Part 64
Phillip could feel his heart racing in his chest the faster his legs running along the hallway. It felt like yesterday when he heard the first time Henry was in hospital after James and Danny's incident and now it felt like he's running down memory lane. Both Sarah and Hope running along behind him with Shan holding their little hands in his each sides.
"My brother, Henry Fox? Where is he?" He asks the receptionist at the counter and she clicked on her computer finding Henry's location. "Third floor operating theatre." She said and Phillip didn't hesitate to run more grabbing Sarah in his hand to catch up and Shan had Hope in his arm.
The moment he entered the waiting room he found it odd that it was empty and neither of Alex's family nor Alex pacing inside which turned him into more frustration and worry. "Where are they?" He asks and Shan shook his head at him. "I don't know. They should be here. They told us they'd be here." He says and right on cue the doctor entered the waiting room with her exhausted face wearing those fade green scrubs.
"Are you Mr Fox family? I tried to call earlier but no one is answering." She asks and Phillip turned on his heel to face her.
"Is he alright?" He asks frantic and she pressed her lips before answering him.
"There's some complications that we anticipated. His blood pressures was sky high when he's on the table and it burst one of the vessels despite the leaking one that we tried to repair." She continued on speaking and Phillip could only hear his own heart beating in his ear watching as her lips moves.
"Daddy." Sarah shook his hand beside him shaking him back into the room and he didn't even realized he had tears running down his face.
"Are you alright? Did you hear what I said?" The doctor asks and Phillip turned his gaze back at her. "S-Sorry. Is he-?" He couldn't finished his word trying not to plant the idea of Henry at worst condition. "He's in the ICU right now, he had lost too much blood and we managed the repair but-"
She paused looking at both girls by Phillip sides clutching to his arm with eyes dreaded with tears. "He's still in critical phase. But I was told that his boyfriend isn't doing so well downstairs at the emergency room either." She told Phillip and he cocked his head to Shan in confusion.
"I'll check on him later, can I see my brother?" He asks and she nods, "Of course. I'll show you his room." She lead them towards the ICU where they had kept Henry. The moment the door slides opened, Phillip was greeted back with memories on his pasts. Henry lying on the bed with monitors all over him, the familiar beeping sound of his own heart beating telling him that his brother is still alive. The scent of the hospital itself brought back more memories of that time when Henry was in his darkest place.
"Hen." He whispered brushes his fingers over Henry's blonde hair with tears in his eyes. Hope stood on the other side facing Phillip in tears clutching on Henry's hand in his palm. She leaned forward to kiss Henry on his cheek before she whispers, "I'm here uncle Hen, opened your eyes."
"He's resting Hope. He will wake up soon alright?" Phillip assured her and she looked up to meet his gaze and nods. "Girls you need to stay here, I had to make sure uncle Hen's friend is alright."
"Boyfriend." Sarah corrected and Phillip turned to face her surprised at her words. "When did uncle Henry has a boyfriend?" She asks again and Phillip pressed his lips at her, "I had no idea love." He told Shan to stay with Henry and the girls while he ran to the emergency room to find Alex and his parents in hope they could explained what the hell are they doing with Henry in the first place.
As he raced the hallway bumping into the crowd passing by him each time he turned to find Alex in each room and finally he found them at the very end. Alex was asleep and there's an oxygen tube running under his nose with a monitor connected next to him. Both Ellen and Oscar stood in shocked when they sees Phillip threw the curtain opened and their eyes locked at each other.
"Phillip." Oscar pulled him first by his shoulder into a hug. "It's been so long, how are you my dear?" Ellen was the next to hug his lean body and he could hear her sniffles her tears. "What happened to him?" He asks pushing Ellen apart from their hug with his eyes darted back towards Alex on the bed still sleeping. "It's complicated." Ellen replied briefly before taking her seat back next to Alex.
"How's Henry?" Oscar asks forgetting the reason why they are here in the first place. "Oh God Henry! Phillip we're so sorry, we completely forgot after, well, Alex-" she paused turning her gaze towards her sleeping son still had her hands clasping over Alex's.
"It's alright, he's in the ICU. There had been some complications." Phillip adds slumping his shoulder gripping on the end of the bed rails facing Alex.
