he saw both Henry and Alex hands tangled in between the console. Alex's finger tracing the wedding band over Henry's and Luke knew how it calms them down mostly.
The ride took hours and Luke was glad when they stopped at the diner for lunches before headed back on the road. They needed to stretched their backs and he could see Henry was taking the effect on this trip.
The moment they arrived at the hotel Alex had booked few days back, Luke could see how Henry struggled to get himself out. "Here dad, let me help you." Luke offered his arm for him and Henry sighed thanking Luke for the offer.
"I'll get us checked in and you can rest babe." Alex says letting the doorman took the bags that he unloaded from the car.
The town looks the same grim and dimmed as Henry remembers but this is different part of the town. It's about an hour apart from the church where Luke grew up. Henry's glad that it had a nicer hotel for them to stay unlike the last time he and Alex stayed.
It took them about few minutes to get settled in and Henry was glad Alex booked them a suite to stay.
Henry couldn't care less of the hotel providing complimentary drinks for them. Henry just wanted to lay down and rest his body for a while before they headed back out.
He didn't remember much after he entered the suite and the last thing he saw was the large king size bed with white sheets and ruffled blanket covers on top before his body plopped over the soft mattress.
Henry could hear whispering around him. Soft and comforting before he could feel couple of hands touches his own. He could feel soft strokes over his cheek, his hair, his forehead and that familiar scent invaded his nostril with hushes of whispers in his ears. He couldn't muster enough strength to open his eyes and the only thing he could feel was how heavy his body was lying on the bed.
He finally woken up to another whispers and he could hear paddling of raindrops outside by the window. His eyes flutters to open and saw the low dim light coming from the bed side with rain spluttering over the window of the hotel room. It was dark outside, not a single lights except the one in the bedroom.
"Dad?" Luke's soft voice called him pulling him back into the room. He turned his head to the voice and saw Luke in his white sweatshirt and his sweatpants trudging into the room before climbing on the bed next to him.
Henry smiled weakly letting Luke took his cold weak hands wrapping into his. "I'm sorry." Henry whispered turning Luke's face into a frown. "What? Why?" He asks clueless by Henry's words.
"I slept all evening didn't I. We wasted a day." Henry says and Luke sighed with a soft smile on his face. "Dad, stop. We can do that tomorrow. How do you feel?" He asks him as Henry raised himself up against the headboard.
"I hate the meds." Henry sighed pressing his head back feeling the raging headache is building.
"You need it and I need you." Luke whispered turning Henry's eyes back to him. He smiled cupping Luke's cheek running his thumb over Luke's shaven chin. "I used to remember those chin is soft as a baby skin. Now I can feel the stubbles and my heart won't accept how fast you had grown Luke." Henry smiles running his thumb over Luke's chin. Luke could see how the thought turning Henry's smile into a cloud of sadness in his eyes.
"Time flew by like wind in autumn. So fast that you'd blinked, it disappear from your fingers." Luke continued lifting Henry's gaze up towards his eyes.
"Didn't know you were such poetic like your dad." Henry adds and Luke glad the smile returned.
"Don't let papi knows or he'll kill us both." Luke joked earning Henry a laughed.
"I remember your papi taught you to write a journal to cope with your trauma. I think he won't mind thinking you had a little writer spirit in you like he does." Henry says and Luke couldn't help but nod at his words.
"I also remembered how I taught you how to shave." Alex's voice startled them both in bed. Luke sharp glanced over Alex leaning against the door frame catching them both in bed. "He's awake." Luke adds pointing at Henry in bed before he raised giving his seat to Alex by Henry side while Luke stayed by Henry's foot by the end of the bed.
"Buenos tardes amor. Que tal?" He whispered before leaning his lips over Henry's pale lips with his arm caged his waist.
"Bien. Muy bien." Henry replied knowing how much Alex's Spanish speaking does to his heart. Over the years he heard Alex and Oscar speaking Spanish to each other made him craved Alex more so he let Alex taught him Spanish.
