Part 61
Sorry for the long chapter.
Henry had Dean dropped him at his hotel with Luke since he didn't has anywhere else to go. Luke for sure didn't want to go to the shelter and Henry is not in the mood to go to work neither so they ended up back at his hotel after he fix Luke and his lunches.
"You sure that's the only thing you want buddy?" He asks seeing Luke ordered for pizza again for his lunch and Henry wonders if he should be giving him more healthier food instead of this. But he couldn't care enough since his body is really pulling weight on him and all he could think about is lying down and rest.
He entered the hotel room with a swipe of his key card and told Luke he could eat at the living room while watching whatever he wants. Henry plopped down on the couch after changing into more comfortable clothes which is Alex's hoodie and his sweatpants earning Luke a noticeable glanced.
Luke turned to look at Henry sighing over the couch besides him while he sat on the floor and curiosity plastered all over his face. "Is that Mr Alex?" He asks pointing at the hoodie and Henry smiled weakly at him. "It was. Long time ago." He answered tiredly with his face grim with an occasional winced and Luke still had his eyes focused on him.
"Are you okay?" He asks and Henry sighed faking smile tiredly of that questioned for the millionth time already. "Yeah bud. Go ahead and eat." He told him and he did. Henry wanted to grab some drinks from the fridge so he got up from his seat but the dizziness hits him making him wobbled and sat back on the couch.
"Ughh.." He groaned pressing his fingers over the center of his chest and it caught Luke's attention again. "Luke can you grab my coat please." Henry told him and he immediately got up and grabbed Henry's coat that he wore earlier before he handed it to him. He searched through the pockets for his pills and as soon as he found them, he popped the pills into his mouth. Luke handed him some water from a glass that he took a liberty of getting himself from the table and handed it to Henry.
It shook Henry to see his gesture but thanked him otherwise with a smile. He stares at Luke sitting on the edge of the couch next to him concerned at his well being before he asks him the most dreaded question. "Luke I need to tell you something." Henry starts and Luke turned to face him.
"I left few days ago because I had to go to Massachusetts. I needed answers so I went to your old orphanage, Church St Francis and met with Father Kostas." The mentioned of his name made Luke's eyes wide and he backed away from Henry from the couch. "No." Luke mumbles backing away from Henry trembling in fear.
"I know Luke. I know you run away with his son Jeremy. But I need to know what he did to you for the past five years." Henry leaned forward to keep himself closer. "No." Luke mumbles again shaking his head with his gaze low towards the ruffled rugs underneath his feet.
"Luke he's a bad guy. What he did to you was wrong. He shouldn't-"
"NO HE'S NOT! He saved me! He saved me from getting tortured from that horrible place!" Luke yells as he stood and face Henry in front of him. Henry straightened his back on the couch watching as Luke exposed himself right in front of him.
"You want to know SO MUCH about me? HERE IT IS! Every single day! Every single fucking day!" He screamed turning his body around to let Henry sees his marks and his scars over his back from the constant whipping and the burning marks that causes his skin to heal horribly. His skin tugs on each scar inflicting more pain than Henry could ever imagined.
His breath hitched cause this was the first time he let anyone sees him without his clothes off and Henry broke in tears. His palm covers his mouth feeling his chest being stabbed by a knife over and over as he breathes. Luke-" Henry couldn't say any word that would ease the pain Luke felt over the trauma he had experienced and Henry insisted to know more.
"He is not a bad person! He promised me that we would have a house one day, all the food we could eat. He loves me!" He yelled once again and Henry felt his heart burning in his chest the more he breathes. "Luke-" Henry tried to stop him but Luke kept going.
"I love him. I let him do what he did to me. He told me those men would pay us more money if I could just hold on! And I did! For five years we live together and he never did once hurt me! He touches me, caress me each night because I wanted him too!" Luke paused before he continued further.
"I don't care if we don't have much. I never did. All I need is him. Even if we have to stay in that cheap motel eating pizza each night until we grow old!" Henry could feel his breaths quicken by seconds the more he listened to what Luke told him. He grabbed Luke by his shoulder and had him face Henry before he spoke again.
