Part 68

That night Alex couldn't sleep knowing how upset Henry was when he left Luke's room. He won't stop staring at Henry sleeping next to him with a constant frown folds on his brows and he knows Henry is dreaming about Luke.

He decides to get up from the bed and headed out to clear his head and before he did, he leaned kissing Henry on his temple before he leaves.

He didn't realized where his mind had guides him too when his legs chose to stride nowhere but towards Luke's room. He sighed staring at the glass panel by the door marking the room number next to it before he decides to enter.

The room was dark and the only thing lit inside was the light from the above head rest and the monitor beeping next to him. Alex saw Luke is asleep curling on his side just like he used to and his small thin bony body barely seen from under the massive hospital gown. He made a mental note in his mind to bring more clothes for him.

Alex had his hoodie on when he hides his cold fingers inside the front pocket before taking his seat in the chair next to Luke's bed. He didn't realized Luke was actually awake when he was surprised by Luke suddenly turned to face him with a frown on his face.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought I keep you company." Alex says not wanting Luke to feel like he's under suicide watch or anything. He sighed leaning himself back in bed against the hard pillow staring at Alex by the chair with his eyebrow still furrowed.

"What happened to Mr Henry?" He asks abruptly shocking Alex in advance.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I saw him wearing hospital gown. Is he sick?" He asks with his toneless voice as if he woke up with no emotion Luke. Alex sighed still had his hand inside his pocket when he leaned back against the chair with his legs spread out.

"He is." He whispered silently lowering his gaze on the ground before he continued.

"Luke there's something you didn't know." He starts and noticed Luke starts to raise himself from the bed and hugged his knees close to his chest. The line poking out from his neck rattling each time he moves turning Alex gaze back to him in bed.

"Mr Henry was sick for a while. When you ran away, he sorta had a heart attack." Alex says and he could see Luke's eyes widen underneath the warm lamp. A small gasps escape from his throat and he could see it triggered him at one point.

"It's my fault isn't it? We were fighting. I cause him the heart attack, isn't it?" He wept in guilt but Alex leaned closer and sat on his bed wanting to grip his hand but Luke pulls away from him flinching by his sudden movement.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. It's just me. Luke I'm sorry but I didn't mean to lean on it. Mr Henry didn't had a heart attack because of you. I told you he was sick for a while. Do you remember all the medicine he took?" He asks Luke wanting to comfort him but the only comfort he could provides was his words.

"He said those are for his stomach not his heart." Luke replies and Alex smiles exasperatedly at him. "I forgot how smart you are." Alex says earning Luke another furrowed brow. "Yes you're right. It was for his stomach because he thought it was his stomach that bothers him but actually it was his heart." Alex explained and he could see the worried look on Luke's face softened when he stopped blaming himself.

"Is he gonna be alright?" He asks and Alex silence. His eyes lowered to Luke's thin arms wrapped around his legs.

"For now. All I know is that life is too short to make me think about it. We almost lost you Luke. I almost lost you both." Alex says with a break in his voice and Luke looked up to meet his gaze.

"What's gonna happened to me now?" He asks and Alex smiled his half smile at him. "I think it's better if I let Mr Henry tells you instead. Only if you promised not to get angry like that anymore at him." Alex bargained with Luke and he didn't even think twice before he made his decision. "I promised. Please tell him I'm sorry." Luke begs holding Alex's hand over the bed and Alex noticed it was an accidental gesture before Luke pulls his hand away.

"I think it's better you tell him yourself then tomorrow alright kiddo?" He asks and Luke nods weakly.

"Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Alex say pulling the blanket higher up his neck and Luke stayed curling up on his side. "Would you stay until I fell asleep?" He asks and Alex sighed with a soft smile on his face. "Of course darling." He sat back in the chair next to Luke watching as he took his breaths in and out before he fell asleep. It took him quite a while and whenever he's awake, his head jolted to look for Alex on his side and he would sighed back in relief before trying to close his eyes again.

Alex noticed the trust issue of leaving Luke alone and he couldn't find his way back to Henry's room for now. He knew if he left, Luke would be scared and he didn't want to break that trust yet. So instead he leaned back against the uncomfortable chair and drifted himself to sleep within the next hour.