"Tell me how this- I mean, how did they-?" Phillip gestured and both Oscar and Ellen smiles at his confusion. "Beats us. They found their way back to each other like they meant to be. Fate just finds it's way." Ellen says with a soft smile on her face and Phillip sigh smiling at her.
"But still- how though?" Phillip asks curious as he sat himself over the edge of Alex's bed right next to his long legs.
"They handled the same case. Luke Vilkas. That kid brought them together." Oscar adds standing behind Ellen with his arm crossed over his chest. "Wait, I know about that case. Henry told me. Said the boy was found in a motel room alone after weeks starving. But how did Alex get in the picture?" He asks.
"Alex was his lawyer first. Henry kind off snatched the kid from us and they fought over him." Oscar explained and Phillip nods.
"More like he fought for them." Ellen told him instead and Phillip frowned. "What is it mean?" He asks curious. "Luke had attachments over them both and what happened to him today is the reason why Alex is here like this." Ellen told him and it earned Phillip the need to know more.
"Luke was running with a pedophile for the pasts five years and used him as a sex tool to survives. They'd even drive up to Massachusetts to find out more about Luke's past and that's how they were sorta- kinda- get involve again." Oscar continues and Phillip couldn't help raising his eyebrow at them.
"What happened to Luke now?" He asks and both Ellen and Oscar turned to face each other. "He's still in the other room, he was injected by some poisonous material, they are flushing him out. Hope he would wake up soon." Ellen sighs pressing her fingers over her temple.
Phillip stayed for fewer more minute before he excused himself to check on Henry. They had Alex move up to the recovery area while he still under sedation and Ellen promised Phillip they would see Henry after Alex woke up.
When he returned to Henry's room, he finds it was empty and Shan nor the girls are inside the room. "Sarah? Hope?" He called and seconds later Shan appeared from the bathroom and found Phillip frantic looking for them.
"They were just here. I swear." Shan defends putting his both palms up in defeat and Phillip sighed at his gesture. "You're the worst babysitter ever." Phillip told him shaking his head in anger. "And I still had beef with you for not telling me about Alex and Henry getting back together!" Phillip yelled reaching for the door. "Hey I was not to impose why should I tell you anything?" Shan yells back. "Because he's my brother Shan! They both kind of are and you keeping secrets behind my back is not okay!" Phillip yelled before he left.
Phillip went out searching for them when he spotted Sarah eating chips from a bag that she purchased by the vending machine. "SARAH!" He yelled and it startled her in shock when she sees Phillip barging towards the crowd for her.
"I told you to stay inside the room? Why can't you listen to me for once!" Phillip grabbed her by her arm and she already had her puppy eyes staring at him. "Sorry, we were hungry." She apologized with trembling lips and Phillip sighed rubbing his palm over his face and later crouched before her.
"I'm sorry. Daddy sorry okay." He pulls her into a hug and she rested her head over his shoulder. "Come on, where's Hope?" He asks pulling her small palm in his and she pulls back. "She uhm- she said she got bored, so she-" Sarah lowered her gaze on the floor knowing how angry Phillip could get especially at their safety.
"Unbelievable." Phillip pulls her back into the room telling Shan to take her to get something to eat. He sighed watching as Shan took her out from the room and his eyes darted back towards Henry on the bed. "You need to wake up Hen, these girls are killing me here." He says with his hand over his waist and decides to leave the room to find Hope.
Hope got bored after getting some snacks with Sarah and told her she need to do some exploring. Sarah refused to go with her knowing her dad would kill her if she did. Luckily their phone had credit card access that Phillip had them installed for emergency in case they needed it.
As she walked through the hallways, her eyes caught at the familiar face that she used to stare back at their home in London.
The faces in the picture had become a fiction of her imagination since she never heard her voice, nor her scent and the only thing that proves she is not imaginary was that she used to be part of their family once. Once when life still makes sense. Once when her uncle Henry still had that smile on his face. Now his smile is more of a diplomatic one or a fake one but she knows how to push him for a sincere one only it mixed with rather a sad one later instead.
