Part 71
Days Henry had spent in Alex's parent's home and he couldn't be happier. Trial between Luke and Father Kostas ended when the opened investigation was done and there were willing witness who came forth including the nuns at the church claiming what Father Kostas did was indeed true and Alex to his surprised had no clue why the sudden confrontation.
But Henry and Alex was glad they could put all of this behind them and had claimed Luke as their son, legally and no one can take him away from them, Henry and Alex made sure of that. The event still haunts them greatly although it was already confirmed but Henry does have nightmares about losing Luke sometimes.
Luke on the other hand had numerous nightmares of his own middle of night making Henry jumps to his feet to run for his aide each time and Alex couldn't help worrying since Henry is still in recovery.
It was the other night when he and Henry joins Ellen and Oscar at the backyard when they were interrupted by Luke sudden high pitch screamed.
Henry, blessed his heart for being more paternal than Alex was, jumped to his aide almost falling on his face when his feet caught at the lose rugs over the living area almost causing Alex his very own heart attack. But somehow the screamed made a certain memory rectified Alex's core and made him retracts back from rushing towards it.
He still remembers Henry's high pitch screamed that made his blood curls and sending shivers down his spine. Till today, he would not be able to forget the way Henry's terrified gaze and his blood curdling voice sending echo into his own mind.
Henry didn't think twice running through Luke's room having him screaming on the top of his lungs with sweats covers his forehead and neck. He would reached for Henry mostly since Henry always been the first to arrive in his room.
"It's okay Luke, it's okay. You're safe." Luke's pants matches Henry whenever they both found each other and for Henry, he could only find calm in his heart when Luke finally falls back asleep.
But whenever Henry asks him about his dream, it was always the same, Luke had the same nightmare over and over remembering the time they took him away from Henry's grip and it scares him the most till today. Each time Henry hugged him from his nightmare, Luke would repeat over and over not to take him away back to Father Kostas and each time Henry heard it, still breaks his heart into pieces.
Alex couldn't remember the time he woke up with Henry by his side. Most morning Henry would already be up for hours before him and he didn't get to see him till later in the evening after he came back from work with him already asleep in Luke's room. He didn't want Luke to have nightmares and waking up alone and Alex for once knew how it felt.
But somehow he felt a little distance between him and Henry and couldn't help feeling Henry being closer to Luke more than with him nowadays. But Alex didn't actually feel jealous just sad that this is their life now before they even got married. He never questioned Henry about it knowing how much Luke meant for them but somehow deep down Henry knew how Alex must have felt lately seeing they barely had time for each other.
But that morning, Alex was surprised when he felt kisses on his neck with warmth hands stroked his chest running over his sensitive nipples and he didn't want to wake. If this is a dream, he didn't want to wake up.
"I know you're awake." A soft whisper in his ear and he kept his eyes close with a grinning smile plastered all over his face.
"No I'm not. This is all but a dream, I'm in heaven." He whispered back and he could hear chuckled coming from Henry before another kiss planted over his chest.
He could feel Henry's hand travel lower and his lips trails over his abdomen before he could feel Henry's soft hands cupping over his hardened member. His eyes shot up stopping Henry by his wrist before their eyes locked into each other. "What?" Henry asks surprised by Alex sudden abruption.
"We can't." He whispered swallowing his throat dryly but Henry smiles pulling his wrist from Alex's grip before he leaned his lips back to his. "Just relax and let me take care of you." He whispered in between their kisses pushing Alex's hand to the side.
Alex gasped when Henry pulls his waistband down springing his cock outward while Alex kicked his brief from his ankle before Henry's palm gripped firmly over his shaft.
"Hen." Alex whispered feeling Henry's arm pushing under his neck letting him rested his head over his muscular biceps before Henry's finger brushed up his soft curls. "Shh, let me take care of you." Henry whispered repeating the words again and Alex could feel his stroke paced faster before Henry spat on his palm and continued on his work.