When Alex woke up the next morning, Luke is still asleep in bed and Alex could feel a sharp pain stabbing him on his back. He groaned in pain when he felt the twisted pain over his muscle as he moves. "Oh fuck me. Not now." He whispered under his breath trying to stand from the chair the best that he could but the pain is too excruciating.

When he finally stood up, his hand catches his back and he tried to strain his muscle free but failed miserably. He gave up twisting his back left and right to release the pain and decides he wanted to use the bathroom first.

When Alex finishes his morning relief, he was washing his hand over the sink splattering cold water all over his face when he heard Luke's screaming in the room. He rushed out from the bathroom and saw him panting over the bed with a terrified look on his face.

"Luke? What is it?" He asks as he took his seat on his bed and contemplate whether he should hug him or not. But Luke did the most unthinkable when he reaches for Alex instead and wrapped his tiny arms around his neck and hides his face in the crook of Alex's neck. "I thought you left." He whispered and Alex sighed stroking his back gently.

"I'm still here Luke. I'm not going anywhere." He says stroking his back softly in his arm. Luke didn't make any attempt in releasing him soon and Alex could feel the pain on his back started to bothers him when he told Luke, "Let's go see Mr Henry." He asks and Luke immediately pushed back from their hug to face him.

He nods frantic in bed and wanted to leave immediately but Alex stopped him. "No, no, wait there. I'll get a wheelchair." Alex says and he seems not be able to accept that Alex is leaving him for a few minute when he tried to jump out from the bed again. "Luke, stay. Gosh I feel like I'm talking to a dog." Alex mutters and Luke looked up his gaze surprised at his word.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say it like that. Come on." Alex wrapped his arm around Luke's small body and carried him instead.

"Uhm where is he going?" One of the nurse asks stopping Alex in his track still had Luke in his arm with his leg wrapped around Alex's waist and his hand wrapped up in a bandage for his IV.

"He hasn't seen outside world for a week. He needs the fresh air." Alex lies and Luke didn't exactly protest or corrected him and instead he just nods. "Well he should be back for his dialysis soon." The nurse told Alex and he retracts, "I thought he doesn't need it anymore. He's awake." Alex asks clueless.

"He might be awake but the toxin is still in his system and we can't stop his dialysis treatment until the doctor clear him." The nurse told him annoyingly.

"What time is his dialysis, I'll bring him back then." Alex told her and she was not willing to let Luke go but Luke had that look on his face where anyone can agrees with him. "Fine. One o'clock. Don't be late!" She says pulling a wheelchair for Alex and he smiled by her gestured.

"You're telling me you're gonna carry him around the garden like that?" She asks and Alex smiled wider placing Luke on the wheelchair. "Thank you." He says before pushing Luke towards the elevator.


Henry woke up that morning finding himself alone in the room and Alex is no where to be found. He felt drained, exhausted technically but most importantly, he felt guilt creeping inside of him. The look on Luke's face yesterday haunts him in his sleep and the memories of him being in that bed came flooded into him.

He sighed in hope Alex was in the bathroom when he decides to join him. But the moment he opened the door finding it empty, he felt worried. So instead he did his morning duty, washing his face, brushing his teeth before he went back out to call Alex.

Somehow inside of him he had hoped that Alex did went back home but he didn't know why he didn't leave a message or a note for him. As he taps on the call button for Alex's phone, the same ring chimed in the same room he stood. He look for the rings and found it was hidden underneath Alex's pile of things over the couch. He sighed when he found Alex's phone in the mess and canceled the call.

He wonders if maybe Alex went out to buy breakfast so he just hopped on back to bed pulling the blanket back to his chest and curled on his side with his back facing the door.

He looked up to the window ahead of him with the blue sky shining inside the room and he knows if he could open the window, he could hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing. He couldn't hide the pain he felt inside of him when he tried to forget Luke's face yesterday. He could almost hear it again, over and over inside his mind.

The door barged opened and Henry immediately twisted his body back to see it was Alex standing in his glory self with a wide smile on his face. "Morning sunshine." He called and Henry sighed with reddened eyes before Alex climbed on the bed pressing his lips over Henry's thick lips.