She followed them into a room finding her following a man on the bed before they pushed him inside one of the room with a glass wall separating them apart. She wanted to see more but the door was close and later the nurse close the curtain over the glass hiding whatever they are doing inside.
So she stayed on the bench outside the room, waiting. She waits however long she needs in order for her to finally get to see the real person that used to be part of their family in hope she could bring them back into her life.
She must have fallen asleep on the bench when someone shook her shoulder to wake and when she realized, she jumped in her seat in shock.
"Hey, sorry sugar. Didn't mean to startle you. Are you alright? Are you all here by yourself?" The lady asks her with her thick accent and her face frowned. She shook her head at her watching as the older guy standing besides her also shares the same expression on his face.
"Are you alright? Did someone in your family sick? Are you sick?" She asks sitting herself next to her on the bench. Hope nods still couldn't get herself stop staring at her beautiful face. The pearl necklace that she has in the picture still hangs around her neck and her hair is longer, wrinkles covers her faces more than the last time those picture taken but she still her. She still the same warm person Hope thought she was.
"Hey, little girl. Do you need help?" The older guy asks turning her gaze towards him and her eyes glistened. She shook her head at him with a fake smile. "Let's go hun." The older guy hold out his hand for her and she hesitate at first before taking his hand.
"We are going to the cafeteria, do you need anything?" The lady asks her and she eyed her with eyes glistened in tears, "No thank you." She replied and the lady stares at her for a second with her hand still clasped in her husbands grip.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" She asks and Hope wished she could yell and told her that she did but she didn't want to make her more upset considering it was for a reason why they are no longer a family. So she shook her head at her with a smile and she returned the smile equally at her before she left. She stares at the couple walked along the hallway hand in hand and she smiles widely with tears in her eyes.
"I found them uncle Henry. You were right, they are the nicest people." Hope wiped the tears that fell on her cheek before her head turned towards the room. She stood up, walking closer to the door and slides it opened before she entered and closed it behind her.
The room was dark, but there's a light shined from the head of the bed and she saw a figure lying underneath those fluorescent lights. The monitors beeps right next to it slowly, steadily as she steps closer to the person.
She stood next to the guy when she finally sees his face clearer under the warm light and remembers well the face that she had been staring for the past ten years. It was uncle Henry's boyfriend, or used too and he is sick too. She held out her small palms over his veiny hands on the side feeling the warmth spread through her skin before she leans closer to his neck.
She inhaled the scent that she had grew accustomed too over the years but somehow the scent faded as she grew. The usual t-shirt and hoodie she used to sleep on seems to bring a lot of memory back into her life. She remembers those nights when she stayed with her uncle crying himself to sleep holding on to that fade blue hoodie clinging to every hope he could have left for him.
She didn't realized her eyes flooding with tears again when she stares at his handsome face and she could see how different he gotten since the last image she had of him, he was a lot younger than he was back then. He had chiseled jaw and his features are more built than the last time Hope sees him, or had known him through the pictures.
She remembers her mother used to tell her how she couldn't even fall asleep without his presence and it drives her mad for months. But luckily enough she had his clothes lying around and she fought her own brother for it.
Hope stares at him sleeping with his slow breaths raising his chest up and down underneath those hospital gown. "I've always wanted to know you. I used to stare at your pictures in my room since I was little. Uncle Henry was right, you are an Adonis. You are as handsome as the God itself. Which is why it hurts him to let you go. So you need to wake up. We need you. We all do."
Hope kept her gaze at Alex's face for a while before she decides to leave. The moment she walked out of the room, sliding the door opened, she was met with the same couple standing right in front of her.
"What are you doing in there?" She asks and Hope could feel her mouth are sealed and no words could even formed on her lips to explain herself. "Little lady where are your parents? Let me get the security." The older guy spoke and it raised Hope's anger inside of her. "STOP calling me little lady! I have a name!" She yells with tears formed in her eyes.
"Well? Tell us. So we could get you back to them." The older guy asks and Hope pressed her lips together. "Won't matter anyway." She mutters and it raised their concern towards her. "Well it does to us cause you can't be entering people's room here like a lost puppy. Come on!" Ellen held her palm for her but she backed away hitting her back on the wall. "No. I can find my way by myself." She says but Ellen didn't trust her enough.
