Part 79
"Are you sure about this?" Ellen asks as she watches her son packing his clothes into his bag for the night they will spend in Massachusetts. Henry is downstairs with Luke and Oscar prepping dinner as they will leave tomorrow. Hence, Alex is packing for him and Henry together in one suitcase.
"I'm not ma but what choice would I have? If I didn't bring him, he would be devastated and if something happened while I'm not around, I would not stop blaming myself. At least he will be with me if anything happened and I'm sure Massachusetts has a few hospital that we can seek treatment before we got back." Alex denies the fact that he is more worried about Henry than Ellen ever was but truth is, he wasn't sure about the whole trip either.
"We have come along way didn't we?" Ellen softly said turning Alex head around to gaze her by his side on the bed. "Yeah, we did. I could never thanked you enough ma. Without you, I don't think any of this is possible." Alex gestured the whole bedroom in disbelief that this is his life right now.
"I think you did most of it on your own. Both of you did." Ellen winked at her son over the bed earning her Alex's dimpled smile before his legs strode over to her. He wraps his long arms around her pulling her close to his chest as he rested his chin over the top of her blonde hair.
"I love you ma. Always. I could not have asks a better mum and if there's another universe after I died, I want you to be my mum again." Ellen pushed her son with a smack over his chest before he realized she had tears in her eyes. "Don't say stuff like that. I don't want to outlive you." Ellen says and Alex half smiled before pulling her back into his chest.
"I don't want to outlive you either." He whispered resting his head over the top of her head. "I don't know what I'll do without you ma." He says and Ellen snickered a smiled wrapped around Alex's waist.
"You'll perished." She replied with a wet laugh and Alex smiled pushing her off to face her, "I think so." They both smiled before a soft knock interrupt them both. "Paps?" Luke's small voice breaks the silence in the room and Alex turned to face him.
"Hey bud. Finished packing?" He asks as he strode back to his suitcase filled with both his and Henry's clothes. "Yeah, dinner is ready." He says and Alex nodded. "I'll be down in a sec." Alex says and Luke nods before he left.
Luke could not comprehend the feeling he has in his chest right now. After dinner with his parents and his grandparents made him aware how lucky his life is right now compared to the years he had before. He remembers each single moment of his life before he met Henry and Alex. He remembers how miserable and painful it was to live and to keep living.
He held on the paper Alex gave him few days ago telling how they had found his mother burial site with the location and her name on it. He hasn't read or heard her name in years and it had triggered something in him. That feeling he suppressed deep inside in him after so many years in therapy that Henry had insisted for him to attend.
He misses her.
He missed her smell, her laughs, her voice but most importantly, he missed how she used to lingers her soft delicate fingers over his forehead down to her nose bridge and onto his cupid's bow. He might be too young to remember those but he never forgets it like it was yesterday. Her memories came like pictures in a photograph in his dream that his parents thought it was a nightmare.
He remembers her blond hair cascading down on his face with the scent of honey and warmth summer each time he thought of her. He remembers how her hands always covered in bruises but she hides it well from him. Her skinny pale neck were tainted with red marks over the side that she hides with her long blonde hair.
Her eyes are dead but immediately after she sees Luke, it was alive again. Her smile returned each time Luke padding over towards her and her voice, Luke swore he remembers her hummed a lullaby once but all of that diminished as he gets older. What he won't gave to hear her voice once more in this lifetime.
"Ana Vilkas" he whispered her name that felt foreign over the years from his lips and seems only yesterday he witness her mother soulless eyes staring back at him before he was pulled away by the authority. He remembers she changed her name few times to run away from her past but she kept her family name until she was forced to change it to that horrible guy's name in order for her to get the green card but she never did get what she was promised.
"Luke?" Henry soft voice brought him back into the room when he looked up to see Henry leaning against the doorframe looking back at him in concerned. "Yeah Dad?" He asks and he sighed rubbing the back of his neck as he approached him over the bed.
"Are you alright buddy?" He asks and Luke faked a smile placing the paper beside him before Henry grabbed it and read the words again. "I know you miss her. You don't have to lie about it. I can read you like a book." Henry says placing the paper he folds into half over the table side before his eyes shifted to Luke. He had his head hung low with his eyes glistened before a tear breaks.
"Is it wrong that I'm happy with you guys while I should be with her?" He asks and Henry couldn't help but frowned at him. "No, Luke. Don't say that." Henry grabbed his hand over the blanket into his cold clasped. "I know you feel guilty about it but I for one are happy that I get to have you as my son." Luke looked up from his lowered gaze to meet Henry's hazel eyes that now glistened with tears with their hands still clasped in each other.