Clear cum leaking from Alex's tip glistening over Henry's hand but he kept stroking his shaft expertly running his thumb over his leaking tip. He opened his eyes when Henry stop stroking him only to see Henry licking his thumb tasting Alex's in his mouth before he licked his lower thicker lips with a smile but then blushed when he noticed Alex was watching him.
"I miss this." Henry said before he crashed his lips over Alex's gaping mouth and continue to work on his shaft till he knew Alex is closing to his climaxed.
"Hen we shouldn't- you- uhm- fuck!" He cursed unable to find words to describe his feelings right now but Henry clicked his tongue at him. "I'm sorry lover, I didn't get that." He teased with a wider smirked tugs on his lips and continued stroking Alex's cock faster bringing him to his released.
"Fuck! Henry." He almost screamed but Henry already knew he was gonna do that so he cupped Alex's mouth muffling his screamed into his palm. "Shh, we're at your parents house." He whispered kissing Alex's cheek as he continue to ride his climaxed spurting his cum all over his stomach and Henry laughs when Alex didn't exactly finished yet.
"Babe, that was load. How long has it been?" He asks surprised at Alex mount full of his cum spread all over his stomach and his tip is still leaking for more. Alex pants in his breath after Henry removed his palm from his lips with his whole body still jerked from his released.
"It's been a while." He says and couldn't look at Henry in the eye when he said those words. "I'm sorry." Henry whispered still staring at Alex's cum covered stomach with his hand slicked with his cum. Alex turned his head sharply at him grabbing Henry's chin to face him.
"Babe, it's not your fault. I just didn't have time for - this." He pointed at the mess he made and Henry still had his eyes gazed over Alex's sculpted stomach. "I should have been focusing on taking care of my fiancé but I was busy focusing on Luke more and I know I had been neglecting you." Henry says palming Alex stomach in his stickiness.
Alex sighed grabbing his shirt from the floor he tossed last night before he went to bed. He grabbed Henry's hand in his before wiping the residue stickiness over the shirt. "I'm the one that should be apologizing Hen. You got surgery because of what we did?" He says almost a whisper and Henry cocked his head to the side confused. "What do you mean?" He asks.
"You forgot the motel? I'm guessing that was the reason why your heart failing and your injury worsen." He says and Henry could sense guilt in his tone. "Alex. That wasn't your fault to begin with." Henry tried to reason with him but he knows Alex felt guilty about it and he never did mentioned it to Henry until now.
Alex tossed the shirt into the hamper located in the corner with a perfect throw and Henry raised his brow impressed by his fake basketball shoot. He laid back in bed with his hand flexed behind his head while Henry sat beside him in bed with his elbow propped on his side. "Still, I felt like I triggered it worsen." He adds and Henry sighed longly before he grabbed Alex's chin to face him. "But if it wasn't for your damn massive cock, I wouldn't know what's wrong with me till today." He says pressing his lips harshly on his lip earning Alex a widest grin.
Alex was glad he didn't have to go to work today when he realized they are still in bed underneath the blanket and he smiled when Henry pressed his lips on Alex's. If it wasn't the piddle paddle footsteps that came marching in closer to their bedroom made Alex and Henry scrambled for cover before Alex pushed Henry off from kissing him.
"Dad! Can I go with Oscar to the store?" Luke came in without knocking and both Alex and Henry hides themselves underneath the blanket. "Don't come in! Luke stay there." Henry yells pulling the blanket over Alex's naked self.
"Why?" Luke whined still hanging on outside of the door frame with his legs attempting to enter and Alex giggled at Henry's attempt to hide Alex from Luke. "We're not decent. Go on, go with Oscar!" Alex chuckled at Henry's pulling the blanket higher before he palmed Alex's lips hiding his laughter.
"Paps, can I?" He asks Alex but he didn't hear any answers from him. "Paps?" He asks again and Henry noticed because he was still palming Alex's mouth from answering him. Alex raised his eyebrow at him before he finally released Alex from his palm and he noticed how he still had that stupid smile over his face. "Yeah bud. Be careful, listen to your abuelo!" He yells as Luke jumped to his happiness for getting approval from them and Alex heard him yelled okay from the hallway.