"Why do I feel like I known you from somewhere?" Ellen asks staring at her face as her eyes studies how her blue eyes and her blonde hair looks rather familiar and deep down she could feel she is someone she had met before. "I gotta go." She says trying to escape from Ellen's grip but she caught her wrist.
"HOPE!" Phillip's voice yelled from the end of the hallway and the moment Ellen heard him calling her, she pulled Hope's wrist back to face her.
"Hope? Wait, you're- you're Hope? You're Bea's daughter?" Ellen ask kneeling right before her still had her gripped over her arm. She could see her teared up when she finally realized who she is by now. "I wanted to tell you the moment I saw you. I thought you had forgotten about me." She cries and Ellen pulled her into her chest.
"We never did sweetheart. We remembered you like it was yesterday since you are born. We missed you so much darling. Oh God how I missed you. Look at you, you've grown more beautiful, you look just like Henry." Ellen turned her head next to her husband and he too kneeled next to her to face Hope.
"You have no idea how much we missed you." Oscar told her and she smiles happily staring at both of them.
"Hope." Phillip came running behind her panting in his breath after he saw her being hugged by both Ellen and Oscar whom had tears in their eyes. "Well no introduction needed, you guys made your way back to each other I see." Phillip says holding Hope by her shoulder and she smiled.
"Is Alex alright?" He asks and both Ellen and Oscar stood from kneeling on the floor wiping her tears with her fingers. "He's resting. I think we can leave him for a bit to see Henry." Ellen told Oscar next to her and he nods. "Of course." Hope smiled pulling Ellen's hand in hers with Oscar on the other and Phillip shook her head in a smile.
"I never have a grandmother. My mother told me you're the closest thing she has to a mother. You helped her a lot during your time there before-" Hope paused lowering her gaze down on the floor and Ellen lifted her chin back to face her. "Sometimes grown up do things that hurt them without even realizing they are hurting other people around them too. Just like Henry did to Alex. It was heartbroken but they needed it." Ellen says and she nods letting a tear fell on her cheek. Ellen stroked her thumb over wiping her tears before she leaned her face into her warmth.
They were interrupted when Henry stirs and groaned coming out of his throat and Hope jumped from her seat running towards his side. Phillip joined her on the other side gripping Henry's palm in his. "Hen? I'm here Hen." Phillip told him and he could see him swallowing his throat painfully before his hand reaches for his chest.
"Hurts." His voice mumbles in pain and he could hear the croaked in his voice still trying to open his eyes to adjust. "Let me get the doctor." Shan offers leaving the room in a rush. Henry turned his head around to find one particular person but fails and his eyebrow crooked in worry. "Where's Alex?" He asks reaching to lift himself up but winced at the pain stabbing his chest.
"Easy Hen, you just had surgery." Phillip told him and Henry finally realized his brother is next to him. "Pip?" He called surprised and noticed the sigh of relief on Phillip's face. "Uncle Henry." The soft voice came gently next to him and Henry turned his head to face the girls stood by his side with worried look on their faces.
"Girls. Oh god I'm so sorry." Henry reached his palm for them and Hope grabbed his, "You promised you would be alright. You lied." Hope whispered and Henry could see her eyes glistened in tears. "I know I'm sorry Hope." He could feel himself still weakened by the drugs but they were interrupted when the doctor barged into the room with nurses followed behind her.
"Leave the room please." They pushed everyone out to give them space to check on Henry. When the door closed they all had the same worried look plastered all over their face. "He's gonna be alright Hope, he always does." Ellen pulled her into a hug and she cries pressing her face into her stomach. Ellen brushed her fingers over her blonde hair watching as Phillip held Sarah next to him in a hug.
"He's fine. Just take it easy. His heart can't take any sort of pressure right now. His blood pressure still borderline high and it worries me if it would burst his vessels back. Just take it easy." She orders them and they all sighed in relief.
"So I guess we can't say anything on Luke or Alex's situation." Oscar says and they'd all agreed. "But he would know something is wrong." Ellen said. "I guess we had to break him down gently then." Phillip replied.