"I'm glad I found you dad. I don't know what I would do without you." Luke says and Henry smiled cupping his cheek into his palm. "I think I'm the one whom glad that I found you. Without you, me and paps won't have met again after decades apart. Without you, I don't think papi and I would ever gotten married to each other." Luke smiled nodding his head softly before his eyes caught at Alex standing by the door frame.
"Okay now I feel betrayed by this mutiny." He says and Henry turned his head sharply at the sound of his voice. "You have us all misunderstood my good sir. There is no mutiny in part. Just merely a fresh conversation." Henry replied.
"In that case, I wouldn't want anything more than to weigh my foot into the conversation. Or perhaps my lips over yours instead." Alex says approaching closer to Henry before wrapping his arm around Henry's chest from behind and pressed his lips over the side of Henry's temple.
"You guys might be the corniest gay couple I had ever met in my life." Luke says pretend disgust watching over them kissing each other.
"I have you known that poetry is corny and I happened to love it." Henry says in defense before Alex adds. "You should have seen your dad back in the college days. The corniest sons of a bitches I had ever met!" Henry smacked his palm over Alex's arm that covers his chest and he laughs. "Stop!" He told him but Alex won't budge by his command.
"You know my copy of your Grandad's book in our library. The notes was actually your dads." He says and Henry smacked him again but Alex couldn't helped kissing him from blushing.
"I know. I read it multiple times." He says with a soft smile on his face. "I love your handwriting. When you were at the hospital, your handwriting is the one that kept me close to you. That and your words." He says and Henry melted by Luke's word.
"Get some sleep. We'll leave after breakfast." Henry says tapping Luke's clasped hand in his before he leaned to his forehead and kiss him goodnight.
"Good night buddy." Alex later kissed him over the top of his head before ruffling his messy blonde hair in his fingers and Luke laughs by his gestured.
"Paps, Dad?" Luke called stopping them from leaving the bedroom. "Thank you, for everything. I love you guys so much." He whispered as he climbed under the covers and Henry shifts his gaze towards Alex next to him. Their hand clasped into each other as they walked out the room before Luke's call earlier stopped them. "We love you too buddy." Alex says on behalf of him and Henry since Henry already half choked on his tears.
"He'll be alright baby." Alex whispered next to Henry in bed with covers over the lower half of their body and both of them had no shirt over their body. Alex loves when Henry is sleeping naked next to him but since they had Luke, Henry barely does that anymore.
"I feel like tomorrow will go disaster. I feel like I'm going to screw everything up and ended saying the wrong thing." Henry says with his one arm folded under his neck. His eyes sets over the ceiling of their bedroom. He could feel Alex shifted to turn his body to face Henry over the side before he felt his warm arm wrapped over his stomach. "You're not." He whispered pressing his lips over Henry's shoulder.
He turned to face Alex's closing their face leaving barely an inch apart from each other. Henry could feel Alex's warmth minty breaths ghosting over his lips with his eyes locked deep into his.
"You're gonna be the one that holds him when he breaks. The one that wiped his tears and sorrow away. These hands of yours will be the one that provide comfort in him when he needed the most." Alex picked up Henry's palm over his before pressing his lips over his knuckles. Henry smiled by his gesture before locking their gaze again.
"But I really need you to stick around for us. We both needed you." Henry could feel the pleading eyes are pulling him deep tugging his little damaged heart. Henry felt Alex's fingers traced over the line of his scar right in the middle of his chest that he had outgrew them since his last operation.
"The scar barely heals and now it needs to reopen." Henry says with his worried eyes. "Scar heals Hen. You will heal. Plus Sylvie said they will do laparoscopic so minimally invasive and less scaring." Alex tries but he can see that Henry's eyes are filled with fears before he noticed a single tear streaked down on his temple. "Baby, hey." He pulled Henry by his chin and Henry had no choice but to face his husband.
Under the dim light of their bedroom lamp with the moonlight bounced into their bedroom from the tall bay window, Alex could see how hard Henry tried to put on his brave face.
"Baby you will be alright. You have to. For us, for me." Alex voice breaks when he saw Henry eyes starts filling up with tears again. "I'm tired Alex. I'm so tired." He whispered into his palm lowering his gaze. "Baby please. Don't give up on us. Don't give up on yourself. We promised each other remember?" He asks and Henry once again looked up into Alex's soulful eyes.
"What if the surgery was unsuccessful?" Henry asks and Alex think hard before he replied. "Then I will sue those people to the ground. I will make buck load of money to invest in a company to make clone possible and when they did, I will make another version of you Hen. I will make thousands of you for my entire lifetime and there won't be anymore of us living apart from each other."
Henry knew Alex said those jokingly but somehow he felt the slight hope in him wanting it to be true. "You can't live forever silly." Henry adds and Alex raised his brow at him. "If I can clone you, I can make myself live forever baby. There is no getting rid of me. Not in this life or another." He says and Henry chuckled slightly at the thought.