"Alright before you guys got all romantic on each other, I'm kind of hungry." Luke interrupts not wanting to create more awkwardness in the room.
"Yeah, that is why I'm here. I ordered room services. It's still pouring rain outside and I doubt your dad wants to go out." Alex says earning Henry a smile. "The food is here, want me to bring it here so we can have dinner in bed?" Alex asks but Henry shook his head at him. "No, go ahead. I just need the to use the loo and I'll be right out." Henry says bringing himself over the edge of the bed.
He could feel a wave of dizziness hits him when his legs reached the floor and Alex noticed holding on to his shoulder. "Easy love. Slowly." He was not surprised by it after all these years, he can read Henry like a book.
"Need help dad?" Luke approached in front of Henry while he leaned his head into his palm resting his elbow over his knees. "It's okay buddy. I got him." Alex says holding Henry by his arm before Henry breathes out a long breath. "I hate this. I feel like I'm in a spinning tea cup." Henry says relentlessly feeling his breaths catching up on him.
"It's okay. Let me help you." Alex says holding his palm out for Henry. He sighed before he let Alex helped him up and the moment his body straightened on the ground, he could feel the whole room starts spinning and his head felt like someone shakes his brain in a box.
"Hmm." Henry groaned holding on to Alex by his side and Alex noticed how he shuts his eyes tight trying not to expel everything before he even get dinner in his stomach. "I'm fine." Henry mutters even no one asked him that but he could never lied to Alex nor Luke.
"Dad, it's alright. We can eat here. You don't have to walk out of the room." Luke told him but Henry shook his head. "Don't be silly. Go on. I'll be out in a minute." Henry says pushing himself off from Alex's grip before he headed himself to the toilet. Alex sighed at his husband's stubbornness while pressing his finger over his temple. "Come on. You know your dad hates it when we waited outside the bathroom." Alex told Luke while tapping on his back.
The moment Henry closed the bathroom door, he could hear Alex and Luke talking on the other side. But a sigh of relief escapes him when he heard them left the bedroom before he kneeled by the toilet and hurled everything out. He coughed out the residue of his vomit in hope neither Alex nor Luke heard him.
He gasped at the sight of blood streaked on the white ceramic mixed with his bile from empty stomach. "Fuck." Henry cursed resting his head on his palm while he sat on the cold marble floor. His fingers gripping into his sweaty blonde hair knowing how screwed he is right now.
"Watch out for any sign of bleeding Hen. Means you need to get another bleeding test to see if the blood thinners is too much in your system."
Sylvie's words echoed in his mind from the last time they spoke. Alex needed her opinion on bringing Henry into this trip. She declined at first but Alex assured her that it was only for a night and he will bring him straight to the hospital if anything happened.
Henry sighed knowing how much this would scared Alex and if he knew about this, Henry is for sure going to be dragged away without convincing. So instead, he kept to himself, flushing all the evidence down before he brushed his teeth carefully not wanting to revealed any other signs of bleeding.
Dinner went well and Henry for once glad that feeling of nausea had reduced after he hurled some earlier.
After dinner they spoke about the plans for tomorrow and they all agreed to head out after breakfast and head straight home after. Surprising enough that it was Luke who suggested it and claimed how much he hated being here. Everything around this place reminds him of his old trauma of living in the motel room with Jeremy.
Henry waited in bed for Alex to finish his night routine before he joins him wearing nothing but his black brief. Henry snorted in a laugh watching as Alex carried Henry's small black pouched to bed earning Alex a curious look. "What are you laughing at?" He asks.
"Aren't you cold?" Henry asks seeing how Alex loves walking bare chest in their home. "Nope. Now stop distracting me. Medicine time." He say opening the bag on Henry's lap before he folds his one leg over the bed.
"Hands." Alex instructed him and Henry snorted in a laugh at Alex's authoritativeness. He tempted to disobey by crossing his arm around his chest but when Alex clicked his tongue and tickled his side to gave up his palm for him, he lost the battle.