"Listen to me Luke. That's not love. He tricked you! He lied to you! Love is when someone gave you a home where you felt safe. Love is telling you the truth about what is right and what is wrong and never to lead you on thinking that you're doing it for the sake of staying together."
"Is that what you did to Mr Alex? You guys love each other but yet you both hurt each other more than any person I know." Luke adds and Henry lowered his arm from holding him. He still sat on the couch with Luke standing before him matching their heights together and he can see Luke is angry.
"Whatever happens with me and Mr Alex is none of your business. You shouldn't worry about that." Henry says gripping his arm again and he scoffed at him.
"Then get off my business!" Luke pushed him by his chest and Henry snapped.
"LUKE!" He screamed at him watching as Luke put back his clothes before he tries to run away again but he stopped the moment he heard Henry screamed his name.
"I know how it feels when someone forced something into you. I was raped once by two men that I thought loves me but ended up hurting me and tried to had me killed. I thought blood is what makes you family but no. My own mother killed me for my father's money." Henry stood by the couch facing Luke by the door in hope he won't leave.
Tears running down his cheek as he stares at Henry few feet away from him and Henry could see him swallowed his throat dryly at him.
"That's the difference between me and you. Unlike you, I have nothing to lose. I don't have a family, no money, no life. My purpose was him and him alone. And all of you took that away from me." He could see Henry broke in tears clutching on to his chest from the couch before he opened the door.
"Goodbye Mr Henry. Thank you for everything you did for me." He says and Henry tried to chase him from running again. "Luke, wait-" he gasped at the pain stabbing him on his chest radiates to his back as he fell on his knees trying to catch his breath but everything around him starts to spin and the only thing he could grabbed on was the couch as he fell right there on the cold hardwood floor.
Alex was so stupid to do what he just did to Henry and he knew he hurt him. He never actually felt more idiotic than most of his life. So here he was running back to his apartment in a rush traffic to grab that one thing he had for years he kept from Henry, for Henry.
He pulled out his drawer and start rummaging through his clothes to find the small box he had kept for years. Just like Henry, he too had bought something for him about four years ago when he was traveling to Germany with his parents.
The small black velvet box contained two rings inside and when he opened them, it reveals the two platinum ring that has one stone each identically alike. The ring made of pewter silver molded with platinum to make it more durable and last longer. The diamond in each rings hold two carat each and Alex smiled staring at the rings in his palm. He didn't know why he purchased this back then thinking the aspect of his life had no clue whether or not he might see Henry again but having it proves that he might had hope that one day, maybe he will come back and he did.
As he grabbed the box and shoved it in his pocket, he rushed out to grab a cab to head to Henry's hotel room to finally propose to him.
Every single seconds he got stuck behind the New York traffic edging him closer to madness. He thought of just escape from the cab and run there, it would be a lot faster than being stuck inside the car.
As soon as the cab stops by the entrance, Alex paid him off way more than he should not caring for what the fare was and runs inside after he heard the cab driver thanked him happily. Smiled never leaves his face the moment his eyes caught at the entrance and he ran inside headed to the receptionist by the counter.
"Hai, may I know which room Henry Fox is staying?" He asks and the lady eyes him up and down, "Sir, we can't expose the information of our guest." She says and Alex sighed.
"Look lady, I know. I'm a lawyer and there is nothing more important than protecting our clients information means to me. But this man is the love of my life and I can't lose him again. Please." He begs at the counter and he could see her eyes wide with her lips curved up in a smile.
"Sorry sir, I could lose my job if I did." She says and Alex sighed shaking his head thanking her. "But!" She continues and it made Alex turned his gaze back towards her. "I can write it down for you." She says and Alex smiled happily for her gesture. "Thank you, thank you!" He says repeatedly watching her as she wrote it down on the simple card before pushing it towards Alex. "Don't make me regret this." She says and Alex smiled widely at her.