"Where have you been? I woke and you're gone." Henry ask stroking Alex's chiseled jaw that he had left unshaven for couple of days now. "Did someone miss me?" He asks sheepishly making Henry rolled his eyes at him. "You need a shave." Henry says darting the question and Alex felt his fingers rubbing through his chin.

"I don't know. I kind of like it. Give me the dad's vibe." Alex says stroking his finger over his stubbled chin. "It's giving the creepy homeless guy look. Shave!" Henry pushed him by his chest and Alex feigned a hurtful look. "It tickles you isn't it? When I kissed you." He asks leaning closer caging Henry in between his arm. "No!" Henry lied crossing his arm over his chest as Alex leaned closer.

"Oh yeah? Then I supposed you don't get ticklish when I did this." He attacked Henry's neck with his lips and Henry immediately retracts like a turtle when Alex rolled his scruffy jaw and chin over Henry's pale neck making him laughs hysterically.

"Okay stop! Stop! It tickles. It tickles!" Henry pulled Alex by his neck to face him again and saw the redness of Alex's nose tip for his action before Henry leaned pressing his lips over Alex's nose and later on his lips.

"Thank you." He says softly knowing it was nothing but a distraction for yesterday event and Alex smirked at him. "Anything to make my prince happy." He whispered before he leaned for another kiss. "Speaking of anything." Alex suddenly pulled back from Henry's kiss and immediately regretted when his back shoots up in pain and he groaned falling back on Henry's lap.

"OW! Ow ow! Argh! Bloody fuck!" He screamed causing Henry to jump scared shitless at his action. "What? What is it?" Henry asks stroking Alex's chest that lay flat on his lap with his leg hanging by the edge of the bed.

"My back." He mutters softly and Henry sighed palming his chest. "Jesus Alex, you almost cost me my heart failure again." He says palming his chest as he leaned on his back staring at him still lay flat on his lap. "It hurts." Alex pouts cutely. "I told you to go home and sleep in your own comfy bed but you wanted to stay here." Henry says stroking Alex's cheek with his finger.

"Kiss it better." Alex pouts his lips for Henry and he chuckled at Alex's attempt of being cute. He leaned pressing his lips over Alex's pouted one and he could see smiles carved on Alex's face after he did.

"See? All better." He says before he tried to get up slowly. Henry knows he's still in pain but somehow he had to show him something so he let him.

Alex left the door opened wide before he exit and Henry waited for him to return. It took him few seconds before he came back pushing Luke in a wheelchair and closed the door behind him. "Surprised." He says pushing Luke closer to Henry's bed and his eyes wide when Alex lifted him from the wheelchair and placed him on Henry's bed.

"Luke what are you doing? You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be out of bed yet. Alex he needs to stay in bed." Henry tried to talk to Alex but he denies him as usual and Luke crawled closer to Henry side and wrapped his arm around his neck. "I'm sorry." He whispered and Henry was stunt by his sudden gesture before wrapping his arm around his frail body.

"Turns out there is more than one mule in our family." Alex says as he flopped on Henry's bed by his legs and Luke pulled away from his hug. "What's a mule? He asks."

"It's a coin"

"It's a donkey."

They both said the same time and Luke looked at them both confused.

"Which one is it?" He asks and Henry cocked his head angrily at Alex but Alex could only smiled at him with a raised brow.

"It's a coin darling, it's one of a kind and it's actually priceless. Means you are as hard as a coin and not easily found." Henry told him as he scooted into Henry side. "Also because we always lose you." Alex adds earning him a kick by Henry's foot right on his chest which he caught his foot from on top of the blanket and tried to tickle Henry's sole but Henry shook his foot off from his grip. "STOP! I told you stop tickling me." Henry warned him and Alex smiled happily before pressing his lips over Henry's foot that covers by the blanket.

Luke smiled when he sees the love that Alex showed to Henry and little did he know, that was the actual love he was craving for.

"Mr Henry." Luke calls stopping them from playfully flirting with each other. "About last night." Luke starts unable to look up to meet Henry's gaze next to him. "Luke it's alright. It's too much for you, I get it." Henry stopped him but when he tilted Luke's chin up, he was met with his teary eyes instead.