He popped the tablets from the packaging on Henry's palm before Henry witnessed the blood thinning medicine. "Not that one." He told him which earned Alex a frown look. "Why? This is the most important one. Don't think I would let it sly." Alex says still tear the package open and plopped it down on Henry's palm.
"I hate it. It makes me tired." Henry lies but although he won't admit that medicine actually did make him exhausted a lot. "Not a chance Hen. This helps the blood flow so your valve won't pump too hard. So if you're tired, I will carry you if I had too." Alex quotes Sylvie's word.
Henry couldn't say anything further otherwise he would revealed to Alex what had been bothering him. So instead he smiled and let him finished opened up the pills over his palm before grabbing the water by the bedside. "Drink." Alex pushed the glass closer after Henry gulped the whole pills down before he grabbed the glass from Alex's hand.
Alex smiled zipping the bag before he disappeared into the bathroom. He turned off the light of the bathroom before he run towards the bed jumping over the bed next to Henry. He couldn't help laughing along at Henry's giggling next to him. "You are such a cretin." Henry says sunken deep into Alex's embrace letting Alex wrapped his pale legs over his waist. Their lips sealed into a kiss with their foreheads pressed on each other.
"Big day tomorrow." Alex whispered continued kissing Henry down on his neck and he moaned by Alex's soft lips pressing on his skin. "Hmm." Henry hummed letting Alex does his wonder by his lips over his neck. But later he pushed Alex by his chest shoving them both apart. "Don't!" Henry warned him earning Alex a furrowed eyebrow.
"What?" He asks innocently causing Henry to pull away from his embrace. "You know how embarrassing it was to have a hickey at such an old age." Henry protest pulling the blanket over his chest with a long sigh. He could hear Alex giggled next to him before he wrapped his long arm over Henry's abdomen pulling him to face Alex again.
"Darling. Who gives a shit if you had hickey at this age. And please don't say old again or I'm gonna tied you up and made you rethink about that word." Alex warned pulling Henry's chin by his finger. Henry tried to hide his smirk but failed when he saw Alex leaning against his lips again.
"No one blames you if you have such a hot husband in bed that give you the hickey or best sex in your life." Alex words ghosting over his lips with their hot breaths fanning each other earning Henry a dark lust look. Alex could sense Henry was rather turned on by his words before their lips crashed into each other again.
Henry couldn't hide the fact that Alex was the best sex he had in his life. He proves that to him over and over again and that night in their hotel bedroom, he proves to him again how much he loves Alex for being his and only his.
"Come on Fox. We're gonna be late." Alex yelled over the bed with Henry still in the bathroom. He locked the door not wanting Alex to barge in while he gets ready which raises more questions but Alex never wanted Henry to feel like he was obsessive over their relationship until he won't even allow him to have a minute to himself. He respected Henry equally for his decision.
Henry whom had been locking himself in the bathroom for a while was silence and it scares Alex. "Hen?" He tapped the door leaning his ear to listen to any sign of trouble inside but the only thing he heard was the running sink water and not a sign of Henry. "Henry!" He yelled again banging on the door of the bathroom and it spooked Luke from the other bedroom.
"Paps? What is it?" He asks running towards their bedroom to find Alex banging on the bathroom door and his dad was the one inside.
"Luke called the concierge, tell him we need an ambulance." Alex barked orders at Luke and before he could run towards the phone, the door finally opened revealing Henry in his glorious handsome self standing with the small toiletries bag in his hand. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He asks grinding his teeth at them staring at him like he just grew two heads.
"Dad are you okay?" Luke asks staring at Henry standing in his blue jumper covers over his pale pink dress shirt tucked underneath his black jeans. His hair is all gelled up combed neatly to the side and Luke remembers how Alex always told him how Henry portrays a prince of his heart.