Alex rushed out from the elevator headed to Henry's suite at the end passing by the cleaning lady with a smile on his face. "Cómo estás bonita." He greeted the lady and it made her smiled when Alex called her beautiful. "Bien mijo." She replies seeing Alex dimples smiled as he runs with a small skip heading towards Henry's room. He pressed the doorbell button waiting for Henry or Luke to finally opened the door but after a few seconds, no one did.
So he pressed the doorbell again and still - nothing. "Henry!" He knocked on the door rapidly feeling his heart rushed as he kept pressing the doorbell annoyingly to piss him off. "Henry please open the door." He knocked again but still nothing and it got him worried.
He turned to face the cleaning lady by the end and rushed towards her, "Sorry, I need your help." He told her after she came out from cleaning the room. "Sure mijo, anything?" She told him and Alex expressed his concerned of Henry not opening the door when he knew for a fact that he is there since he had called the shelter and Henry didn't came in today.
The cleaning lady was agitated at first for helping him but she knew Alex means well and the look on his face shows nothing but sincere and concerned at Henry's well being. So she grabbed her masters key and swiped the door open for Alex. He thanked her pushing the door opened to reveal an empty apartment instead.
He heard noises coming from the living area and noticed the television was on before he gasped at the sight of Henry's body laid on the ground by the couch, gasping. "Henry!"
He rushed to Henry side cupping his cheek as Henry mouth fell apart gasping for air like fish out of water. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm gonna get help alright." He pulled out his phone and starts dialing 9-1-1 for an ambulance and told them what happened. Henry reaches for Alex's hand while his other clenched his shirt in pain and Alex clasped Henry's hand in his.
"A-Al-lex." He stutters in his breaths barely any voice heard but Alex could see how hard he tried holding on to his pain. "Shh, it's okay. Don't say anything. Breathe babe. Breathe." Alex told him but Henry shook his head shutting his eyes tight letting a tear fell on his temple.
"L-Luke." He tried to mutters Luke's name and Alex noticed he is nowhere around the apartment. "Where is he?" He asks and Henry gasped more trying to breathe. "L-Left." He could only mutters small words for Alex and he sighed clutching Henry's hand tighter.
"It's okay, I will find him later, breathe Hen. Please, I need you to breath please." Alex pleads stroking his cheek as Henry gasped further. He could hear wheezed coming out of Henry's throat as he tried to breathe but fails.
"What is it? Hen tell me what is going on?" He asks Henry seeing how much pain he's in. "M-My ch-est." He gripped on his chest tighter and Alex noticed he was wearing his hoodie. "Help is coming Henry alright. Just hold on, stay with me." He held Henry's hand tighter assuring him.
The medic came by swooping Henry on to their stretcher with Alex watching them taking his vitals. "His pressure is off the roof, is he hypertensive?" The medic asks and Alex turned to Henry who now had an oxygen masks over his face. He nods letting a tears fell more on his temple and Alex sighs. "Jesus Hen." Alex sighs licking his lower lips desperately.
"Any other history?" He asks him and Alex pressed his lips hiding his tears before he took a deep breath and answered him. "Heart surgery ten years ago. He's been having acid reflux recently, bad ones. But he took this." Alex grabbed the pill bottle by the table and handed it to them.
"Alert Mercy's hospital we have a code heart incoming." The medic spoke through his walkie talkie by his left shoulder as Alex watched them lifting Henry's stretcher higher. "What's a code heart?" He asks him as they walked out from the room.
"He might having a heart attack for all we know so we need the hospital to be ready for anything." The medic told him and Alex heart broke into pieces watching as Henry being wheeled away into an ambulance and luckily he was allowed to be there with him.
"Alex." He called from behind the mask and tried to pull it off. "Sir, you need to let this on. It helps you breathe better." The medic placed it back on his face but Henry kept reaching for Alex's hand. "I'm here Hen, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He promised him but Henry's grimacing face made it harder for him to see him like this.
"Find Luke." He mutters and Alex sighs, "Later, we need to sort you out first alright." He told Henry and he witnessed as Henry groaned clutching on his chest in pain before it turned into a screamed. "Oh God! It hurts, it hurts." He cries under his mask and Alex turned to face the medic across him, "Please do something. Give him something for the pain." He begs.