"Now where were we?" He asks pushing Henry on his back before he towers over him straddling Henry in his nakedness. Henry giggled happily when he pulled him by his waist laying him fully on his back before he planted his lips over Henry's. He traced his lips down on Henry's neck before he was greeted with the usual moaned escape from Henry's throat feeling his fingers brushed through Alex's nape tugging on his curls.
"Alex." Henry moaned his name feeling Alex's hot breaths fanning over his pale neck before he trails it lower over his collarbone. He couldn't help lifting his hips that grinds against Alex's thick thigh muscles before his heels dug deeper into Alex's calf.
"Ahh." Henry moaned when Alex traced his tongue over Henry's nipples but he stopped when his eyes caught Henry's scar right in the middle of his chest.
"Alex." Henry called cupping Alex's cheek to face him again. He could see the redness in his eyes when he realized the scar made him stopped and Henry cupped both of his cheek with his palm. "It's alright. I'm fine. Just go slow." Henry told him and Alex shook his head, "I don't want to hurt you. We didn't clear this with Dr Sylvie." Alex says pushing himself off from Henry's.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll take it slow." Henry told him before planting more kisses over Alex's bare chest. Alex moaned when Henry pressed his lips over his solar plexus running his fingers over his blonde hair.
"Darling, as much as I wanted this but I can't. I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happened. Plus it's too early." He says pulling away from Henry before he kneeled on the bed. Henry rolled his eyes at him with a groaned before he pushed Alex on his chest and stepped out from under the blanket.
"Hen!" Alex called stopping Henry from leaving their bedroom and Henry turned to face him with a sigh, "You can't be mad at me for this?" He asks him still crumpling the blanket around his waist facing Henry by the door. "No Alex, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for being this weak and vulnerable. I hate how people walking on the eggshell around me like I'm gonna fucking explode." He says before he left the bedroom with Alex still kneeling on the bed facing him.
Luke came back from the store with Oscar carrying an ice cream cup in his palm happily trying to find Henry. He finally found him by the backyard sitting on the patio furniture staring into the space not even realizing Luke watching him.
"Dad." He whispered placing his palm over his shoulder and Henry gasped surprised by his sudden touch especially his cold palm from holding the ice cream cup brushing his neck. "Hey darling, you're home." He whispered with a soft smile and Luke had his eyebrow furrowed by Henry's glistening eyes.
"You're sad. Something happened isn't it?" He asks cupping Henry's cheek with small palm but Henry faked another smile before pulling him to sit next to Henry over the couch. "I'm not sad darling. I'm just thinking." He says wrapping his arm over Luke's shoulder.
He scooped a spoon before he guides it over Henry's lips and he smiled taking the bite unaware they were joined by Alex leaning against the doorframe crossing his arm over his chest. "Paps." Luke smiled when he sees Alex joined them and Alex shared the smile equally except for Henry.
"What you got there?" He asks seeing Luke eating the ice cream happily before his gaze shifted to Henry turning his gaze to the side not facing him. "Want some?" He asks holding out a spoon for him. Alex marched closer before he kneels on the floor in between Henry and Luke's legs and took a bite over his ice cream.
"Hm, that is delicious. Did you offer daddy?" He asks licking his lips before Luke offered another. "I did but daddy didn't want anymore." He says and Alex sighed pressing his lips together. "Daddy is angry with me." He says and Henry glared at him. "Don't talk like I'm not here." He says and Alex smiled with Luke grinning offering Alex another scoop. Alex bites on the spoon with his eyes locked over Henry's stern face. Henry could feel the burning gaze from Alex but chose to ignore it but before he could say anything, a cough interrupts them.