"I'm scared." Luke whispered.

"Darling there's no need to be scared. You're safe. Jeremy is gone, no one will hurt you anymore." Alex says reaching out his palm over Luke's legs. He stares at Alex gestured and shook his head softly. "It's not that." He says shortly. "Luke what is it?" Henry asks him instead.

"Before this, I had him. I had hope in seeing him again. That if I did, I would still have someone in my life. Someone that loves me, promised me of a home, a life. But now he's dead, I don't know what's gonna happened to me now. I have no home, no family, no life." Luke let a tear slides down on his cheek as Henry turned to look at Alex by his feet.

He nods softly at him with a smile to gesture Henry to tell Luke.

"Luke, look at me." Henry calls and he turned his gaze back at Henry on his side. "I have something to ask you." Henry starts and Luke stares deeply into his hazel eyes.

"Mr Alex asks me to marry him and I said yes." Henry smiles flashing his ring over his finger and Luke stares at his ring with a smile. "We are thinking of starting a family and we were thinking of adopting you. To be our son." Henry says turning his gaze towards Alex who shared the same smile on his face.

Luke turned his head towards Alex trying to see if it was true and when he sees him smile, he gasped. "You guys want to adopt me?" He asks and Alex raised his brow at him. "Only if you want to Luke. The decision is always yours." Alex says and Luke turned his gaze back at Henry.

"Do I deserve it?" He asks and Henry gasped at his question. "Luke you deserve everything in this world. You had been through enough. Let us take care of you. Let us give you home, family, love that you so deserved. I promised you this time it won't be the same like last." Henry says pulling him closer to his chest and Luke's eyes caught at Henry's dressing over his lowered collar.

"I hurt you." He says looking up at Henry. "The last time I said those horrible things to you. You got hurt because of me." Luke says and Henry shook his head but before he could say anything, Alex cuts him off.

"Luke I told you, it wasn't you. It was never you. Henry had- past that you didn't know about but we can tell you everything that you wanted to know if you decides to accept us as your parents." Alex noticed Luke eyes softened at his words before he nods. "Tell me everything." He says and Alex shared a smile.


It was almost noon when the rest of his family joined them and they were introduce to Luke. Sarah and Hope smiled welcoming Luke as the first boy in their family considered they are practically cousins by now and Luke had a hard time opening up to them since he barely had any encounter with girls his age and growing up in a monastery didn't exactly give him the privilege to meet girls.

"I'm worried." Henry says turning Alex's gaze to his side as they cuddled in bed both staring at Luke in a wheelchair with Sarah and Hope tried to engage a conversation. "He'll be fine. Plus he's not into girls remember?" Alex says earning him a back handed slap on his chest from Henry.

Bea did a great job welcoming Luke into the family although Phillip being quite distant with him for now. Martha on the other hand couldn't stop staring at Luke's face admiring his handsomeness. "Gosh babe, imagined, pair of blue eyes like that. Maybe dirtier blonde hair, like yours." She mutters on and on for their possible child like in the future. Phillip did say he wanted a boy next but Henry couldn't help feeling the coldness radiates from him and Bea noticed it as well. But they both shrug it off knowing Phillip is never good with anyone on the first encounter.

But the one thing bother Henry was when Alex barely spoke to his mom and Ellen didn't even bothered to look at Alex or even say anything to him and when Alex didn't make any attempt to say anything either, it worries him.

"Is everything alright?" Henry asks whispering into Alex's side and he hummed. "Yeah. Why did you asks?" He questioned him and Henry had his eyebrow furrowed looking back and forth at Alex and Ellen. "You barely said anything to your mum. Is she mad at me or something?" Henry asks and Alex turned to his side sharply, "What? No! Don't be ridiculous. I'm her son remember. I would disappoint her way long before you did."

Henry snorted at Alex and noticed the guilt face he made when he tried to hide his gaze from his mother. "What did you do?" Henry asks and Alex scoffed.