Alex watched as the medic pushed something into Henry's line and seconds later his eyes drifted closed and his breathing calmer than earlier. "Some morphine to help him with the pain." The medic says and Alex nods thanking her.
The minute Henry was wheeled into the emergency room Alex was pushed to the waiting area. He was not allowed to see him, and he waited patiently pacing around the room for any news before he felt his phone buzzed in his pocket.
"Alex, how is it? Did you guys made up? Did you propose?" Ellen soft voice echoed in his ear as he remembered his true purpose of meeting Henry earlier. He couldn't answered her but instead broke down in tears right in the middle of the waiting room.
"Alex? Alex? What is going on? Are you alright?" She asks impatient and later Alex heard Oscar comforting voice on the other end.
"Alex breathe." He told him and he inhaled deeply before exhaling through his pursed lips. "What happened?" He asks and Alex trembled in his tears.
"It's Henry. He uhm- he's hurt. He's in the hospital right now. They think he might having a heart attack but I don- I don't know. I didn't hear from him since we got here." Alex cried holding his phone close to his ear as both Ellen and Oscar heard him. "We're coming mijo. Just hang on." He told him hearing Alex shuddering breath through the line. "Mercy Hospital. Paps please hurry." Alex begs and they all knew how much he needed them right now.
"Mr Fox?" A nurse called Henry's name and Alex immediately jumped after he heard his name. He followed her towards where they kept Henry and the moment they turned to one corner, he found himself entering a single room where Henry laid on a stretcher right in the middle.
"Hen!" He rushed to his side finding Henry fell asleep with the monitors beeping next to him. "Sir?" A voice heard behind him as he wiped his tears with his fingers, "How is he? Is he alright? What happened to him?" Alex starts bursting his questions at her and she sighs flipping through Henry's chart.
"He's fine, for now. Just a panic attack." She told him and Alex couldn't believe what he just heard. "I'm sorry what?" He asks and she sighs again flipping the chart close. "Just a panic attack, we give him something to calm him down and now his vitals improved. You can bring him home after he wakes up." She told him and Alex still in disbeliefs after what he just heard.
"You saying that all of that was just a fucking panic attack?" He asks again. "Watch your tone sir. The results are clear, nothing indicates him having a heart attack. Sometimes panic attack can mimic like a heart attack but he's fine. Maybe stop exaggerating too much." She says with a side smirk on her face still focusing on her papers.
Alex snatched the folder from her hand and threw it across the room in anger, "Get that stupid smirked off your face! I want a fucking new doctor. So either you get me one or I will sue this fucking hospital for a negligent! You hear me?" Alex threatened and he can see she got a little frightened by his threats and decides to leave in a hurry.
Alex refused to believe that all of those theatrical was nothing but a panic attack. He knew Henry more than anyone in here and something tells him that it was not just a fucking panic attack.
"Mr Claremont-Diaz?" One soft voices woke him up from sleeping on Henry's palm and he jumped. "Henry?" He called thinking it was Henry but flattened out after he saw Henry is still asleep next to him. "N-No, it's just me, I'm Dr Sylvie. You've requested another doctor?" She asks and Alex breathes out in relief rubbing his face with his palm and nods.
"Sir I know it's hard to accept sometimes but all the tests are negative and we can't find anything wrong with him." She starts and Alex could feel anger rising inside of him. "It wasn't a panic attack. I know. I know him for years, he handled way more worst and this isn't some panic attack. If you keep telling me that, I'm gonna keep asking for a different doctor. So either you help me, or get out." Alex words seethed through his teeth as his lips trembled in tears.
"Alright then. Tell me everything." She starts taking her seat on the rolling stool facing Henry and Alex sighed in relief.
He told her everything since the beginning. How Henry survives his first surgery and his second surgery. How he was with him these past few days and he kept telling him that it was just acid reflux. She even pulled out records from his previous ER visits which surprises Alex. He didn't knew Henry had a fall from playing polo recently and they had done an endoscopy back in London earlier this year just to make sure and everything came back normal.