"Sorry." He coughs again but this time his cough gotten worst. "Alex?" Henry called seeing how he couldn't stop coughing and there was an odd wheeze coming out of Alex's throat. "Alex stop playing around, you're scaring us." Henry says in hope Alex was pulling one of his prank over him but when he saw Alex barely catches his breath and starts wobbling back, he panicked.
"Oh God. ELLEN! OSCAR!" Henry yells catching Alex's head from falling backward on the floor gasping for a breath. His hand clutched on his neck with Henry cradling him on his lap. Luke watched as Alex gasped in Henry's arm with tears in his eyes. His ice cream cup is long forgotten when he drops it on the floor with his eyes stares at Alex's.
"What is it?" Ellen asks rushing over them but soon gasped when she sees her son laid on the floor trying to catch his breath with his lips started turning blue. "I think he's allergic to something. Do you have Epipen?" He asks and Ellen rushed back inside looking for one. Henry kept stroking Alex's cheek reassuring him in hope he could help ease him a little, "You're gonna be okay Alex. Breathe slowly for me. Don't panic." Henry told him before his eyes catches Oscar running towards them. "Call 9-1-1 now!" He yells and he could hear Luke whimpering behind him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Luke cries but Henry gestured for Oscar to take him away. "Darling, go inside. Everything will be alright, I promise. Just stay inside okay." He pushed Luke towards the door before he turned to help Alex.
"Hang on babe, hang on. Help is coming." He cradled Alex's head on his lap when Ellen came running bringing Epipen in her hand. Henry twisted the cap off before he jabbed into Alex's bare thigh. He's glad that Alex wore his short pants around the house so he won't have to worry the needle didn't pierced through his jeans.
Alex gasped continued clutching his palm over his throat as he tried to catch his breath and Henry could see his usual pink lips turned bluish with his mouth gaped apart. "Don't do this to me Alex! Why didn't you tell me you're allergic to something you idiot!" Henry yells cupping his cheek as Ellen joins beside him. "What did he ate?" She asks and Henry eyes turned over the spilled ice cream cup on the floor.
"Luke's ice cream." He says and Ellen grabbed the cup from the floor to read the label, "Fuck, it's pistachio." She says stroking Alex's hand in hers. "We might need another. It doesn't work!" Henry yells still cradling Alex's head in his lap gasping for his breath.
"They are two minutes away." Oscar came back with the phone still pressed against his ear and watched how Alex struggled to breath in Henry's arm.
"Oh God mijo." Oscar almost teared up seeing him coughs violently for an air before Henry yelled again. "Oscar just stay with Luke please. Don't leave him alone." Henry told him and he nods before he rushed back inside.
When the paramedic finally came and saw Alex gasping for breath, they immediately shoot him another adrenaline shot into his arm and starts giving oxygen through a face mask. One of the medic sets an IV over his arm before running a saline through the line. Henry watched how they moves perfectly in saving Alex's life and minutes later, Alex finally breathes down drowsing in his tiredness.
Henry stayed by his side holding Alex's hand in his palm before the paramedic lifted him up in a stretcher. "We're bringing him just in case. Have the ER checked on him just to be sure." The medic says before pushing Alex on the stretcher. "I'm coming with you guys." Henry says following Alex as they pushed him out from the house.
"Luke I need you to stay here with Oscar and Ellen alright. I'll be home soon. I promise." He says grabbing his jacket and Luke gripped on his pants stopping him from leaving. "I'm sorry." He weep with his lips trembled and Henry had to crouched down to meet his gaze, "I know you are darling but this isn't your fault. I will make sure papa is alright okay. I'll be back soon." He says before kissing Luke's cheek and left.
As soon as he climbed at the back of the ambulance, he could see Alex starts waking up and reaches for him. "Hen." His voice croaked and Henry could hear the pain from his croaked voice. "I'm here babe." He grabbed Alex's hand tangling their fingers together listening to the siren whirling as the ambulance drove them to the nearest hospital.