"Why did you assumed I did something wrong?" He says and Henry cocked his head to the side lifting his one brow. "Fine! We fought. She was telling me all the crap about not marrying you and I got angry and told Oscar is not my real father so he should butt off." Alex slurred the last words softly in hope Henry didn't hear him. But by the way he gasped and the smack he earned from him, he was wrong for sure.

"Why did Oscar got a blow from you? He didn't deserved that Alex!" Henry half whispered thinking their family is too occupied to even listened to their conversation. "I was pissed at my mum and I couldn't say that she's not my mum. She practically gave birth to me and I listened to her telling people how big I was when I was born."

Henry snorted with his eyes lingering over Alex's head, "Yeah I can see that. You're lucky I couldn't get pregnant." Henry laughs at Alex and Alex smiled his devilish smile at him before he leaned pressing his lips over Henry's thick lips. "Hm, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun in making babies all night." He whispered in Henry's ear making him blushed since the rest of his family is practically right across from him.

"Stop teasing." He pushed Alex by his elbow and he smiles before he noticed the time. "Whop! Luke back to bed. Dialysis." Alex says before he got up and pulled Luke by his wheelchair. Both of the girls whined at Luke's leaving in the middle of their game but Alex told them that Luke is not well enough to be off his bed so he needs to go back to his room.

Luke turned to see Henry by the bed with his small palm waving him goodbye, "I'll see you later Luke." Henry says and he nods weakly before Alex wheeled him out from the room.

"We need to leave too." Phillip abruptly stood and grabbed his jacket before he was joined with Martha and Bea, "He's right. We need to pack. Unfortunately Henry, we have jobs and I can't let this little rascal escape school for so long." Bea ruffled Hope's hair and she whined further in protest.

"But we're not leaving!" Both Sarah and Hope climbs on Henry's bed trying to hide in each of his arm and he laughs at them hiding underneath his blanket. "Girls!" Phillip raised his voice at them and they both slowly peaked from underneath the blanket to face angry Phillip.

"He's right girls. You can't skipped school anymore." Henry told them and they stares at his face. "We could home school!" Sarah suggested and Henry laughs. "Not happening." Phillip protest crossing his arm over his chest. "WHY?!" Sarah fought back mimicking Phillip's gesture and he clicked his tongue at her which she replied back.

"Did you see what your daughter did to me?!" Phillip asks Martha next to him in anger. "So when she's misbehaving she's my daughter? You forgot that she's a Fox?" Martha exclaimed and they all laughed at the husband and wife.

"You can't home school loves, you know why?" Henry asks trying to ease the tension in the room. "Because tradition." Henry says earning Phillip a soft look. "Your Granda went, daddy went, even I went. So you girls need to keep the tradition alright?" Henry says softly and they both smiled wrapping themselves around Henry's waist.

"We love you the most uncle Hen." Sarah says poking her tongue at her father and Phillip burst popping his eyes at her. "Don't. You just gave her the satisfaction of making you irritated." Ellen told him and he retort back. "Yeah, you're right. Guess who gets to spend the rest of their day doing homework instead of going to Disneyland like his least favorite person promised." Phillip told her and Henry can see she was regretting everything she said to him before she jumps out from the bed and rushed to Phillip.

But Phillip being Phillip, he hides behind Martha not wanting Sarah to hug him and kept poking his tongue out for her until he ran out from the room with her chasing behind him.  

"Uncle Hen." Hope soft voice turning his gaze back to her on his side. "Are you gonna love me lesser now that you have Luke?" She asks and Henry furrowed his eyebrow at her before cupping her cheek. "You my girl will always and forever be my only daughter slash niece. You were my first and there is no one could take your place. You hear me?" Henry asks before planting a kiss over Hope's forehead and she smiled on her face.

"I'm gonna miss you." She says wrapping her arms around Henry's neck and he smiled stroking her back softly. "We will see each other soon." Henry says before Hope released him. "I love you." Hope says pressing a kiss over Henry's cheek. "I love you more darling." Henry watched how she climbed down on the floor before headed to her mother.

"Take care love. Call me if you need anything." Bea kissed him on his cheek before grabbing Hope's hand in hers and headed out leaving only Ellen and Oscar in the room with an awkward silence.