So they both ended up brain storming about what could possibly be happening to Henry right at these moments before they both were interrupted by Henry's fingers fluttering.
"Hen?" Alex called cupping his hand in his when Henry starts to wake. He winced at the pain over his chest and the doctor noticed his grimacing features.
"Easy Henry." He tried to calm him seeing his eyes lurked around the room and tears formed in his eyes. "Luke?" He asks and Alex shook his head, "He's not here Hen. We will find him later alright." He told him but Henry shook his head gripping Alex's hand tighter. "Alex, we need to find him. He told me. He told me what happened." Henry start breaking into more tears and Alex couldn't help but frowned.
"Later Henry! Please! Let them figure out what's wrong with you first!" Alex pushed him back but Henry fought him by pushing his hand away.
"NO! I had enough tests in my life Alex! They will always ended up the same, which is NOTHING!" He screamed but regretted when the screamed cause the pain to comes back and he groaned clutching on his chest in pain. "Please calm down. I won't give up on you. I promise you we will find Luke. But I need to make sure you are alright Henry, please." Alex begs with tears in his eyes.
"And I am here to find out what's going on with you. I won't give up too." She says causing Henry to turn his head towards her. Henry eyed her adjusting the oxygen tube under his nose before curling it behind his ear properly. He turned to face Alex on his side again and noticed how devastated he is right now so he agreed to let her try figuring out what is going on with him.
"Breathe in." She pressed the metal stethoscope over Henry's chest as he pulled a breath. He sighs feeling another stabbing pain on his chest when he pulled another breath and she backs away when Henry coughs.
"You okay?" She asks and Henry nods weakly before she pressed Henry's chest again. "Does it hurt when I did this?" She pressed her fingers gently on Henry's stomach starting on his left upper side going on circles. He shook his head only feeling slight pain over the middle but nothing unbearable.
"That's clearly not your stomach issue then." She says before pulling her stethoscope in her ear again and this time she pressed a little harder than earlier. Henry hissed at her pressing his chest but let her do what she need to do to help him. Alex never leaves Henry's hand from his and Henry had to smile at his gesture before his eyes caught the bracelet he wears that Henry gifted him.
"You wear it." He whispered running his fingers over Alex's wrist and he smiled with tears in his eyes. "Don't cry." Henry stroked his cheek letting Alex leaned against his palm. "Quiet both of you please." The doctor told them and both Henry and Alex smiled letting her pressed the round metal deeper making Henry winced in pain.
"What is it?" Alex asks her as he witnessed her face frowned listening to Henry's heart. "A murmur," she says so faintly.
"What does it mean?" He asks and she sighed. "Not sure but I will come back." She says before leaving the room and both Alex and Henry stunt by her sudden disappearance.
"Boys?" Ellen sweet concerned voice peaked from behind the door and both Alex and Henry turned to face her. "Mum." Alex rushed to gave her a big hug and later towards Oscar before they approached Henry sitting up on the bed. She immediately wrapped herself around Henry's neck pulling his head to her chest feeling the sigh of relief coming out of her.
"Can't believe we're back here again." She whispered pulling away from Henry. "Its inevitable." He joked earning them all a small laughs. "Are you alright mijo?" Oscar asks cupping Henry's neck from his side and he smiled weakly at him. "For now." He say breathlessly and both Oscar and Ellen turned to look at each other, worried.
"Where's Luke?" Ellen asks turning her head around to see the small skinny boy but nowhere around the room. "He slipped through me after-" Henry paused thinking back what he just told him. "What?" Oscar asks taking his seat next to Henry's leg. Alex sat back on the chair next to Henry holding his hand.
"He told me what happened. Christ Alex, you should have seen him. He was beaten, burnt- those marks. Oh God those marks they left him with. I ca-can't." Henry broke in tears grasping his chest in pain. "Hen, see, calm down. I told you, we will find him later. I need you to be alright first."