Their eyes still locked in silence and Alex is fuming in breathlessness. "What the FUCK Hen!" He yelled snatching the bag from Henry's grip before turning himself to the bed where their luggage all spread. "What is your problem?" Henry asks clueless still standing over the bathroom door with Luke by the table side.
"Didn't you hear I called you like thousand times over?! I thought something happened and you locked the door for Christ sake! I almost broke it down!" Alex yelled and Luke could sense it wasn't anger but rather fear laced in his voice.
Henry sighed tilting his head back in frustration. "Jesus you and your dramatic entrance." Henry says stepping over the side to put his watch on ignoring Alex and his manic plea. "Dad." Luke called turning Henry gaze back to him before Luke hinted at Alex sitting on the floor with his hand in his curly hair ripping into his scalp. "Darling give us a minute would ya?" Henry told Luke and he nods leaving the bedroom for his parents to talk.
The minute Luke closed the door Henry stride towards Alex on the floor wearing his dark blue turtleneck tucked in his grey slacks. He sat beside him wrapping his arm over Alex shoulder pulling him into his hug. Alex immediately wrapped his arm over Henry's hiding his face over Henry's neck.
Henry heart falls deep in his stomach when he heard Alex sobbing and his whole body shakes and shudders in his embrace. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby." Henry whispered stroking his palm over Alex's back in a soft circles. "How could you Hen. How could you do that to me when you know how scared am I for losing you." Alex told him still wrecked in his own sobs before Henry pulls him away to face his wet crying face.
Henry sighed wiping Alex's tears with his thumb before he cupped Alex cheek in his palm. "I never meant to. I'm so sorry. I'm so deeply sorry. I just- I thought it would be funny to tease you but not when you almost broke the door down." Henry heard Alex scoffed sighing a breath of relief when he heard him.
"You know I would in a heartbeat." Alex replied earning Henry a smiled before he pulled Alex towards his chest again. "I love you Henry." Alex whispered in his neck and Henry sighed, "I love you Alex." Henry replied letting Alex calms down in his embrace. The truth is, he heard him calling the first time but he wasn't sure why he didn't answer the first time he did.
"Luke can you drive. I'm still shaking from your asshole dad this morning." Alex whispered in hope Henry didn't hear him but he didn't expect Henry snatched the auto key from his hand with an angry look on his face.
"How dare you call me that in front of our son!" Henry eyes darted sharply at them both and Luke wanted to leave these two alone but Alex grabbed his arm, "Don't you dare leave me with him." Alex gritted his teeth at him but Luke raised his brow at him. "Luke wait in the car." Henry told him handing him the key and Luke pressed his lip together before Alex released his tight grip over Luke's arm.
Luke headed to the car and starts the engine before he hopped on the back eat waiting for his parents still standing facing each other by the hotel entrance. He pulled out his phone and starts tapping on the one person he could think of right now. It took him two rings before the call was answered, "Gammy."
"How could you do that. Calling me names behind my back. Wait you did this often didn't ya? You and Luke calling me names behind my back when I didn't hear you?" Henry eyes glistened in tears from feeling hurt by Alex's gesture but Alex could only pressed his lips together trying to suppress his laugh not wanting to make Henry more upset.
"You think this is funny?" Henry saw how Alex was holding on to his laughter but soon regretted when he saw tears starts filling in his eyes. "You know what, go to hell Alex! Laugh all you want. When I'm gone, you can fucking laugh on my grave all you want." Henry says painfully before he turned on his heels but Alex stopped him by his elbow.
"Hen. Stop. No! You don't get to say that when you were the one that starts this." Alex stops him and it made Henry fumed with anger.
"I CAUSED THIS?! I didn't recall calling you asshole behind my back Alex! The fact that you said that to our son! You bastard!" Henry shoved him by his chest and attempted to run away again but failed when Alex pulled him back.
"Get off me!" Henry tries to push Alex's hand over his waist but Alex was always the stronger one and it irritate him more.