Henry wasn't allowed in the emergency room to be with Alex while they checked on him and he was told to wait in the waiting room packed with people. Henry hated the emergency room. There's just too much things going on with crying, yelling, talking and some screaming coming from one of the room. He sighed giving away his seat for someone else with a broken arm thinking he didn't deserve the seat.
He stood there pacing as he waited for the staff to call him but an hour pasts, still no news.
Henry could feel his heart pounding in his chest the longer he waited for Alex's news and he rushed himself towards the reception counter to asks again for the tenth time that night. "Please tell me he's alright. He's just had an allergic reaction, I don't understand what's taking them so long to tell me how he is?" Henry begs again and the staff behind the counter didn't even bother to lift her gaze to meet Henry's pleading eyes.
"Sir I'm gonna tell you what I told you the last tenth time you've asked me. The doctor will come and speak to you when they are done. Understood?" She raised her voice at him and Henry was filled with rage the second he heard it.
"Look lady! I won't leave until you find out what the hell happens to my fucking fiancé or so help me God-" Henry barely could finished his sentenced when he felt the stabbing pain in his chest. He gasped clutching on his chest before he heard someone calling Alex's name.
Henry swallowed his throat dryly trying to ignore the burning pain over his chest when he approached the doctor. "How is he?" He asks and the doctor had weird expression over his face. "Are you alright sir? You looked pale." He asks but Henry dismissed him. "I'm fine. Tell me he's alright." Henry asks.
"Yeah, sorry about that. We got stuck with a trauma patient before I could come out and explain it to you. He's fine, responding well to treatment. You can bring him home in couple of hours." He says leading Henry towards Alex's bed and the moment Henry sees him sleeping on the bed peacefully, his heart finally calmer and his tightened shoulder slumped lower.
"Oh thank god." He whispered grabbing Alex's hand on his side before he took a seat by the chair. Henry stayed there for a while waiting for Alex to wake up before he felt his phone buzzed inside his pocket. He pulled out the phone and slides to answer later heard Ellen's worried voice over the speaker.
"Henry? What the hell? I have been calling! Is everything alright? Oh God! I will come there." Ellen frantic voice made Henry sighed longly feeling his heart tugged heavier in his chest. "Ellen calm down. Everything is fine no need to come down here, we'll be home soon. Alex is sleeping. Sorry I didn't answer the phone earlier." Henry says feeling his breath shortened.
"Someone wanted to say hello." She says and Henry inhaled his breath sharply. "Daddy?" Luke's small voice breaks into the speaker and Henry sighed longly. "Hey buddy." He could hear sniffles coming from Luke and he hushed him softly.
"It's alright darling, everything is fine. We're coming home soon once papi wakes. I promised." He says and Luke's sobbed turned into a hiccup.
"I'm really sorry." He apologized again and Henry felt guilty for leaving him alone with Ellen and Oscar but he couldn't have him here at the hospital knowing how badly he reacted and Luke can't see him in this mess.
"I'm so sorry baby, please don't cry, I promise you papi is alright and I will have him called you as soon as he wakes up alright?" Henry reassured him knowing how much Luke needed convincing.
"Okay." Luke whispered in between his hiccup and Henry glad once he ended the call, Alex starts waking up. His long eyelashes fluttering trying to adjust to the light in the room before a groan escaped his throat.
"Hey, baby." Henry cupped his cheek staring at Alex's eyes still trying to adjust to the light in the room. He hissed feeling his tightened throat paining him as he continued to swallow.
"W-Water." His voice croaked barely audible. Henry didn't hesitate to grab the water by the bedside pouring it into the small plastic cup before guiding it towards Alex's pale cracked lips.
"Thanks." Alex told him after taking the sip and Henry placed the cup back on the side before sat besides him on his bed clutching their hands together on Alex's broad chest. Alex's already had his head propped over the bed since earlier when he faced Henry sitting closer to him.
"You nearly had me there. I was supposed to be mad at you remember?" He asks and Alex scoffed. "I thought you said you're not mad at me." His hoarse voice breaks as Henry pressed his lips together wanting to yell back at him but he suppress all of his emotion back since Alex nearly dies.