"That would be suicide. He won't be able to take it." Ellen gestured.
"That his boyfriend is sedated because he had a panic attack and the boy he cares about is fighting his life downstairs? Sure. Let's break it down easily." Phillip says sarcastically earning them all a sigh.
"Speaking of boy they cared about, I have to go and check on Luke." Oscar told them before leaving. He pecked Ellen a kiss on her cheek before he left her.
Ellen went back to Alex's room with Hope in her hand and they are inseparable. Phillip only agrees when she promised him that she would stick with Ellen and never go on her little adventure. Ellen sat beside her son talking to Hope next to her telling her everything she wanted to know beginning with the reason why they left their family.
They both stopped when she heard Alex stirs groaning in his sleep before he rubbed his eyes to wake. "Hen." He groaned calling out Henry's name groggily and Ellen reach for his palm. "Easy baby." Alex looked around the room finding him in bed with an IV on his hand and the sudden realization hits him.
"Oh God mum. Oh God. Henry. He's uhm- oh God Luke- he's-" Alex starts mumbling words with his croaked voice. Ellen pushed him back on the bed feeling he might gonna have another panic attack before she hushed him softly.
"Shh, shh darling. Breathe. Breathe slowly." She whispered with Hope standing next to her staring at Alex breaking down over something they both couldn't figure out. "I can't lose him mum please. I can't live without him." He mutters again and Ellen frowned at his word. "What are you talking about sweetheart?" She asks confused.
"Please mum please. I can't- I want to be with him, please." Alex clutched on her palm over his chest feeling his heart paces faster.
"Okay, okay. We will see him alright. He's awake, I bet he would love to see you too." Ellen told him and Alex stopped, turning his head abruptly to her mother. "W-Wait what?" He asks confused clearly all over his face.
"Jeez, you wanted to see him so fine, I'll take you to him. Couldn't even get you separated for a minute and now you're acting like he's dead or something." Ellen snide and it raises more confusion in him. "Henry's alright?" He asks raising himself on the bed and Ellen nods. "He's out of surgery, still weak and the doctor said not to put any stress in him but yeah, he's awake." She told him and the moment she did, Alex wrapped his arm around her neck sobbing.
"It's just a dream, it's just a dream." He whispered over and over into Ellen's ear feeling her soft stroke over his back before his eyes caught the girl standing next to her. "Uhm- hi?" He pulled away from Ellen's hug and they both locked eyes at each other. Hope pressed her lips together holding on to her tears as she stares at him over the bed.
"Do I know you?" He asks her and Ellen smiled pulling Hope closer to him. "Think harder Alex. Those eyes, those hair." She says wrapping her fingers over Hope's long blonde hair that cascading down on her back.
Alex's breath hitched when he finally realized who it was, "Hope?" He called and she nods couldn't hold on to her tear anymore before wrapping herself around him into a hug. He gasped at her touched finally released a breath he didn't even realized he was holding. "Oh I missed you. I missed you so much." He whispered over and over cupping her cheek in his palm.
"I always knew we would meet eventually. Uncle Henry used to talk to you when he's alone, he thought I didn't hear about it, but I did. I'm just happy he get to be with you again. I don't want us to be separated ever again." She held Ellen's palm and Alex together and they both smiled at her.
"Wait- Luke." Alex asks and Ellen sighed pressing her temple. "He's still critical Alex. They tried flushing-"
"He's alive?" Alex asks with his mouth gaped and Ellen cocked her head confused.
"What have you been dreaming about?" She asks and Alex sighed rubbing his palm over his face.
"I dreamt they both gone. Both of them died and I can't- I couldn't." He stopped inhaling his breath trying to ease his racing heart.
"Well welcome back to reality. Wanna see Henry?" She asks and he nods rapidly attempting to leave the bed in a hurry when his head felt dizzy stumbling back on the bed. "Easy. You had to be sedated. Let me get you a wheelchair." She told him and he nods sitting back on the bed with Hope holding his hand in hers.
A/N: Of course it's a dream. I couldn't bear my heart to write that kind of ending. Guess I'm a sucker for a happy one instead. A little happiness knowing that we can't write stories for our sad life so we created an alternate one for our own happiness.
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