"Would you calm down please. I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry but I wasn't wrong. You were an asshole for doing that to me this morning." Alex defends and Henry shoved him by nudging his elbow into his stomach. "Fuck Hen!" Alex cursed.
Henry was satisfied when he did that but soon interrupted when Alex's phone rang. "Answer the damn phone Claremont!" Henry told him angrily and Alex clenched his jaw still holding on to his stomach before he pulled out his ringing phone. The face of his mother appears on the screen and he sighed.
"What did she wants now." Alex mumbles before slides the screen to answer and he was expected to hear her gentle soft voice greeting him morning wishes but he was wrong. He was very wrong indeed.
"ALEXANDER! What he hell are you two doing?! Fighting while your son hiding away in the car scared shitless?" She yelled and Alex had to pull his phone away from his ear.
"Ma-" he tried to defend himself but Ellen cuts him off.
"Put me on the damn speaker!" Her voice is loud enough for Henry to hear without actually putting her on speaker and he was dreading this conversation already.
"YOU BOTH NEED TO STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!" She starts and Henry lifted his gaze at Alex with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you looking at me for? You're the one that locked yourself in the bathroom like a child!" Alex told Henry and he scoffed crossing his arm over his chest.
"I'm not the one calling people ASSHOLE behind their backs!" Henry defends.
"YOU BOTH ARE ASSHOLE right now!" Ellen butted in between their fights and both Henry and Alex shifted their gaze towards the phone in Alex's hand.
"Listen, both of you." Ellen voice a little calmer than earlier.
"Both of you need to remember that today is for Luke. The whole reason for you both going there is for Luke. Not to reconcile whatever memory you both had on that place or acting like couple of five years old. You need to know how Luke feels right now. He is about to see his dead mother for Christ sake! Both of you get a fucking grip and stop acting so childish!" Ellen told them and both Alex and Henry sighed. Henry rubs his temple realizing she was right.
"I'm sorry Ellen, you're right. You're absolutely right. Forgive us." Henry say grabbing Alex's wrist that held the phone closer to him so she could hear his words. "Kiss ass." Alex whispered but Henry caught him before he shot a death glanced over Alex's face. "It was your mother's ass, so joke on you, you bastard!" Henry snapped and Alex was about to make his comeback when Ellen stopped them again.
"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! Jesus Fucking Christ! What the hell is going on with you both?! I'm getting your father involved." Ellen couldn't contained her anger over the phone which ended with shuffling sounds from her side. "Boys! I had enough of this. Either you both get a grip or I'm gonna tell Luke to go alone and leave you both there!" Oscar chirped in seeing he heard enough for now.
"Paps he started it!" Alex whined.
"Well I'm ending it! Enough! Both of you are the adults! If this is the way you both acted, I'm gonna kick you both in the ass for ruining this for Luke." Oscar words are stern and his tone isn't the usual comforting one, it was harsh and subtle but they needed it.
"Go and apologized to your son for ruining the most important day of his life. I can't believe you both actually behave like this right now. I expect it from Alex but Henry I never expected it from you!" Oscar says turning Henry and Alex to face each other with Alex still holding the phone on his palm between them. The moment Alex heard Oscar mentioned Henry and his disappointment towards him, he could see the drop on Henry's face from frustration to an actual guilt.
"Sorry Oscar. It was my fault indeed. I started it." Henry says softly knowing how all of this began. He looked up to meet Alex gaze with his glistening eyes before he left him standing by the entrance alone. "Hen, I know. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." Oscar says but Henry was already gone when he said so.
"Henry left." Alex says staring at his husband headed to the car knowing how much his soft interior couldn't take breaking people's heart, especially people that meant a lot to him.
"Forgive me Alex. I didn't mean to make Henry upset." Oscar told him but Alex shook his head, "No paps. You're right. Today is for Luke and we both acting like lunatic. I don't know what gotten into me. But I'll make it up for it." Alex told him and he heard Oscar sighs. "Love you guys. Thank you again." Alex says and Oscar replied the same.