Just on cue the doctor came back pushing an echo machine with her and surprised covers her face when she sees Oscar and Ellen. "Oh hello. Just need to run some test for Henry." She says plugging on the machine next to him and both Oscar and Ellen stood giving her space to work.
"We'll get some coffee for you Alex, we'll be right back. Henry don't worry. We had team looking for Luke, my money is still at the motel." Oscar told him pulling Ellen with him and Henry smiled waving him goodbye.
Alex helped exposing Henry's chest for the doctor to do the test and he hissed at the coldness of the gel running the probe all over his pale skin. She taps on the monitor and glides the probe all over with the occasional listening to the sound of Henry's heart but clicked her tongue in desperation.
"It looks fine to me. I just don't get it." She says and Henry sighed turning his head towards Alex next to him. "Can we go now?" He asks him but Alex sighed running his fingers into his curly hair. "This is pointless Alex, please. I'm worried about Luke." Henry says with his pleading eyes before Alex turned his gaze towards the doctor defeatedly.
"There's one more test I would like you to have." She starts wiping the residue of the gel over Henry's chest. "A CT scan." She says and Henry sighs. "I did that, it was clear." He says and she shook her head. "Not for your stomach, for you heart. If there is anything remotely possible, we might see it." She says earning Henry a surprised look.
"Thank you." He told her and she smiled before she left. "It'll be over soon. I promised." Alex told him pressing his lips over Henry's knuckles. "Don't think I forget that I am still mad at what you did." He told him and Alex snorted at him.
"About that." He says pulling out the velvet box from his pocket and Henry gasped softly leaned forward slowly. "Alex." Henry called and before he knew it, Alex opened the box revealing the most beautiful sets of rings inside.
"Why do you have that lying around in your pocket now?" He asks and Alex laughs, "I had it for years. You're not the only one who purchased stuffs before even know ahead." He says flicking his wrist showing Henry's bracelet over his wrist. "Hen, I -" Henry pressed his finger over Alex's lips stopping him from saying anything further.
"I know what you're asking me for but Alex I can't answer you right now." Henry noticed how Alex's face dropped after he told him and Henry closed the box in his palm. "You don't want me in your life?" He asks confused with his voice break and Henry shook his head rapidly cupping Alex's cheek in his palm.
"No baby, I just want to make sure that I have tomorrow to finally live that future with you." He smiled leaning his lips over Alex's lips sealing it into a soft kiss. Alex sighed longly feeling Henry's hot lips breathing into his. Their forehead leaned with their eyes shuts inhaling each other scents.
"Ask me again tomorrow when all of this is over." Henry whispered into his kiss and Alex nods weakly at him before pressing his lips deeper with tears in his eyes.
Henry wheeled into the CT scan a while ago and Alex waited patiently in the room with his parents. "He'll be alright Alex." Ellen told him seeing he paced the floor few times now. "I need to inform Henry's family." He says pulling his phone out and noticed a text from his team,
"Found him, motel."
"They found Luke." He starts and Ellen sighs, "Thank God. I'm gonna grilled that boy's ass." She says and Alex smiled before he saw them pushing Henry back into the room. "Hey." He stroked Henry's blonde hair away from his forehead and he smiled weakly.
"Hey." His voice soft and weak and Alex could see how pale he gotten since before he left the room. "Hen, you okay?" He asks stroking his cheek as Henry swallowed his throat dryly. "Imma be sick." Henry gagged turning himself to the side before he spilled out everything in his stomach.
Alex reached the trash can faster for him before Henry could spilt all over the floor, "Call for help." He yelled at his parents for them to get some help before Henry hurled again.
"Alex, it hurts." Henry pressed his fingers over his chest feeling the pain grew stronger than earlier and Alex noticed Henry just turned ten times pallor. "Where are they?!" He screamed for the doctor and the nurses to help him with the monitors beeping intensely next to him signing Henry's rapid heart rate.
"Alex. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whispered over and over after he leaned back on the bed pulling Alex's hand close to his chest with tears in his eyes. "For what Hen?" He asks putting the trash can down on the floor after Henry stopped vomiting.
"For the last ten years for breaking your heart. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Henry starts before he groaned further in pain clutching on his chest.