"I didn't know you're allergic to pistachio." Henry says with his gaze lowered over their tangled fingers and Alex scoffed. "That, but also dust, pollen, and also you." Henry looked up sharply confused by his words, "What do you mean me?" He asks feeling a little hurt by the gesture.
"I can't seem to catch my breath when I'm with you." Alex says and Henry clicked his tongue at him, "You corny bastard. You know you almost had my heart exploded." Henry slapped his chest and Alex smiles his sheepish smile grabbing Henry's hand over his lips. Alex noticed the grinning smile drops when Henry stares at the IV taped over Alex's hand before he pulls Henry's chin with his fingers. "I'm fine." He whispered noticed how Henry's eyes already pooling with tears.
"I'm not." He says before breaking into more tears and his lips trembled into sobs.
Alex pulls Henry by his neck to laid him over his chest. Henry's whole body shakes in sobs as Alex hugs him closer to his embrace. "I'm alright darling. For once I'm glad that I'm the one on this bed and not you." Henry head shot up to face him with tears stricken face. "Don't fucking say that!" He half yelled but Alex smiled making him even more furious.
"I am serious. You had no idea how many times I had to be where you are shaking with fears thinking whether or not your gonna make it." He raised himself higher on the bed while Henry sat quietly facing him, no longer hugging each other.
"Henry you had no idea how many times I had prayed, cursed or blamed God for what you've been through love. You had no idea how much time I spent counting hours and minutes for you to wake up. You don't know how scared I was when they pushed you through that door and had me wait in the fucking waiting room alone thinking they would come out to tell me 'this is it', this is the time they finally told me that you had lost the fucking battle and I had to live my life now without you."
Alex had finally let all of his years of insecurities and worrying about Henry vented in one breath. Henry couldn't lift his gaze to meet Alex's brown eyes after what he just told him. Tears cascading down on his cheek blurring his vision of Alex sitting right in front of him.
But softly, the comforting palm returns on his face cupping his cheek with warmth as Henry leans letting his tears wetting Alex's skin. "But each time, you fought back. You gave me hope that you and I are meant to be together. That you would always find your way back to me Hen."
Henry pressed his lips together muffling his sobs before his eyes locked into Alex's soft gaze, "I was so fucking scared Alex." He whispered and Alex smiled before he leans his lips closer but not touching Henry's yet. Their eyes locked, Henry breaths out impatiently for their lips to touch, "I know baby, but know that I will love you through heaven's and the earth to find us back together again. I promised." Alex whispers before sealing their lips into a deep kiss.
"Ready to go home?" Henry asks after a while of cuddling in bed and Alex inhaled his breath deeply before he nods pressing his lips over Henry's forehead. "Lets." He says cheery.
"I'll get us out of here but called Luke first." He says before he sat up lowering his legs over the edge of the bed and Alex's smiled drops at the mentioned of Luke. "Oh God Luke!" His sudden realization made him propped himself up and Henry was already one step ahead of him when he taps on his phone screen for FaceTime with their son. The call barely had three rings before it was answered revealing Luke's swollen crying face still had few hiccups in him.
"Oh gosh baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." Alex apologized seeing how hard Luke tried not to break into tears but the moment he sees Alex over their phone screen, he breaks again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Luke repeats in between his hiccup. "Darling no. I'm coming home alright. I promise I'm alright." Alex told him and Luke nods frantic. "Hurry." He whispered softly and Alex smiled blowing a soft kiss over their screen before he ended the call.
His gaze shifts towards Henry sitting by the edge of the bed next to him staring at Alex with a soft smile on his pale face. "Let's go home." He whispered and Alex smiled back. But the moment Henry stood from Alex's bed, he could feel the dizziness overcome him and his pain returned inside his chest. Henry wobbled slipping back on the bed with Alex catching his back worried.