"You really had all of those figured out didn't ya?" Henry asks letting Alex wrapped his arm around him pulling Henry on his chest. "I did. Which is why you don't have to be worried about anything. Just sit your pretty ass down and let me do the thinking. Don't ruined that beautiful head of yours." Alex says pressing his lips over Henry's forehead right in between his eyebrow.
"Loose those wrinkles baby. We're still young." Henry laughs slapping Alex's broad chest under his cheek. Henry looked up to meet Alex's gaze before their lips sealed into a kiss.
Alex felt how Henry purposely letting him taken over their kiss especially letting Alex run his tongue into his mouth and his hand traced underneath the blanket reaching for Alex's boxers. But before Henry could go further inside, Alex stopped him by his wrist.
"Hen, we can't." Alex says panting in his breaths and Henry clearly could feel his growing bulge pulsating inside his brief when Alex stopped him. He whined at the thought when Alex flipped on his back trying to calm his erection down with his eyes closed.
"What? What is it?" He asks lifting himself on one elbow facing him. "I can't. Not until you had your surgery at least." Alex says pushing Henry's still lingering hand off from his abdomen. "Are you being serious right now?" Henry asks in disbelief. Alex sighed knowing how upset Henry got and worst sexually depressed. He raised himself leaning his back against the headboard with Henry's stares burning a hole on his face.
"Babe I don't want to say this but Sylvie told me that we should not stressed the heart further until surgery. The valve has done more damaged on you more than you think. I don't want it to worsen because of me." Alex says in hope Henry would understand him.
"You don't want to have sex with your husband because you're afraid he might die?" Henry asks sitting himself on the bed in a kneeling position. "Isn't that the best way to die?" Alex shot him an unimpressed look over Henry attempt to joke about death and didn't find it amused.
"Stop. Don't joke like that." He says and Henry couldn't help teasing him further. He crawled himself over Alex's lap, deliberately kissing his hard muscles that shivers when his thick lips touches his warm body. Henry straddled himself over Alex still half hardened member pressing himself lower smiling as he sees how hard Alex had to restraint himself over Henry's seductive gesture.
"I like to see how hard you try not to lose yourself husband." Henry whispered into his ear with his hand tugged at the base of Alex's neck. He groaned feeling Henry wiggled himself lower over Alex's bulging member. "I love seeing you like this. Your self control is clearly shown." Henry pulled Alex chin in between his hand to face him before pressing his lips in a passionate kiss.
Alex pants in his breath feeling Henry's tongue trickling over his jaw down to his neck. He couldn't help letting his jaw fell apart when Henry's lips sucking on the skin on his neck. "But I like seeing you more like this. Panting like a bitch in heat. The only thing I need is for you to beg." Henry whispered lowering himself further into Alex's hard member. Alex groaned tightening his grip over Henry's pale thigh raising higher up to his hip. Henry let his palm coursing through Alex's heat body before he cupped his hard members in between his pale thighs.
Alex groans when he could feel Henry's teasing smile into his neck before he flipped both of them plopping Henry on his back with a giggled. "Shh, you're gonna wake everyone up." Alex says pressing his palm over Henry's smiling face but unable to control his own laughter from Henry's infectious laughs.
Henry gasped when Alex pulled his brief down in a swift movement revealing his hard cock sprang over his own pale groin. "Wait, I thought you didn't want this?" Henry joked pushing Alex by his chest but Alex cocked his head to the side with his jaw jutted in annoyance.
"You are such a tease my little vixen. You starts something now you have to finish it." Alex whispered before crashing his lips deep into Henry's in a breath. He pulled his own brief down to his ankle before he kicked it to the floor. He grabbed Henry by his thigh letting him wrapped it around his waist before spitting over his forefinger to lube himself. Henry could feel Alex's tip teasing his entrance before he thrust himself deep inside him.
Henry's mouth fell apart feeling the fullness of his entrance invaded by Alex's width cock pressing inside him before he softly nods for him to move. Alex smirked at his command watching as his hips thrust in and out of Henry matches his pants.
"Who's the bitch now?" Alex whispered as he stares at Henry panting underneath him and he couldn't deny that was the most beautiful thing he ever seen in his life. "Fuck! Don't stop!" Henry wrapped his legs tighter around Alex's waist pushing his heels deeper into Alex's tanned skin. Alex took that as a signed to go deeper and each groaned escaped from their mouth by each thrust.
"Fuck. Fuck!" Alex cursed when he felt himself closed on his released but Henry isn't anywhere close. Henry seemed to notice that Alex tried to slow himself down for Henry and he had smirked plastered all over his face. "You can come without me Alex. You know that." Henry pants gripping into Alex's neck.