"Henry, forget about it. We're here now. I don't care. Alright, I love you. You hear me? I love you." He cupped Henry's cheek watching as he tossed and turned in pain. The doctor and the nurses entered the room starting to check on Henry pushing Alex away from his grip. He stood there watching them examined Henry and he could see Dr Sylvie's face crooked in worry.
"What's going on?" He asks her wishing that she would tell him that everything would be alright, that Henry will be alright. "Its bad. Remember the wound they sealed Henry's heart from the stabbing?" She asks as both Ellen and Oscar joined Alex on each of his side. "Yeah." Alex nods.
"The wound actually reopened. The problem is, it was on the posterior side so no one actually realized it. The CT scan shows fluids accumulating around his heart and his lungs. After the contrast we gave him just now, it just made it worst. We need to push him back to surgery to fix it or Henry's heart is going to stop pumping due to the fluid putting a lot of pressure around his heart." She explained and Alex gasped watching as Henry groaned in pain groggily further as they prepped him.
He stepped closer to Henry's side cupping his cheek before he let his tears runs down on his cheek. "Henry, they need to do another surgery or-" He paused surprised at Henry shaking his head pushing Alex hand away from him.
"No. No more. Please. No more surgery." He told him pushing everyone that touches him when Alex realized how scared he must be. "Hen please. You needed this." He told him but Henry denies him further. "No, enough! I had enough! Please. I'm tired. I'm so tired. I can't do another surgery Alex. Please." Henry begs feeling his chest crushing him further.
"Baby please." Alex cupped his cheek in his hand again leaning his forehead together. "I just got you back Hen. I just got you back. I want a lifetime with you please. I need you. I can't lose you just yet. Please. Do this for me. For us." He whispered softly before pressing his lips over Henry's forehead.
"Please." He begs one last time in hope Henry would agree. Their eyes locked and Henry's eyes glistened with more tears. "I love you. But I need you more Hen, please." He whispered and Henry nodded weakly in his palm, "I love you too Alex."
Henry nods weakly in his grip letting another tear fell on his cheek, "I want to fight for you. I want a lifetime with you too." He whispered and the doctor handed him the consent form for Henry to sign. He looked down to see the consent written by the doctor before she handed him the pen for him to sign.
"You know if we're married, this would be over by now." He joked as Henry scribbled his signature over the bottom right flailing before he looked up to meet his gaze. "Not funny." He told him leaning himself back on the bed feeling the pain killer taking it's effect.
"I'll be right here Hen, I promised. I'll be here when you got out. You hear me?" Alex says following Henry being wheeled along the hallway towards the operation room. Henry's eyes barely stayed opened due to the pain killer they'd gave him but he refused to let it drift and insisted to stay opened to gaze on Alex's handsome worried face looking down on him.
"Alex." He called reaching his hand out and Alex took his stopping them from pushing the stretcher further. "Help Luke. He needs you." His voice croaked as he swallowed his throat dryly. "I will Hen. I told you we'll find him." He says cupping Henry's cheek.
"No. Alex. He's out there alone, not- safe." Henry chocked on his coughs before he clutched on his chest painfully. "We have to hurry. We can't waste any more time." The nurse told him and Alex nods cupping Henry's cheek again. "I love you Henry Fox. I need you to come back to me while I go save our boy, alright?" Alex stares deeply into Henry's hazel eyes and he nodded letting his tear fell more on Alex's finger.
"I love you Alexander." Henry whispered feeling his exhaustion overcome him. Alex watched as they pushed Henry towards the revolving door disappeared from his sight and he felt his heart crushing him into breaking in more tears. He felt two strong arms wrapping along his arm when he turned his teary gaze towards his worried look parents.
"We'll be here mijo, go and get Luke." Oscar told him and he nods in tears before wrapping himself in between his parents in a tight hug.
A/N: You think it's hard to write with your laptop can tilted 40 degree, try typed with a broken T and D button on the keypad. I almost lost it and threw it to the wall. The stupidest thing is I can't let go of this yet.
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