"Hen, hey, hey. Sit down." He pulled Henry by his arm to sit back down on the bed and Henry swallowed his throat dryly with his eyes closed.
"I'm fine, just dizzy." Henry lied and Alex won't accept when Henry said those word to him. "No you're not and stop lying." He says reaching for the call button but Henry grabbed his wrist stopping him. "No Alex, I'm fine. I stood up too quick. I'm alright." He says blinking his eyelids rapidly before turning his gaze back to Alex next to him.
"I'm okay. I promise. Just tired." He whispered cupping Alex's cheek and although Alex still in disbelief, he watched Henry walked towards the door getting his discharged papers.
"PAPI!" Luke screamed the moment he saw the cab pulls over the front door and both of his dads came out together as they walked the threshold hand in hand. Luke practically jumps into Alex's from the steps but luckily enough he was held by Henry from his back to hold him in place.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." Luke repeats in tears wrapping his small skinny arms around Alex's neck with his legs wrapped tightly around his waist. "Darling I told you, it's not your fault. You didn't know." Alex whispered feeling Luke's body shuddering in tears before he stroked comforting circles on his back.
"Let's get inside baby." Ellen pressed her lips over Alex's temple before letting him inside when she noticed Henry wobbled behind. "Henry?" She asks and the moment she did, Henry looked up meeting her gaze with a weak smile. "I'm fine, I just need to lie down." He says making Alex turned abruptly at him.
He put Luke down on the ground before his hand grabbed Henry by his waist. "No you're not. Stop lying." He says and let Henry leaned his body against him.
"Jesus, you guys are insufferable." Ellen says letting Alex guides Henry back into the house. Both Henry and Alex chuckled in each other arms like couple of drunken teenagers, "Yep, we are." Alex says before he pressed his lips against Henry's cheek.
"Right from now on, in this household, we only eat Cornetto's. Got it!" Ellen grabbed a box of blue Cornetto's into the living room where the rest of them are at the moment. It was late but no one cares. Tomorrow is a promise but tonight is a memory for the rest of them to remind themselves that it's okay to enjoy this.
Henry laid against Alex's chest over the couch with Alex's arm wrapped around his chest as Henry rest in between his legs. Luke joins hugging Henry over his waist covered with a thin blanket over their body. Alex rested his chin over Henry's blonde head smiling happily like he wasn't just almost die a few hours ago.
Henry grabbed the cornetto in his hand unwrapping it before he gave them to Luke. He sat up to face his fathers still holding the ice cream cone in his hand while Alex unwrapped and gave one to Henry. He pulls one for himself and noticed Luke was staring at him while taking his first bite. "Luke it's fine. I don't have allergy to this. I promise." Alex says before taking a big bite over the top, "See." His mouth muffled with the amount of ice cream he just took.
Luke nods before he slowly licked over the edge and bites into the hard corner and rested himself against Henry's leg enjoying his cone.
"I'm surprised how calm Ellen was. I was already panicking." Henry says in between his bites. Ellen scoffed leaning herself in Oscar's arm with a wide smile. "Experienced makes me calmer. When your child is allergic to something, you had to remember that until you die. But when your child is Alexander Claremont-Diaz, you just gave up in surprises anymore." She says and Alex cocked his head sharply at her.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks and noticed how Henry and Luke shares a laugh together.
"Darling not to be ungrateful or anything but you are a handful. Falling off the tree, broke your arm. Swimming down the creak by yourself and almost drown when your leg stuck in the tree bark. Bike accident, car accident, drunken party that slices your head from falling over the glass table. Need I say more?" Ellen continues and Henry laughs hysterically.
"Well all I'm seeing is that I had a great childhood." Alex says biting into another.
"And now you get to make more memory with your son." Oscar adds and Alex smiled staring at Luke by Henry's leg with chocolate smeared over the corner of his lips. He couldn't help smiling before pressing another kiss over Henry's temple. "And make more babies with you." He whispered softly into Henry's ear and Henry gasped slapping his chest blushing in redness.
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