"Can we talk?" Henry asks and Ellen sighed dreading but she knew it had to be done. So she nods grabbing her seat over the chair next to Henry while Oscar sat on the edge of his bed with his hand over his lap.

"I know you're angry at Alex. You both barely said anything." Henry starts and noticed how Ellen kept her gaze down on the floor.

"Ellen if you think our decision is wrong just tell me. I rather break his heart than for him to break yours. You're his mother, you meant everything to him. I looked up to you and I respected you if you don't want me to marry your son." Henry says and the moment he did, Ellen looked up to see Henry's eyes pooling with tears.

"Just tell me and I will end it. I can't break your family apart. Not after what you have done for us." Henry asks and Ellen tilted her chin up trying to hide her tears.

"I never meant to make you feel that way Henry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Ellen pressed her palm over Henry's by the bed and he smiled taking her hand in his.

"I know how much you love Alex. I was wrong to think that. I should have been acting like an adult instead of this insecure person." Ellen told him with more tears in her eyes.

"You have all the reason to Ellen. I know because one day if Luke decides to marry someone, if I was still alive to see it, maybe I would acted the same way you did." Ellen had her gaze lowered into their palm. "You need to fight this Henry. I need you to stay alive or at least outlive both of us." Ellen says turning her gaze back at Oscar next to her.

"Which is why I need you both in our lives. One day I might not be here. But Alex is and he will need both of you. When that time comes, he will pushed everyone away. I know. Because I would do the same thing if I lose him. Don't leave him. He need you both more than he ever known. Promise me that." Henry says with tears sliding down his face as his hand still in Ellen and later Oscar placed his palm over. "Mi promisa para esta familia."


"Are you alright?" Bea smacked Phillip's arm earning him a yelped as they walked down the hallway with Martha leading with both girls in her hand.

"Yeah, superb. Why?" He asks clueless but Bea stopped him by pulling his arm and he faced her annoys by her gestured. "Then tell me why you're being cold since Henry told us about adopting that boy?" Bea asks and he sighed letting Martha continued walking unaware about them distancing away.

"First he's dying, then he got engaged, and now he fucking adopt some random kid from the streets like what's next? Is he going to adopt the whole orphanage?" Phillip's words seethed through his teeth causing Bea slumped her shoulder staring at him. "Oh Pip, what is it exactly?" She asks stroking his arm up and down.

"He should be back home, resting. We should find a way to get him into moving back with us not letting him stay far away from us!" Phillip couldn't contained his anger feeling he should had done something, or say something but the only thing he could right now is respecting Henry's wishes.

"Adopting that boy doesn't solve anything! We don't know who his family is, what does-"

"What he was is none of your concern Phillip." Alex voice boomed behind them as he walked closer. Phillip and Bea had widen gaze surprised at Alex sudden entry into their conversation.

"Luke is part of us now whether you like it or not. Henry sees something in him, his broken self or the remainder of his dark past that reminds him how he couldn't change what he is and because he was born into your family, he had helped. But Luke wasn't born into a loyal, loving and supporting family like we both had, he was abandoned. Trapped in a twisted sick lies thinking that love is something you should do in order for you to earn them." Alex continued.

"The only love that he knows is through the guy that claimed his love by letting him ravaged by hundreds of old sick twisted men each night just so they could pay for their next meal. The love that he knew was thinking that if he didn't say or do anything, he might get those affection in returned so he spend half of his life mute and not engaging in conversation sending hell through anyone that tried to break him."

"You know what was his first word to Henry was?" Alex asks further.

"It was thank you. Thank you for giving him his coat for warmth. Because that's Henry and that is why I love him. Even though Luke spend his time in captivity, he never forgets manner, he never let anyone touches him but me and Henry. He never forgets faces and yet he remembers how many steps it took to run from the shelter to the old crappy motel that he used to spend his days with the guy he thought he was in love with."

"If you think that boy deserves to stay in an orphanage, be my guest and tell him that. But know this Phillip. I will make sure that Henry's happiness comes first and if that includes cutting you both out from his life then so be it."

Alex turned harshly slamming his fist into the wall next to him as he walked further leaving both Phillip and Bea standing in silence feared for his threat.

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