Alex went to the car noticed how Henry had already took his seat on his passenger side with his gaze facing the window next to him. He had his finger over his upper lips trying to hide his trembling lips with his eyes gazing the outside window in silence.
"Hen." Alex tried to grab his hand over his lap but Henry pulls away from his touch. "Just drive." He said lowly turning Alex's head behind to face Luke and he shrugged his shoulder at him. Alex sighs tapping on the GPS for the location before he drove the car out from parking lot. He ended up driving them both even initial plan he refused too but at the moment, he didn't want to start another fight with Henry, especially not in front of Luke.
It took them twenty minutes to reach the destination and Alex couldn't help turning his head towards Henry besides him occasionally to see if he would at least look at him but Henry didn't. Not once he turned to face Alex but instead keeping his gaze to the window on his side and Alex noticed the occasional sniffled coming from Henry and the finger wiped over his cheek hiding his tears from Alex.
But each time Alex tried to make conversation, Henry would turned him down and kept himself in silence.
"We're here." Alex says putting the gear into parked and Luke glanced over the dreadful cemetery. "Are you sure it's this place?" Luke asks and Alex hummed. "Come on." Alex says taking his seatbelt off but Henry remained in his seat, not inching a movement.
"You guys go. I ruined the day enough. I'll stay here in the car." Henry says and Alex frowned after he heard him. "Dad, please. I need you there with me." Luke cupped Henry's shoulder still noticed how he kept his gaze over the window side. Henry palmed his hand over Luke's on his shoulder softly, "Go with your paps. I'll be right here." Henry's voice breaking not wanting to face Luke nor Alex at the moment.
"Hen, please. I said I'm sorry. Punished me but don't do this to Luke." Alex plead but Henry kept his gaze outside in silence. "Just go." Henry whispered and Alex clicked his tongue at him. "Come on Luke." Alex told him and Henry could hear disappointment in Alex tone.
"No. I'm not going. We can all just go home and forget about this." Luke says sliding back into his seat turning Henry's head around to face him. "What are you talking about?" Henry asks.
"Its either you're coming with us or we don't go at all. Your choice dad." Luke gave him the ultimatum and Henry sighed longly before he groaned in frustration. "Christ! Fine! You are your father's son!" Henry protest undid his seatbelt off before he continued.
"Stubborn as a mule!" Luke copied Henry's words the same time he did causing Henry to turn his head back at him. "You always said that since I was adopted." Luke defends and Henry could see Alex's smirking next to him. "Well- you both are! Freaking stone headed mule!" Henry adds before opening the door and slammed it shut in anger.
"Hey, don't hurt my baby. He doesn't deserved your assaults from our fights." Alex says stroking the roof of his car teasing Henry in the process.
"You son of a-" Henry tried to charge at Alex but Luke caught his elbow instead. "Daaaad, please. Stop this. Can't you see he's teasing you." Luke cries and Henry noticed how Alex is smirking at him. "Please paps! Enough! Like we both didn't know who's your baby actually is." Luke questioned turning Alex smirked into an annoyed look.
"Let's just go." Luke pulls Henry by his elbow headed towards the entrance of the cemetery separating both of them in the process so they won't ended up killing each other behind him.
As they paced over the small hills, Luke can't help feeling something familiar about the path they'd took. His feet halted at the view of the willow tree at the end of the gravel track they are on. "It's right there." He says and Henry couldn't help frowning at his son still clutching on his inner arm.
"How did you know?" He asks turning his gaze back at Alex who's shared the same frown. "I dreamt it here." He says and Henry was again lead towards the end of the path edging closer to the willow tree.
Luke stopped right at the end of the path facing the willow tree in front of him like an old friend with a smile on his face. "Luke?" Henry called softly staring at him stepping closer to the unkempt grave, Luke clutched on the flowers Alex and him purchased earlier before coming here in his arm as he crouched down on the weed covered ground. Henry could sense Alex standing next to him and their hands are inches from touching each other.