"Not- in a- million- years." Alex says in between his pants and Henry smiled shaking his head before he pulled him by his neck into a kiss.
Not matter how much or how many time they had intercourse, Alex never failed to surprised Henry in any way. There's always his stamina and his grunt seductively that made Henry loves to tease him. Especially right now when Alex is trying to hold on to every single strength he had in him not to release too soon but seeing how Henry writhing underneath him made him lost the battle between his own mind and his own strength.
"Christ! Fuck!" Alex grunted in between his teeth for his final released causing Henry to cup his mouth muffling his loud grunt. "Shh. You're gonna wake up the whole house." Henry whispered watching as he come down from his high. "That was supposed to be my line remember?" Alex asks pressing his nose into Henry's neck. His body falls tiredly over Henry's chest with his arm spread over the side on the bed still had his cock buried deep inside Henry.
"Fuck, every damn day you're making me hard like we're both still twenty years old." Alex cursed feeling Henry's body shakes in a laugh. "Never stops you before honey." Alex raised his head meeting Henry's gaze staring back at him. A smile broke on his face before he realized that Henry never came.
Alex smiles turned into a smirk and slowly, his lips traced kisses from Henry's thick luscious lips down to his neck and further on to his chest. He moaned when Alex pressed his lips over his solar plexus sending shudders to his whole body. "Alex." He breathes out his name like it was an air for him to breathe.
"Shh, let me finished you." He whispered slowly tracing his kisses down on Henry lower abdomen. His hardened cock ready at him when Alex reaches pulling the shaft into his mouth. Henry gasped at the contact Alex made sending twitch into his body when he wrapped his whole mouth down till the base expertly. His fingers runs through Alex's curls tugging it softly at the base feeling Alex bobbing his head up and down to his released.
It doesn't take long for Henry to actually finished when Alex hands is in control. His whole body jerked after he exploded into Alex's mouth and watches as he swallowed it whole without a drop spilled.
"Have I told you that you've tasted better in years, like a fine wine." Alex says climbing back on top of Henry after he came down from his own high. He laughs shaking his whole body with his palm covered his face hiding his blushed away.
"After all these years, you'd still blushed when I did that to you. That's why I love you Henry." He whispered pulling Henry's palm away from his face and leaned to kiss him on his lips. Henry could taste himself on Alex's tongue before they both laid over the bed with Alex pulling Henry on top of his chest and they both breathes out evenly and sleep welcomed them with no trouble.
"Please, please be careful. Take care of yourself on the road. Call us if anything!" Ellen's told him sharply as she hugs Henry in her arm. Henry laughs at her gestured but deep inside somehow he felt like it's hard for her to let go. Something in her eyes told him how she needed it, to hug her family.
"We'll be fine ma! Can you please let go of my husband now?" Alex chirped since she's delaying them from leaving and Ellen huffed. "Shut up. I need one more hug from my grandson." She pulled Luke into her arm and he could only let her cause he felt sorry for her for not able to come. Alex insisted for her to stay since he knew Luke needed this for his own sake. Oscar practically had to pull her away from smothering Luke into her hug.
"We'll be home soon before you know it gammy. Tomorrow night will not come soon enough." He says and she nods wiping her tears away.
"Do you have your meds Hen darling?" She asks watching as they all start loading their bags into the compartment. "Alex made sure of it. Not just for tonight, for the rest of my life." He winked at Alex for packing his stuff away and Alex was not amused by his word. "What if you accidentally dropped them? You need the extra and I don't have them with me. Might as well take everything with us." Alex says and Henry laughs shaking his head at him.
"Alright let's go. We need to hit the road now." Alex slammed the hood shut before he went to Oscar to say goodbye. "Let me know if you need anything." Oscar whispered in his ear and he nods. "Thanks paps." He told him before he went to his mum.
"Be safe. I love you." She whispered, and Alex sighed in her arms letting her embraced him a little longer than she should. "I love you too ma. Why are you so emotional?" He asks and he could hear her sniffed her tears away. "I'm not. I'm just gonna miss you." She says wiping her tears with her fingers.
Alex eyebrow furrowed as he wrapped his arm around her into another hug and she breathes out in relief. "We'll be home soon." Alex says before he released her. "We'll be waiting." Ellen says watching his son skipped his legs to the driver side with Henry already at the passenger pulling their seatbelts on. He waved at her and she waved back feeling Oscar's hand wrapped around her waist.
"Are you sure you're alright darling?" He asks and she sighed. "Why I have a bad feeling about this?" She starts watching as the car pulled out from the side of the street into the road. They waved at them staring at the car leaving the main street before disappeared into the view.
"Please lord, take care of them all. Don't let anything happened to them." She prays softly in her heart tugging at the necklace around her neck.
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