He crouched over one of the dark grey stoned staring at the faded carving on the molded headstone. "Mum?" He whispered softly running his finger over the lettering by the stones that seems faded in times due to improper care. "I'm here mum. I'm right here." His voice breaks into a sob palming the wet stone in his hand.
Henry noticed when Luke starts pulling out the wild weed over the side covering his mother's grave before Henry decides to help. "Let me help you Luke." He whispered and Luke nods letting Henry pulled the weed until the ground seems cleaner with help of Alex on his other side.
Ana Vilkas
Born September 9th 1989
Died October 3rd 2009
Henry noticed when Luke traced his fingers over the carved stone the same way he always did on his father's grave. He assumed Luke picked up his behaviors after paying their visits each year that had became a custom for their small family. Henry always a complete wrecked after their visit which ended up locking himself in the room for days sometimes weeks.
He laid the flowers he had on his lap on the ground right next to the headstone. "I was too young to know what your favorite flower is mummy. But I remembered- vaguely. Daisies. White daisies and dandelions that grew wildly all over the house. I remembered the memory of it each time I saw you in my dreams."
Henry had to pull away from Luke's side and Alex noticed him breaking in tears as he stood behind Luke. He knew Henry is still upset about earlier but Alex couldn't leave his husband emotionally disrupt alone so he stepped closer to his side pulling Henry by his shoulder and glad when Henry didn't pushed him away. He sighed in relief when Henry leaned his head on the crook of Alex neck while Alex wrapped his long arms around his shoulder closing in their bodies together.
"She was only sixteen when she had Luke, Alex. Luke was only four when she died." Henry whispered in Alex's ear and he hummed stroking Henry's arm for comfort. "I know baby, I know." Alex whispered back pressing his lips over Henry's forehead to soothe him.
"Thank you for sending these idiots to me." He whispered and both Henry and Alex cocked their head at him. "Hey!" They both said at the same time and Luke broke in a laugh sniffing his tears. He turned on his heels nudging himself in between Alex and Henry in a tight embrace. He leaned his head over Alex's chest while Henry leaned against his back with their eyes still fixed on Ana's grave.
"I'm happy mum. I promised." Luke says causing Henry to broke in tears pulling him into his neck. His eyes darted sharply towards Alex next to Luke standing awkwardly before Henry cupped Alex's cheek in his palm. He smiled showing off his dimple smiled leaning against Henry's palm and pressed his lips over Henry's cold skin. Henry smiled at his gesture softly stroking his thumb over Alex's lips.
"Let's go home." Alex says breaking their hugs and Luke nodded. "By the way Luke, you're grounded." Alex adds leading the path down back to their car with Henry followed behind him.
"Wait, why?!" Luke yelled watching as both Henry and Alex walked away from him. "For blabbing to your grams. Snitches get stitches." Henry adds and Luke sighed. "For how long?!" He yelled as they started to distant apart.
"I'll think about it!" Alex yelled as they walked away from him while Luke still standing by his mother's grave. He couldn't help but break into a smile when he sees his parents walked hand in hand again before turning his gaze back to his mother's headstone.
"See? I know you sent them to me. I miss you mummy. I see you in my dreams." Luke pressed his fingers over his lips before placed it over her headstone. "I love you mum, always and forever. I'll come back every year, I promise." Luke whispered heading his head up staring into the cloudy sky before a sudden wind blew behind him and he smiled.
He couldn't help feeling the breeze was like his mother hugs sending loves from heaven as Luke wishes. "I'll be okay. You don't have to worry anymore mum."
"I miss you so much." Luke broke into tears staring at the gloomy sky above him. Tears flowing down on his temple as he closed his eyes letting the strong wind blew past him.
He blew kisses to the sky in hope his mother would received it before he headed back to his parents at the car.
As he walked back he saw both of them leaning against the car waiting for him. He was glad they didn't fight anymore but instead smiling at him softly for his returned. "Ready to go home?" Henry asks holding out his arm for him and Luke hurried to his side hugging Henry's waist. "Ready." He replies leaning his head over Henry's neck, smiling widely when Henry pressed his lips over his temple.
"Am I really grounded?" He asks suddenly staring at Alex standing next to them. "Oh yeah! You know how your grandmother won't let it past that easily. We would have to face her back home because of you." Alex says while holding on to his waist and Henry chuckled when he saw Luke pouted his lower lips at him.
"No! It doesn't work on your dad it won't work on me." Alex adds and Luke whined in Henry's neck. "Baby, FCD don't snitched." Henry says. "Hell yeah!" Alex yelled fisting his hand up in the air before he unlocked the car.
"So if I had secrets about anyone I can't tell you guys either right?" Luke says stopping both Henry and Alex in their steps. "What secret?" Alex asks with a curious look. Luke shrugged his shoulder before opening the car door, "Snitches got stitches, I learned my mistake, thanks paps." He says before got inside the car closing the door leaving both Henry and Alex clueless.
Luke had to hide his smile at them asking each other questions before they both got inside and turned their head sharply at Luke from between the seats.
"Okay I was wrong. If you tell us then I won't ground you." Alex says and Luke cocked his head to the side crossing his arm over his chest. "I'll think about it. Make your case and we will see." Luke had witnessed Alex in the courtroom multiple times to pick up few of his tricks. "Don't pull that lawyer crap on me, I am a better lawyer than you are buddy. You will lose." Alex pointed his finger at him. "Maybe, but I have my own to defend me." Luke adds.
"Who?" Henry asks curious, "Abuelo. I'm pretty sure he is more better lawyer than you are paps." Luke tempted and he could see how Alex clenched his jaw at him. "This is you! You see this. This screamed you Hen." Alex huffed pointing his fingers at both Henry and Luke which caused Henry to gasp at him.
"How dare you! This is you! Who's the freaking lawyer in the house?!" Henry protest back as Alex starts the car.
"Whatever." Alex says shutting his mouth for the ride and Henry turned his head back at Luke from behind the console and winked at him. Luke winked back with a half smile and Henry saw how annoyed Alex got at them. He shook his head at him throwing fit at Luke but couldn't help feeling proud at Luke.
But Henry knew Alex felt proud same as he did for how Luke defend himself and got away from his punishment. Somehow those dimple returns and Henry couldn't help pulling Alex chin to face him before crashing his lips over his.
Alex was caught off guard when Henry pulls his chin and kissed him. Luckily he hasn't starts driving yet or else he would have swerved to the opposite road.
"What was that for?" He asks when Henry released him from his kiss. "Just because." Henry whispered and Alex smiled crashing his lips over Henry's again.
"Ehem. I'm still here you guys." Luke cleared his throat and both Henry and Alex groaned. "Oh God I forgot we have a kid." Alex says earning Luke a gasp. "How could you? You know I was here the whole time. Don't lie paps." Luke says and Henry chuckled at both of them bantering and there is nothing in this world could explained how grateful he feels right now for his little family.
The trip ended in a blink and they are only few minutes away from their home when Alex stopped at the traffic light just few turns away from their home. It was pouring rain since the last few hours and Alex had driven slower to ensure their safety. The clicking of the car blinker and the raindrops over their car was the only thing accompanied them while they wait.
Henry turned his head behind to see Luke fell asleep leaning against the car window. He softly chuckled at the sight of him before his eyes met with Alex smiling equally at Luke. "That's cute." He says and Henry nods.
"Baby." Alex called turning Henry's gaze to his side facing him. He smiled softly at Alex's attempt to say something but his jaw froze. "I know baby. I'm sorry too." Henry says instead and Alex sighed in relief.
Henry stares at Alex's side of his face when a bright light disturbs his sight before his thought actually processed at the moment. "ALEX!"
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